Is it time to face turn Cesaro?


Getting Noticed By Management
I'm not panicking and suggesting final push or being buried, but Cesaro's loss to Ziggler this week disturbs me a bit. The last few weeks he'd been losing to the main event stars. Not the greatest position to be in but that happens to many at some point. But Cesaro losing to the upper mid card guy getting pushed on top of the other the alarm is starting to beep a little for me.

He's bounced around from manager to manager to manager. He's gone from Anti American snob to Real American Heel to Opportunist Heyman Guy. In with all that are thrown big time face opportunities like the Cesaro swing that fans loved and the clean win in the Andre battle royal.

He's not there yet, but if he keeps this losing up he risks being where someone like Alberto Del Rio is now. But, even though it may have been a mistake giving him those opps early, at least ADR has won Royal Rumble, MITB and world title already. It's hard to go from losing, even though he's losing to the important people, to all of a sudden being world title relevant.

All that said, is it time to just give up the heel character and explore how far they can take Cesaro as a true face? Again they've teased us with the face turn before but maybe going face now can add something that he seems to be missing.

I'm fine with his current position, win some lose some, no big deal really. His push earlier was a huge let down for me, because the matches he had now, and before the push were better then while he was having the push. I not a huge Cesaro fan nor an adamant hater, but I do think he doing fine even if he's losing matches. What matters is how he's losing those matches, and to whom he is losing to. I think the WWE did right with the booking. Don't rush things, just let them run for bit...
The thing is, Cesaro's change to good guy had already happened.....when he was breaking from Jack Swagger. Fans were cheering him, and when you think about it, Swagger is hardly a personality from whom you'd expect to generate much heat in opposing. Yet, Cesaro was doing it. When he beat his own partner cleanly in a one-on-one and facing down Zeb Colter, he looked to be on his way.

What happened? Why did management stall.....or possibly eliminate.....his push? He was getting it done, imo. Instead, they switched up and kept him heel....and worse, started him losing.....including to Swagger last week. It's one thing to get beat by guys like John Cena.....but Dolph Ziggler? (speaking of performers whom WWE can't decide what to do with)

At this point, they could keep Cesaro heel or turn him face; I don't know that it matters until they decide whether he's one of their big hopes for the future....or simply an enhancement talent.

Personally, I was down on Cesaro early in his WWE career; his movements and ring repertoire seemed forced and awkward. But he's won me over; I genuinely enjoy watching him perform.

Make up your minds, McMahon-Levesque Faction.
Of all the things happening in WWE as of late, the Cesaro situation is rather baffling. They had him win the Andre Battle Royal, which was thought up by Hogan (if I recall correctly), and was meant to be a very big deal. He was already getting organic cheers before hand, and everyone loved seeing him hurl Big Show over the top. Then, the VERY next night, they took a figurative dump all over him. They crushed all his momentum in pairing him with Heyman, and nobody wanted to see that happen. Paul Heyman is great, but just sticking random people with him is moronic. Heyman works better with already well-established guys, not guys just starting to get into their own groove.

What came of that pairing? Nothing. His cheers dwindled, his pops lessened, and he lost essentially all of his momentum (he did have an excellent match with Cena the other week, though). They *MIGHT* still have that face turn & rise-to-stardom planned for him, and they could be just holding out until after SummerSlam, as all the plans seem to already be in place for that. After Lesnar leaves Cena in a pile of piss & blood & vomit, maybe Cesaro says "screw you Heyman, Lesnar may be a fighter, but I'm a wrestler, and this is a wrestling ring", and then he goes after Lesnar. Cesaro isn't much a talker, so being a guy that says little but then puts on amazing matches in the only way he's getting over as a face.

However, it does seem as if they may be just using him as enhancement talent. I hope not, and I hope they have bigger plans for him for later in the year. But only time will tell. I guess my overall answer is "yes", turn him face. He has a great move-set in the ring that is great for getting people to pop, so capitalize on it.
Is it time to turn Cesaro face? It was time to turn him face right after winning the battle royal at mania. He had a ton of momentum, and then was the right time. Espicailly with Daniel Bryan getting hurt, the swing was something that really drew the fans in, and without the constant yes chants, the fans needed something to be attatched to. You could still turn Cesaro face, but you would really have to do it the right way, since the organic way flew right out the window. It would take a creative masterpiece, such as Paul Heyman, but he didn't figure it out ether. I don't think WWE could turn him a face in the right way, where he doesn't end up like a John Cena or Roman Reigns.
It is rather baffling to see what's happening to Cesaro. He was white hot after the Mania, and not only did he look set for a push, he looked set for a mega face push.

Then suddenly he got paired with Paul Heyman. Ok, so he didn't turn, but he was kept relevant and was winning key matches. Then suddenly he broke away from Heyman without any real explanation and now he's jobbing to Ziggler.

Did he piss someone in the back? He built an amazing momentum and WWE is just prepared to squander it away? Are they worried about his age? Is it something else? Probably, we'll never get these answers. I just hope they don't completely derail Cesaro. And please change his entrance as well!
Somehow I can't get it out of my head that he is being punished in some way, and I think it's because he used the swing against Cena last week on RAW.

It's mystifying why he stopped using the swing to begin with, and the only reason I can think of is because it was getting him over with the fans, and the WWE didn't want that. He's supposed to be a heel and getting cheered doesn't suit that persona. I love Cesaro and think he's a great talent, but is being held back, why, no one knows except the WWE. But I think he'd make a better face and with Bryan injured and Cena off doing movies, they need another one because that only leaves Ambrose and Reigns in the main event.
I guess. He failed as a heel, so let's turn him face. That's the simplest reason I could think of. hahaha

Moreover, he was vastly over as a face; I remember the "We the People!" that the fans did with him upon his arrival for WM30. Perhaps helping out his old partner against Rusev in the Flag match will put him back on track without too much of a loss in momentum?
I have no doubt that Cesaro will eventually get back to where he was at Wrestlemania 30. This has happened many times before with rising stars, WWE have cooled off on them and put them on losing streaks for a small period of time before they decided to re-push them. It's happened to Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, it's happened to Ziggler recently but he seems to be getting back on track now. There was a report not long ago that WWE are intentionally stalling Cesaro's push for Roman Reigns' push. They're waiting for Roman to get fully estabilished before they decide to push Cesaro again. Like Mustang Sally said, a face turn won't matter at this point until the WWE decide they need him as a main eventer. Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns are pegged to be the WWE's next two top stars and World Champions, you can't push too many people (Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, Dean Ambrose etc.) at one time for the top prize
Yes, Cesaro is being misused but Sheamus is also being misused and he's the US Champion.

They both could have revisited their feud from Payback since the main event scene is crowded.

However, neither one of them will probably not have a match at Summerslam this year. I thought they would have tried to unify the US Championship and IC Championship at Summerslam which would have made sense since they can't properly book the US and IC Champions long term.

I'm hoping they focus on the championship again for Night of Champions.
3 months ago was the time. I fear that they are about to screw up Ambrose too.

Ridiculous what they've done to Cesaro. He was so over and ready.

Guess it wasn't his time to get over. WWE logic. But then they will want sympathy when they are 1-2 injuries away from Cena wearing belts like a necklace. "Dying for new stars" but seem to go out of their way to screw the ones up that are anywhere near ready.
It's definitely time for Cesaro to turn face! It has been, I started watching again after the Rumble and it was obvious then he was over. So they partner him with Heyman, which I honestly didn't object to. But then he did nothing, like if he was in a feud it would have helped but they turned him basically to keep him...I don't know.

They could turn him now but I don't think the WWE Universe would appreciate it now. But better late than never is the expression. Turn him face and give him a feud with Miz over the IC belt. I highly doubt Miz is losing it at SummerSlam so that would work. Plus regardless Miz is a heel, that would help get Cesaro cheers. Plus his skill in the ring, and Miz's skill could put together decent matches. No story has to be told, just a case of I want the belt and I'm gonna get it. If Miz is gonna leave to film a new movie then he can lose it to him, or hell even if he isn't leaving, give it to Cesaro and have him do something again :p
And though I would love to see a face turn and think they missed a great opportunity to do 2nd choice would be to let him be in the Authority. Let him take Kane's place as the guy the Authority sends to whup people's asses. He's not a "monster" but he's incredibly strong and could be build/pushed as a really dangerous guy to face. As long as he wins about half his matches in his role, that's a pretty solid push and MUCH bigger than what he's been doing the last 3 months.

Imagine some Rollins/Cesaro vs. Ambrose/Reigns tag matches on Raw? Would be great.
I think so, but I also feel there are too many faces right now. Or maybe not, as I don't really count who is good or bad. I think Cesaro makes a good heel, but WWE should've definitely given him a face push around Wrestlemania. I still find it amusing how Cesaro had gobbled up any momentum Swagger might have had, but currently Swagger seems to have surpassed Cesaro in interest and popularity.

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