Is going to church really that important?


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
Not to take away from The Disturbed's thread but I would like to start out by saying yes I am a Cristian. I believe the Jesus Christ is the son of God and died on the cross for my sins.​

I don't however think you should or need to go to a building once a week in order to express that. I've been going to church every Sunday for a few months now until quite recently when I heard my pastor, a man I respect very much, speak out against Gay Marriage & being Pro-Choice. Since then I haven't felt the need to go to church (which i haven't in about 3 weeks now) when it's not something I feel I need to do in order to be close to God.
Mathhew 18:20 said:
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
What I take from that is you don't really need ot be in a church to worship God (something else my pastor has said a few times). Al you need is a few people who believe to gather and just be there, which I get at home every day of the week with my grandparents.

The only thing I'm finding hard about this is that it seems to be dissapointing my grandmother which is eating me up inside.

Do any of you feel this way or do you think Church is an important part of being a Christian? i would like to hear from everybody on this not just the people that believe in God
I really don't think going to church makes a damn bit of difference whether or not you're a good Christian. Living your life by the Gospels makes you a good Christian.
Going to church makes me about as much Christian as going into my garage makes me a car.

You can learn and teach Christian ethics at church, but that's something that can be done anywhere- and in the end, Chuch has just become a good way to socialize. I went to church the other day and suggested ways to be closer to God. Read the Gospels, and meditation for 10 or 20 minutes alone -Just a good way to pray. Then I got up in front of 20 people and read from Luke. Then when things were winding down, my friend got annoyed with my charade and told them I was atheist. Kind of rude of him now that I look back. I wasn't making an ass of myself, but he decided that he didn't want me lying. I do go to a regular one though, and everyone there knows. I slammed a knocked a chair over and stormed out when a friend of mine got up and said that gays and bi-sexuals were being tricked by the devil. Very old testament shit.

The point is, Church CAN make you a better Christian, or it can make you a lesser person. Just like all influences, but it certainly isn't necessary to be a good Christian.
No; you don't.

Let me get to the core belief of Christianity. Certain denominations may have different twists or other certain beliefs, but this is the core:

God created the universe, and everything in it. He is the only God, your only Lord. He had a son, his only begotton son, whose name is Jesus Christ. God gave his only son to us and he died on the cross for our sins, so his blood could cleanse us. In order to achieve salvation and go to heaven, you must believe in God, and Jesus, and that Jesus died for your sins and will forgive you. You must admit you are a sinner and repent. And no matter what, you will be forgiven.

I hate to sound uber-preacher there, but that is basically what Christianity is. I believe in it for varying reasons I will not get into nor argue about, and I have never been to a real church when I have understood what it going on. It doesn't change that I believe in what I stated above. I might not have a denomination, church, or any of that jazz, but I still belive in it and do not need to go to church for it.

You can be Christian without a church, at least I and many others believe so, and it is simply by following the basic core belief of Christianity; right or wrong in my beliefs about it, it never states anything about having to go to church every Sunday in the Bible; it states in clear print what I said above, just in different words.
I don't however think you should or need to go to a building once a week in order to express that.

Obviously, a love for Jesus is reflected in the way you live your life, and I don't think anyone would argue with that point.

I've been going to church every Sunday for a few months now until quite recently when I heard my pastor, a man I respect very much, speak out against Gay Marriage & being Pro-Choice.

So you left the church because the pastor didn't say something you agreed with. It looks to me that your issue is not the church but more of with the parts of the Bible you don't agree with.

What I take from that is you don't really need ot be in a church to worship God (something else my pastor has said a few times). Al you need is a few people who believe to gather and just be there, which I get at home every day of the week with my grandparents.

Of course you can worship God anywhere, He is omnipotent, so technically you can be alone and do it as well.

But Church provides a lot of things that are necessary for a healthy Christian life. For one, fellowship with other believers. Living a life for God can get difficult at times with all the temptations of the world and having a community of believers can help in such times. The Bible also talks about the structure of the Church and how elders are supposed to train the younger generation and set an example for them.

Another one is to learn Biblical doctrine. Most of us can't spend time actually studying the Bible and its context like a trained pastor can. It is arrogant to say that I can completely understand the Bible on my own. This is where group Bible studies, Sunday School, and a theologian come into play, to provide guidance and proper interpretation of the scriptures. Church is also where people are trained to spread the Gospel.

There are also functional aspects of Church, like Baptism, the Lord's Supper, taking care of the poor and widows, etc. that are required by the Bible.

Now your church may be failing in some of these aspects, but if that is the case you should help reform the church or just find another one. But the Church itself does have a purpose in a Christian's life.

Going to church makes me about as much Christian as going into my garage makes me a car.

Completely agree, in fact, I've heard plenty of preachers say the same exact thing.

I slammed a knocked a chair over and stormed out when a friend of mine got up and said that gays and bi-sexuals were being tricked by the devil. Very old testament shit.

You do know there are passages in the New Testament that condemns homosexuality, like 1 Corinthians 6:9.

You can be Christian without a church, at least I and many others believe so, and it is simply by following the basic core belief of Christianity; right or wrong in my beliefs about it, it never states anything about having to go to church every Sunday in the Bible; it states in clear print what I said above, just in different words.

True, but you could also be a Christian and have never read the Bible. Just because you can do something doesn't mean it should be done. The New Testament makes clear that the Church plays a major role in a Christian's life.
You do know there are passages in the New Testament that condemns homosexuality, like 1 Corinthians 6:9.

I'm aware. The Old Testament is just a far more archaic towards the subject- often demanding execution. That was the impression I got from the praying session (left out detail).
Truthfully, if God is everywhere, you're simply wasting gas.

I don't believe in God. However, if I did, I would never assume that I'd have to go into the building that someone else wasted money on to be close to him.

Church is one of the biggest cons related to religion.
Not to take away from The Disturbed's thread but I would like to start out by saying yes I am a Cristian. I believe the Jesus Christ is the son of God and died on the cross for my sins.​

I don't however think you should or need to go to a building once a week in order to express that. I've been going to church every Sunday for a few months now until quite recently when I heard my pastor, a man I respect very much, speak out against Gay Marriage & being Pro-Choice. Since then I haven't felt the need to go to church (which i haven't in about 3 weeks now) when it's not something I feel I need to do in order to be close to God.

What I take from that is you don't really need ot be in a church to worship God (something else my pastor has said a few times). Al you need is a few people who believe to gather and just be there, which I get at home every day of the week with my grandparents.

The only thing I'm finding hard about this is that it seems to be dissapointing my grandmother which is eating me up inside.

Do any of you feel this way or do you think Church is an important part of being a Christian? i would like to hear from everybody on this not just the people that believe in God

Well if you are a Christian, you are supposed to obey God to the best of your abilities. (John 14:15) The Bible states that we are not supposed to forsake the assembly. (Hebrews 10:25)

It comes down to your faith. Are you one of those that says they are Christian but do not resemble a Christian in any way or have you truly died to yourself and were born again as a new creation in Christ? (2Cor 5:17)

Do you know that homosexuality is immoral (1Tim 1:10) and that abortion is a sin since the soul enters the body at conception? (Psalm 51:5) It seems that you should re-examine your beliefs. Do you believe the Bible to be the Inerrant Word of God? If so, you would also believe what the Bible has to say about homosexuality and abortion.

What kind of church do you go to? If you ever want to talk about this in private, feel free to send me a message. Take care and God bless.
Well if you are a Christian, you are supposed to obey God to the best of your abilities. (John 14:15) The Bible states that we are not supposed to forsake the assembly. (Hebrews 10:25)
Opinions vary on what makes you a good Christian, and opinions vary on what God's commands mean, or whether they are God's commands at all. Not every Christian thinks the Bible is the infallible, pure word of God. Quite a few these days seem to have a enough sense to realize books are written by men, and that men aren't perfect.

It comes down to your faith. Are you one of those that says they are Christian but do not resemble a Christian in any way or have you truly died to yourself and were born again as a new creation in Christ? (2Cor 5:17)
It comes down to what your opinion is on a good Christian.

Do you know that homosexuality is immoral (1Tim 1:10)
Following that is immoral.

and that abortion is a sin since the soul enters the body at conception? (Psalm 51:5)
Roughly 2/3 of a woman's concepted eggs are rinsed and flushed out of her body during those delightful few days she has. That's alot of dead souls.

It seems that you should re-examine your beliefs. Do you believe the Bible to be the Inerrant Word of God? If so, you would also believe what the Bible has to say about homosexuality and abortion.
Perhaps you should re-examine yours, and stick to the subject next time. His morals are balanced, unlike yours.
Well if you are a Christian, you are supposed to obey God to the best of your abilities. (John 14:15)
And I do. I'll be the first to admit I'm not perfect and I've made enough mistakes in my life for about 12 people
The Bible states that we are not supposed to forsake the assembly. (Hebrews 10:25)
Hebrews 10:25 said:
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
i don't see anything in there that says you have to go to church it says don't give up on meeting together. I'll admit that this is easier to do in church with other believers but it does not have to be. It can be just as easily accomplished at home with your friends who probably share the same values you do and if you're a christian guess what that means?
It comes down to your faith. Are you one of those that says they are Christian but do not resemble a Christian in any way or have you truly died to yourself and were born again as a new creation in Christ? (2Cor 5:17)
2 Cor 5:17 said:
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
This is one of the more confusing bible passages I've read so bear with me.

From what I'm reading here this verse is talking about believing in Christ and thus becoming a new person, giving up your old life for a new one. Since i personly repented and accepted Christ as my Lord & Savior my life has taken a 180 degree turn. I was on a fast track to prison before i was saved and now even though things aren't 100% the way i would like they're a lot better than they would be otherwise.
Do you know that homosexuality is immoral (1Tim 1:10)
I am aware of this but as a bisexual man I am 110% against it
and that abortion is a sin since the soul enters the body at conception? (Psalm 51:5)
Psalms 51:5 said:
Surely I was sinful at birth,
sinful from the time my mother conceived me.
How do you get abortion from that? If anything I'm guessing they were probably talking about rape. I could be wrong but i really doubt they're talking about abortion here.
It seems that you should re-examine your beliefs.
T here are some things i need to work out but all in all I'm happy with my belief system thank you very much
Do you believe the Bible to be the Inerrant Word of God?
No for various reasons. The main 2 being that Evolution is a scientific fact & as a Bisexual man i couldn't and still be able to sleep at night
If so, you would also believe what the Bible has to say about homosexuality and abortion.
Well I don't believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God so this is a moot point
What kind of church do you go to?
Before i stopped going I went ot People's Baptist Church in Newfield, NY
If you ever want to talk about this in private, feel free to send me a message. Take care and God bless.
Nah we can do it here. Feel fre to respond or not, your choice.

All the bible passages I quoted I got from this site: I could get them from my bible but Copy & Paste is much easier
And I do. I'll be the first to admit I'm not perfect and I've made enough mistakes in my life for about 12 people

We all sin. Nobody is perfect. If we were, there would be no reason for Christ's sacrifice. All we can do is repent when we sin and try our best again.

i don't see anything in there that says you have to go to church it says don't give up on meeting together. I'll admit that this is easier to do in church with other believers but it does not have to be. It can be just as easily accomplished at home with your friends who probably share the same values you do and if you're a christian guess what that means?

Church is simply an assembly of believers whether it's at home, at a building or whatever. The first Christians met in homes because they were so persecuted and were on the run constantly. I don't have solid Christian friends so the option of worshiping and doing Bible Study, etc. with others is out of the question for me. The best place to grow, imo, spiritually and to be edified is at a house of worship aka church. If your group of strong Christians is as strong as you would find at worship, it would seem to be the same thing.

This is one of the more confusing bible passages I've read so bear with me.

From what I'm reading here this verse is talking about believing in Christ and thus becoming a new person, giving up your old life for a new one. Since i personly repented and accepted Christ as my Lord & Savior my life has taken a 180 degree turn. I was on a fast track to prison before i was saved and now even though things aren't 100% the way i would like they're a lot better than they would be otherwise.

My older brother and one of my younger brothers is in the same boat and Jesus brother especially my older brother out of the slavery of drugs and prison.

I am aware of this but as a bisexual man I am 110% against it

It seems you are choosing your lifestyle over God's Word. You need to make a decision which one you will put your faith in. As an example, a lot of people choose drinking even though the Bible prohibits being a drunkard. If you truly do have faith, you will choose Jesus over your lusts.

How do you get abortion from that? If anything I'm guessing they were probably talking about rape. I could be wrong but i really doubt they're talking about abortion here.

The point of that passage was to show that the soul enters at conception for those that seem to think that life doesn't start until the baby comes out of the woman.

T here are some things i need to work out but all in all I'm happy with my belief system thank you very much

The thing about belief is this...It isn't faith that saves you...It's faith in the object that saves...That object is Jesus Christ...Without the object, faith is worthless and in vain.

No for various reasons. The main 2 being that Evolution is a scientific fact & as a Bisexual man i couldn't and still be able to sleep at night

What does evolution have to do with this? Evolution is compatible with Scripture. All you have to do is realize that creation wasn't a literal six days.

Well I don't believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God so this is a moot point

If you don't believe the Bible is the Inerrant Word of God, why do you believe in Jesus then? Where do you get your faith from about Jesus other than the Bible? It seems that maybe you believe what you want to believe in the Bible but when something strikes too close to home, you choose not to believe in it like homosexuality. If I'm off-base at all, please let me know.

Before i stopped going I went ot People's Baptist Church in Newfield, NY

I've been to a Bible church before which is closely associated with the Baptist churches. I call a church of Christ in Fresno, California my church home though.

Nah we can do it here. Feel fre to respond or not, your choice.

Okay then.

All the bible passages I quoted I got from this site: I could get them from my bible but Copy & Paste is much easier

I use that site too. I wouldn't rely too much on the NIV though. I find it best to use a bunch of different translations because if you notice when you read the NIV, they actually take out quite a few verses from the Bible. Just look at Acts 8 for an example. That's a great website though.
Dogma, dogma, dogma. That's all I'm seeing here. No, going to church is not important for a Christian, and in many cases, it can end up being harmful.

Church is a great place to learn the basic tenants of Christianity. If someone was interested in learning who God is, and what Jesus did, then church is very important. Additionally, it's important for someone who's just getting started in their walk with God. I guess I'd say that the church is a good foundation. It's just that eventually, church stops being effective in teaching a person. One can also become more focused in the inner workings of the church or be more focused on the social aspect than actually trying to learn about God.

The biggest problem with church is that it tells you what to think. You shouldn't have to look in a book to see what you believe. It's okay to go to church to learn to believe in God, and to learn to follow Jesus' teachings. It's not okay to let it control your mind in every aspect of your life. Like the homosexuality and abortion debate that's already broken out here, the fact that "The Bible says" doesn't mean that it's a valid, factual argument. The church eliminates the need for independent thought and reflection. In the church, you can just go to the pastor and ask "What do Christians think about homosexuality/abortion?" and he'll give you your new opinion.

Church teaches faith above all else, which is fine in itself; you need faith to believe in God. But faith shouldn't trump your own reasoning. The church makes it so that a lot of people don't ever think philosophically. Not many people seem to think of the big questions of life. More often than not, the big questions are answered with "I know that God created everything, is in control of everything, and sent his son Jesus to die for our sins. Case closed." It's fine if you believe that, but it should be backed up with your own reasoning and experience.

I can't stand that the church just teaches Christians how to think, and how to resist other schools of thought. Even in this thread, I've seen some of the church-taught buzzwords and thoughtless conterpoints that most Christians end up using in their arguments: the ideas of "spiritual slavery", "sinful lusts", and the "inerrant word of God." That's not how people usually talk; why do they always use such odd terminology when talking about their faith? Because it's not their own independent thought.

I am a Christian, by the way. There are certain parts of the Bible I believe that were likely altered by man, and I think that the importance of the church is one of the more obvious candidates of having been altered. In any case, I don't think the church is necessary to being a Christian. It's helpful at the beginning, but it should never completely overhaul a person's way of thinking.
I'm not a Christian, but I've always seen Church as kind of a free school for learning about Christianity. I've been to church, and I go occasionally, to learn about different perspectives on the Bible. The one I usually go to is a Catholic church.

The ceremonies are like 5% of the entire church service, and the rest of it is the priest/pastor/whomever reading stories from scripture, and explaining what to make of it. I think, really, anyone can go to church if they want to learn a little about what the religion entails, if they're able to block people trying to convert you.
Going to church is important but hear me out. Church is not really a building. Church is the people in the building so you can grab a few friends and have church at your house or anywhere infact. With the exceptions of a few places like a bar or a stripclub. Church is a group of people gathered in a place to worship and glorify God. If you don't go to an actual building with a preacher does not mean you are not a christian. You could even watch it on television and worship him in your living room. Now, I am a christian and I do go to the actual building people call church with a preacher. But to be honest I really only go to have fun. Our youth group does a lot of fun things and we are worshiping God in the midst of the fun things.
The Bible was written by more than 40 different people over the course to 1400 to 1800 years. The Bible was written by man, not God.

The original stories were told to others for many years before any of them were written down. Have you ever played the game telephone? To follow the Bible word for word is ignorant.

The Bible is a tool, to be used to teach good principles. It is a group of stories, whose message is to love your neighbor. It is not a book of facts.

You can pick what passages you like out of the Bible because whoever wrote the passage you like, most likely didn't write the passage you don't like.

You do not need to go to church to be a good Christian, you just need to follow your hart, and the lessons the Bible teaches us, in how ever you interpret those lessons.
Well, let me put it this way: I work in Health & Fitness. Without fail, I see a great mass of people mindlessly herd themselves in and out of the gym day after day like cattle. Bear in mind, these people come in at just about the same time of day, for about the same amount of time and use the same equipment practically ad nauseam. Virtually nothing changes but the seasons.

Eventually it becomes an exercise (no pun intended) in a kind of simple rote activity. They almost quite literally become something akin to a hamster endlessly running about a wheel in its cage. They go through the motions, placing a self satisfying check-mark in the box next to the column labeled "daily exercise" on the grand mental to-do list of their day-to-day life.

Worse still, day after day, month after month, year after year, they stay looking and feeling exactly the same –at best. At worst, they long ago lost the connection and passion, the spark, they had had for cultivating health and fitness within their own body and mind and have unconsciously allowed themselves to creep toward the obsolescence that comes with easy habit. They've grown accustom and they look all the worse for it. But at least when others ask them—and when, in a quiet moment of self reflection, they take stock in themselves—they can say with all honesty, smugness and straight face "Yea, I work-out".
I do not believe in god, so yes iam an athiest. Therefore i do not believe in anything in the bible etc. While everyone has their beliefs and opinions, going to church, i believe is a sign of loyalty and faith towards what you believe in, no different to eating dinner with your wife every night. The only difference is going to church is a choice not a rule towards the religion and it should in no way effect your beliefs.
Anybody who says things like "I can't get too drunk, I gotta make it to church tomorrow!" on a saturday have it all wrong. The physical act of sitting down in a church worship is not important. That's just going through the motions. However, having fellowship and being around others who believe the same things as you, THAT can be important. I stopped going to "regular" church services a few years back, but remained active in college-aged worship groups in order to have some accountability and friends who share my beliefs. It's not about going somewhere once a week to tell God that you screwed up because I personally believe you can do that at anytime in any location through prayer. You don't "have" to go to church, and that's coming from a Christian.
As a devoted Christian myself, yes Churchis im[ortant and is in the Bible but I say you don't exactly need it. you can be faitfhul without it.
I am a Christian as well and I always have wondered why people make such a big deal out of going to church all the time. The only thing that I can say is that God commands us to give our 10% to the church. Atleast that's what I believe was the amount that was called for. The church has to be able to pay the bills and stuff. The money is also in respect for God. It is pretty weird to think about really.
Going to church is not only the purpose of worship but also to make a good christian community to know about each other and have relation with each other...
I don't think going to church is necessary to being a devout member of your denomination, but it sure as hell helps. Think about it: you're surrounded by and socializing with people similar in belief to yourself. I'm not religious myself, but it's something I've contemplated over the past few years. Should I make a commitment to a religion, I'll make sure that organized worship is a part of that commitment since it can only help in maintaining my faith.
Well this is interesting. Come wandering into the Cigar Lounge and this what I find.

First things first. I am Christian. So this all from the perspective of a christian. Church is important, but for a few very specific reasons. Fellowship, worship, and sanctification.

Fellowship-going to church on a regular basis allows you meet other Christians, share problems with other Christians, help other Christians out. I look forward to seeing my brothers and sisters on Sundays, sharing in their joys and struggles, and sharing mine with them.

Worship-praising God with your brothers and sisters is very different from worshiping by yourself. I've had very powerful moments of worship, and at my church. Also, worship consists of listening to the sermon, where you can listen to someone who has learned how to study the Bible the right way can teach you things you might not have noticed by yourself.

Sanctification-Iron sharpens iron. If you're not around other believers, you're going to have much harder time growing in faith. Its not impossible, but it's a lot harder. So for someone who is a Christian, and wants to grow in faith, being at church is important for your growth at many levels.

Also, I feel compelled to mention the passage that say 'where two or three are gathered, the Spirit is there.' Matthew 18:20. Read the whole section, verses 15 through 20. Then read the rest of the chapter from start to finish. Piece it together like a puzzle, then you'll know what its talking about it. And it isn't out of church worship.

Lastly, I leave you with this passage on the importance of gathering at church on a regular basis. Hebrews 10:24-25 'And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day draw near.'
Nah, it's not necessary at all. It doesn't make you any better of a follower of your preferred religion. I go to my church every now and again. It's the only church i've been to in years and don't see myself switching. Every other church I have tried has basically just been "god's way or the highway" or "you do this, your damned forever"

Well shit I guess every single one of us is damned forever then huh? No matter who doesn't want to admit it, none of us are perfect. We sin every single day. Everyone of us. Christ knew this and is why he died for those who believed in him. He washed away all our sins. Past, present and future sins. We can't erase what we did, it's already there, but what we can do is ask for forgiveness and know that we were wrong in what we did.

Back to the church though, it's only important if you want it to be. I like going to my church because my best friend goes there and it's a church where only 1 rule exists. And that is Love. All it is is worshipping god and that's how it should remain. Forget the homosexual, bi-sexual nonsense, do you all really believe that Jesus would have turned away a man/woman who was in pain because they prefered their same sex as opposed to their opposite sex? I certainly hope not, or maybe he isn't what we all believe.

You all actually follow the bible word for word? Something that as many others have stated was written by MAN and not GOD? How many times has the bible changed throughout the course of thousands of years? The bible is nothing more than what man wants and man alone. It's not god's word, just what man wants you to believe. Yeah ok, "love thy neighbor, as I have loved you". How many of you actually follow that but still blast people like homosexuals and people who don't follow YOUR way of living?
Not to take away from The Disturbed's thread but I would like to start out by saying yes I am a Cristian. I believe the Jesus Christ is the son of God and died on the cross for my sins.​

I don't however think you should or need to go to a building once a week in order to express that. I've been going to church every Sunday for a few months now until quite recently when I heard my pastor, a man I respect very much, speak out against Gay Marriage & being Pro-Choice. Since then I haven't felt the need to go to church (which i haven't in about 3 weeks now) when it's not something I feel I need to do in order to be close to God.

What I take from that is you don't really need ot be in a church to worship God (something else my pastor has said a few times). Al you need is a few people who believe to gather and just be there, which I get at home every day of the week with my grandparents.

The only thing I'm finding hard about this is that it seems to be dissapointing my grandmother which is eating me up inside.

Do any of you feel this way or do you think Church is an important part of being a Christian? i would like to hear from everybody on this not just the people that believe in God

I think that whatever belief you hold is most important in the relationship you hold with your chosen creator as opposed to what a church or general institution says.

It also very much depends on to what extent you take Christianity literally as opposed to what you take metaphorically or in hyperbole. This is a difficult thing to respond to mainly because every person really sees the matters of faith and religion differently so each may need to have that sort of support or none at all in differing degrees.

Whether the Bible literally says church is necessary doesn't guarantee that every person that believes takes the book literally or accepts every literal mandate. So I can't say that any one answer would be best for everyone.

I'm an atheist and do enjoy conversing with other atheists and Christians but don't feel their input vital to dictate my viewpoint. When I was Christian many years ago, I never felt the need to be there.

But as I don't believe it is difficult for me to weigh in with certainly for anyone honestly grappling with this. I always lean to doing what you honestly believe is right.

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