Is Greg Oden the next Sam Bowie?


Getting Noticed By Management
The question of whether to take a good big man over good/great small man has been around a long time. Big men with "potential" have been a part of many draft busts. Bowie, Olawakandi, and Kwame Brown among others come to mind. Back in '84, after Olijuwan was picked first, Portland had the option of taking Bowie Or Micheal Jordan. Or Barkley, stockten etc. Jordan was good. Nobody knew how good, because the system he was in did not allow him to score a ton of points. He was however an established college player. Bowies last 2 years were riddled with injuries, but he was chosen. And after a short, injury plagued career, he retired, and MJ, well, he did ok. This year was similiar where you had the good big man in Oden, who had an injury in college, and Kevin Durant, the established scorer. Oden was taken, and halfway through his second season has done next to nothing. Didn't play at all rookie season, while Durant flourished and won rookie of the year. So, will he be a bust? I know its early, but its hard to remember any players who were so injury plagued early in their careers, then still became great. Theres only a few who've had serious injuries period to have a decent career (McGrady, Hill) I say yes. I cannot see him getting completely healthy and being a star. Maybe a servicable big man, but franchise player? I think not, but I could be wrong.
This year he has been a huge disappointment. He was out with injury last year after being the number 1 pick and came back this year with big hype. After like 1 week he gets injured. So I didn't expect him to be an expert but atleast play better than he is playign now. He isn't even in top 10 for rookies . I just think his confindence is at his lowest and once it goes back up he will be like Dwight except not as strong. He will be averaging duble doubles in a few years time so watch out.
I don't really understand this, just because they arent coming out and putting up double doubles right from the get-go doesnt mean they are busts. Most big men take years to develop and some never fully develop. Kwame Brown isn't great but he is good enough to play in the NBA. IMO if you were forced to play four years of college ball I believe these players would be better. They'd have a full grasp on the concept of basketball, they'd be smarter, more conditioned and all other things you could possibly think of.

Greg Oden is still young, he's been hit with a strand of bad luck, but before you go out and call him the next Sam Bowie you better give him a chance to play, not write off his career because of two injury plagued seasons.
As probably the only Portland Blazers fan on this forum, let me tell you that I hear this all the time. It's all over every sports talk show on the radio and all the local news casts cover it frequently. I am so sick of it.

Greg Oden has had a string of bad luck, yes. But, if you remember, before his latest injury, he was doing well. Oden was scoring a strong 15 points most nights while blocking a couple shots and dominating the glass, offensively and defensively. He'll overcome this injury. It isn't a big deal. It isn't career threatening. It's something that most big men go through. It's the nature of their position. They're the ones taking all the bumps and getting hit constantly. It's to be expected that there will be problems. I wouldn't worry about it. Oden continues to get stronger and will come back soon enough and continue to improve on both sides of the ball.
I say let the kid develop. As 48.7 said, he is getting good. Not every great athlete breaks through the door and puts up huge numbers from the get go. Like a soup, sometimes it just takes some time to brew. I am sure Portland wanted the explosion, but they might need to be patient with him, and build his confidence, and he will become a great player.
I like how TM phrased that. He's like a soup..

He also touched on how many fans in Portland wanted the explosion. I've heard recently from many different people that we should have drafted Kevin Durant. While Durant is a stud, an all-star actually, Portland already has someone just about as good. He's called Lamarcus Aldridge.

Anyway.. I was one of the few that didn't expect amazing things from Oden immediately. I figured that he'd block some shots and rebound pretty while but not score much for a few years. Oden, when playing, has actually surpassed my expectations. I'm excited to see what he'll do in the coming years.
Oden, when playing, has actually surpassed my expectations.

That is what it all comes down to, right there. When he is playing, he is good. Injuries have destroyed fine talent, but if they are able to bounce back, then that makes a truly great athlete. Portland needed a player who they can build a franchise over. They have two options, wait and see about Oden, and let him develop into probably a future great, or put some money out there for that player, and if they keep Oden on the team, then great, if the bring in someone else, then that is better, letting Oden develop with another great on the team.
Portland needed a player who they can build a franchise over.

That's basically what it was down to. We knew Kevin Durant was going to make an immediate impact offensively, but we thought that Greg Oden could be our cornerstone for ten to fifteen years. I still believe that. Besides, even if he doesn't pan turn out like we planned, we still have a hell of a team here in Portland. Brandon Roy will be a M.V.P. someday and Lamarcus Aldridge is right on the brink of being and All-Star player. Steve Blake is developing well and is becoming one of the best passers in the league. Nicholas Batum is nineteen years old and is already showing that he is a good player. He'll continue to devolp and I believe he'll be a stud. Rudy is always exciting and can hit a big three in the cluth. I could go on and on about Pryzbilla and Serigio and Bayless.. Portland is deep. It's not all on Oden's shoulders. Yes, it'd be nice for him to be the monster we hoped for, but if he's not, we'll survive.
Portland does have a good depth team, and maybe getting Oden now, and having him develop, similar to the Pittsburgh Penguins with Sidney Crosby (although it looks like Malkin is the real star of the team there) is a great idea. They will be a great team as long as they keep their core together. Oden healthy is perfect for the time, and I bet Portland knows that when they signed him. He isn't a bust, even though he isn't a bright star.
Judging from what I have seen of him this season he is pretty decent when he's healthy. His numbers are alot better than what most centers do for an entire season. I believe that if Portland is smart then they will be patient with him & give him the time to develop into a great player.

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