Is Chris Jericho Right?


Earlier today, Chris Jericho gave an interview on the Busted Open radio show and gave his opinion in the current WWE Championship picture between CM Punk & Ryback. Jericho believes that traditional booking should be a non factor here because Ryback "is not a normal guy." Jericho also believes that "there's no tradition in a case like this." Some of what Jericho said is as follows:

""I don't know anything and I don’t work for the WWE. I haven’t talked to Vince in about a month. But, this is the chance to make a new star instantly... This is not a guy that we see that builds his way to the top and fans get behind him slowly but surely. You want to pick a new guy? Have him beat C.M. Punk this week."

An argument that a lot of people have made regards CM Punk's title run. A lot of people simply want to see him go for at least a full year as champ and ultimately renew his rivalry with Cena. Jericho's response was:

"Who gives a shit about Punk’s title reign? It means nothing. Here is a chance to take a guy who people are getting behind. If he beats Punk at Hell in A Cell and after three hundred and thirty-seven days or whatever and Punk is finally beaten, people are going to start to take notice of this guy. Those who don’t watch Raw are going to tune in to see what’s going on. Ryback beats everybody. Ryback faces Rock at Royal Rumble. What happens if a couple of weeks before that something goes on with Ryback and Undertaker got involved in the Rock match? What if Rock wins the title and goes on to face Cena, as expected, and what if it's Ryback vs. Undertaker at WrestleMania? What if Ryback beats Undertaker at WrestleMania? You have a new star for the next ten years to headline pay-per views and main events."

He also went onto say: "Vince knows Ryback is not a money making star right now. But if he goes into Hell In A Cell and he destroys Punk and beats him, a hundred percent those fans are going to go bananas for Ryback. You have created a new star. Punk can come back the next night and bitch and complain and do what a heel does. Heels aren’t built to win. Heels are built to lose. That’s what heels do. The fact that Punk has held the title for three hundred and thirty-seven days, it might mean something to you guys. I can tell you Punk doesn’t care. Punk wants to make money and if that means Punk and Ryback becomes the hottest feud and suddenly something happens where it goes to Ryback and Rock, that’s a match where suddenly you made a new guy."

Jericho does go onto say that he thinks it's possible for WWE to come up with a scenario in which Punk keeps the title with both guys being able to ultimately save face. However, Jericho believes that this is a chance for WWE to create a big money star and that Vince will make the switch this Sunday.

So do you agree with what Chris Jericho is saying?

As Jericho is someone that's been in pro wrestling for pretty much his entire adult life, I believe he certainly knows the overall ins and outs of the business far better than we do, or think that we do in any event. The thing is, however, I don't think there's any real way to predict what will ultimately happen to Ryback. Jericho sounds like someone that's a real fan of Ryback at this point in time and has already become convinced that he's ready to be a big money player in WWE. I might be completely wrong and I freely admit it, but the idea of Ryback being ready to be a big money player in WWE and that winning the title from CM Punk this Sunday does really fly in the face of wrestling tradition. If Ryback is ready, then he's done it faster than anyone else in pro wrestling history. This time 3 weeks ago, he was ultimately just a clone of Goldberg. Now, he has some feeling that he truly is the next big thing and the future of WWE. Even Brock Lesnar didn't make it in that short span of time. It took him a full 3 months to win the title for the first time.

For Jericho's comment about who gives a shit about Punk's title reign and that it means nothing, that kind of pissed me off. As a fan, I care or want to care about the champs and their reigns. Punk has been a great champ for WWE and I thought that comment was something along the lines of what Vince Russo would say. If I don't give a shit about Punk's reign, then why exactly should I give a shit about Ryback's run? If Ryback was someone that'd proven to be a solid money maker for WWE and Punk had just been a weak as dishwater champion, then I'd completely understand the sentiment but that's not the case.

Even if Ryback does beat Punk this Sunday and take the title, that's no guarantee that Ryback is going to be a huge money player in the future. It's true that Ryback is different and different can be a great thing if it's able to last. Ryback might well be a flash in the pan, something of a passing fad. We've seen it before in wrestling and we'll no doubt see it again. Personally, if Ryback is everything that Jericho is thinking that he can be, and WWE keeps pushing Ryback as a top talent, then I think Ryback will still be as over with the fans 6 months from now as he is right now. By then, we'll ultimately know what's what as far as Ryback's potential as "the next big thing".
I do think that Chris Jericho was harsh with ''Who gives a shit about CM Punk's title reign'' because we've seen some great matches, promos and moments through the long and great run. And I freely accept criticism if you think that I'm wrong.

If WWE wants to run Ryback as a big star in the company and keep him in the Main Event picture I STILL don't feel like he should have the title yet, there are some guys who have been thrown in there too quick and got nothing out of it. I think Ryback needs to squash more superstars and go on undefeated before finally taking the title (possibly after Wrestlemania), after Wrestlemania we really want new, fresh stories and Ryback getting into the title picture would be the best choice after WM. Again, I freely allow criticism.

I think CM Punk needs to win this match weather it be dirty (Lesnar interference for example) or clean (unlikely) he MUST win this match.
I've always been a huge Jericho fan and think he has one of the greatest minds for the business. That being said, I think he knows what he's talking about here.

I'm not completely sure on what the opinion of Ryback is around these forums, but I was at Raw live in Nashville(when Ryback/Punk had the contract signing) and the fans popped HUGE for Ryback. It was pretty shocking to me. TV didn't do it justice.

That's not to say Cena and Punk didn't get huge reactions. I don't think the "torch" needs to be passed to Ryback, rather I think it's time for another fan favorite at the top of the card.

Punk has done nearly everything he can in his current title reign. This run has been so solid that it probably will not hurt him much to lose to Ryback at this point. Just don't let Ryback squash Punk. The only problem I could see in Punk losing the title is that he might not be as interested as a challenger for the title as he is as champion.

Either way, Sunday should be interesting.
I think he is! Apart from the length of the reign thing. But I can see what he means, I don't think the length of the title reign matters too much (needs to be a fair amount), it is more of who the person with the belt is. You need long reigns with the right guy, I think CM Punk needs to drop the title to fight back for another long run.

It is especially less meaningful when you've got another "World Champion" ha! 2 world champions? Seriously? 2 world champions? There should only be 1! End of!

Just thought of an idea for a "clean" way both guys can save face, if you think this needs a new thread let me know lol.

Here it is:

Ryback Vs CM Punk, Hell in a Cell 2012 for the WWE Championship!

CM Punk enters first, usual stuff from Punk. Next out comes Ryback to a huge reception as expected.

They are both in the cell, referee rings the bell and out comes all the people who Ryback has destroyed over the last few weeks such as Ziggler (On Wednesday most probably), Epico, Primo, Miz etc. all of them come down to the ring and set up lumberjack style. Maybe Heyman convinced them to come down/help out.

The match is going Ryback's way as expected, CM Punk is hanging on with some heel tactics. Good old fashioned poke in the eye would be a nice touch, don't see them very often these days. Last minute drop kicks etc.

Plot Options:

1. Turns out, Paul Heyman had another trick up his sleeve, he's got the cage coming up by paying off the dude on the controls so his guys can jump Ryback and attack him.

2. When the guys come down they are brandishing bolt cutters to get into the cage and attack Ryback.

3. Weapons added into the mix of either of the above.

4. Most extreme option: They both end up ontop of the cell, Undertaker / Mankind style, some move puts both of them through and onto the mat they land both on their back with an arm on eachover (no homo) indicating a pin, ref don't know what to do, Heyman is going mental telling the ref to count. 1 - 2 - 3 Ding Ding Ding! DRAW!
He's right about the fact that Punk's reign has meant nothing. But that's because they haven't allowed it to mean anything. Until Cena got in the title picture Punk has basically had the Chris Benoit title reign. Won the title, the fans rejoiced and then he spent nearly the entire length of his reign playing second fiddle to Triple H and Eugene. Punk has been booked lower than the divas and even Ryback versus jobbers. That hardly makes your champion look like anything special when the top guy in the promotion is being booked lower on the card than local Indy talent.

I don't see Ryback being a a future main eventer. He hasn't beaten enough people of note yet to even deserve the push he's getting. They want Goldberg 2.0 but they're failing to forget one thing, Goldberg's streak only meant something because he was beating established stars from the start. Ryback has been squashing jobbers which while that may have worked back in the 1980s for guys like The Undertaker, wrestling has evolved and that will no longer get a guy over. Goldberg had some decent matches on his way to the top, Ryback you'll be lucky if you remember his matches in a week for any good reasons (botching your finisher or fans realizing that this victory is a bad idea and trying to stop it don't count). The spear and jackhammer made Goldberg look dangerous and intimidating, Ryback marches around the ring like a goof. Goldberg had the skills to cut a decent promo before his catch phrase, all Ryback has is feed me more.

They've just used the squashing jobbers winning streak far too much as of late. Brodus Clay, Tensai and now Ryback. It's been the recycled storyline of the year. It's becoming the I hate you, you hate me so we'll become tag team champions in terms of recycling. Other than the anger management thing the only original thing they're doing this time around is it doesn't involve Cena. Before we had Cena-HBK, Cena-Batista, Cena-Otunga, Cena-Miz all within a span of 5 years. Cena was feuding with every one of them at the time.

The thing about a winning streak gimmick is eventually it has to end unless you plan to push the guy to the moon and shove him down the fan's throats until they accept it. With everything Goldberg had going for himself, he never recovered from that one loss. Ryback has even less going for him so where does he go from there? His streak hasn't been nearly impressive enough to for fans to go but Ryback had that winning streak for awhile. At the same time it's far too early for him to be winning the title either. Goldberg was white hot at the time he won the title. Ryback isn't even lurk warm. Putting the title on him at this point would be a mistake. The fans won't accept it and you can't just have him drop the title right back to the best thing you have going today either. So what do you do? You certainly can't have Ryback headlining WrestleMania 29 because you're going to have Philadelphians, New Jerseyans and New Yorkers in that crowd so it's going to be one of the most hostile crowds around. I've spent $3,000 on my WrestleMania tickets and I would consider leaving to beat traffic with Ryback in the main event.

This was just a bad decision on WWE's part because Cena was hurt. They went into panic mode and now they have no clue what to do to get out of the corner they've painted themselves into. Having the match not happen is probably the best course of action. They could just do an angle where Ryback is taken out but no one knows who did it. Gives Ryback a reason to basically get pissed off and destroy people week after week. Would be a good storyline leading into WrestleMania for someone like The Miz who I'm sure they'll be wasting at Mania again this year.

Hell, even a heel Undertaker would work if they have no plans for him (although I'd rather see the rumored match with Lesnar). Have Taker revealed as taking him out because there's only one streak that matters and it's not Ryback's. Go streak versus streak at Mania with Taker going over. It gives you an out for Ryback losing since he has plenty of time to get the skills to put on a solid match and losing to the Undertaker at WrestleMania doesn't make him look weak either.

It's pathetic that the main event scene is so piss poor that this is the best they can come up with on short notice. As much as I would hate to see Cena go over Punk but even Cena replacing Ryback and beating Punk in a quick match would be a better idea. Cena could claim that he was so good that he beat Punk with one arm. The fans are going to cheer Punk and boo Cena no matter what you do in this feud so Cena winning the title and either vacating it the next night setting up a tournament which Punk ultimately wins or even holding it until dropping it to The Rock at Royal Rumble. Because Punk-Rock is the true money match that should be at Mania. Not Rock-Cena: Once in a lifetime AGAIN.

There's so many ways they could have went with this but in panic mode they painted themselves into the corner instead of trying to find a creative way around it that would actually work.
Yes I think he is right. No outcome is great at this point thanks to the writing and shallow roster, so it's really just the lesser of two disappointments. I'm basically a Punk fan (although that status has been slipping) so it's nothing against Punk, but I don't see anything exciting that can come from him winning. It might solidify his quest for respect IF he won clean, which he won't. Bringing Brock back seems like how they'd help Punk win, or AJ gets involved, or Heyman helps out. Having CM Punk fulfill his quest for respect is pretty much a dead end too, he'd have nothing left to talk about, so letting him get a clean win doesn't do much. Except from end all the storylines.

Having Ryback lose dirty would just be Goldberg and the stun gun all over again. We all know how that turned out, but the average WWE fan might not, so they might repeat one of history's worst mistakes and deflate Ryback with some stupid loss.

I don't really care to see Punk's title reign continue except to hit the arbitrary number of a full year as champ, but that isn't really worth much.

Having Ryback win = CM Punk can continue being heel and complaining about respect, can complain that he was just in the lumberjack match on Raw, complain that he was supposed to face Cena just for Cena to trade places with a monster, etc. Ryback with the title would be fairly interesting. Possibly one more match of Punk vs Cena just for the respect, or turn the tables and have Cena say he got Ryback that title shot and now wants to challenge him, in a basic face-vs-face "we respect each other" kind of angle. Could be a simple 1-2-3 matter or have Ryback turn on Cena to keep the belt or something like that.

The situation with Punk as champ has been spinning its wheels. Facing Cena month after month, never getting the respect anyway. If Punk wins, the quest for respect should finally be over. The Ryback hype would be over. Too many things just going down the toilet just to continue a boring title reign.

I'm surprised I'm saying it, because I both like Punk and felt kind of flat about Ryback at first, but I'm ready to see Ryback with the belt. Jericho is 100% right. There was no point to this monumental build if it's just going to end up with a loss. Even if Brock came back and interfered, which would at least keep Ryback looking strong and losing for a good reason, it's still dumb, Brock doesn't need anymore star power, why feed him Ryback? That's the same as Hall and Nash not needing the attention, but positioning themselves to end the Goldberg streak.

Many different directions to take things if Ryback wins. Punk wins, it seems kind of stale just to keep him in the right spot for Rock to challenge when he comes back. Punk would have a lot more material to work with if he comes out of the PPV beaten and dethroned by the monster that he was never supposed to face until his choice of opponent was taken away from him.
I disagree with Chris Jericho on this. CM Punk's title reign may not seem like anything to anyone, but it means everything to CM Punk as should be the case. He's got the top prize in the WWE. He's successfully defended his title each time the title was on the line. He's carried himself as a Champion and he's cut above average promos as a Champion. He's thrown references and homages left and right with his words and interaction with past superstars. I don't find him boring and I don't want to see his reign end against Ryback. Ryback has only beaten The Miz and Tensai as the two notable opponents. He hasn't beaten any other top star and that is imperative in establishing him as not a threat (he already is), but as a guy deserving of the WWE Championship. Whatever happened to the top prize also being the most challenging prize? The build isn't there. I know I felt the same way about Sheamus back when he got his first WWE title shot. This should be CM Punk coming out of Hell in a Cell as WWE Champion in some way and then losing the title to The Rock at Royal Rumble, so that The Rock can face John Cena at WrestleMania. That way we don't have to see another CM Punk vs John Cena and both CM Punk and Ryback can work a different or even the same program, while Ryback keeps his momentum. Since we know Vince has a hard-on for Ryback, his future isn't in jeopardy. He'll be able to demolish other names while climbing the mountain to the Intercontinental Championship first. Let that be his first title so that we know whether or not he can succeed as a Champion.
Jericho is right... who gives a shit about Punk's long reign! For a lot of his reign he was playing 2nd or 3rd fiddle on Raw. They are having some record low raw ratings recently. Why exactly does Punk have to hold onto the title? Lets see if they can create a new star by giving Ryback the title. Titles are just props to show how great a wrestler is (Cena, HHH, Orton etc) or could be used to help make a new career (Sheamus, Daniel Bryan etc).

The whole point to a long title reign by a strong heel is to create a new babyface star when he finally loses the title...Think of Triple H vs Batista. I dont see the point in Punk dropping the title to Rock at RR. What exactly does that do long-term for the WWE?

Their is more money for the established stars like Cena, Orton, Punk etc if they can develop some of these new guys into stars..Potentially more big money matches for them. A decade ago WWE had at least 10 guys that could legitimately main event a ppv now they have about 4 guys. That is a big issue right now in the WWE.
Dropping the title off to The Rock is the plan isn't it? I'm not the one writing the program. The Rock did say he wanted a run with the WWE Championship one more time, and there are strong implications that it will be at Royal Rumble. If that's the case, why drop the title off to Ryback? And CM Punk spent the majority of his WWE Championship reign as a face. He becomes a heel and suddenly everyone wants to see him lose the title? And has the WWE been about long-term success recently? No. It wasn't until someone high up told Vince McMahon that things needed to change and only then did he start saying how there needed to be the next John Cena. Ryback is a future star, but there's no need to rush him to the WWE Championship. This is exactly why I miss the 80's to mid 90's when there were Main Event stars that never won the WWE Championship and yet were still relevant.
That whole speech he gave made me lose all my respect for Chris Jericho. I can't believe someone who has been in wrestling for THAT long would support Ryback over CM Punk.
I totally agree with Jericho on this. Now, I'm a fan of Punk & Ryback, but, honestly, if Punk retains, we get, what, a couple more months of the same ol same ol? I'm not sure how much longer I can listen to "I get no respect, wah wah wah." Sounds like Rodney fraggin Dangerfield!

At least if Ryback takes the title, it'll be something different. Yeah, it may be kinda early, and yeah, someone's gonna get their knickers in a twist, but you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.
Chris may be right. But one way to buy extra time, keep it interesting is to involve Brock Lesnar in the match. He can interfere, cost Ryback his shot and then disappear (like he has been doing or like Rock did after Punk turned on him). Eventually, I'd like to see Brock use up his remaining dates by he and Heyman turning on Punk and finishing it out that way vs. getting beat at WM.
As someone who's hoping to get a job as a creative writer. Honestly just thinking about the outcome of this match scares me. And it brings me to tears almost because I want punk to have his whole 365 days. He deserves it.

But I can only see this going one way. There needs to be a big catastrophic ending. I am talking almost like spear off of the cell onto the table or them both fighting from the cell, then falling onto the table with all of the wires and sparks flying. They both fought until the bitter end and you can have the match end in a double count out.

That way Punk escapes once again somehow and Ryback doesn't lose. That's the only way this can happen. Or something similar to that. It's a touchy subject for me. I've just been keeping quiet.
I don't think it's time to put the title on Ryback yet, as I think they're building up to CM Punk vs Rock at the Rumble. What I think should happen is Brock Lesnar returns, destroys the referee and Ryback, and Punk, Lesnar and Heyman leave together, keeping the belt on Punk and the undefeated streak with Ryback.

Then at the Rumble they build up to Punk vs Rock and Lesnar vs Ryback. From there I think Rock wins the WWE Title and the build up to Rock vs Cena II, and Ryback goes over Punk with, which will be Lesnar passing the torch to Ryback.
I think Jericho is completely wrong here. Punk's been in his serious player card for about a year, so by that reckoning, he's just getting started. Punk is also Stone Cold Steve Austin's Rock, or The Rock's Stone Cold Steve Austin in reference to Cena, and that doesn't just get thrown away. Ryback's all well and good, and yes, he's a runaway train to stardom, but that doesn't change the facts that Punk is proven gold, or he wouldn't have held the belt this long.

330 some days IS a big deal. There's plenty to care about here. He's the champion, and it's about how far he goes. There, I'm invested. Anyone that takes interest in title reigns is invested because of how long he's had it. I also find Jericho's statements to clash, as he first said, "Who gives a shit about Punk's title reign?" and then goes onto say, "If someone like Ryback *FINALLY* takes down Punk, people are going to notice." It may be referring to the length itself and not about Punk, but I find this to be clashing hardcore.

Punk hasn't gone as far as he can go, the real Punk has just gotten started. He may have held the title 3 or 4 times prior, but that was small play when you look at where he is now. Shoot or not, Cena or not, Punk's climbing higher and higher. So's Ryback. But that doesn't mean Punk has to lose his momentum over someone that's barely gotten over the hump of beating jobbers consistently.
Jericho is right. Don't get me wrong here, I like Punk but like I've mentioned before, his character has gotten dull ever since he turned heel. And Punk's one of the reasons I don't really watch anymore. He's not doing anything new. He became just another generic heel.

If Punk wins. He's just going to stay the same. He's not gonna elevate in any way if he beats Ryback, Punk's gone as he could.

Ryback on the other hand could elevate from beating Punk and ending his long title reign.

Simple logic, really.
It's all too soon for Ryback. I don't want Ryback winning because 90% of his PPV matches following will be predictable. You know he will win because they are still trying to establish him. If he wins than you know he will have the belt until WrestleMania. Making every main event PPV in between boring. As for him beating the undertaker. Why would a man who has been known as Ryback less than a year already be in talks of beating a 20 year streak? Doesn't add up & plus it undermines everything they built with Taker. If one man can come in and end it than why hasn't it been ended already? They want it to be the perfect guy and maybe Rybacks it but I just don't see it...
Jericho COULD be right in some ways... I guess. Punk's become a bit stale since going heel, possibly even beforehand, and I doubt he'll be carrying the title around too much longer so elevating another guy (face, obvs) up could be good for business.

HOWEVER, Ryback shouldn't be that guy. He's a bit entertaining and insanely over but I don't think he should be going for a title.. not winning one atleast. Has he even faced a non-jobber yet? Can't really remember.
Jericho's right and I think a lot of people are getting what he's saying mixed up here

He's not having a pop at Punk or his reign, he's saying that wrestling is all about making money and that if Ryback going over Punk makes better business sense than Punk beating Ryback than they should have Ryback take the title..

That's all he's saying. Whether you agree with Ryback making more money than Punk is another thing, but he isn't slamming Punk for his reign here at all.
Isn't there a mid-carder they could have got in as a replacement for Cena? I know Kofi Kingston is now feuding with Miz and is intercontinental champion but WWE could've used him to face Punk, come close to beating him and eventually lose. Meanwhile they could have had Miz v Ryback at HITC and have Ryback win the intercontinental title. For me that makes far more sense than what they are doing now.
Kofi v Punk would also have been a more entertaining main event as a wrestling match; more exciting high flying moves. It would also have been a way of testing if Kingston could contribute to the main event scene in the future. After HITC they could have started a program with Kofi and Cesaro for the US Title and have Ryback dominate mid carders challenging for the inrecontinental.
Ryback's push just seems too forced for me. The WWE are obviously worried that if they don't push Ryback immediately the fans will get bored of him winning week in week out but pushing him too early means he could end up like Jack Swagger, hero to zero in 18 months.
I have a tendency to start every sentence with "To be honest".Ok so try again.

My opinion i about this topic is split.

A ) Pro Ryback Winning : What the hell, after summer of punk, everything about punk has been boring, lets not kid ourselves, his matches with Daniel Bryan, his promos with Foley and stuff, that was good, ok.But the rest is just him playing second fiddle to Cena and others.

Punk either needs to chase for some time, or just have another feud.

We need FRESH BLOOD.We he 2 guys that can Draw, Cena and Punk.Both in their mid 30s, and both working non-stop like machines.They either need to take a risk, because the way Ryback stays strong is if Brock Lesnar interferes, as I doubt CM punk can get a disqualification in Hell in a Cell.

I'm for him winning just for the shock factor ( watching TNA i know this is bad but RAW has 0 ideas of how to create stars atm it seems so, im starting to not care ,just do something ) and because we need fresh blood in the main event.Besides CEna Punk.( nothing agaisnt punk in the main event but, we seriously need more than 2 people on raw that are important ).

2 ) Agaisnt Ryback winning : This goes agaisnt everything I said above.Ryback is not ready to just be shoved in the main event and win.

Cm punk is having a lenghty run and diserves a much grander stage to lose the title than a B-PPV.Not just "OK Ryback in main-event all of a sudden let him just beat punk straight out".

We still have not seen him in a long drawn out match.Can he focus?Can he still do power moves after 10minutes?

I like Ryback, I really do , but this seems way to rushed, because they are completly out of ideas, they have no new stars, they are burying Dolph Ziggler constantly.I mean why have your money inthe bank winner -funny word, winner - lose constantly. Yeah he looks good doing it, cause he is Dolph Ziggler.But they are treating him like he is not a big deal.HE is 32, he is going to be a draw in what maybe 2-3-4 years?Then what?Then he is basically the guy at 36+ to put guys over, which he is already doing.

I dont know what else to say because I'd rather not speculate why the hell they are refusing to make new stars, or rename Joe HEnning and have him be somebody.They are seeing the fruits of their labor.And this past raw's rating showed that.

Random matches of ryder losing to Alberto del rio is not gonna cut it.And really a storyline about Alberto del Rio being the new Apex Predator...When I hear that, it just makes me think of the other kind of predator.( that must be just me tho )
Jericho clearly means the length aspect as being the part noone cares about. It's not an overly exciting story and they could have done much more with Punk's reign than they have. In fact, it's almost irrelevant, cos Hogan, Backlund etc all had it longer, it's an imaginary honor they are having Punk "chase".

He is right in saying they have a chance to launch someone at HIAC... He uses Ryback but Ziggler could also get his moment. Both pushes are being "forced" although Ziggler has lost some ground recently, I am sure Vicki's RAW moment means at HIAC he goes solo and I am thinking HE walks out with the belt (as Vicki is in charge on RAW) that's their way out. Ziggler "cashes into" the Punk Ryback match and now Vicki is the boss she ok's it. He "stuns" Punk and Ryback says unpinned.

Jericho is right, they NEED something fresh, the only way to get that is to go with something new. The ratings are in the toilet, the fans are restless with Cena and Vince so why not change it up? They can't "lose" cos even if Ryback doesn't work as champion he will still be over as a main eventer. If he loses to "The Rock" it can be cos Brock, Punk and everyone else attacks him. Either way it's more likely to make people tune in this coming monday than Cena working his way into the match and being champ or Punk keeping it for 348 days or whatever it is.
Whether Jericho is right or wrong depends on how you end (or start) the story of Punk vs Ryback. Whatever happens Ryback CANNOT LOSE. There can't be interference that makes him look weak and there can't be some gimicky draw as a finish.

Bottom line on this is that for Jericho to be right, Ryback needs to leave that arena looking like the biggest monster on the planet. That is how you build him as a future star. He needs to take everything Punk can throw at him and still stay standing. If you really need outside interference to make it work then let him destroy anyone who interfers too. But my honest belief is that the best thing in the long run is for Punk to keep the belt. In my head I've played out loads of draw angles, outside interference angles, Punk pulling the dirty win etc. In almost every case someone loses out and for this match both guys need to come out on top.

My solution? Ryback and Punk have a war in that cage. It doesn't matter if it involves weapons, outside interference, hell itself opening between them. Punk needs to be able to throw everything at Ryback and he needs to stand through it all. Vice Versa Ryback needs to destroy Punk but he keeps on kicking out. Punk needs to show that he'll die for that title and Ryback needs to show that he'll kill for it. Then at the very end there needs to be a brawling finish. Punk pulls off something really heelish (Spits in his face? Anything really distrespectful) and Ryback goes crazy. He lets lose everything on Punk and destroys him for the win...... But it doesn't stop there..... He keeps beating Punk after the bell but playing to the Crowd with it. You have to keep them partially on side. Refs come in to stop but Ryback keeps asking the crowd if they want him to (b)eat Punk some more. In the chaos Ryback takes out a ref whilst throwing Punk and the ref loses it and reverses the decision.

Ryback is shown to be the unstoppable monster and Punk keeps the belt on a technicality. Punk has earned some respect from taking the earlier beating but keeps coming back (doesn't look weak as even at the end he keeps getting up despite being knocked down). Ryback looks strong as he punished Punk like no one before, but now you give him a slightly more "uncontrollable" side and passionate side where he goes over the limits in rage.

Next night they can play off the fact that Punk is too beat up to compete and have Ryback still in a rage. Vicky tells him that if he wants a fight then he's got one... Vs Sheamus or Big Show (any heavy hitter!) and after another brawl Ryback wins but it is reversed again due to excessive force after the bell. Ryback now becomes a truly unstoppable monster and can build against more hell upper-card talent before going back in for the title.

So Jericho is right, the WWE get their "monster draw" that people can get behind and cheer as he destroys bad guy after bad guy. Punk keeps his belt and can now play on the "I took on the monster and took everything he had but still hold the belt and you people STILL disrespect me!".

Everyone wins. No cowardly heel. New monster that people cheer. Plus both guys can progress to better fueds without having to rematch immediately (which if Ryback wins means that you need him to beat Punk AGAIN, thus further damaging Punks credibility)
I think Jericho's right, I'm just not convinced that it's a particularly compelling story since Ryback really hasn't shown any mic skills, any charisma aside from hitting hard, and I don't think someone like that is necessarily going to "put butts in seats" to coin an overused phrase.

I think right now there's a bit of fresh air has been introduced to the top of the card, which is good, yet it was pretty much forced upon the WWE due to Cena's injury. Will it make for consistently compelling storylines that people tune into week after week and buy PPVs? We'll see...signs haven't been encouraging the past few weeks based on ratings. Ryback's new and different right now, but it remains to be seen how well that can be sustained. Some of that will be in the hands of creative, but a lot of it is going to be in Ryback's hands too. If the guy is a drooling moron on the mic, then creative is only going to get you so far.

Maybe I'm wrong, and maybe Ryback is going to be just like Goldberg in terms of popularity.
i feel like in a sense Y2J is jealous of punk by saying he doesn't care about the business. if punk didnt care then we would still have supercena as champion and he would of hit 16 title reigns by now. punk needs to go over on sunday and face the rock at the royal rumble. if he beats the rock then he has pretty much done it all and only has steve austin to face if he ever chooses to wrestle again

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