Is he finally gonna be booked right?


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Sometimes wwe is extremely slow with their build even when they're painfully obvious about their intent but do you think after last night that they might actually start booking Roman the way they should? Outside of the heel turn that would be beneficial for Roman and not a cowardly heel turn but an a$$ kicking heel turn do you think that they might actually use last night not necessarily the Daniel Bryan method they implemented last night but the frustrations that obviously set in to turn him into an a$$ kicking machine on his path to regaining the title?
If he was booked half as strong as Brock was I think he'd benefit from it and actually gain more cheers which is what they want upon him being champion. If he was booked according to his look and really started dominating the way he should do you think he'd actually be accepted more? Or is the heel turn the only way you think he'll actually gain more fans?it worked for his cousin and could do the same for him once he turns face again.
Or do you think it's possible that the frustrations set in and he eventually joins HHH and replace shemus upon winning the championship? There's few possibilities that would work. What do you think is the way they should book Roman starting tonight? Thank you in advance for your comments/opinions.
The only thing I know for sure reliving Daniel Bryan at Summerslam isn't gonna work.
Roman Reigns build couldn't have been more slower if they tried. Last year they put a rocket on his back and this year at Mania they had to shut the engines down. What they did has worked to some extent, he has gotten much better in the ring and on the mic, but that hurried push last year has hurt him in ways they couldn't fathom. There was simply no need for it to happen, they could have waited.

I'm still seeing a lot of comments from people that think he's boring, and undeserving of the push he's getting. The guy has tried, the WWE has tried, other wrestler's have tried, and it's worked to an extent but he's not there and I don't know if he ever will be. The more they try the more it's turning people off.

Almost everyone agrees he has the look, but a lot think that's a far as it goes. No matter what the WWE pulls out they will never be fans of his, heel turn or not. Yes booking him better would have gone a long way but there is only so much others can do, he has to do it on his own.

He is not John Cena, Daniel Bryan or the Rock. In other words he is Roman Reigns, and to copy what they've done with others might just not work. John Cena got where he is because he has the ability to take a hostile crowd and make it work for him. He is great in the ring, and has worked himself to death for the WWE. Daniel Bryan was the ultimate underdog and fans bought into it, because they could seem themselves in him. The Rock is the Rock, and there is no one like him. Reigns might be his cousin, but he is not the Rock and never will be.

Lesnar came back as the former UFC Heavyweight Champion and is a badass. He makes no friends with anyone, and everyone knows it. In short all of the four men I listed have something to fall back on. Cena his workrate, Bryan his skills and persona, The Rock as he is and Lesnar the badass. What does Reigns have to get fans invested in him? That's what the WWE has to figure out and make it work for him. Until then they can give him the perfect booking, but until the fans fall into place it won't fly.
if they insist on keeping him a face, he needs to start destroying people. Nope, I don't mean so much in matches. He should kick HHH's ass any time he sees him. Sheamus, anyone else with the authority. Stop at heels? Nope. Make his actions much more volatile and unpredictable. Not psychotic like Ambrose, just a badass loner.
Keep him away from the mic and turn him into a silent killer like Goldberg was at the start of his career. Roman starts destroying opponents quickly in fits of rage and interferes in any match he wants. Have everyone fear Roman , and that can be his new angle..- Fear Roman -
I think it is clear they have tried to make Roman tick several different boxes. Ultra, superhero babyface akin to Cena. Sympathetic underdog (strangely) like Bryan or Rey. Silent, badass like Brock.

It's been weird but hopefully they now know where they want Roman to be. He's good looking; incredibly athletic; good in the ring and has decent charisma. Sure he isn't the best on-the-mic but he really isn't that bad. Moreover, his character doesn't need to speak all that much and, when he does, the content needs to be way better. The writers have fucked him over in that regard.

Roman could have cheated to win against Ambrose and then speared HHH. That would have been a fascinating character shift that engaged many of the people that doubt him. Instead, the people that already support him just like even more. It seems they aren't trying to engage the rest of the audience which is odd. It worked for Cena but Roman is following him. Lighting doesn't strike twice...

He can't be booked as Brock-lite because Brock is better at it. He can't be booked similar to Bryan because the sympathy and realism simply isn't there. He definitely can't be booked like Cena because that won't get over with a significant portion of the crowd. On average the crowd is probably 60-40 in favour of Roman (for Raw and PPV's) but when it shifts (like we saw at times last night) it can get ugly.

I'm honestly not sure how they should book Roman. I'd suggest his promos should have better content that is short and to the point. I think he needs to show off his physicality a little more; perhaps adding a few squash matches here and there. Maybe changing up what he wears; especially for when he is just talking.

I like Reigns. The guy is incredibly entertaining and I feel he is being harshly treated by fans who have made up their minds. Some of whom are just acting like sheep but he needs to overcome that hurdle. Subtle character tweaks will only get him so far in this war and I think it might just have to be the case where WWE takes one step back (i.e. an IC title run) so the can take a massive fucking leap forward (him being an all-conquering face of the company).
Well, he's still going to get booed, the only way to salvage it is to turn him heel, at least then the boos will keep continuity with the story, even if they're X-pac heat.

As it stands now, shoving him down our throats like they do, is just going to make us hate him even more.
Almost everyone agrees he has the look, but a lot think that's a far as it goes. No matter what the WWE pulls out they will never be fans of his, heel turn or not. Yes booking him better would have gone a long way but there is only so much others can do, he has to do it on his own.

He is not John Cena, Daniel Bryan or the Rock. In other words he is Roman Reigns, and to copy what they've done with others might just not work. John Cena got where he is because he has the ability to take a hostile crowd and make it work for him. He is great in the ring, and has worked himself to death for the WWE. Daniel Bryan was the ultimate underdog and fans bought into it, because they could seem themselves in him. The Rock is the Rock, and there is no one like him. Reigns might be his cousin, but he is not the Rock and never will be.

Lesnar came back as the former UFC Heavyweight Champion and is a badass. He makes no friends with anyone, and everyone knows it. In short all of the four men I listed have something to fall back on. Cena his workrate, Bryan his skills and persona, The Rock as he is and Lesnar the badass. What does Reigns have to get fans invested in him? That's what the WWE has to figure out and make it work for him. Until then they can give him the perfect booking, but until the fans fall into place it won't fly.

You answered the question in your last paragraph with the first sentence in the paragraph above it. WWE is playing to the 18-45 FEMALE demographic. Those are the people that buy the tickets for their kids. Look at all the charities WWE gives major time to? Make-A-Wish and Susan G. Komen play to the female demo. What does Reigns do that Bryan and Lesnar cannot? In the thinking of Stamford, Roman Reigns gets women all hot and bothered, That women will want to throw themselves at his feet. Would you do that with Dean Ambrose? Daniel Bryan? Sheamus?!? So, how many women will line up to see the chiseled god that is Roman Reigns? This is the thinking of Stamford is.

Now, forget the attendance at the shows for a moment. How about those females at home? Think about it for a moment. WWE is all about getting the CASUAL fan. So, let's say a 35yo woman. Lonely. Watches lots of TV. No boyfriend. She is flipping through channels while eating a quart of Chunky Monkey. All of a sudden, she lands on RAW. And on it, is ROMAN REIGNS. Modern day Greek God. Her eyes pop out of her head. She got the big spoon in her mouth with Chunky Monkey. She thinks "Oh, what a MAN!" She gets all hot, wet and bothered. Guess what? She will come back to see her "Greek God" slay the beast. If her hero conquers, she will keep coming back. Daniel Who? Brock What? Rock Huh? She is there for her Greek God! That, my dear, is why they are pushing Reigns. They want that Female demographic. Just like every other TV show.
Theres absolutely no point comparing someone like Roman who has been round for a few year to seasoned veterans of the WWE like The Rock and Brock. He'll establish himself and his own character over time, and everyone needs to give him just that! No one every started as the ready made article! Just look at Stone Cold, probably the biggest superstar of all time, he was nobody until the iconic Austin 3:16 promo - that raised his game, and he took that an went with it.

Its very difficult with Roman right now because he's not facing any credible champions or wrestlers because of al lthe current injuries on the roster. I dont believe Seth or Sheamus are good enough to hold it. Technically they are both outstanding, but they are more US / Inter players for me! For Roman, he has no Cena, Bryan, Brock or Orton and they have buried Rusev, Ryback and Others of late.

I think the way to get Roman over is simple. Although a gamble and i'll explain why after.

You build the Authority back up, but with some stronger characters, none of the corporate kane rubbish etc, and J&J build it with powerhouses and numbers (8-10 amongst it).......Rusev, Owens, Ryback, Sheamus, Barratt etc. You have them all come out at TLC and attack Roman with all sorts, all of the completely beat him down out of nowhere (surprise attack). Roman disappears off the screen for a month (thats the gamble takign someone off whose near top). You have this new authority start to pick up most the titles through serious strong beat downs, throw guy after guy at them and they all get squashed and attacked. Destroying the ring, announce table and draggign guys through the back. A sense that no one wants to go out there and wrestle anymore. Have Vince return to try gain control of it and whats going on only for him to get laid out too.....The following week Vince comes back out as all the authority stand in the ring taunting Vince ('come back for another go old man - we run this show now etc) Vince starts sending different members of the roster down, your dolphs, cena, ambrose etc, but all are taking a massive beat down and lying in the ring...Then Vince says something like 'i didnt want to have to do this'....AND THEN......CUE THE NEW MUSIC.......ENTER ROMAN (with or without a chair)......He walks...yes......walks down and starts to beat down Authority members on the ramp, he climbs in the ring and starts clearing it of authority members the other faces join in once roman has them the upper hand and then Roman hits his new finisher on the leader / HHH ......(Batista Bomb / Last Ride style move) - Something really powerful.

I think this would catapult Roman to the top of the ladder, the fans would be loving him, the authority would be strong again, but with a serious threat in Roman, and step by step he takes them down to win the WWE Title. Starting by interfeering in other title atches to cost authority members title losses.

Im telling you he would be the hottest property going at this point.

But..He must go away...comeback with new music / image / finisher and 'save' something to get him over. He needs to take a stable down, or save wwe from a stable......
You answered the question in your last paragraph with the first sentence in the paragraph above it. WWE is playing to the 18-45 FEMALE demographic. Those are the people that buy the tickets for their kids. Look at all the charities WWE gives major time to? Make-A-Wish and Susan G. Komen play to the female demo. What does Reigns do that Bryan and Lesnar cannot? In the thinking of Stamford, Roman Reigns gets women all hot and bothered, That women will want to throw themselves at his feet. Would you do that with Dean Ambrose? Daniel Bryan? Sheamus?!? So, how many women will line up to see the chiseled god that is Roman Reigns? This is the thinking of Stamford is.

Now, forget the attendance at the shows for a moment. How about those females at home? Think about it for a moment. WWE is all about getting the CASUAL fan. So, let's say a 35yo woman. Lonely. Watches lots of TV. No boyfriend. She is flipping through channels while eating a quart of Chunky Monkey. All of a sudden, she lands on RAW. And on it, is ROMAN REIGNS. Modern day Greek God. Her eyes pop out of her head. She got the big spoon in her mouth with Chunky Monkey. She thinks "Oh, what a MAN!" She gets all hot, wet and bothered. Guess what? She will come back to see her "Greek God" slay the beast. If her hero conquers, she will keep coming back. Daniel Who? Brock What? Rock Huh? She is there for her Greek God! That, my dear, is why they are pushing Reigns. They want that Female demographic. Just like every other TV show.

By that logic, Seth Rollins is pretty hot and chiseled isn't he? Not as big as Roman damnit Reigns but I've noticed his upper body is built virtually exactly like Shawn Michaels(from the 90s). Not to mention he's tanned, agile, atheletic and basically what women would call "hot". They wouldn't exactly call Brock Lesnar or a young Kurt Angle, or even Dean Ambrose hot, would they?

And yeah, Cesaro is pretty chiseled too. Though I think he appears a little smaller and less muscular lately as compared to 2011.

My point is, Seth Rollins is not only goodlooking but has personality while Roman Reigns has a WWE-manufactured "Roman Empire" catchphrase and a shamefully limited moveset.

PS:- LOL! @ Chunky Monkey!
The question I asked from the outset was: Why has Roman not spent anytime with a mid card singles title? Aside from his tag title in the shield he has not held any belt. The WWE has no way to gauge how well he'll do as a champ long term because they've never tested his drawing power as champion.

Which of course leads to my next question: What has been Roman's defining point to justify shooting him above everyone else? Other wrestlers are jacked and good looking and many others are far more comfortable on the mic but nobody recently has had the sustained push that Roman has enjoyed. Ambrose is better than him in virtually every fashion but is constantly looked over. Reigns has yet to have the Austin 3:16 moment where we're supposed to be plugged into his character and care about what he has to say. This is not to say he has had no adversity, but what promo defines him? What program has cemented his legacy and pushed him to the top? What, the loss to at WM to Rollins after a war with Lesnar?

In all fairness there aren't a lot of established talents to help in that department right now as most are injured or otherwise off TV. And I'm certainly not arguing that Roman is talentless or without any skill. But he's never been the best choice across the board, just the one the WWE is heavily invested in. I don't even know if safe is the word I would use because he hasn't been the sole draw of a single PPV and I don't know that his merch is outselling everyone else. I feel like they're pulling the cart before the horse with him to the extent that they refuse to give anyone else a push. Reigns is better in the ring than before but not great, he's more comfortable on the mic but not great, and gets a decent reaction from the crowd but once again not great.

He's an average performer pushed as a main eventer with nothing to back it up. His WM match with Lesnar helped him but I don't think it cemented him as 'the man'. A clean win over Lesnar might have done that but even then one couldn't predict how well he'd do as champ.

Booking Reigns right is as much about giving him other believable main eventers to feud with than it his about making him look strong. And right now who do we have that fits that bill? They went from booking Sheamus as irrelevant to the title picture to making him champ again after a long absence from the main event. They should be grooming Owens, Ambrose and the like but right now he feuds with the safest option. This can only work short term and he'll need more people to take on when that feud is done.

I'd care a lot less about Roman's booking if it didn't seem like it was being done in a vacuum, and at the expense of putting over other talent.
Keep him away from the mic and turn him into a silent killer like Goldberg was at the start of his career. Roman starts destroying opponents quickly in fits of rage and interferes in any match he wants. Have everyone fear Roman , and that can be his new angle..- Fear Roman -

Exactly.... I would also want his attire and moveset altered to a much dominating one... No need for talking... Just beat the hell outta your opponents...

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