Is it time for another Title Change ?

just a wwe fan man

Dark Match Jobber
I have been wondering about the history of the wwe titles & remeber how they change "looks" every few years. The WWE title even had the official "attitude era"wwe/world title. The title before that was the one bret hart & shawn Micheals held during their world title runs

The IC title had the Classic tapered rectangle title, the one austin threw into the river & wwe/f intraduced the "Oval" IC title. There was the US Spinner title & now we have the Superman's "S" Shaped US title.

The WWE tag titles date back as far as the Head Bangers & the world tag titles I'm rusty about how they came to be.

The world title I don't think should ever be changed *Flair's WHC*

And lastley the WWE Spinner title, do you like or want to see another wwe title ?

But I wanted to ask if you think wwe need to change the look of some the titles again ?

and the second question about this thread, Will this spice up the WWE even a Little ?
I have been wondering about the history of the wwe titles & remeber how they change "looks" every few years. The WWE title even had the official "attitude era"wwe/world title. The title before that was the one bret hart & shawn Micheals held during their world title runs

The IC title had the Classic tapered rectangle title, the one austin threw into the river & wwe/f intraduced the "Oval" IC title. There was the US Spinner title & now we have the Superman's "S" Shaped US title.

The WWE tag titles date back as far as the Head Bangers & the world tag titles I'm rusty about how they came to be.

The world title I don't think should ever be changed *Flair's WHC*

And lastley the WWE Spinner title, do you like or want to see another wwe title ?

But I wanted to ask if you think wwe need to change the look of some the titles again ?

and the second question about this thread, Will this spice up the WWE even a Little ?

I was very confused by the title thread. I thought this was for having a new champion. However, I am still inclined to post.

Quite simply, no. The titles have been strategically placed on different shows to compensate for the PG era thing happening. The WWE, US & Diva's titles have the look of a toy belt... promoting the entertainment side of the company... whereas the WHC, IC & Women's titles on SmackDown indicate that the show is full of prestige & promotes the wrestling side to the WWE. They already have themes going to help distinguish between the brands & the kids may get confused if these titles have been revamped. Changing the design of a title should be done once every 15 or so years at the least or to signify a change in the business. Like the Stone Cold Attitude Belt or the Cena spinning US belt. So, only the changes in the business spark some spice to the WWE... not the belts. The belt changes are there for a reminder.
Well, they JUST changed the ECW title last summer. So no. But if they do change the looks, they'll be creating a new title for the Undisputed Tag titles.
The WWE Title is the biggest joke title belt I've EVER seen. They should have a prestigious looking title, like the Winged Eagle (or Bret Hart's old belt, for those who didn't know its name). Considering that the WWE Title is "the company's championship" it should look less like a foam belt with a stupid plastic spinning piece. The IC belt never needed to be changed either.

This will not regenerate interest, nor spice anything up, but these belts should look the part. Also, make one set of Tag Team Belts. The Colons and Jericho & Edge/Big Show look stupid carrying around 4 different belts.
The only two titles that look completely out of place are the Diva's Title and the ECW Title.

The rest of them don't bother me. I still love the WWE Titles bling, because it fits the era of wrestling were in, its big, its flashy, and it fits the EGO that comes with holding the title.

I also don't mind that the tag titles are still seperate and Jericho and Big Show bring out two each. It leaves hope that someday real tag team wrestling can return to the WWE and support the need for two sets of titles.

What pisses me off is that few champions wear the title around their waist, they carry it like its a burden on the shoulder.
i use TO HATE the divas title and ecw title but i gotten use to it but i still wish they would bring back the ecw that they had when THE NEW ecw came back what i want to know is why did they change it ? but im fine with the belts im use to them they dont bug me anymore

The belts are fine. Sure, some people get there panties in a knot over the WWE title looking toy like or the ECW title being silver but I honestly don't mind the belts. The Diva's one is pretty shit but that's why it's a Diva's title.

Look, the titles don't need to change until as Falkon said until a change in era of some sort. The only title they may change soon would be the tag titles to make a unified one but to be honest I like Show and Jericho carrying around both sets, makes them look like real champions.

Anyways, in conclusion no the titles don't need a change they are fine the way they are. And to whoever wants to continue bitching about the WWE title please PLEASE give up because it's not happening and I'm sick of reading about it.
Hmm well, I'd like to see a new WWE title. It's something that just doesn't look like something you'd win from a wrestling match. More like something a snoop dog wanna be would buy of the thrift store. Nothing more. But the others titles are good no need to change 'um.
I have to agree with some on here....the WWE spinner belt is the worst thing wrestling has got....I'm sure most of the people who like it didn't become fans until after the spinner belt was brought out....the one BEFORE the spinner was was modernized...this spinner shit, plain and simple..who can really take that belt seriously? I mean cmon....its a stupid spinner...if anything it should only be out when Weena Cena comes out....sill rabbit, wwe is for kidz ^_^
Well they should change the look of the WWE title because it looks like a joke. True it sells more than any other belt atm but why not still sell it, and change the design of it? The spinner belt only looked right on Cena and Cena only. It shouldn't have been the same design for Triple H or Orton, it just doesn't fit them. Its like giving the Smokin' Skull Belt(Austin's custom version of the WWF title for those who don't know) to the Undertaker or Triple H; it just doesn't fit their character.

The other belt that needs change are the tag belts. After they get done with this whole unified tag team belts, they should get a new design and go back to the World tag belts, or the wwe tag belts, or quite possibly the Undisputed tag team titles.
Well, I don’t really mind how any of the titles look right now but if there was one I had to change it would be the Intercontinental one. I don’t mind how it looks now and I think it looks pretty good but I just like the old design better. This is the one I’m talking about:


I like the way this one looked better, especially when they had it with different leather straps. It just looks better than the one that’s currently used in my opinion, but I don’t mind the current one I just prefer that one.

As far as changing the WWE Title, I think it’s a stupid idea. Other than the fact that it makes a ton of money for the WWE, there are other reasons why it shouldn’t be changed.

The WWE belt looks way better than all of the other belts. It looks like the richest prize in the company and it looks like a belt that every wrestler would by vying to wrestle for and have. It looks different than any other belt. All of the other ones look bland and boring, while the WWE belt stands out. It basically looks superior to all of the other titles and if you were to put them all in a line then you would be able to fell from afar which one is the WWE Champion. It just looks better than all of the other titles and it looks like something that everyone would do anything to have because it looks like the richest prize in the entire company.
NO NO NO NO and did I say NO....

No more alterations to titles please, there has been enough over the years. I don't mind any of them to tell you the truth. The WWE Title, as has been said, fits the current climate. It's big, it's flashy, it's cool, it's the PG Era and the little kiddies are gonna want it or they already have it.

As for the WHC... it's fine the way it's been for a looooong time. It doesn't need to change, it's a great looking title. The same can be said for the all the others. The Diva title fits what you'd expect from a 'diva'. All the titles are fine.

If however one is changed as someone already said I can see them making one title for the unified belts instead of packing two belts around, though honestly, a belt over each shoulder looks better than one belt over one shoulder or around your waist wouldn't you agree?
i agree with tLight and how it pisses me off that the champions don't wear the titles around their waists, but the only ones that it doesn't bother me as much right now is Big Show and Jericho where they have the 2 belts.
I have to agree with some on here....the WWE spinner belt is the worst thing wrestling has got....I'm sure most of the people who like it didn't become fans until after the spinner belt was brought out....the one BEFORE the spinner was was modernized...this spinner shit, plain and simple..who can really take that belt seriously? I mean cmon....its a stupid spinner...if anything it should only be out when Weena Cena comes out....sill rabbit, wwe is for kidz ^_^

DING! Thank you I completely agree with this remark. New age wrestling fans adore the spinner belt whereas us Saturday Mornign wrestling fans prefer an more classic, distinguished feel. Hey, I am only 28, but that spinner crap has got to go.

Rock's championship (the blueish, large circle) or the Unified Title (held by Angle, Lesnar and I believe Jericho) was nice too. Whoever thought keepign the spinner belt post Cena makes about as much sense as havign ZZ Top host Raw...or having hosts period..but thats a whole nother debate.

Anyways, your going to get a very split debate on the title issue. I agree, Yes, the Spinner belt needs to be changed. The IC belt isn't bad but isn't animprovement from the tapered rectangle from the Michaels, Razor Ramon days.

Tag belts have been ok with me - I actually liek the two belt deal - reminds me of other wrestling leagues over sears where they carry multiple belts.

Divas one is fine...actually way better that that crap of a womens belt.

Ecw title has always looked perfect - every rendition. The Silver is a beast. Love it.

US title - why is this even a title? Who give a crap - is that what an "intercontinent"al title is?

But I will repeat until it is done - scrap the spinner ASAP PLEASE!
simply put.

the unified tag titles needs a new belt.

i am starting to get confused why generic wrestling magazines still think as y2j and big show as being both raw tag champs and sd tag champs. by having their own title i think it would clear up all confusion as to whether the tag titles are either 1 or 2. i personally think that they are combined to 1 title now but theres still that little bit of uncertanty with me. something a little more practical for the champs to wear and take around with them would also be good as y2j hardly ever coems to the ring for his promos with the tag titles anymore
the wwe belt needs changed it doesnt fit anyone but cena, we need a new tag belts as well it looks stupid the tag champs walking about with 4 belts, as for the ecw the belt the desgin no i it doesnt need to be changed it just looks too big it needs to shrink down
I think the WWE Championship does need to be changed. The design overall was supposed to be a specialty design to go with John Cena's rap gimmick and, personally, I don't think it fits well with any other wrestler.

The WWE Divas Championship looks like absolute shit. The center plate, sort of reminds me of a big butterfly and the Women's title...well it's just too damn plain really.
i agree with tLight and how it pisses me off that the champions don't wear the titles around their waists, but the only ones that it doesn't bother me as much right now is Big Show and Jericho where they have the 2 belts.

Does not bother me at all, depending on your attitude and body size it might look better around your waist or maybe your shoulder. If your Shane Douglas it might go better in your right hand dragging on the floor lol.

As for a title change... I would love to see the Tag belts unified into a single belt once and for all because when someone gets beat for the tag belts they take both belts. The only reason I can see for them to not change it is it still makes it look like RAW and Smackdown are different brands totally.

I hate the WWE Spinner belt! However, if it is for the younglings then so be it! If kids enjoy that novelty crap let em eat their cake.
No No and No the WWE title belt should not change the belt signifies the era and the path the company is taking and the "spinner" belt is the PG era all summed up. The belt will change....... but I doubt it's anytime soon it looks like good old Vince is going to stubbornly dig his heels into this era despite it's obvious flaws. Apparently he's finally recognizing the issues the problem is that Vince was a stubborn s.o.b. before and in his old age odds are it's worse now get used to the spinner belt folks.
I really think that it's time for a new wwe belt. I'm tired of the spinner that doesn't spin... The title doesn't work for me anymore, maybe when Cena gets it back it will, but for now I think we need a new one. I think they need to go with something similar to whc. You look at that belt and it looks prestigious. You look at the wwe title, and it looks like a piece of bling. I don't think they should be really similar, but the same idea for prestige. I wouldn't mind seeing the winged eagle belt come back or some version of it.

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