Is It Time For A New WWE Logo?

CM Steel

A REAL American
With this storyline of Triple H being the C.O.O. of the WWE. This is a prelude to the near future with Paul Levesque aka Triple H and his wife Stephanie McMahon-Levesque taking over the WWE from WWE chairmen Vincent K. McMahon Jr. in a couple of years. So with that truly being the "McMahon-Levesque era" in the WWE. Is it about that time for a new WWE logo?

The WWF/E logo changed headling into the attitude era with the current logo on the side of titan towers aka WWE headquaters in Stamford, Connecticut. So with this new era coming soon, is it that time for a new WWE logo?

And I don't mean something silly like the westside connection logo or anything. Just something that represents the future of the company and beyond.
There's no need to fix what isn't broken. The WWE symbol has been around for a while and is well know throughout the world. It's not like it's out dated or something, people just want change. It doesn't matter what the logo is. It isn't like the logo is going to affect the business as well as the product. I'm all for change in the WWE, but a logo change is completely unnecessary. I don't think there is a need for one. New era or not, a new logo would be a bit pointless.
Keep the WWE logo!!
It doesn't need to change, it would be like changing the McDonalds logo.
Would be pointless - the logo is iconic, memorable, modern - it's a great logo :)
I'm actually a graphic designer and if WWE asked me to create them a new logo I would outright say NO! haha
I do think a new logo would be cool,
but yea as said previously the logo is a worldwide known symbol. I don't think it would damage the company by changing it, but I just think it would be unnecessary
Are you insunuating that the WC logo is bad? lol jk

I dont think they need to change the logo, nor will they do it anytime soon, because its become fairly recognizable and synonymous with wrestling. The day the logo stops being relevant is the day when they actually change it. When people see that logo they think WWE. With WWE wanting to launch a TV network, making movies, making albums, etc. they're probably going to want to keep that logo to avoid confusion. If people who arent that familiar with WWE hear about a WWE TV channel coming out but the logo isnt the same as they're used to seeing then they're going to assume its not the same WWE that puts on the wrestling shows.
There have been rumors of a new logo for about a year now. There even was a really ugly one circulating that the Honky Tonk Man claimed was legit. Ah, found it.

If that's what we're looking forward to, it would be a terrible idea.
The only problem I used to have with the current WWE logo is that it is but a mutilated WWF logo. But I'm over that for years now. Other than that, it's fine and certainly better than this rumored new one.
How would changing the WWE logo help marketing in any manner whatsoever? The WWF was very recognizable to much of anyone, and it actually hurt marketing when they had to change it. Your logo is your symbol. Every T-shirt, DVD, Championship Belt Replica, etc is trademarked with the WWE logo from 1999-2011.

Think about it from a marketing perspective, and you'll realize the clear answer is no.
I agree that it does not "need" to be changed anytime soon and if they never changed I would not be concerned or botherd but if they were going then now would be the most logical and sensible time to do it. The WWE logo used now is known world wide but so was the Attitude logo (granted that one was pretty much the same) and the old WWF logo used originally which then got modified into the "New Generation" era logo. It is possible to change successfully even if you have a well known image already.. many football clubs have changed logos over the years. It would underline a new era so I can't see how it would be pointless.
Normally logos only change when the WWE moves into a new era. The original WWF logo transitioned into the New Generation logo, which wasn't that different. Then it changed to the scratch WWF logo for the Attitude Era. Problem is now, is that this logo has been around since the Attitude Era whether if it is WWF or WWE, the logo has been around for what, 11 or 12 years? It is now so famous it would be almost impossible to change it.

Personally, if they do change it, it should feature BE MIZ on it. But, hey, that is only my opinion. Oh, and by the way, the post where it had the logo that Honky Tonk Man was talking about sucks.
I think they should change the logo. I personally never liked it, it's just two W's that are drawn in a bizzare script. Other than that, nothing special about it. Here's what I propose. I know Vince wanted to distance himself from the term "wrestling" but now that HHH is in "charge" how about changing it to something that actually represents the product which is of course, wrestling, no matter how many times you call it "sports entertainment".

The NBA has the Jerry West Logo and even Major League Baseball has the batter hitting the ball. These are easily identifiable with their product and you know it's the NBA when you see the Jerry West Logo or the MLB logo. So why not have a symbol of a wrestler or two superstars wrestling or locked up or something of the sort? Then you can put some sort of small lettering if you'd like? I like this because it's not two letters over top each other. Also, it would look cool (please use your imagination here) and would make fan identify with the product. But I'm sure this won't happen. Just an idea.
Keep the WWE logo!!
It doesn't need to change, it would be like changing the McDonalds logo.
Would be pointless - the logo is iconic, memorable, modern - it's a great logo :)
I'm actually a graphic designer and if WWE asked me to create them a new logo I would outright say NO! haha

I'm also a graphic designer and in the business of branding nothing is more important than your logo. The WWE logo is known on a global scaled. Why would you change that? It makes no sense at all to take something that was created to be somewhat of an organic signature (which works in the time period it was created AND now and probably for years to come) and re do it. Especially now.
Change the belt (which I PRAY that they do) but not the logo.
WWE is trying to change their image away from a "wrasslin'" company into an "entertainment" brand (which includes the aforementioned "wrasslin'", but also movies, music, TV, magazines, etc).

To me, the 'Attitude Era' logo (minus the F), while immediately recognizable, most likely doesn't portray the image they want. It is about time for a change and I was hoping they would have done it the following Monday after Triple H become COO. They dropped the ball, in my opinion. They should have had a new show intro, new set, new theme music, new logo and, finally, new WWE Title belt. It would have felt very fresh and created a buzz (and, not to mention, merchandise sales would have gone through the roof!).

Change isn't always bad.
I can't see the point of changing the logo except to build the storyline of Triple H taking over but even then I doubt the logo needs to be changed. The logo is known world wide and if you showed it to most people they would know it's WWE's logo. It's like McDonald's, Pepsi etc.
I think it is time for the wwe to change it's logo again, just like they need to change the wwe title belt, but the question is what kind of logo can they do, I mean it is a new era with HHH, so maybe they can change it up to fit the new era
I actually think that they should change it. I think its outdated, i think it represents and era that is no longer relevant and i just dont see how it would hurt to make a new one. I actually like the one that honky tonk man claimed to be real. Its called WWE not WW lol come on, at least put a fuckin E on there.
Yes I think it should change. It will always remind me of a limbless WWF scratch logo.
It has been as it is for a long time and I think with the (possible) change in direction of the product and new kayfabe COO, that the time may be right.
I think they should change it or at least update the one they currently have. I understand it is a well known logo but big companies edit their logos often to keep up with the times.

Look at starbucks


or the NFL


I mean even look at the history of the Raw and Smackdown logos. They have been edited and tweaked many times throughout the years.

They can keep their branding but were still able to clean up and update their logos. WWE needs to do this. I wouldn't mind if they added a E to the logo. I always hated the two W's with no E. Never made must sense to me.

Also, on a side note, it wouldn't be a bad idea for the WWE to completely re brand themselves with a brand new logo anyways. If the company wants to really take off again, they need to make a bold move. A new logo could be that move.

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