Is it Easier to Debut as a Face or a Heel?

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Championship Contender
After watching CSR - (Chair Shot Reality) debate on that topic i kinda felt disappointed on what they said.

Justin and Josh thinks that is easier to debut as a heel, but I think otherwise, I think that is easier to debut as a face.
It is easy to make someone a face, you just need to make him attack a annoying heel and we all will love you!!
Or by making his presentation promo saying that his dream since he was a kid is to work for the WWE and that he will make sure we all stay entertained.

John Cena debuted as a face, and now he is the face of the company!

I.E - Jinder Mahal is booked to be a heel for what I've seen, but imagine that The Great Khali was being attacked by The Corre and Jinder starts to run to help him out and cleans the house... He was a face in a click and we all would cheer for him!

So Is It Easier to Debut as a Face or a Heel?

Babyfaces need to get over with the crowd.If you save someone your obviously a Face but if you have a debut match then you really need to impress the crowd to get over.

If your a Heel then you can attack someone backstage etc and do heelish stuff in matches just to get fans to hate you.
It's definitely easier to show up as a heel.
You pop in and demolish the fan favorite, someone like Evan Bourne, or Rey Mysterio, and you're instantly getting boo'd.
Pop in and save them, and the crowd is too busy cheering for the face, or wondering who you are.

Getting over as a face requires the crowd to care about you, getting over as a heel is about stealing the good guy's thunder. Granted the last set of debuts have been prefaced by vignettes or months of character defamation on NXT, so the crowd's being told what to think for weeks before a debut.

If Sin Cara popped in without the months of vignettes, the crowd would be confused, and not care that he just beat Primo in a botch contest. fIf Wade Barret came out of nowhere and spit in John Cena's face, he would of instantly been a heel.

If Jinder Mahal saved Khali, I would seriously not care about Jinder Mahal or Khali.

Cena debutted as a face, but he spent much of his early career growth being a heel, and Cena wouldn't be anything if he didn't play heel for years, because his face character needed to evolve from that face side

(Ps. on the Angle debut, You mean the match where the crowd chanted boring, and "We want Red wings" for half of it?)
Completely agree with you, its way easier to debut someone as a face, for the simple fact not many people like heels, it is super hard to get someone over as a heel when you have a kid fan base, they all want a superhero face to come in and save the day, another thing is, you cant get someone over as a face if they arent built, same goes for heels they have to be a certain build for their character, the bigger they are, the bigger impact they make, the bigger face/heel they will be. But yeah it is way easier to get someone over as a face rather than a heel.
John Cena debuted as a face, and now he is the face of the company!

Yes he did, and he wasn't over. He got OVER with the fans and got his push as the HEEL rapper. Then eventually turned face as the fan favorite in late 2003.

It is way easier to be heel since you can just do bad things, beat up on a good guy, and get boos.

Brock Lesnar did just that. He beat up on legends and beat some credible people, then BOOM he was champion and top guy.

Being face you have to get the fans to believe in you, make them WANT to see you.
I agree with them, it's definitely heel.
It's easier to get heat than pops.

If you're a high-flier, then of course you can get over as a face but otherwise it's heel.

All you need to do is look angry and bag the city your in and they'll boo the crap out of you. But if you smile and run down the entrance ramp, the crowd'll get bored coz they see it all the time.
As a heel. Because, it's really harder to be a great and a liked-by-the-fans face than being the most hated heel ever. You see, when you're heel you just know what to do - go, make a heelish entrance, talk some trash, say the fans how poor and stupid they are, talk trash again about one of the faces on the roster, say that you're there to make an impact and well done, you're the new good heel and you just made a great debut promo, nuff said.
It might be easy to initially debut as a face but you need to keep interest up which is very hard as a face. It's a lot easier to get cheap heat than it is to make people love you. People just naturally hate easier I guess haha.

All you really need to do to get over as a face is slag off the city/sports team/people, beat up a face, continue to beat them up after the match and then mouth off as you walk out again.

A face needs to come out connect with the fans in some way. Put on a match where they have to get over from their move set alone. If they win they then just have to celebrate and leave. Theres a lot less chance to get over when doing that.
Think about it...

Some people spend their entire lives trying to get people to like them.

I could easily get someone to hate me in the span of about 5 minutes.

Much easier to be a heel.
Heel all the way. Take out a crowd favorite and it's instant heat. Winninng a crowd over is hard enough, but can you imagine actually keeping the crowd on your side. That's not easy ever. Heels have it soo easy most of the time.
Heel .

Imagine if Alberto Del Rio debuted as a face .......noooo he would be jobbing
Right now to zack Ryder he just pulls off that smug rich asshole and that's y he's my favourite at the moment :)

Although some do debut who are just born to be face like ricky steamboat or Rey mysterio
But most of the time it's better to debut heel
well i vote for heel. all you have to do is say shit to the fans or say shit about them and bam you got yourself a heel. but with a face you have to work for it to get the fans on "your side" and to cheer for you. and as @hourani777 said if you alberto del rio debuted as a face he jobbing/low midcard. also just wanted to add i cannot picture rey mysterio pulling off a heel role
I think that Heel is obviously the easy way in. However I will say that one Face Debut that worked was Goldberg. I say Face Debut because he never really did things Heelish. He just Decimated EVERYONE in his path with no shit talking, no kicking them when they were down, and no after decimation beatings. He was all business. Came to the ring, got the job done, and left.
Debuting as a HEEL is a far easier and usually a quicker way to debut. The reason is because as many posters here have already stated, you only need to shit all over the locals in the town that you are in or attack someone backstage or even in the ring.

Trying to debut as a face you need to get the crowd behind you from the minute you step out on to the stage. You need to make an impression that makes people want to keep the attention on you.

As a face you are required to be a role model for the fans and not cheat to win. However as a hell you can grab a chair and whack the living shit out of someone and be boo'd out of the arena instantly.

I have been watching the Macho Man dvd recently and even in that they show how things can change at the drop of a hat. A fine example is Macho Vs. Ultimate Warrior at WM 7. Macho went into the match as a heel but at the end of the night the fans loved him for one little incident.

It shows how quickly things can change.
Completely agree with you, its way easier to debut someone as a face, for the simple fact not many people like heels, it is super hard to get someone over as a heel when you have a kid fan base, they all want a superhero face to come in and save the day, another thing is, you cant get someone over as a face if they arent built, same goes for heels they have to be a certain build for their character, the bigger they are, the bigger impact they make, the bigger face/heel they will be. But yeah it is way easier to get someone over as a face rather than a heel.

You just shot yourself in the foot.
not many people like heels.
If they don't like them, they'll will boo them. So are you saying if some random dude comes out and kicks the ultimate shit out of super cena they won't care?

HEEL. It is much easier to hate someone then like someone. I just moved schools and it takes time to settle in to the "in crowd". But, I could have just been an idiot and they wouldn't like me. It is harder to get someone to like you than hate you.

Cena, yes, debuted as a face, however, he came flying up the ranks as a heel. It was only until late 2004 where he became the face Cena that would win him the WWE Championship.

Imagine Sheamus winning the title as a face. No one would give two shits. But, as a heel, people were like, wow, he just beat him (even if it is super-shit cena) lets boo him.

So, a heel is better.
It all depends really on how you debut. In general though, it's easier to make the initial debut as heel and re-debut as face, but that doesn't always hold true. Remember that Randy Orton debuted as a face long before joining Evolution. In fact, I think he was the last guy to re-debut from injury as a heel, but I could be wrong.

If you debut out of nowhere or take out a big-time face then being a heel is quite easy.

Now see, it's actually easy to debut as a face if you're easily recognized from elsewhere. Three examples come to mind very quickly:
1. Rey Mysterio: Have you ever, E-E-EVER remembered Rey as a heel in WWE? Nope. Two reasons why: He's got the high flying/underdog thing going on, and he was easily recognizable from his WCW days.
2. Kharma: Only the most hardcore (and close-minded) of WWE loyalists didn't recognize this femme phenomenon as Amazing/Awesome Kong of international/TNA fame. It didn't hurt that she showed up and used Michelle McCool as her first victim. I'm not sure how she'll be booked but that definitely got face reaction.
3. Daniel Bryan: We'll not take into account that he actually had a Velocity match under his Bryan Danielson moniker back in...2003 I think...with John Cena. Consider that he was recognized as an independent wrestler for years and got over by attacking/insulting the Miz and Cole as well as through his in-ring ability. Even when he was with the Nexus (which wasn't long!) he never got the heavy booing the rest of the faction got. When he "re-debuted" at Summerslam as part of Team WWE vs the Nexus, he got a pretty sizable pop.
I have to say it is easier to debut as a heel.

It is easy for fans to hate or dislike a wrestler. Fans will hate based on how you look, talk, walk, wrestle, etc...

Look at Rocky Maivia. He was everything a face should have been. Young, handsome, enegertic, and always battling "bad guys," but the fans hated him. The resounding chants of Rocky sucks still rings in my head.

Getting fans to cheer you and buy into you as legitimate is much tougher.
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