Is it just me or do all 4 of the Wyatts suck?

Piss Bucket

Future British World Champ

No doubt the Mods will say I'm "spamming" here, but I'm not a fan of any of the Wyatt Family members to be honest.

Especially Braun Strowman, he's a fat lump who does 2 moves and can't talk., there is nothing impressive about him at all, and Luke Harper has the personality of a Gnat and does 2 moves, and Eric Rowan is so ugly he hides his face behind that crap Sheep mask.

And Bray Wyatt himself? He was supposed to be this new "face of fear", he's about as scary as a wet Lettuce, and has lost every feud he's been in except his feud with Daniel Bryan.
No doubt the Mods will say I'm "spamming" here, but I'm not a fan of any of the Wyatt Family members to be honest.

How exactly was this "spamming"? If you think starting this thread was spamming, then you still need to learn the spamming rule.

Especially Braun Strowman, he's a fat lump who does 2 moves and can't talk., there is nothing impressive about him at all, and Luke Harper has the personality of a Gnat and does 2 moves, and Eric Rowan is so ugly he hides his face behind that crap Sheep mask.

I agree that Strowman sucks.... but I like both Harper and Rowan. Harper's got a much larger moveset than just 2 moves. He's the best in the ring out of the underlings and in some ways is better than Bray himself. Rowan's HIGHLY underrated. I have been saying it for a long time and I still say Rowan and Harper should win the Tag Team Championship together at some point. Why would it matter if Rowan is "ugly" or not? The Wyatts are meant to be intimidating, they are succeeding in portraying the types of characters they are supposed to. The only problem is they need to win more, especially Bray. Rowan's sheep mask is awesome, and so is Strowman's for that matter. That's the only thing about Strowman that I like though.

And Bray Wyatt himself? He was supposed to be this new "face of fear", he's about as scary as a wet Lettuce, and has lost every feud he's been in except his feud with Daniel Bryan.

Bray definitely does need to win more.... That's my only major problem with this stable. Bray winning more often in big matches would legitimize his "new face of fear" name and people might take him more seriously. He's come a LONG way since the days of Husky Harris and the entire stable is talented in the ring with the exception of Strowman.
While I've never been one to have a hard on for the Wyatts like many around here, I wouldn't say they suck. They just don't do anything for me.

And the "amount of moves" argument always amounts to shit. It's an awful argument to use for professional wrestlers. Would you rather guys like Big Show and Strowman do moonsaults and the like? Because Big Show has before. It doesn't make sense for their characters at all.

And am I the only one who remembers Wyatt winning his feud against Ambrose?
I hate the Family, passionately actually. Bray Wyatt is amazing with the exception of the back bend he does but WWE turned him into Dolph Ziggler. The man that you wrestle when you deserve a good spot on the card but creative has nothing else to do with you that month or so.

Luke & Rowan are just absolutely hideous. I don't normally judge people based on looks but there is just something that irks me about those two equally. All they do is make their eyes bigger & stare into a sheep mask.

Strowman has a fat babyface with a beard. If I was booking, I'd play off of that but of course they won't... But I will say this, if guys like Taker or Kane were stuck in the Wyatt family back in the day, I am sure people would have said the same thing. The problem might be creative with the fam, esp strowman.
Wyatts, minus Brown Strawman, are great, they've just been booked to lose everything.

Bray's one of the best on the stick and has the best facial expressions on the roster, except maybe Dean.

Harper and Rowan are both great Large men wrestlers, they just rarely get to show off their ability.

Braun just needs to get dumped, he can't wrestle well, Vince wants to push him hard, even without him knowing the difference between a wristlock and wristwatch (HOLY CRAP that ECW vs Wyatt family match, when Braun walked around for 30 seconds doing nothing in front of the hard camera....)
I'm not a fan of the Wyatt Family by any means but I have to give credit to both Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper on their skills.

Wyatt is pretty solid on the mic, although for the past year or so, all of his promos have sounded the same. In the ring he can put on a good show as evidenced in his feuds with Bryan, Ambrose and Reigns.

Harper is, in my opinion, the best big man in WWE right now. This guy can go. His matches with Ziggler and Ambrose last year were amazing. He is not the best on the mic, but he isn't absolutely horrific. I wish he would get another singles run sometime down the road.
Wyatt's suck in the sense there's no reason to care. They beat up everyone below them but when it comes to an actual threat per se, they'll win a token match but they always lose the feud.

In regards to talent with the exception of Strowman they're all pretty decent. Although Rowan trails behind Harper in regards to talent and Bray has his mic skills and charisma to fall back on.

But again it's the caring about them that hurts them. They always lose the important feuds so there's no reason to care. They don't even do the Kevin Owens thing of beating their opponent within an inch of their life. Sure they beat them up but not really decisively, they don't even look good that way.
The big problem with the Wyatt Family is Creative wants us to take them seriously but you can't. They lose just about every feud they're in. Sure they beat Ambrose once and they had something going with Daniel Bryan where he had to be a member but that was only for about a few weeks and then he was right back to normal. So really it didn't matter. Yeah they'll win sneak attacks and slap arounds but when it's all on the line they always come up short. Even the little kids who still think it's real yawn as soon Stump Jumpin' Jethro and his three stooges show up.

If you're gonna have somebody callin' themselves "The New Face of Fear" they have to back it up. Long-winded rambling promos, sing alongs about somebody havin' the whole world in his hands, and parlor tricks with lanterns doesn't count as "backin' it up."
The big problem with the Wyatt Family is Creative wants us to take them seriously but you can't. They lose just about every feud they're in. Sure they beat Ambrose once and they had something going with Daniel Bryan where he had to be a member but that was only for about a few weeks and then he was right back to normal. So really it didn't matter. Yeah they'll win sneak attacks and slap arounds but when it's all on the line they always come up short. Even the little kids who still think it's real yawn as soon Stump Jumpin' Jethro and his three stooges show up.

If you're gonna have somebody callin' themselves "The New Face of Fear" they have to back it up. Long-winded rambling promos, sing alongs about somebody havin' the whole world in his hands, and parlor tricks with lanterns doesn't count as "backin' it up."

I'd completely forgot they'd feuded with Ambrose. Adding to the point whoever they feud with generally goes onto bigger things (Bryan, Ambrose etc) while they stay the same. They've essentially become Chris Jericho aka always putting people over. Except Jericho has had a Hall Of Fame worthy career and is winding down
I guess this is just a state your opinion of each Wyatt. Here goes:

For the most part Braun has a pretty easy role and he does his job pretty well but has had some missteps when asked to produce in the ring. Hopefully he can improve and stop being so one dimensional.

Harper is decent. He is by far the best minion of the bunch. He comedic over the top worship for Wyatt can be easily felt by his acting. His ring work is good. He is a bigish man who runs around the ring like a chicken with his head cut off.

Rowan is fine. I have no interest in him but he handles himself well enough for what he is asked to do. If I were WWE and wanted to drop a guy from the group he would be an easy choice.

Bray does ok in the ring and he can cut a promo. His biggest fault is in his lack of success. Not winning matches necessarily. He has a win over Cena for crying out loud. More to do with the idea of his preaching so big but accomplishing so little. Other than that Bryan fake turn he hasn't taken a single superstar and changed what they are. He hasn't done anything to change WWE. And he became very stale because of it. He is the heel version of 2010-2015 Cena.

Do the Wyatts all suck? No, that is the kind of thing IWC dramatists spew when they want to seem superior but they have weaknesses in talent and direction. Most importantly they have failed to meet expectations which were pretty high in 2013 and 2014.
For one thing, Braun Strowman is not a "fat lump", there's hardly an ounce of fat on the guy and that's saying something when you're talking about a guy that's closer to 400 lbs. than 300 lbs. I wouldn't say that he sucks, he's extremely green and does fine in the limited role he has as the group's bruiser. If the reports are true that Vince is high on him, then Vince must really be high to think that he's anywhere remotely ready for any sort of singles push.

Harper & Rowan are a great tag team and I think it's a shame that they've never been tag team champs. Harper has a lot of overall ability and he's definitely athletic for a big guy. While I don't think Rowan is as strong a talent as Harper is, he possibly could be under the right circumstances.

Bray Wyatt is a great character and he's great on the mic, the problem is that, as has been pointed out, Wyatt has been jobbed out to damn near everybody under the sun. Off the top of my head, the only feuds he's come out on top have been against Ambrose and Ryback; his feud against Ambrose was during a time in which Ambrose was very, very firmly planted in the mid-card and if their feud were to start up again anytime soon, I think it'd go very differently with Ambrose ultimately dominating it. Wyatt has had the charisma to be the top heel in WWE but, for whatever reason, Vince hasn't pulled the trigger and we're getting to a point in time where it might be too little, too late.
He has a win over Cena for crying out loud.

Only because of interference from a little kid in a dark cloak singing "He's got the whole world in his hands" in a demonic voice.

In all seriousness though the Wyatts are very talented. Bray Wyatt has one of the most interesting and unique characters in the last few years. He's great on the mic and pretty good in the ring. Luke Harper is great in the ring. Erick Rowan is decent. Braun Strowman is good... for what he's there for (which is to look intimidating).

However even with all that said, I'll agree the Wyatts have lost all their credibility and aren't a threat at all. So what's the problem? They have no direction or purpose. Every feud Wyatt has ever been over the last years has followed the same boring and played-out formula.

1 - The Wyatts attack a wrestler.
2 - Bray cuts promos for three weeks.
3 - Bray loses the PPV match.
4 - The Wyatts disappear for a while.
5 - They finally return and repeat this cycle.

Wyatt never ever accomplishes anything he said he would (such as defeating Undertaker and becoming the new "face of fear"). As a result the crowd can't take him seriously because all his credibility is lost. Unfortunately this is a never-ending cycle and all the talent the Wyatts have will continue to be wasted.
Agreed...Bray Wyatt is way too good on the mic to be wasted one meaningless feud after another.
If you have a wrestler that's due to go out on some sort of surgery.....they can play it off as the Wyatts injurying the guy and putting him on the shelf
Nope. Bray and Harper can really go, Rowan may not be great, but sucks is an overstatement. Strowman is green, he didn't even start training to be a pro wrestler until 2 or 3 years ago, if he hasn't improved at all in 3 more years maybe I could agree he sucks.

I realize you may be exaggerating a little bit to illicit responses but if you think Harper has 2 moves you are sorely mistaken or you are missing out by not paying attention when he actually gets some time to hit his spots. He can work his ass off when given a chance. Watch one of his matches with Cena or Daniel Bryan you may be surprised, when's the last time a guy his size did a hurricanrana or Michinoku driver in WWE? Ambrose fans may not agree with this, but he executes the suicide dive through the ropes as good or better than Dean considering he's a much larger individual.

No doubt the Mods will say I'm "spamming" here, but I'm not a fan of any of the Wyatt Family members to be honest.

I was a fan when they first debuted, now I just kind of find them boring, and Bryan rambles too much without every really saying anything. I do like Harper though.

Especially Braun Strowman, he's a fat lump who does 2 moves and can't talk., there is nothing impressive about him at all, and Luke Harper has the personality of a Gnat and does 2 moves, and Eric Rowan is so ugly he hides his face behind that crap Sheep mask.

Strowman is as green as grass, so I'm willing to give him a chance. Besides he hasn't been with them for that long, and they really have done anything since he came on board. Another reason to give him the wait and see.

Harper is great and can go for a guy his size. Would love to see him as I've said before get a serious singles push, not that joke of one he got before. I have really no problem with Rowan either. As for looks, this isn't Miss Universe you know, you'd be hard pressed to find a male model anywhere on the roster.

And Bray Wyatt himself? He was supposed to be this new "face of fear", he's about as scary as a wet Lettuce, and has lost every feud he's been in except his feud with Daniel Bryan.

It's because of his booking which has been horrendous. He has the most unique out there gimmick on the roster and they have no idea how to harness it. Yes he is gold on the mic if you can understand what he's going on about.

As it is, the family hasn't done as well as I had expected they would, and I don't know if going forward their booking will be any better.
Bray Wyatt is just a fat, bearded no talent that just rambles random stuff. His so called spider walk isn't anything special.

The rest look like jobbers you'd see on WCW Thunder, or World Wide. But since all the WWE fans today are wannabe Internet hipsters; they love guys like this. That is why Pro Wrestling as a whole is in such a sad shape.
It's really disappointing to see how badly Vince has failed the amazingly unique and dynamic characters in the Wyatt Family by destroying their credibility as legitimate heels by having them lose pretty much every feud they've been put in.

Going back to the OP's analysis. He is entitled to his opinion, but I'm not convinced.

I think Bray Wyatt is a phenomenal talent, who hasn't shown all he can do. He is phenomenally good on the mic and playing the character. He is solid in the ring and he has a good move-set for his character with room to grow.

Luke Harper is an incredible in-ring talent, especially considering his size. His look is great for his character and he doesn't need Bray Wyatt-like mic skills. His mic skills are about saying little but meaning a lot!

Erick Rowan is solid in the ring, and doesn't need strong mic skills. He hasn't shown all he can do but he is solid none the less.

Braun Strowman is obviously the greenest performer in The Family. He's there to be the BIG, BAD, BRUTE, obviously. He does fine when speaking because he just speaks as barbarically as he can and yells and scowls, which pretty much does the trick. In the ring he is obviously limited. I'd like to see him do a little more every week. Add in a scoop slam or military over head press slam or give him a match where he can toss around some jobbers to show off the fact he is actually quite strong!

The whole problem with the Wyatt Family, as many have mentioned already, is that they currently have little to no credibility. And when it's a scripted show, that's pretty bad because there is no reason for them to have no credibility.

Well, this is WrestleMania season and I have to say, I hope Vince is finally ready to give the Wyatts the solid push they need or at least provide them a way to continually save face and maintain credibility with each feud they are in going forward.

I hear Wyatt has a pretty serious back injury but hopefully it's only something hindering him for a few weeks. Hopefully the rest of 2016 will be when the Wyatts really build and maintain credibility. They need decisive wins over established stars. Bray Wyatt needs a few clean wins over established stars. Harper & Rowan can win the Tag Team titles. Bray Wyatt can win the IC title after hopefully getting decisive wins over many top stars on the way up and then hold that IC title for at least a few months. Yes, he can use heel tactics to retain and use his Family as guards but he has to be shown to be firmly in control and able to play successful mind games with opponents. It'll take time, though, because so much damage has been done to their credibility.

Time will tell if the Wyatts will ever be able to be taken seriously. I think this year will be the most telling of their career.
Bray Wyatt is just a fat, bearded no talent that just rambles random stuff. His so called spider walk isn't anything special.

The rest look like jobbers you'd see on WCW Thunder, or World Wide. But since all the WWE fans today are wannabe Internet hipsters; they love guys like this. That is why Pro Wrestling as a whole is in such a sad shape.

1. You're a fucking idiot!

2. Bray Wyatt is one of the best talkers and has one of the best characters in the WWE.

3. Luke Harper is the best big man in WWE at the moment. He can absolutely go in the ring and has proven so against guys like Ziggler, Ambrose, Bryan and Cesaro.

4. Braun Strowman may be limited in the ring, but he could demolish ANYONE on the roster.

5. The Wyatt Families booking has been crap for over a year, which is absolutely not their fault. They are given the ball and they run with it, until creative pulls the rug right out from under them.
You guys have low standards. Some of your responses regarding Rowan and Strowman are wrong.

1. Strowman is horrible in the ring. He is only a tiny bit better than The Great Khali who I consider the worst wrestler of all time. This guy is green and lost. He has no idea what to do in the ring. But Vince loves big guys so we will have to suffer through him. Oh well. At least he can speak english.

2. Rowan is HORRIBLE in the ring. He is even worse on the mic. This guy is always the guy getting pinned in tag matches because even wwe knows he will never draw a dime. He is the upside down sheamus in terms of looks. Bland, boring and puts me to sleep when he steps into the ring. He had no future and will be fired the second wyatts finally break up. Why you guys defend this trash is beyond me. I can only think you guys are on the wwe kool aid.

3. Harper: I agree with everything said about him. He has talent. He has a crazy look. He can be a strong mid carder the rest of his career. No complaints.

4. Wyatt: i agree with you all. What else needs to be said? WWE booking is the only excuse for wyatts failures. He is great on the mic, solid in the ring, has a cool look. WWE is burying him with terrible booking. Misusing his talent. He needs wins. Badly. This is on creative for failing. Bray is great.
The Wyatts don't suck. Their booking does. Strowman is ostensibly awful according to many here but he's still very new to the business apparently so I feel it's unjust to write him off just now. Rowan I don't mind but I'd like to see what else he has the potential to do.

Harper is awesome. He's in my opinion the creepiest and most wild-card-esque of the group. Very much the "Number 2".

The only real problem is that this group of imposing apocalyptic wackos lose so much that they have lost their edge. They are constantly Worfed to the top faces, when instead they should be the ones Worfing undercard faces. They are basically just Team Rocket at this point. They remind me in many ways of early 2002 Big Show and Kane, who were essentially tag team midcarders at that point.

I think they should win more squash matches on a weekly basis instead of constantly failing to do anything of significance to Lesnar.
Braun Strowman is like a white Mark Henry, only good for squashing low card jobbers, he should be feuding with the Social Outcasts, aka the second coming of the Job Squad.
Wouldnt say suck. Bray is just plain boring with his cryptic lullaby promos. Strowman is just too green because he has spended almost no time in development and was upped on main roster with almost no ring skills at all. Harper and Rowan are OK for couple of goons whose purpose is to battle a bit and take the pin.
Bray's in ring style is fun to watch, esoecially for a man of his body type. As for the rest, they may as well be storm troopers. They're there for no other reason then that they look the part. Think Raven's Flock.

When the Wyatt family started, Bray was not yet cleared for ring action, but they were psyched about the character, and the whole underlings attack while Bray watches on from his rocker was a great way to make it happen. Then as soon as they looked beatable, they released the Kracken in the form of Braun Stroman, who may not be much in the ring, but he's a very large man who gives off the same vibe.

As of now, there's the Authority as the big bad, so there's not much for the Wyatt's to do. However, The New Day is one '<insert name of city> is the best city ever' promo away from becoming full blown faces, it would be interesting to see those two factions against one another. Sadly, it would appear as though they're first slated for a feud with the League of Boring.
I think Bray is an extraordinary talent. His character can go in so many different directions but, as everyone has said, they book him like a giant turd. WWE doesn't know how to use him at all. His in-ring style is stiff and dominant and his look completely backs that up. Instead of booking him dominantly like they should, he always looks like a big baby in his matches. Always running scared and getting his ass kicked. His promo style is dependent on something coming out of it. If he gives a cryptic promo on anything, SOMETHING should come out of it. More than half the time, he cuts a great intriguing promo, and than there's no follow-up... This guy should be running the WWE at this point.

Harper is another fantastic talent who hasn't been given a real chance. I've always thought that Harper was main event material, he's definitely the best big man in the WWE right now in terms of ring ability. His promos are perfect for his type of character but he hasn't really been given the mic since rejoining the Family. I would have killed to see a Harper/Wyatt feud when the Family was hot.

I don't see much in Rowan. I view him as a hand that can be utilized wherever they need him in the mid or under card. He can definitely be useful as a utility man.

Strowman is just very green. I don't know what Vince was thinking bringing him up so soon. It will be a while before Strowman makes an impact but I think he will eventually. Too much potential there for him not to.

They don't suck. Or at least, I don't think they suck.
Bray Wyatt at times might look like a walking eggplant but I never had complained about his moveset or in ring presence. He has a very good in ring techniques and been lethal in the hardcore matches. I always fancied his move set against moderately build stars.

Luke Harper is very much underrated in the ring. Just because he hasn't been uses properly his talented is extremely overshadowed by the over usage of Braun Strowman.

Talking about Braun, he is just awful in the ring and the way he moves and runs doesn't help the cause. I reckon I might've said it before but I'll say it again, his face isn't intimidating rather it looks funny. He really should wear a mask if he wants to be threatening.

Erik Rowan was good in the ring and ever since he returned from injury I hadn't seen much of him. He is underrated as well but not as Luke Harper.

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