Is Austin Aries the most successful wrestler in Ring of Honor history?

Thriller Ant

Beep Bop Boop
Austin Aries debuted in Ring of Honor in April of 2004, and captured his first ROH World Title in December of that year, ending the longest title reign ever, that of Samoa Joe. He held onto the title until June of 2005, where he lost to CM Punk. In December of 2005, he and Roderick Strong won the ROH World Tag Team titles which they held until September of 2006 when they were defeated by the Kings of Wrestling. After a brief TNA run, Aries returned to ROH in 2007 and won the World Title for a second time in June of 2009, which he held until February of this year.

So I ask, is A Double the most successful man in ROH history? He is the only 2 time World Champion in Ring of Honor, been a member/leader of numberous important stables, and was also a tag team champion. And if not Aries, then who is the most successful wrestler in ROH?
I dont think you could find anyone that you could say is more successful in ROH. There have beens guys to go on and be more successful, but not in ROH. Like you said, the only 2 time champion, he gets tremendous heel heat, fantastic in the ring, and not bad on the mic as well.
Austin Aries is a great wrestler, one of my favorites. But the most successful wrestler in ROH, is my favorite wrestler, Samoa Joe.

His world title reign was legendary. He wrestled several 5 star matches. He faced several legends. And he was an outright monster.

Joe is the most successful and his steamroller path through ROH shows it.
Austin Aries is one of the most successful wrestlers in Ring of Honor history, but I don't think he's the most successful. My pick is going to have to be Nigel McGuiness. Austin Aries may have had two ROH World Title reigns, but combined, do not come anywhere close to equalling Nigel McGuiness' one reign in terms of time held. Aries held the belt for a grand total of 419 between his two reigns, while McGuiness held the belt for 545 days. Nigel also had more title defensed in his one reign, 38, than Aries did in both, 29. The most successful person in a company is supposed to be the champion, and Nigel McGuiness is the second longest regning champion ever, behind only Samoa Joe.

So why don't I think Samoa Joe is the most successful person in ROH history? Take a look at the Pure Title history. Nigel McGuiness is also the longest reigning Pure Champion in the company's history, and he defeated Samoa Joe for the belt. Joe had a nice 112 day reign, while McGuiness held the belt for nearly a year, 350 days. The amount of title defenses he had in the reign almost triples the next closest wrestler.

To me, the most successful person in any company is the wrestler who holds the belts. And Nigel McGuiness held the belts for longer than anyone.
Not even close. Joe & Danielson are the most successful. The biggest names at the peak of the promotion, wider followings, classic matches and better overall title reigns. I'd even put Aries behind Low Ki, McGuinness and possibly even A.J. Styles.
Nope. As fantastic as A Double is, the most successful wrestler in ROH history is far and away Samoa Joe, who absolutely dominated the indy scene in his time there. I would say Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness then seed 2nd and 3rd respectively, AJ Styles 4th and Austin Aeries 5th if you're looking for my opinion on the matter.
I gonna have to disagree and say that it's Bryan Danielson. This is one of the "Founding Fathers" of ROH and has had some of the most remembrable matches and fueds in the promotion with the likes of Samoa Joe, Homicide, and Austin Aries. Unlike some of the others, he's been with ROH for most of its existence and has mostly made his name from the promotion. His world title reign was the third longest in ROH history and he defend across the globe and different promotions against the likes of NOAH's KENTA, Naomichi Marufuji, and CZW's (well at the time) Chris Hero. He also ended Nigel McGuinness reign as Pure champion and unified both belts. Danielson was one of the key members in helping ROH become known and was the most sucessful at making his name in the promotion.

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