Is it weird?

Christian Battlez

Getting Noticed By Management
For a 19 year old guy to date a 24 year old woman? My friend Aja (who is 29) wants to hook me up with her 24 year old friend. I'm 19 and im just like what could we do? Normally its cool if a guy dates a younger girl but a girl dating a younger guy is weird. She drives I don't. She can go to bars I can't. I don't wanna be in an awkward relationship. Any advice?
Its only 5 years and you are both legal. There is NOTHING wrong with it, if you like her go for it. And so what if you can't get into some clubs, minor issue that won't last long.
For a 19 year old guy to date a 24 year old woman? My friend Aja (who is 29) wants to hook me up with her 24 year old friend. I'm 19 and im just like what could we do? Normally its cool if a guy dates a younger girl but a girl dating a younger guy is weird. She drives I don't. She can go to bars I can't. I don't wanna be in an awkward relationship. Any advice?

Get a fake ID?
CB, there is nothing weird about it...if you can get past minor issues it doesn't matter, i went with a 27 year old for a while when i was 18, but when you turn 18 here in Australia you can go to bars and clubs so i can see that being an a small issue for people from 18-20 years old.
That's the same age difference between my parents.
Also, if she needs to go to bars to have fun, don't get with her...
If your friend is hooking you up with someone you don't want to hook up with, refuse. However, if its age you are worried about... there is no problem. It may feel awkward, but not weird by any means. Many people date within 10 years of their ages and no-one cares.
For a 19 year old guy to date a 24 year old woman? My friend Aja (who is 29) wants to hook me up with her 24 year old friend. I'm 19 and im just like what could we do? Normally its cool if a guy dates a younger girl but a girl dating a younger guy is weird. She drives I don't. She can go to bars I can't. I don't wanna be in an awkward relationship. Any advice?

Nah man that's pretty epic. Hope it goes well for you. :D

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