Is CM Punk making his return at TLC?


Occasional Pre-Show
Toyota center looks tight! Actually excited for the TLC PPV tomorrow. If everybody hustles, could be a lot of potential for a great show.

Found this tweet insightful, Punk could be there to simply be a commentator, but what if he is there to make his return. Below I will post some reasons why I think Punk could be making his return tomorrow.

1. Why would Punk be at the site of a PPV the day before, unless he is practicing spots for a match or rehearsing a run in. I just don't see the reason a commentator would be at the arena the PPV is being held in a day early. Just seems weird.

2. Punk is scheduled to make his return to the ring next week as his name appears on several cards in a Main Event Fatal 4 Way Cage Match against Big Show, Kane & Edge.

3. Punk cut a cryptic message of receiving his Slammy on Monday, targeting a certain mystery superstar. Reports have Orton as Punk's Main target & with Miz likely feuding with Morrison, I believe we could see Punk cost Orton his match tomorrow, the same way Orton cost CM Punk his first World Heavy Weight Championship.

Will the Straight Edge Superstar make his return to the ring tomorrow?

1. Why would Punk be at the site of a PPV the day before, unless he is practicing spots for a match or rehearsing a run in. I just don't see the reason a commentator would be at the arena the PPV will at a day early. Just seems weird.

That's certainly a reasonable assumption to make. Superstars practice run-ins and spots before a PPV all the time. But commentators also arrive early for PPV's so they can be aware of all the goings on behind the scenes as well and prepare for appropriate commentary. My bet is that you're right though,
and this will mark the return of CM Punk.

2. Punk is scheduled to make his return to the ring next week as his name appears on several cards in a Main Event Fatal 4 Way Cage Match against Big Show, Kane & Edge.

Hadn't heard that, but the thing to remember is that it's probably an old Smackdown card that was promoted when Punk was still on Smackdown.
Its weird that Punk would be advertised for cards still on Smackdown. This could be just one of those "cards subject to change", as when Punk returns, I don't expect him to be a part of the Smackdown roster going forward as I think he's going to be a fixture on the Raw brand, both as a wrestler and a commentator.

3. Punk cut a cryptic message of receiving his Slammy on Monday, targeting a certain mystery superstar. Reports have Orton as Punk's Main target & with Miz likely feuding with Morrison, I believe we could see Punk cost Orton his match tomorrow, the same way Orton cost CM Punk his first World Heavy Weight Championship.

Yeah, I was actually the one who started that thread....;) I see Punk's message being a direct delivery to Orton. Who has wronged Punk more? Punk was in the middle of his first championship reign, and was finally proving himself to be "championship material." All of that ended when Orton punted him in the head backstage at Unforgiven 2008, rendering him unable to defend his championship. Who else would he "not forget, and be unable to forgive?" I think the obvious answer is Orton, if you're willing to look back two years.

Will the Straight Edge Superstar make his return to the ring tomorrow?

I believe so, in a minor way. I see Orton and Miz as possibly the main event of the PPV, and Punk using the GTS on Orton to cost him the title. The reason is self-explanatory, and a Punk/Orton feud is the result. Good thread.
Yes. A few years ago around this time JBl went from the announcer table and cost Jericho the WWE Championship. I can see the same happening with CM Punk attack Orton or even costing him the title putting him through the table.
Last Monday he was talking about Orton when he said someone did him wrong.
Uniforgiven 2008 Randy Orton literally punted the World title off of CM Punk costing him the title and not even being in the match. Sure they had an match months later but this fued is a long time coming.
Apparently the Schedule reporting Punk will return to the ring on the SmackDown card is new. Several well known sites have reported Punk will be making return to the ring at the upcoming events.

I truly hope Punk returns to the ring, he is a genius on commentary, but he is missed in the ring. I am a huge fan of Punk and truly miss his in ring work and crazy promos.
Totally agree my man!! I think Punk will cost Orton the match tomorrow.

Maybe even knocking Randy out of action, for a bit to heal his actual neck or shoulder injury that he has.

I hate to see Punk leave the announce table. But if he's healthy- it must be done

I wonder if Raven left WWE in good standing and would be willing to come back as a commentator. I think he would be a suitable replacement. Having Punk there for these last couple/few weeks- I really feel the need to have a former wrestler at the table. Someone with some of Punks quick-wit specifically. Larry Sweeney anyone?
I think that it's entirely plausible for Punk to do a run in at TLC tomorrow night. According to some stuff I've read over the net the past few days, it's said that Punk will make his in-ring return at a house show next week. When you factor in the speech that he made towards this mystery person during the Slammy Award episode of Raw this past Monday with his supposedly scheduled in-ring return and the fact that tomorrow's Raw will be all about fall out from TLC, I think there's a strong possibility that Punk's presence will be felt in Orton's match against The Miz.

Also, according to some reports I've read, the WWE wants Randy Orton to take some time off and deal with some ongoing issues with his neck. Personally, I'd love for Punk to help cost Orton the WWE Championship at TLC then have a match with him on Raw in which Punk "injures" him to keep him off television for a month or so. It'd be a helluva way to build heat for Punk and it'd definitely start him off on the right foot after being out of action in the ring for so long.
I agree and really hope that Punk does the run in, but im concerned with the fact that Vince really likes Punk on the announce team. Maybe they'll just have him do a run in and go back to the announce desk?
Well he probably could be making a return. But he could most likely also just be sitting at the announce table as well.

After all there's been no reports of CM Punk being cleared to wrestle any time soon. As well as the fact that Vince seems to like CM Punk at the announce table. So I don't see why he would be returning if Vince can have him working at the announce table at TLC, especially considering he was supposedly meant to be out for a few months due to the hip injury if I remember right.

Also, we've seen stuff being hyped up before in WWE only for it to be interpreted completely opposite as to what it was all about. While I'm mostly leaning towards the announce table, this could even be going as far as to just being CM Punk doing the part of hyping up a Pay Per View, like they will all be doing, even those that aren't always scheduled to wrestle.
You are reading far too much into this. Punk probably didnt need to be there at the arena but he is the consumate professional so it does not suprise me that he is there already.

When Punk returns, which he will as a wrestler, this is no doubt in mind that it will be at a much bigger event than this unneeded gimmick PPV. No doubt, until he does return this thread will appear on the day before every PPV.

IMO, if he is fit and able (and WWE would be crazy to risk his long term health) then he could appear at the Rumble but they should find a way to work his return into a Mania storyline and have him work there.
I think Punk will cost Orton the match although i dont expect Punk to return to competative action any time soon, Punk will injure Orton so Randy can take a much needed rest while Punk builds up a feud from the announce desk while he heals himself, keeping both guys relavent whilst injured and building to a mania storyline!

Found this tweet insightful, Punk could be there to simply be a commentator, but what if he is there to make his return. Below I will post some reasons why I think Punk could be making his return tomorrow.

1. Why would Punk be at the site of a PPV the day before, unless he is practicing spots for a match or rehearsing a run in. I just don't see the reason a commentator would be at the arena the PPV is being held in a day early. Just seems weird.

2. Punk is scheduled to make his return to the ring next week as his name appears on several cards in a Main Event Fatal 4 Way Cage Match against Big Show, Kane & Edge.

3. Punk cut a cryptic message of receiving his Slammy on Monday, targeting a certain mystery superstar. Reports have Orton as Punk's Main target & with Miz likely feuding with Morrison, I believe we could see Punk cost Orton his match tomorrow, the same way Orton cost CM Punk his first World Heavy Weight Championship.

Will the Straight Edge Superstar make his return to the ring tomorrow?

1. I don't think it's uncommon for commentators to be at the site of a PPV the day before. And since he is a wrestler most of the time I imagine he could have also been visiting friends too.

2. These cards are printed well in advance of the shows so I don't think they were taking into account Punk's injury at the time of print.

3. I don't think the message means much for the immediate future because Punk won't rush his return and I believe he is most likely going to continue teasing his return and this mystery superstar for the next month or so.

Overall I can't see him returning tonight it just feels too early. I honestly think this is a case of reading too much into Punk's message and I don't think we will see him before the Rumble at the very least; perhaps as a surprise entry.
Overall I can't see him returning tonight it just feels too early. I honestly think this is a case of reading too much into Punk's message and I don't think we will see him before the Rumble at the very least; perhaps as a surprise entry.

I agree. It is possible he makes an impact tonight, but I think a return at the Royal Rumble is more likely to occur. Punk entering the match from the announce table like Jerry Lawler used to do, if he returns before the Rumble......this would lose it's shock value.

Punk did the "Diesel type Rumble style" last year eliminating people one by one as they entered, this year he'll do a Jerry Lawler style entrance.
Maybe even knocking Randy out of action, for a bit to heal his actual neck or shoulder injury that he has.

I totally agree with you on this one. All except one part. I do NOT think he will be "returning" at TLC tonight. I believe he will be there to commentate and only to commentate. But I do like where you are going with this because one of two things could result from this.

1) At a later date, Punk could return and do this to Randy, giving him time to heal his neck, making punk a major heel while at the same time skyrocketing him BACK to the main event picture, setting up a huge feud when Orton returns.


2) Punk could cost Randy the title same as #1, Randy comes back from injury, kicks the crap out of punk, and doesn't stop there. After he finishes Punk he doesn't necessarily have to be in the title picture as soon as he gets back, giving him time to wreak havoc as the heel we know and love him to be.

I like Orton either way, heel or face, but he just seemed a lot more entertaining as a heel.

But no, Punk will NOT be returning to the ring tonight.
It's possible you're right but it's very unlikely too. It really isn't that odd that a commentator would come the day before, I bet most of the WWE superstars come early even the ones who aren't going to be on the card. If Cole posted the same thing on his Twitter then should we assume that Cole will be wrestling for the world title at the PPV?

It's odd that they would put him in a PPV right away if he was injured for a long time. It would make more sense for him to start in a couple house shows then eventually move on to TV. It would also be kind of odd for Punk to be going after Orton right away if that message was towards. It could really go either way, I'm interested to see what happens tonight.
Agree with OWEN-ing IT ALL, the only reason he's in the house is that its in Chicago, its a 4-way, its SD, and a house show. So the actual match quality is a lot lower based on those factors. A run in at TLC would kill the shock of a rumble return but maybe HHH wants all that to himself. But it would be oh so sweet to see orton or any big star in the ring all alone, waiting for #30, buzzer sounds no music, Punk makes the clobbering time remark, slides in, hits the GTS, flings the guy over and you have an epic ending. This Fire Burns... Always!!!
There's also possibility he could return having a fued with Danielson till wresltemania. but it does make sense for him to attack orton, if he did return today he;'d cost orton the match, but if he wanted danielson, maybe attack him after a match danielson has at the Rumble
There's also possibility he could return having a fued with Danielson till wresltemania. but it does make sense for him to attack orton, if he did return today he;'d cost orton the match, but if he wanted danielson, maybe attack him after a match danielson has at the Rumble

It just make no sense to me for him to have a feud with Bryan right now. Especially after the message he delivered.

The only other person he could be referring too is Edge, which I think caused him the injury at Bragging Rights. Orton makes tremendous sense.
yeha, that makes sense, but remember when punkwas at commentary then stared down bryan after a match bryan had on raw? i think it was against ted dibease or dolph ziggler, they cold make many angles with a storyline with them, cuz their past in the indies and since bryan is a vegan and punk is straight edge, punk could say thathe was the star of the indies to make to in the wwe then you came along or something like ythat, idk, i just want CM punk vs Bryan Danielson at WM 27

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