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Is it just me?


"Original Blade"
Now I've just watched Raw, and I couldn't help thinking to myself, I am really enjoying the The Brian Kendrick angle.
I think it's funny and entertaining and with the amount of unused talent currently on the Raw roster, they could keep it going for a while to give some newer talent TV time.

And I think it's using TBK really well. He plays the semi-comedic heel very well. And the angle is giving him a very subtle push because it's helping him get more over as a heel. And we know, looking at this kinda angle, he will get the tag title eventually once he pulls out some really unexpected, possibly returning tag partner. And it's helping the tag titles seem more important because of how badly TBK wants to win them.

So is anyone else like this angle? Or do you even think it's just good for TBK and the tag titles?
I love Brian Kendrick. I think he has been sorely under utilized by the WWE since returning to singles wrestling (although it looks like he will be returning to the tag team division). He is a phenomenal talent and has crazy charisma. He wasn't really given a chance in his tag team role to display his mic skills, but he does possess the gift of gab. He's funny; plain and simple. It's nice to see the WWE playing up some of his positives with the current angle. I am hopeful that he continues to develop and continues to receive a decent push.
Indeed. I couldn't agree more. The only problem I have with this angle is are the damn titles only (if ever) going to be defended on Raw? Because if this is the case, Carlito and Turk from Scrubs with hair (that's what I think of Primo... just less funny than Turk) are the only damn face tag team on Raw. Goldust and Hornswaggle do not count at all. I do enjoy that they're trying to push Miz as a hilarious cowardly heel, but why don't they just give us the team of TBK and Miz that will inevitably happen? Or maybe it won't since the Miz just came off almost 2 years of being paired with Morrison. I dunno... TBK will certainly be part of a heel team, Priceless is a heel team if you even want to call them a team since all they do is get beat week in and week out. You can't possibly convince me Festus will be part of a team. The Colons are the only face team. That's stupid. And what the hell does it mean when HF 2.0 is on effing ECW????? Vickie or Vince or someone needs to declare that the titles can be defended on all the shows. But how would a Raw star get a shot at the ECW title? I don't know either. The tag titles picture is nothing but a total effing mess. But I digress...

Back to topic... I also love TBK and this angle about finding his new partner and believe he will end up with a partner very much like him. Charisma out the fingertips with a great gift of gab. I don't know the state of their developmental territory so I'm not sure what they could have coming up from there. Would TBK have it better with a partner with some muscle or someone that's sorta like him? I think the team would flow better with someone similar to TBK but some muscle probably wouldn't hurt either. I don't know... You can tell the angle is so far being done pretty well because it's keeping us guessing.
They did say when the undisputed tag titles were established that they could be defended on any show. I'm curious to see who Kendrick's partner ends up being.
The tag titles can be defended on any brand. that has been announced almost every week they mention it. Anyway the angle with Kendrick is looking good so far. and the tag division in wwe is looking to start to really shape up especially with HF2.0
Anything that gets Kendrick on Raw in a worthwhile manner is good to me. I like that he is at least getting something in terms of an angle, and having him pursue any type of gold is a plus. Plus, with him being known as a Tag Team wrestler by most of the WWE fans anyway, it lends credibility to the titles that someone would want to chase them that badly. I thought initially TBK's partner would be THE Miz or Mr. Kennedy, but I think both of them can be ruled out. Kennedy seems in line for an upper-card face push. With The Miz, maybe they are building him up thus far on Raw so when he and TBK win the tag titles, they are seen as a little more important because The Miz will have been seperately built up (to maximize heat for the team), while Kendrick will have chased, and actually won the belts, than just Kendrick and some random partner either already on the roster, or a completely new guy brought in from elsewhere.

I think this angle is also coenciding with the building of the Odd-Man Out stable of Hornswoggle, Goldust, and Festus, and having them sort of strangely outsmart Kendrick has been pretty entertaining.
I definately think this angle is a step in the right direction for kendrick.
His feud with the colons coupled with his attitude towards his would be partners thus far are getting him a nice amount of hid card heel heat.
Of course eventually he's going to nab the belts when his real partner arrives,
and that will do even more in getting both he and the colons over.
I have a sneaking suspicion his partner is going to end up being the big show, not really sure why, it just feels like it makes sense for some reason.

I don't particularly want to see it, and i doubt it would do much for show, but the other three involved will benefit greatly from i.
I am liking what they are doing with TBK so far but I think it can quickly get stale and fans could start hating it. Reason for this is that we could maybe just be seeing different Tag partners for a while but it could get stale if it is just going to end up with him costing the team the match and then getting attacked, or he escapes an attack. They need to find different things to do when he costs his team the match, for example let his partner let him of the hook and the next week let TBK get another partner to face the partner from the week before and someone else. All I am saying is that they have to make sure to change the ways he costs his team the matches and what happens after they lose the match.

I think they could run the angle a little bit longer, until there is some intrigue. When they finally deliver they have to also make sure to deliver big or at least someone that the fans won't be pissed at. If they bring back someone that was unexpected and someone that people actually like or like to hate then it could work well. But if they bring back someone that the fans could care less for then the fans will shit all over them. They just have to make sure that they deliver someone good if they plan on running the storyline for a while longer.
Yeah, I was thinking they could end it on something big.

TBK comes out one week and says something like "I bet you're all wondering who my partner is this week. Well, he's not here tonight. He's off preparing for the title shot... And this is the guy. This is the guy who I am going to win the tag titles with. let the speculation begin." Then he gives one of his cheeky grins and leaves.

Of course, if he did do something like that, WWE would have to deliver big. But I think they could pull it off.
TBK is a spark of radiant light in an otherwise dark and gloomy RAW. Any guy who quotes from " The Art of War" has my vote. As for the guy he's gonna pick as a partner..I dont have a clue.. And I like it.
I'd like to see him pair up with Kozlov. That would be funny shit right there.. TBK could pick some fights and use Kozlov to hide behind.

since were talking about tagteams.. I'd like to see Chavo and Regal team up. Kind of reminds me Beniot and Eddie.. the Mat guy and the high flyer...they make a great team.
Though the angle is doing some good for him, it's just not doing it for me. I've stated before, I really only care about the matches anymore. The matches in this angle have involved good performers but the matches have been shit. I like TBK, but I don't care about angles. Just give me one good match.
has anyone thought TBK and HBK? That would help push TBK and make the tag division much more intresting

Lol, nice idea but way too daring. HBK would have to turn heel and that's never going to happen.

But yeah. TBK is awesome. His "Art of War" promo was a serious contender for promo/segment of the year in 2008, and that's in a field that includes the famous Edge/Foley segment and Jericho's "my son was a Cena fan" promo. Truly creepy and he's wonderfully fluent. I hope they give him some more time to showcase his talent. Kendrick doesn't need to wrestle to get over, just talk.

As far as a partner - Miz is the obvious candidate but they seem to be pushing him for singles competition. Kennedy has come back as a face. Perhaps Regal? The Renaissance Man and The Lord could be an interesting combination. Frankly anything's better than the Colons.
Yeah, TBK is one of the more entertaining characters in WWE right now and I'm enjoying the tag partner storyline.

I would like to see his partner end up being the recently signed, Lance Hoyt. If they keep his "rockstar" gimmick, I think they'd be a perfect match. The surprise factor wouldn't be great 'cause most WWE fans probally wouldn't even know who he was but in the longrun, I think they could be quite a successfull pair and that's really more important.
I like that idea, but I think Tyson Tomko would be better. I assume he's still with them, although i haven't heard about him in months, but if he is, it'd work nice. For one thing, he'll be associated with Christian forever unless he can break away and form a new partner like this. For another, he's got a bit of recognition value for the WWE fans. For another, he had the gimmick of a bodyguard so it'd be easy to just say Kendrick is paying him. Have him look dominant against the Colons, set up a future singles run, etc.
i dont know who he could possibly come out with but im definitely a fan of what he has going on right now. he's pretty decent on the mic and adequate in the ring and especially in the tag division at this point i think its pretty good, and definitley alot more entertaining than what some of these more "established" entertainers are doing on that show.
I like Kendrick as well as this angle. Endless possibilities with who he chooses. I was also leaning possible towards HBK, just because he trained Kendrick and would prolly like to see him get ahead. And yeah, HBK won't turn heel, so why not turn Kendrick face for a brief run and then back to heel vs. HBK after he "costs" Kendrick the tag titles somehow. HBK wins, Kendrick gets a huge push by fueding with HBK, and we all win as viewers, cause they would have great matches together, and againt one another. Also, how about Joe Hennig......possible being the "Perfect" partner?
I like how this angle is playing out, but it was said earlier...it can get stale quickly.

I'd actuall have TBK and a random partner WIN a match. Then you can have TBK still attack the partner because he didn't get the pin or he thought something else was wrong. OR have them lose next week for TBK to flip out. Just switch it up.

If the partner ends up being Miz then it was all a waste. Miz has been calling out THE face of the company and to only drop down to lower midcard would kill any momentum he has.

I'd rather the partner be someone from development with size...Lance Hoyt even. As this can be an extenion of HBK/Diesel. While I know they did this on SD! with Zeke Jackson, I think it worked on the bodyguard angle. Now this is just an evolution of the "needs big backup" underlying persona . Also the tag team can have an old school Power & Glory feel.
I was thinking about the possibility of that HBK becoming Kendrick's partner and then Kendrick turning on him, but not too long ago they did a student turning on the teacher storyline when Lance Cade joined Jericho to feud with Michaels. Definatley, HBK is more likely then London to be Kendrick's partner but I don't think its too much more likely to happen.
But I think TBK needs to get out of the tag team funk he's been in for the last 3 years, I'm including his body guard need too. I'm ok with him getting a tag partner but I'd prefer him to go after the U.S. title. He's capable of accomplishing that without a body guard.
I am enjoying the angle but I just hope that he decides to go with a partner not a body guard then soon go after the U.S. title. He needs to step up from the tag division.

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