Is Daniel Bryan doomed to the same faith as Jack Swagger.

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Dark Match Jobber
I love D-Bry He is in my Fav 5. After this weeks smackdown I am sure he is turning heel which is surprising because was expecting Show to go heel. But by the same faith as Jack Swagger I mean winning MiB and winning the WHC and after loosing it just hardly being pushed at all. D-Bry is one of the great in ring talents. Swagger after winning the WHC they haven't even attempted to push him for a Major championship. THey started pushing him for Ryder's (Woo Woo Woo) US Title. Makes sense but he is actually one of the very few talented Big Guys in the ring with actually in ring skills.
Okay, it seems people have ignored this thread, but I'll bite.

First of all, it's fate, not faith; what you meant to say is "D-Bry" is doomed to the same fate as Swagger. Jesus Christ there are a myriad of dictionaries on the internet. I'm sorry if you have a hearing impediment because that's the only reason I can think of for getting the two words mixed up.

Secondly, yes he's undoubtedly turning heel. Has he had a 100% clean title victory so far? He's fluking it all the way, that's the angle they're going for.

Third, Show to turn heel? After he's been feuding with the blue brand's top heel for months? Go watch last week's Smackdown again and compare how over Show was compared to Daniel Bryan. The conclusion is obvious.

Fourth, Bryan's push has been a subtle one. If you recall, before (and even after) he won the Money in the Bank briefcase, Bryan was a stinking losing streak. He's gone from underdog to skin-of-the-teeth winner. He's been booked as a champion by chance and luck, and I can see him carrying on doing so, gradually turning heel. I mean, he's already in a psuedo-love storyline with AJ, all he has to do is flip his shit once with her and the crowd will turn on him.

Fifth, Swagger was never over. Just a piss-poor Kurt Angle imitation in my eyes. That's why his title reign amounted to nothing. At least Bryan has followers from his ROH years.

Sixth and finally, you think Daniel Bryan is a big guy? Really? Really? Really? He's like 220 pounds and not even six feet.
Obviously you have no sense of comprehension skills. I was obviously referring to Jack Swagger. I am bigger than D-Bry only an idiot would think I was referring to him. And seriously your going to insult me because I made a simple typo. Ironically you made your self look like an idiot. Because my hearing really affects how I type things? So if your not going to reply to threads with something other than insults don't reply at all.
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