Is a 2nd WM match w/ Undertaker...HHH's last chance to have an era defining match?

Can HHH/Taker be an era defining match in this PG Era?

  • Yes!! I have no doubt they can!

  • Nah, no chance in hell.

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The Ace of Knaves

Getting Noticed By Management
For many WWE fans, Triple H is an easily identifiable figure throughout the history of the company. He is one of those very few people who can truly claim "I have achieved everything there is to be achieved". Feuding with greats, main-eventing Wrestlemania, winning world titles, winning Royal Rumble, winning King of The Ring, and achieving legendary status. Wow, virtually everything!

But here I am, again, begging to differ. After much evaluation, I can safely say there is indeed one thing, one simple thing, Hunter has yet to claim: He doesn't have a 1 on 1 era defining match at Wrestlemania. His match with The Rock at Summerslam 1998 is a match for the ages. The Elimination Chamber match at Survivor Series 2002 was indelible. His Royal Rumble match in 2000 against Cactus Jack was perhaps the match that made him what he is today. And much like other greats, he has put on countless great matches in other secondary PPVs like Badd Blood, Armageddon, Fully Loaded, etc.

But again, does he ever have a 1 on 1 era defining match at Wrestlemania? I define an era defining match as 1 match at Wrestlemania that fans can relate to when we are trying to capitalize or explain the whole era of WWE.
If we go by my definition, then these below are the example of 1 on 1 era defining match:

1. The Golden Era of WWE (1985-1993) was properly defined by Hulk Hogan vs Andre The Giant (Wrestlemania III) and Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior (Wrestlemania VI).

2. The New Generation Era (1994-1997) was immortalized by Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon (Wrestlemania X), Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania 12), and Bret Hart vs Stone Cold (Wrestlemania 13).

3. The Attitude Era (1998-2001) was most remembered for The Rock vs Stone Cold (Wrestlemania XV & X-7).

4. The Ruthless Agression Era (2002-2007) was famously known for The Rock vs Hulk Hogan (Wrestlemania X-8), Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar (Wrestlemania XIX), and Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle (Wrestlemania 21).

5. The Parental Guide Era (2008-Present) shall forever be remembered for Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker (Wrestlemania XXV & XXVI).

As u can see, 1 on 1 era defining match means matches that are considered to be the greatest ever held, and HHH doesn't have this kind of match at Wrestlemania. Yes, I'm sure many will point to his classic against Undertaker at Wrestlemania X-7 precisely 10 years ago, but come on, as much as it was a classic, do u think the match is truly era defining like HBK/Bret or Austin/Rock? I'm sorry, but no.

And his other Wrestlemania classic at WM 20 was hardly one on one despite being a timeless wrestling clinic.

His match with Warrior at WM 12 was worse than Undertaker vs Giant Gonzales. :disappointed:

The match with Kane at WM 15 was a huge mess.

The Battle Royal at Wrestlemania 16 was a train wreck, especially the ending.

His match with Jericho at Wrestlemania 18 was welcomed by dead crowds. :wtf:

His match with Booker T at WM 19 was decent, but nothing classic.

His main event with Batista at WM 21 & Cena at WM 22 put Batista & Cena on the map, but nothing era defining or legendary match.

His match at Wrestlemania 24 wasn't even PPV worthy.

Perhaps his biggest chance of an era defining match in this PG Era came during his match against Randy Orton at Wrestlemania 25, but we knew it ended up being one of the worst Wrestlemania main event ever. :shrug:

And his match with Sheamus at Wrestlemania bored the dead crowd to tears. :banghead:

See my point?

Then, came the stare-down with Undertaker last night, leading many of us to believe he's going to go against The Phenom at Wrestlemania 27, precisely 10 years after their first Wrestlemania encounter.

While I agree this match should be Streak vs Career & shouldn't involve Shawn Michaels because he will avert all the attention to him instead of the quality of the match and cause unneeded swerves, I'm willing to conceal all my hate and opinion for rematches merely to this match HHH's last chance to ever have a 1 on 1 era defining match at Wrestlemania?

Let's face it, today, The Streak is treated by WWE to be the biggest thing ever. And unlike 10 years ago, Taker & HHH are both legends now. If WWE play their card right, this match could be build like Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 25 where Taker & HBK first met again after 11 years. The stare-down tonight showed everyone how great their in-ring psychology was. They proved they don't need HBK as ref to be a big draw or to play the crowd. Taker vs HHH PURE is more more more more than enough!!!

And in-ring psychology was what brought Hogan/Andre, Hogan/Warrior, Rock/Austin, Rock/Hogan, and Taker/HBK to their status today, not 5 star wrestling clinic quality.

And how crazy the crowd reacted during their encounter at No Way Out 2009 only further proved my opinion. Because it reminded me like when Taker & HBK went face to face again at Royal Rumble 2007.

If there's one man, one match, that can give HHH something that will be remembered alongside matches like Hogan/Warrior, Bret/HBK, or Austin/Rock, it's a match against this guy:


So, do you agree with me or not? :lol:
Only a handful of wrestlers have had "era defining" matches at Wrestlemania. Also, he's put on some solid matches at Wrestlemania, and some duds, I agree with that. Triple H has never really had that GREAT wrestlemania feud in my opinion. I thought his match with Cena was the one where it HAD to be an era defining match, the crowd was in it, but the match was horrible.

So, in a sense, yes, Wrestlemania is Triple H's last chance to have an era defining match. Since I think it will be his LAST Match, and they'll do the Career-Streak match again.
i couldnt agree more. forgot how "lack luster" HHH's main event history at mania had been. i feel like i can do nothing but pray that 2 men as big in stature, as big as names as they are put everything on the line this wrestlemania and prove to the world that this is what the WWE has to off, this is what wrestling fans invest there time in. We all know the world round that Undertaker n HHH are two of the biggest names in the Pro wrestling EVER!

there is so much potential for match of the year that i hope this doesnt disappoint. Neither really need this but as fans we do.

i see this as a transitional mania where legends fade and new stars are born but this is a way for hunter n calloway to prove that they built there legacys on ways that few can even conceive.

JR said Taker won't retire until Wrestlemania 30, but your last sentence was otherworldly. :lmao:

ace of knaves, jr could be ryte ya never know lol it be great to see him go tht long, but hes putting on some of his best matches nowadays lol. ya never say never in wrestling. wrestling fans are the most dedicated fans and we live to see the most unexpectec so im sure JR knows more then i do so from a fans perspective lets pray hes the smarter of me and him lol
Whilst I agree that HHH hasn't had an epic main event at Wrestlemania, he has had many classic battles over his career, so it wouldnt be career defining. Era defining is a big call. I think it can topple HBK vs Undertaker.

My biggest issue is that you said WM24 wasn't ppv worthy.

That was probably my favourite match on the whole card.

I though Orton/Cena/Trips was a classic battle with good back story and chemistry.
The build for Orton/HHH WM M.E a few years ago COULD HAVE BEEN HHH's defining moment......but the match was mediocre, the fans did not care because all it was, was a basic wrestling match that you'd seen them have a million times. There was much personal investment, but to do a breaking and enter scene, and then have a match with little brutality made no sense AT ALL.

This is his last chance, he's had many good to very good matches, but nothing stands out, he's got to do it now
No. This isn't HHH's era. His has been kinda passed by. I'm not diminishing his past acomplishments, but this is the young era. HHH is on his way out of active competition. I really don't see how he can define what comes next in this match at WM. For the record I think the career vs. streak match again is fucking bullshit. Conversation for a different thread.....
Hehe, sorry, but "duh".
Because it's HHH's last match, he could return but I doubt it. He has kids to worry about. I've been saying for ages that if HHH did take over WWE the only thing that could improve are gimmicks and storylines (things HHH thinks WWE are lacking) but it would still be PG because he has kids, so he'd not have time for matches on the road.

Now, of course it is. If you take the last 8 years (from WM XX-XXVI) Undertaker has only had 1 bad match and 1 tolerable match. Essentially, 1 bad match, while the rest were great, good or better than what we see today.

If you go back to WM X-Seven you get an awesome match that I've only seen you underrate for some reason just because it isn't an era defining. Triple H isn't what you'd call a great wrestler, so for him to have a match of this caliber is surprisingly great. Now, a few of Undertaker's better matches were in the past 8 years now, Orton, Batista, Edge, Shawn, Shawn. Edge and Shawn especially because of the amazing wrestling, Batista because he was able to carry him. Oh, brings up a point: Batista and HHH have a similar powerhouse style of wrestling and Undertaker carried them both, if it was just a few years ago (and Taker was a Phenom ) then he could do just the same.

Edge's wrestling, declined in ability now, anyway Edge hadn't had a career defining singles match that I can recall. Now, he does have one with UNDERTAKER. If you actually think Undertaker can't at least carry somebody with thrice as much wrestling ability as Mark Henry, A-Train, Big Bossman, Giant Gonzales and some other chodes you've got another thing coming.

Triple H as a heel is often alluded as better wrestler when he is a heel, as are many wrestlers because he/they don't have as many "limits". That means they can go for more chokes or illegal moves and make the illusion of the match better.

So yes, this is his final chance to have an era defining match. If he doesn't, tough sh*t. He has one match worthy to re-watch time after time at the greatest WrestleMania of all time.

If he actually gave a crap about what people thought about his wrestling ability he'd drop that stupid move limitation Vince gives Cena, Orton and HHH (so kids can remember their moves...) and give him a big "F*CK YOU" and go all out in a great match.
i actually think take it one step further - make it a career v career match, with HHH saying that undertaker took HBK career so im taking yours.

and on the eras, does it look like the end of an era with the promos rock and cena been cutting very much pushing the boundaries
i feel disappointed by this match, and dont want it to happen, i feel disappointed for various reasons:

Undertaker - whilst we will probably never see taker v sting the common thought is that he will face cena next year and maybe retire. this will be only be huge because cena is the last credible star who could end the streak. if this is the case it is hard to suspend belief when we know hhh is going to lose.

HHH - i like HHH, i think he gets alot of heat from the internet and most of it unwarranted. Since the clique he has mostly done good for business, he has been happy to put people over where necesasary and never more so than at wrestlemania. if this is a retirement match then i am gutted he will retire so soon because he is still young enough to be relevant, and used sparingly on a limited schedule still put on great matches and feuds to put people over. I am not saying HHH will end the streak but his reputation would be hammered if he ended it. the internet would slate him for ever, similar to the end of goldbergs streak. I can imagine HHH doesnt want a full time schedule but I am very surprised that he is considering retirement.

On the subject of whether they can put on a defining match i am sure they can. HHH is the master of making a limited moveset seem unlimited. he does have it all, the spinebuster, clothesline, figure four, knee drop, running knee, pedigree. even at this stage in taker's career they will still have the ability to produce because they can both sell and story tell in the ring.
It has that potential, though I don't think it will be as good as Taker/Michaels, it has the making of a very intense buildup if HHH goes into "The Game"/"Cerebral Assassin" mode and UnderTaker transends his gimmick's limits and reminds us all that this is His yard, and has some decent matches against mid-carders with some clean and decisive wins to promise a legendary match-up at WrestleMania. I think this will absolutely propel HHH into the living legend status that HBK and UnderTaker shared, whilst still being involved AS wrestlers... Not a lot of other legends who still wrestle.
I think they have to treat this match as if THEY have to steal the show, because its the only match on the card such magnitude, since Miz vs. Cena is merely a case of most over face vs most over heel. As of right now, its the only thing to look forward to, because there's no excitement in a Cena victory and the idea of a Del Rio win is great, and he could steal the show, but it's not THAT big of a match.
I was really hoping to see even more younger blood established as Main event, but once again we find ourselves leaning on the veterans and legends to make this EPIC, since they didn't give JoMo the shot, though there is still a chance of adding McIntyre to the WHC match...
but here's to hoping for Morrison or McIntyre for Mr. MITB... Don't know what they're doing with JoMo after that decisive loss to CM Punk now though. Personally I only look forward to WrestleMania for HHH/Taker and Miz...
HHH/Taker is definitely huge for everyone... us the fans, and especially HHH.
No it has NOTHING to do with HHH or Undertaker wanting a last big FUCK YOU match of this Era it boils down to storylines, HHH; Shawn's best friend wanting revenge for Mania and remember HHH has been out literally a year so that revenge angle didn't happen until now.

Plus how can Undertaker top 2 matches with Shawn? Barrett? as much as I like him having him job to Taker at Mania could hurt him more then help him at the moment.
HHH vs Undertaker part 2 is gonna be bigger then their last match at WM17 and probably because this time HHH is putting his career on the line.
I think it can be a Career Defining match. Just as long they don't put Shawn Michaels into the picture as you Ace of Knaves mentioned. At first I thought if it was to be about Shawn Michaels demise @WM 26 then it could heat up the feud. However after giving it more of a thought it'll just ruin the angle somewhat unless Michaels himself gets physically involved into the rivalry. If this type of thing happens it'll mainly be about Taker & HBK again. So where's HHH:confused:?

One way I can see this go green is if HHH & Taker keep the Michaels thing minor & battle it out to see who the best of the best is. I dunno but I'm just going to wait to see what happens first.
I would argue he had an era defining match in HBK vs Benoit vs HHH at wrestlemania XX, but it was erased from history after what happened to chris benoit.

I don't think this is his last chance though, I don't see an HBK esque retirment for HHH, he will still be an active part of the WWE, and if wrestlemania needs it, I'm sure we will see him step up and lace up the boots again to provide that big attraction.
I would argue he had an era defining match in HBK vs Benoit vs HHH at wrestlemania XX, but it was erased from history after what happened to chris benoit.

It wasn't one on one match.:p

I don't think this is his last chance though, I don't see an HBK esque retirment for HHH, he will still be an active part of the WWE, and if wrestlemania needs it, I'm sure we will see him step up and lace up the boots again to provide that big attraction.

Thus making the retirement stipulation absurd and making The Streak looks foolish for going 19-0 by defeating only 17 men? I hope not.:rolleyes:
I strongly believe that The Game saw your thread as I did a few weeks back and used much of your comments to fuel the spirit of his speech on Monday Night RAW (2/28/2011). Be happy, that's as good as getting a "shout out" by the guy!

He is one of those very few people who can truly claim "I have achieved everything there is to be achieved".

You were right, good call!! Triple H even said "I've done everything that there is to do here in the WWE...Every accolade, every championship, defined the Elimination Chamber, defined Hell In A Cell. Thirteen times- thirteen times [a] WWE Champion."

He doesn't have a 1 on 1 era defining match at Wrestlemania.

Again, great call! Triple H exclaimed "Dead Man, you and I will define an era!"
I disagree. I think the main event at WM 21 was his last great WM performance. It defined the end of the "Evil H" era before all the DX tongue in cheek BS. In my mind, HHH v Batista is the best WM main event in the last 10 years since Austin killed the Bionic Redneck character at X-7:icon_neutral:

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