Is It Time Yet?


Pre-Show Stalwart
OK, Everyone knows how awful TNA's last video game was. The graphics, gamplay, selection : it all sucked! You had about 25 actual TNA wrestlers on the game. It was barely wrestling, you just basically punched or kicked or do a ridiculous shoulder block to send you opponent flying. The thing that saved this game, was the X division match. It was like the only special match! (Yes I know it was they're first game) My question is : IS IT TIME FOR THEM TO MAKE A NEW GAME?

How would you do it? What new features would you like to see?
First of all, I'd get them to get in touch with THQ because Midway was just terrible. Then, I add the special matches like 6 sides of steel. Plus, i'd have a legend/unlockable section with Hulk Hogan or Raven, etc. And of course, I'd update the roster.

Now please give me your thoughts. Have fun!
I'm sure that soon enough that they'll put out another video game. I haven't looked too far into it, but I heard something about Hulk Hogan doing a video game. Maybe they will tie in, maybe not?

The last TNA video game was passable at best. But, hell, I'd play through a new TNA game too, just as I would give any other wrestling game a chance.

Is it time? Ehh, who knows? I don't think it would hurt, but I don't think it would help all that much at this point either.
I remember something about Acclaim (or whoever did the first game) having the exclusive rights, and they lost a ton of money on it, and were not likely to do a second basically TNA had to wait for the rights agreement to expire to get another one made. I recall it being a fairly long term thing, which is probably why we've only seen the phone game since. But I do think a well done video game could be fantastic for them. Have an unlockable 6-sided ring, Ultimate X match, King of the Mountain match...put in a decent career mode, where you can create your own character, and add in the roster they have had, it could be a lot of fun. It could even appeal to the company's detractors, if done right. Under those circumstances, I would love to see a new one.
If they made it similar to svr 2010 it'd be killer but add in the matches listed above and add real hardcore elements like tacks, glass, and barbed wire ropes I'd be in... The only reason I play svr and soon wwe 12 is to create/download the full tna roster minus knockouts due to space issues...
They should make it like the old SvR games. Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 to be exact. I would definitely play a game where you could book TNA (like General Manager mode), play through a season in TNA (Story Mode), and play a specific storyline to a player/created character (Road to Wrestlemania in SvR 2009-2011, or Road to Glory in this case).

TNA's roster is definitely game ready.
Remember WCW/NWO Revenge for N64? That's how you make a wrestling game!

Now obviously, I'm not saying you don't avail yourself of the modern technology. The custom entrances, create-a-wrestler, and many other things are fine and have their place. But GAMEPLAY is the key! People are only going to enjoy seeing those entrances so many times. People are only going to find so many ways to create or customize things. But make the gameplay addictive and you've got a winner, rendering all the other stuff to mere cake icing.

The differences between good and bad gameplay are as simple as the complexity of the controller movement. The Ultimate X match is the best example I can think of. Now you could make it awesome; smooth use of the joystick or rhythmic alternating buttons to help your wrestler go across the wire. Or you could fuck it up with button-mashing, fast-as possible shit that tends to frustrate and annoy you more than anything.

The controls of a game should not be the complex part. A player wants to feel confident that, if they have the right timing and knowledge of the AI, they can win or even dominate a match. You don't want to be worried that one slip during some five-button combination burns you. That's not fun.

Also, make the AI challenging in a realistic way. Sometimes increasing the difficulty level means the opponents become superhuman. I always laugh at sports games like Madden or NBA2k when the worst players in the leagues can suddenly put up Pro Bowl numbers, breaking every tackle or making every shot. In wrestling game, have increased difficulty translate into better tactical movement around the ring by the AI. Or how about superior combinations of moves? How many times have you seen an AI opponent slam you to the mat and just pick you up again? Why not do some ground-based attacks? Don't make it to where the harder level is simply the AI reversing all of your moves and kicking out of the three-straight finishers you just hit.
What happened was this. Midway was the creators of the game if I am not mistaken. The reviews were average, but you have to remember it was a new IP. They had to build an entire new wrestling game from the ground up. The graphics in that game may be the best graphics in a wrestling game to date.

Anyways Midway went bankrupt and several studios purchased the titles of game they were working on or had worked on.

TNA was picked up by South Peak games. The creators of Two Worlds and Monster Madness along with some smaller titles.

As of right now South Peak games has not released any information on a second TNA game.
THQ cant go near TNA....they are still under contract with WWE for a number of years.

if they cant put together a decent product then dont bother
I would totally be for it.
Ive been waiting for a proper video game to come out for TNA, ive seen clips from the other game just called "iMPACT" and it looks okay, nothing to look into. But its high time TNA properly gets their own video game. Could you imagine a high profile TNA game from EA or some other company, going head to head with THQ and the WWE series.

You need a good story mode
-Road to Bound for Glory with full audio from the wrestlers
-Loads of TNA matches
-TNA GM mode
-Online mode

If it is true that TNA signed with Midway and are in it for the long haul, that sucks. They could do much better than Midway and make a great new series and competition in the long run.
Well now that the Smackodwn vs. RAW Series is coming to an end here's there time to shine. I think they should have stars from 2002-2011 in their new game.

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