Is Itami ever coming back?


With the safety off!!
Last April Hideo Itami went out with an injury and we haven't seem him since. As a matter of fact they hardly even mention his name anymore.

He's missed so much time and others have bypassed him. Balor who came in just after him, has held the title for quite some time and should be coming up to the main roster soon. Itami with all the hoopla surrounding his signing, in my opinion, hasn't really lived up to the hype. I know he was sidelined with his injury, but we've seen others come and go in the meantime.

He's still employed by NXT, but what do you guys see him doing when he does return? Personally I think he'll stay around for a short time and then he'll go back to where he came from.
Personally I think he'll stay around for a short time and then he'll go back to where he came from.

That's my guess as to what will happen with him. He's been out for such a long time and so much has happened while he's been on the shelf. NXT has continued to grow beyond anything that was originally considered while he's been injured and bigger names like Finn Balor, Shinsuke Nakamura, Samoa Joe and Austin Aries have been signed. Balor is poised to head to the main roster at any given time, Nakamura could be there before long as well, depending upon how his English skills are, Joe & Aries could both be on the main roster before the end of the year, Asuka & Bayley have both continued the growth of NXT's Divas Division, NXT's tag team picture is probably stronger than it has been, Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows will either be headed to NXT or the WWE main roster after a short stint in NXT, Sami Zayn has moved to the main roster, will almost certainly be in the IC title match for WrestleMania and, while he probably won't win at WrestleMania, may very well be the next Intercontinental Champion when it's all said & done, AJ Styles looks to be set up for a prominent role for WrestleMania and, quite probably, afterward as well, etc.

It's nobody's fault that it happened, but I think there's a very good chance that Itami's ship has sailed and his window of opportunity has closed. With a strong roster in NXT and said roster vying for spots on the main roster, the bright, sparkling shine that was on Itami at one point seems a very distant memory.
That's my guess as to what will happen with him. He's been out for such a long time and so much has happened while he's been on the shelf. NXT has continued to grow beyond anything that was originally considered while he's been injured and bigger names like Finn Balor, Shinsuke Nakamura, Samoa Joe and Austin Aries have been signed. Balor is poised to head to the main roster at any given time, Nakamura could be there before long as well, depending upon how his English skills are, Joe & Aries could both be on the main roster before the end of the year, Asuka & Bayley have both continued the growth of NXT's Divas Division, NXT's tag team picture is probably stronger than it has been, Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows will either be headed to NXT or the WWE main roster after a short stint in NXT, Sami Zayn has moved to the main roster, will almost certainly be in the IC title match for WrestleMania and, while he probably won't win at WrestleMania, may very well be the next Intercontinental Champion when it's all said & done, AJ Styles looks to be set up for a prominent role for WrestleMania and, quite probably, afterward as well, etc.

It's nobody's fault that it happened, but I think there's a very good chance that Itami's ship has sailed and his window of opportunity has closed. With a strong roster in NXT and said roster vying for spots on the main roster, the bright, sparkling shine that was on Itami at one point seems a very distant memory.

I have to agree with you. What looked like a great find when they got him really hasn't turned out that well. I remember watching him in the NXT ring and thinking to myself how out of place he looked there. Might be his size, but he just never looked that comfortable.

Plus the fact he's not getting any younger, and while he looks to be in good shape, injuries as you get older take longer to rehab from. Would be a shame if he left without realizing his full potential in the WWE. Whatever his full potential is.
Yea, I doubt it. Rumor has it he is unhappy in the US, and would like to go home. Put this together with what are said to be numerous setbacks in his rehab, and the fact that shoulder injuries can really shut you down anyways, I don't feel like we will see him again.

Shame, the impending Owens feud before he got hurt looked like it would be the thing to help him catch on.
Itami was highlighted in the crowd sitting next to Michael PS Hayes at the 2/3 falls #1 contender's match on last week's NXT, so they clearly haven't forgotten about him. My guess is that he is primed to return after Wrestlemania.

My theory is this, as I've noted on the 'Vince is a genius' thread: Finn Balor loses the title to Samoa Joe at Takeover: Dallas, then debuts on Raw three days later; meanwhile Sami Zayn says au revoir to NXT in Dallas as well (it's entirely possible that Owens shows up and costs Zayn his match with Nakamura) so that's two high-card spots vacated on the NXT card. I think Itami returns to NXT fairly soon after the Wrestlemania weekend, and, depending on Nakamura's direction, will either face Joe or Nakamura in his first feud. My guess is that Joe will defend first against Apollo Crews and we'll have Nakamura vs Itami at whenever the next Takeover special is, probably in June. That gives Itami time to deal with any ring rust in the way NXT does so well: squash matches.

His on-screen appearance at the number one contender's match ensures that he is a key player in NXT for the foreseeable future in my ipinion
KENTA/Hideo Itami is a very talented individual... let's not forget just one year ago Hideo was chosen over the likes of Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Adrian Neville, Tyler Breeze and not to mention "The High and Mighty IWC Darling" " The Demon" Finn Bàlor to have a spot on last year's Wrestlemania. He was also quite possibly in line to win The NXT Championship instead of Finn as IMO He had the momentum and the advantage heading in to the huge Triple Threat Match that turned into The Singles Match encounter that made Finn the number one contender. I believe the plan at the time was to have one of Them (Finn or Itami) go heel and to feud with one another well into the new year.

I actually believe if healthy Hideo is in a situation similar to Sami Zayn, He will have a short comeback on NXT possibly teaming and/or feuding with His fellow countryman Shinsuke Nakamura before debuting on The Main Roster possibly as a rival to Finn Bálor or as a Partner in crime in the New version of The Bulletproof Bálor Club. The possibilities are endless with someone as talented as Itami although I admit unlike most He will suffer do to His limited English speaking and overall promo skills.

In retrospect does He really even need to speak English to get over? Did Yoshihiro Tajiri? He got over as a badass from time to time but really excelled as a serious contender/comedy act, maybe Hideo can get over in a similar fashion or maybe just maybe the Tagging with Nakamura will propel both Men to The Main Roster and some Tag Gold or what about teaming Him with Asuka? You could have Them be an ultra serious dangerous Mega competitive dominant deranged Japanese couple hell bent on competing and proving Their overall superiority against the best Wrestlers in the Women's and Men's Divisions.

That's just off the top of My head... My point is don't count Him out just yet, I'm going to choose to be positive and hope The WWE doesn't throw away this outstanding talent who I believe can and will add value to Their ever evolving Mid-Card Division and last let's not forget all the rumors of a brand split that could make Itami even more of an valuable asset to the company as a Guy already ready for a Main Roster spot.
I've been looking for an Itami return since October, but nothing. I looked again for him to return some time in January....but nothing. I have come to realise that Itami has been forgotten.
Honestly the writing was on the wall, in his feud with the Ascension. The feud was used to bring in Balor, who quickly outshined Itami. Looking back even if Itami hadn't gotten injured, I can't see him being a bigger deal than Balor, Owens, Zayn, Joe, etc were. He would've had some great matches with all of them (probably the face version of Tyler Breeze) but I don't think he would've ever became "the guy" in NXT.
If he's going to return this is probably the best time for him to return and really showcase his talent. Balor/Joe(hopefully) will be called up soon, leaving NXT with Aries, Corbin, Nakamura, and Crews as the main guys. And if he some how still gets outshine(which isnt too out there) Itami is one of Triple H's first NXT guys, I highly doubt he will give up on him that easily.
They sure like to keep him in people's minds for someone who's never coming back. By my count, he's about 2 to 3 months late. October would have been an optimistic return, December would have been realistic. They have no reason to release any info if he worsened the injury in rehab considering he's not a main roster talent.

He sure posts a lot of WWE stuff on twitter for a guy who's unhappy with his position. He's clearly following the product including NXT, posted his action figure, and also posted the pic of him in the crowd during the 2/3 fall match. His twitter looks to be really him too, a lot of posts in Japanese. I could be wrong, but the fact here is even if it isn't him posting, he or any handlers on his behalf are making a public point of showing he's intent on coming back.

The truth is more likely that he's either had a slow convalescence, re-injured himself, or they're just holding back on returning him considering how many new talents are debuting in WrestleMania season. Itami was barely around long enough, so his return will be something of a re-debut.

Don't trust what you read on the dirt sheets, take what you read with some rock salt. There's no major reason to think the former KENTA is unhappy or not returning. There's more validity to a certain faction potentially going straight to the main roster, so there's going to be lots of room in NXT.
They sure like to keep him in people's minds for someone who's never coming back. By my count, he's about 2 to 3 months late. October would have been an optimistic return, December would have been realistic. They have no reason to release any info if he worsened the injury in rehab considering he's not a main roster talent.

But that's the thing he's not in people's minds. They've barely if ever mentioned his name in the last few months. I too expected him back a long time ago. Others have gone out with injuries and come back a lot quicker than he has. He might not be main roster talent, but we still get updates on NXT talent when their injured.

He sure posts a lot of WWE stuff on twitter for a guy who's unhappy with his position. He's clearly following the product including NXT, posted his action figure, and also posted the pic of him in the crowd during the 2/3 fall match. His twitter looks to be really him too, a lot of posts in Japanese. I could be wrong, but the fact here is even if it isn't him posting, he or any handlers on his behalf are making a public point of showing he's intent on coming back.

I don't follow his Twitter and don't read Japanese. A lot of people's pictures are posted of them sitting in the crowd, that really doesn't mean anything. Retired wrestlers have their pictures posted. Besides if he is having issues with learning the language as was reported int he past, he might be able to speak English now, reading and writing it are another subject. I'm sure almost half the stuff you are seeing posted is done by someone else.

The truth is more likely that he's either had a slow convalescence, re-injured himself, or they're just holding back on returning him considering how many new talents are debuting in WrestleMania season. Itami was barely around long enough, so his return will be something of a re-debut.

I agree it would be a re-debut, but at least give us updates on what's happening with the guy. It's almost like they forgot he existed at times.

Don't trust what you read on the dirt sheets, take what you read with some rock salt. There's no major reason to think the former KENTA is unhappy or not returning. There's more validity to a certain faction potentially going straight to the main roster, so there's going to be lots of room in NXT.

That's the point though, I'm seeing nothing in the dirt sheets about him at all. Mind you I don't read all of them, but to see nothing about a major signing who got injured is a bit strange, hence why I asked the question. For all I know he could have been released. There will always be room in NXT, that's why they're there. My other point is he's missed so much time, when he does come back it will be totally different for him. Most of the wrestlers he was in there with have moved on.
But Nxt hyped up his debut too much just to forget about him and not use him in any way... I still, in a way, look at Hideo Itami as a big deal... Sure, its been a little minute since we've seen him go in the ring , but we know nothing of his physical state as of this moment ... Plus, with the lack of star power in Nxt they NEED to use all Talent on Hand, especially a great worker in the returning Hideo Itami, looking for revenge on the man who sidelined him (kayfabe wise) putting him on the bench for over a year ... No doubt the Nxt crowd will get behind him again . Will he ever go on to the Main roster ? Probably not, but he could still give us some compelling story telling and matches in the meantime.... With the likes of Nakamura, Aries and Balor. Speaking of Balor , he has a instant #1 contender in Itami. Write in Balor as the one who attacked Itami, jealous due to the fact Itami beat him to take the last spot in the Andre battle royal, taking away from his shine, just to go on and lose the bout and accomplish nothing. Or you could even reveal Joe as the attacker, looking to make a statement. I still see potential in Itami we just have to give it time and still support him in the same light as we did when he first debuted down in Nxt. I mean, Sami Zayn went down not too long after and he's doing well since his return if you ask me.
But Nxt hyped up his debut too much just to forget about him and not use him in any way... I still, in a way, look at Hideo Itami as a big deal... Sure, its been a little minute since we've seen him go in the ring , but we know nothing of his physical state as of this moment ... Plus, with the lack of star power in Nxt they NEED to use all Talent on Hand, especially a great worker in the returning Hideo Itami, looking for revenge on the man who sidelined him (kayfabe wise) putting him on the bench for over a year ... No doubt the Nxt crowd will get behind him again . Will he ever go on to the Main roster ? Probably not, but he could still give us some compelling story telling and matches in the meantime.... With the likes of Nakamura, Aries and Balor. Speaking of Balor , he has a instant #1 contender in Itami. Write in Balor as the one who attacked Itami, jealous due to the fact Itami beat him to take the last spot in the Andre battle royal, taking away from his shine, just to go on and lose the bout and accomplish nothing. Or you could even reveal Joe as the attacker, looking to make a statement. I still see potential in Itami we just have to give it time and still support him in the same light as we did when he first debuted down in Nxt. I mean, Sami Zayn went down not too long after and he's doing well since his return if you ask me.

You seem to take what I asked the wrong way. At no time did I ever question his skills, or the hype surrounding him when he signed. It was a huge deal for NXT when he came on board, and if he hadn't been injured I'm sure he would already be on the main roster, or at best ready to be called up.

What I was questioning was the fact that he's been out for more than a year now. You rarely ever seen his name mentioned, and the most you ever seen of him is sitting in the crowd at Takeover. And as I said further up the thread, lots of retired wrestlers are shown. When the Undertaker attends a UFC match, his picture is everywhere. He's not a UFC fighter, so it just means he went and watched a few maths.

Also I didn't say they wouldn't support him if and when he returns. But you don't think it's strange that the guy has been out for over a year, nothing is said about him except for a few pictures here and there? With all the hype surrounding his signing, you would have thought we would hear something. Is he okay, is he coming back? You know questions that are asked when any wrestler goes out with an injury.
Just look at John Cena , Cesaro ... They both went down with injuries months before Mania , not a word from either ( except maybe cena with his cryptic type messages ) with very few mentions... What happened next ? Surprise returns that the crowd popped big for ! Same could be said about Rollins , theres rumours here and there on his condition but none confirming his current health, he could return at any moment and the crowd would go crazy.
I feel as if that is the direction they are going with Itami. Showing him in the crowd is just to remind the people watching that he is still around,
Just look at John Cena , Cesaro ... They both went down with injuries months before Mania , not a word from either ( except maybe cena with his cryptic type messages ) with very few mentions... What happened next ? Surprise returns that the crowd popped big for ! Same could be said about Rollins , theres rumours here and there on his condition but none confirming his current health, he could return at any moment and the crowd would go crazy.
I feel as if that is the direction they are going with Itami. Showing him in the crowd is just to remind the people watching that he is still around,

Yes, yes they did, but we got frequent updates on their recovery and when they would be back. Cena even did a spot at Mania, when he was still rehabbing. Cesaro was out and about on the European tour before this one cutting promo's and telling people when he would be back. Neither of them were out as long as Itami has been.

It's been over a year since he went out. Cesaro and Cena both had their surgeries in October or November, months after Itami had his. Listen I'm not saying anything negative about the guy so I don't know why you think I am.

All I'm saying is in over a year, we've seen only bits a pieces if even that of him. I really don't think his heart is in the WWE.
So Hideo Itami has just returned and started competing at NxT Live Events. He hasn't appeared on NxT TV yet but I think that he would surely return on Nxt TV before TakeOver: Brooklyn.

I just read some reports which say that due to brand extension, NxT's top stars like Balor, Joe, and others are going to be called up soon. Meanwhile NxT would lose depth in each division. Another thing speculated is that Hideo Itami is going to remain on NxT as the flagship bearer. He is going to be NxT champion by the year's end. He is a great choice to keep NxT's credibility intact.
With the Brand Extension coming up, I wouldn't be surprised if he debuted on Raw or Smackdown soon. I know he was hurt, but he's also a traveled veteran and I'm pretty sure people that get signed after the CWC will be able to fill any void he may leave behind. Plus, he's been given a free Braun Strowman card. He gets to basically take what little NXT time he had to figure out if he can work the WWE style and then take a quick call up to the main roster. Pretty neat if you ask me.
The injury in general, and mostly the timing of it was very unfortunate for Itami. His signing was kind of the first that opened the flood gates on a lot of big international/independent names coming to NXT. Which is a possible problem for him when he returns. NXT only has an hour of regular showtime on the WWE network each week, and does a good job of always giving attention to their womens division as well. So with that said there is only so much spotlight to go around on NXT television and right now it would be tough for Hideo to squeeze his way back into it.

However, sense he got hurt Zayn, Owens, and Crews all went up to the main roster, and there's a good chance Finn Balor, and other names could be heading up with the WWE Draft coming next week. So there should be a spot for him. Him signing with WWE was not only the first of many big international/independent names coming to NXT but was treated as a HUGE deal!! So for that reason I would expect Triple H and all the powers that be behind the NXT to be ready to give another strong push at making Hideo Itami at least a top NXT star and possibly a main roster star.

Before he got hurt he came out of the gate with all the fanfare and hype, but seemed to be taking awhile to find his groove in NXT. It didn't seem to immediately click quite like it did for Balor, Owens, and others. Hopefully the time away might have given him time to sort things out and he'll hit the ground running upon his return. I believe Balor and Nakamura have ended the stigma that big names from Japan can't make it in WWE, and I think if he can hit his stride upon his return he can put in some really great work in NXT.

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