Is Eric Spoelstra's Job In Trouble If The Heat Fail To Get It Done This Year?


The Cerebral Assassin
It seems as if no one's talking about this, but I think that if the Heat don't win a championship this year, then Spoelstra's job may be in trouble. Sure, they got to the Finals last year, but with the money and resources that they have invested into the team right now, that organization has to be viewing anything short of NBA Championships a failure with the talent they have on the roster.

If the Heat fail to get it done again with all of the pressure that's on them, it could spell the end of Spoelstra. Whether it's right or wrong, they may figure that a coaching change may get them over the hump in order to start winning title(s). Although the Heat were the clear favorites last year, the fact that they were still a "new" team gave them some leeway when they lost in the Finals. I'm not so sure that excuse would work 2 years in a row. Pat Riley may grow impatient with Spoelstra, who always seems to look stressed, and replace him.

I'm not saying it's a definite if they don't win it all, I just think it's surprising that no one's talking about it when it's a real possibility. Thoughts?
It seems as if no one's talking about this, but I think that if the Heat don't win a championship this year, then Spoelstra's job may be in trouble. Sure, they got to the Finals last year, but with the money and resources that they have invested into the team right now, that organization has to be viewing anything short of NBA Championships a failure with the talent they have on the roster.

If the Heat fail to get it done again with all of the pressure that's on them, it could spell the end of Spoelstra. Whether it's right or wrong, they may figure that a coaching change may get them over the hump in order to start winning title(s). Although the Heat were the clear favorites last year, the fact that they were still a "new" team gave them some leeway when they lost in the Finals. I'm not so sure that excuse would work 2 years in a row. Pat Riley may grow impatient with Spoelstra, who always seems to look stressed, and replace him.

I'm not saying it's a definite if they don't win it all, I just think it's surprising that no one's talking about it when it's a real possibility. Thoughts?
Yes, positively, absolutely, definitely. And for one main reason. Pat Reilly is the president of the team. He will come down and take over.

That's not to say Spoelstra is a bad coach. He isn't. But he may not be the right fit for this team. Good coaches get fired sometimes, and this may be the case.
Yeah, I agree. Even if Spoelstra's a great coach strategy-wise, what the Heat need is a coach that can handle big-name personalities. Spoelstra's done okay with them, don't get me wrong, but I think if they were to replace him, their #1 criteria for a replacement would be someone who has had a track record of handling big-name guys, even if it means sacrificing a bit on the end of strategy.

Sort of like how the Lakers went with Mike Brown this offseason. He arguably wasn't the best coach on the market, but the fact that he had success with a big name in the past (LeBron James) proved that he'd be able to handle Kobe, Bynum, Gasol, etc., and I think he's done a good job of that so far.

We have to remember: Spoelstra was already the coach before James & Bosh came to town and Miami blew up. While a capable coach, it's not like they handpicked him to lead the big 3, he was just there already when they were acquired. He may not be the right fit, at least that's what I think would be said if they were to "fail" again this year.
It's hard to say. I think Pat Riley likes Spoelstra well enough, and I don't think there is any coach out there that would be a noticeable upgrade (assuming Phil Jackson is truly done).

I would say it depends entirely on HOW they are eliminated. If they put up a great fight in the NBA Finals, losing in 6 or 7 games and all of them close, then Spoelstra will be fine. Even Pat Riley didn't win the championship every year.
Yes, positively, absolutely, definitely. And for one main reason. Pat Reilly is the president of the team. He will come down and take over.
He could have done that two years ago. I don't think Pat Riley wants to coach anymore.

Sort of like how the Lakers went with Mike Brown this offseason. He arguably wasn't the best coach on the market, but the fact that he had success with a big name in the past (LeBron James) proved that he'd be able to handle Kobe, Bynum, Gasol, etc., and I think he's done a good job of that so far.

Mike Brown and the Lakers have offended every single person who started Game 4 against the Mavericks last year (their last game of the season) as well as pissed Lamar Odom off so bad he demanded to be traded.

I'm not sure I'd call that a "good job".
It's hard to say. I think Pat Riley likes Spoelstra well enough, and I don't think there is any coach out there that would be a noticeable upgrade (assuming Phil Jackson is truly done).

I would say it depends entirely on HOW they are eliminated. If they put up a great fight in the NBA Finals, losing in 6 or 7 games and all of them close, then Spoelstra will be fine. Even Pat Riley didn't win the championship every year.
He could have done that two years ago. I don't think Pat Riley wants to coach anymore.

Mike Brown and the Lakers have offended every single person who started Game 4 against the Mavericks last year (their last game of the season) as well as pissed Lamar Odom off so bad he demanded to be traded.

I'm not sure I'd call that a "good job".

I was talking about handling the attitudes on his team. I think he's done a good job with Kobe, Gasol, and the rest, and is handling Bynum properly, but we'll see how that turns out. Kobe's come out numerous times supporting Mike Brown, which I think says a lot, since Kobe isn't that easy to please. Not saying Kobe's perfectly happy, but him being content is pretty good.

I'm not saying he's doing a great job in terms of leading the team to victories though, but I guess well enough for his first year.

As for him offending the starters of Game 4, I guess your referring to Fisher, World Peace, and Odom in particular? It was time for Fisher to go, so while heartbreaking to an extent, it was time. World Peace has been on the decline so I don't think anyone has a problem with his benching, he's better in spurts anyway. As for Odom- it was a shame they got rid of him, but at the time it made sense. It seemed at the time it was done for future trade purposes in order to free up monetary room, so with that in mind it was an okay move, although it didn't end up working out, as the Lakers never made a blockbuster move. The reason for him being offended in the first place was because the trade he was in for Chris Paul got vetoed, which is not Brown's fault. Really, any transaction-caused irritation should be driven at the GM and the other execs, not so much the coach.
Spoelstra is definitely on the hot seat if the Heat don't win a championship this year. Depsite him being a pretty good coach for the Heat, no championship this year and he's gone for sure. I really don't think that Pat Riley will step down and coach the Heat to be quite honest. How about the Heat go a different way and go for a college coach like Mike Krzyzewski or even Tom Izzo. I think both guys are capable of handling the star power that the Heat have especially Krzyzewski since he's had experience with them in Team USA.
It's hard to say. I think Pat Riley likes Spoelstra well enough, and I don't think there is any coach out there that would be a noticeable upgrade (assuming Phil Jackson is truly done).
Phil Jackson has made hints he wants to coach the Knicks if he does coach again. He has made comments about completing the circle.

Mike Brown and the Lakers have offended every single person who started Game 4 against the Mavericks last year (their last game of the season) as well as pissed Lamar Odom off so bad he demanded to be traded.

I'm not sure I'd call that a "good job".
How is that Mike Browns fault? Most of this is squarely on the hands of the men upstairs and not the coach. I know some of the players are not happy with his offense, but like the defense. You could make comments about benching Kobe and Bynum, but Brown was well within his right to do that. The Lakers are as of right now leading their division and have the 3rd seed in the playoffs. I say they are doing just fine right now.
I don't think Coach K would ever leave Duke to be honest.

He's had some pretty enticing offers in the past that he's turned down. Sure, this would probably be the best opportunity, but I still don't see him jumping ship. I think he'll be there till he's 80.
As for him offending the starters of Game 4, I guess your referring to Fisher, World Peace, and Odom in particular? It was time for Fisher to go, so while heartbreaking to an extent, it was time. World Peace has been on the decline so I don't think anyone has a problem with his benching, he's better in spurts anyway. As for Odom- it was a shame they got rid of him, but at the time it made sense. It seemed at the time it was done for future trade purposes in order to free up monetary room, so with that in mind it was an okay move, although it didn't end up working out, as the Lakers never made a blockbuster move. The reason for him being offended in the first place was because the trade he was in for Chris Paul got vetoed, which is not Brown's fault. Really, any transaction-caused irritation should be driven at the GM and the other execs, not so much the coach.
He did point out Brown and the Lakers, so not 100% is put on Brown. But out of all the things that have happened 99% of it is not Browns fault. Fisher was becoming worthless and Sessions is an upgrade. I don't care for World Peace, he is going down hill and Odom was more a cap move then anything. If he didn't act like a baby he may still be a Laker. All things considered I'd say Brown is doing fine...Not great, but fine.
Izzo's not going anywhere anytime soon. If he didn't go for the Cleveland job (which was a good thing he didn't) he's gonna be a Spartan probably for his entire career.
Phil Jackson hinting he'd like to go to New York? That'd be pretty interesting. Maybe he can finally get Carmelo to be a team player. Mike Woodson has been doing a great job with what he has to work with though.
Phil Jackson hinting he'd like to go to New York? That'd be pretty interesting. Maybe he can finally get Carmelo to be a team player. Mike Woodson has been doing a great job with what he has to work with though.
Yes he is, so if Phil doesn't come on it is his job. I feel a little bad that he has lost 2 of his best players.
I doubt Phil Jackson will unretire for anything but the Heat at this point.

The Knicks are an overrated disaster.
I doubt Phil Jackson will unretire for anything but the Heat at this point.

The Knicks are an overrated disaster.
Sure..Phil has made no hints he wants to coach the Heat nor have I heard any solid reasons to think Eric's job is in danger. Phil however has made hints at the Knicks. The Knicks have a solid starting five and if anybody can make that work it's Phil.
If healthy, their starting lineup is:


plus a bench with Smith, Novak, Shumpert, Davis, and the rest of them. This is a pretty stacked team if you ask me. That's plenty to work with for the Zen Master. I kinda hope he comes back now.
I just don't think he wants to "make anything work" at this point. He'd have to step right into a championship contender. Right now, the Knicks are not that, even with the roster they have. Chandler's solid but limited, Lin is the most overrated player in the NBA, Stoudemire is aging worse every season, JR Smith is headache to work with, and Carmelo, who should be the best player on the team, is undermotivated and overweight.

Phil Jackson's very into the whole "Kharma" thing, and I don't think good vibes are exactly coming from the Knicks. I think it'd be too much work with not enough upside for him, especially with how the rest of the league looks right now. The Heat and Bulls have a firm grasp of the East right now. Let alone the teams of the West.
Arguably, yes, if only because they'll need a scapegoat that they can do something about. Though, there's a strong case to be made for LeBron's poor 4th quarter performance being at least correlated with not starting the fourth quarter, which you would presume he might have picked up on by now and stopped doing that. Still. The question is probably moot. There's not a team in the league I really see beating the Heat in a seven game series barring another inexplicable collapse from LeBron.
No coaches job is ever safe so if they fail to win a championship this year then it is a definite possibility that he gets let go. The only problem is that there isn't exactly a lot of prime coaching candidates out there. I think if Pat Riley was going to come out of retirement he would have done it already. Phil Jackson will likely only come back for the Knicks job if he comes back at all. The only college coach I could see leaving is John Calipari and even he seems content at Kentucky right now.

There's some good candidates out there in guys like Patrick Ewing, Brian Shaw, and Bill Laimbeer but I don't see the Heat dumping Spoelstra for an unproven guy. Unless the Heat fail to reach the finals I don't see them getting rid of Spoelstra simply because they will only dump him for a big name and I don't see a very long list of available big names that would go to Miami.
Arguably, yes, if only because they'll need a scapegoat that they can do something about. Though, there's a strong case to be made for LeBron's poor 4th quarter performance being at least correlated with not starting the fourth quarter, which you would presume he might have picked up on by now and stopped doing that. Still. The question is probably moot. There's not a team in the league I really see beating the Heat in a seven game series barring another inexplicable collapse from LeBron.

That's what I was thinking too. Even if he were doing doing a good enough job (and maybe he is), just as a scapegoat if they fail to win the Championship. Obviously no one of importance on the roster is going anywhere, and getting rid of someone like Mike Miller or Juwan Howard won't exactly look like much of a response or send much of a message. The only vulnerable spot surrounded by enough importance in the Heat's situation is the head coach.

No wonder he always looks like he's about to shit himself.
DAMN! Off topic but Griffin just posterized Pau and Pau was looking for the offensive foul. Oh Pau. Anyway, continue on with the discussion :D
I was talking about handling the attitudes on his team. I think he's done a good job with Kobe, Gasol, and the rest, and is handling Bynum properly, but we'll see how that turns out. Kobe's come out numerous times supporting Mike Brown, which I think says a lot, since Kobe isn't that easy to please. Not saying Kobe's perfectly happy, but him being content is pretty good.
The fact Kobe has to come out to support Mike Brown is a bit telling, don't you think?

As for him offending the starters of Game 4, I guess your referring to Fisher, World Peace, and Odom in particular?
And Bynum.

You have to remember, the Lakers held a players only meeting earlier this year. That's a hard to miss sign that Brown hasn't exactly captivated this team. Also, if I'm not mistaken, wasn't there a report earlier this year that many on the team were not impressed with his X's and O's? I seem to remember that, but don't feel like looking it up, so perhaps I'm just imagining it.
Spoelstra is definitely on the hot seat if the Heat don't win a championship this year.
I don't disagree that's a good possibility, but that's such a silly mindset people in the NBA have. Nobody wins every year in the modern era...well, except Jordan's Bulls, but they are the lone exception.
How is that Mike Browns fault?

I know some of the players are not happy with his offense...You could make comments about benching Kobe and Bynum
...that along with what I said earlier in the post.

If these players are already this unhappy with their coach this early in the first season, that is not a good sign going forward.
Izzo's not going anywhere anytime soon. If he didn't go for the Cleveland job (which was a good thing he didn't) he's gonna be a Spartan probably for his entire career.
One of the biggest attractions for the Cleveland job was LeBron James. James wasn't in Cleveland, so Izzo stayed. But LeBron IS in Miami...

I don't see Izzo going to the NBA, and if he did, I don't see him having success. I think Izzo is smart enough to know his coaching style would have to be changed to work in the NBA. But if Izzo WAS going to the NBA, Miami would be probably the most attractive option.

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