IPW Genesis 2011


I am The Last Baron
I went to a local Wrestling show on Saturday night. I use the word local, mainly because it was about 10 minutes from where I live, it is more the top promotion in New Zealand, but I went, it was NZD$15 entry fee to get which is more than reasonable to go see a show.

So this will more or less be a review of the show, my thoughts on it and some results for those that like that sort of thing, I mean its not like a forum on the Internet about Wrestling cares about the results, right? :p

Get to the auditorium that the show was at about 6.20pm for the doors to open at 6.30. Get in and get the seat, got second row from the front on the side with the stairs leading to the ring. Waiting for the 7 start.

So at around 7 the ring announcer in the ring to start the proceedings by getting the crowd boosted up a bit.

First match of the night is for the position of number one Contender to the Tag Team Titles.
Fire Mountain ("Handsome" Danny Jacobs & Elias) w/Britenay Vs. Neo Justice Double (]"Human Bullet" Link & Kazuki])

The match started out well with a good back and force match for a bit then you get Fire Mountain take over and dominate for a bit. This led to a good old fashioned high impact comeback from Neo Justice Double which led to Elias stuck up on the corner for a while with Link and Kazuki trying to pull off what I guess was a double suplex off the top rope but Danny Jacobs went after first Link, than Kazuki, then both at once. This resulted in the relatively short term a win for Fire Mountain. Good match I gave it a solid

Second match was a "No Rules, No Worries" match
Jordan Invincible Vs. James Shaw

To Preface this match, A No Rules, No Worries match is a hardcore match without a ref, the crowd is the one that does the counting. Cool little concept and it works.

James Shaw is out first with his kettle, I think its called Ben, (if it is I get the joke) Bit of a Mad one really. Jordan Invincible out next the kids in front were loving it. Though saying that they were shaking their hand after all the hand slapping that went on.

The Match starts out more or less like a normal match good back and forth with Jordan Invincible taking the lead for a an early portion of the match. went to the outside and knife edge chops on three of the ring sides, with James Shaw getting busted open while he was outside the ring. James Shaw took control once they got back in the ring so much so to knock down Jordan invincible for a bit enough for a Singapore cane to be brought out all well and good, Jordan Invincible got out of the ring and picked up a chair said nah and chucked it in the ring, then he grabs a white stick type thing. Gets back in the ring and then bit of stick fighting James Shaw backs away and the white stick type thing is actually a sword and sheath.

I really didn't like that, while it may be a no rules environment there are kids there and I think it goes a bit too far over the line. I get that it was a bit of a comic relief but its sort of in the realms of past light entertainment. I'm fine with blunt instruments, bladed weapons I'm not okay with.

Saying that the sword was dropped straight away and match resumed with a number of attempted pinfalls from either side. James Shaw saw brought down for a bit and then one of the big parts of the match finish is brought out by Jordan Invincible Thumbtacks, lots and lots of thumbtacks, spread all over the ring. Again a bit of a back and forth with Jordan Invincible going down to a DVD if memory serves correct a table is brought out set up and promptly crashed through by Jordan Invincible. James Shaw eventually goes down to a T-Boon Drop head first onto the thumb tacks. for the final pinfall.

I am probably missing stuff in there but it was a good match and really the blood coming out of James Shaw's head was impressive by itself, but the match I give a 4/5

At this stage there was a bit of a delay as there was a need to clear the ring of blood and thumbtacks. which is fair enough as there was a lot of thumbtacks.

The third match of the evening was a Women's triple threat match

JPE Vs. NZWPW's Misty Vs. Evie w/Megan-Kate

Not much to say about this one sorry other than Evie and Megan-Kate are good looking, the second part is true but the story of the match is Evie got beat up by both JPE and Misty and was outside the ring for quite a bit, there was what was sort of hilarious bit in the match where you have the two heel women competing over who could beat up Evie, that and JPE claiming that Evie being down was her pin when Misty was trying to steal the pin.

JPE got the win with a pinfall I think it was on Misty.

I give the match a 3/5

up Fourth was the Tag Team Titles put on the line by the Champions Saint Chaos

Saint Chaos(Brian Saint James & Curt Chaos) Vs. Smack Industries(Jon E. King & Alexander)

I should preface this with a bit of a back story, way back a few years, Jon E King and Alexander were Smack Industries, this is while Jon E King was IPW champ and was the big bad guy, they split, Alexander becoming a bit of a fan favourite. After a while Jon E King is fronting a new group called Pro Wrestling Excellence (PWE for short) this group is himself and Saint Chaos. recently there was a breakdown in PWE and Jon E King was kicked out. Got given a tag title shot by the IPW Commissioner Dion McCracken with a Partner of his choosing at Coastal Assault a guy by the name of Luscius. Smack Industries gets reunited after that and that leads into this match.

Started out explosively before the bell was rung with both teams doing a back and forth and SI getting the upperhand to start with. Before King was cut off by what is generally considered to be great tactics in Tag Wrestling Isolate and Dominate. With a series of tags between Brian Saint James and Curt Chaos. King was able to get both Chaos and Saint James out of the way so as able to get a tag off. Alexander then gets isolated for a bit before getting a hot tag to King, referee distraction while Curt Chaos tried to do the trick of throwing the belt at your opponent and laying down as if stunned. led to the best line of the night from King, "Its not going to work, you Dick" A couple of Silencer Superkicks later, the winners and the New IPW NZ Tag Team Champions

Smack Industries

Great match and deserves the solid 4/5 that I am giving it.

After the match out comes the IPW NZ Heavyweight Champion Vinny Dunn. A bit of smack was talked between Vinny and Brian Saint James. Te Tahi does a bit of a talk and asks for a minutes silence for the victims of the Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami. This is then followed by a promo about how he will win that night and a tiny bit about the next match which is a way of getting a Title shot at the IPW NZ Heavyweight Title.

The Next match I need to give again a bit of a preface as it is similar to a Royal Rumble except different.

The NZPWI Eliminator is 20 person royal rumble type battle royal. Except it is slightly different, start out with two wrestlers they wrestle for two minutes, and every 90 seconds a new competitor comes in until all twenty are in the ring. Now eliminations are the done in the traditional over the top style, until the last two, then it is a standard match where the only way to win is by Pinfall or Submission as a Referee enters the ring.

I will List the Order of Entry first and then the order of Elimination Second. Then talk about my thoughts on the match as it would be convoluted if I tried to do it any other way.

Order of Entry.
1) Ninja Fury
2) Victor Lucid
3) Lil T
4) Jarvis Solid
5) Rocketman
6) Dominique le Force
7) Brother T
8) Ben Mana
9) Alfred Valentine
10) Travis Banks
11) Pirate Burns
12) NZ Dream
13) Liger
14) Jon E King
15) Johnny Idol
16) Justin Decent
17) Britenay
18) Rehua
19) A-Class
20) The Antagonist

Order of Elimination
1) Jarvis Solid
2) Victor Lucid
3) Brother T
4) Lil T
5) Dominique Le Force
6) Rocketman
7) Ben Mana
8) NZ Dream
9) Liger
10) justin Decent
11) Johnny Idol
12) Britenay
13) Pirate Burns
14) The Antagonist
15) Rehua
16) A-Class
17) Jon E King
18) Alfred Valentine
19) Ninja Fury

So for those keen eyed readers you can work out by process of elimination that Travis Banks is the winner. Now onto talking about the match. Ninja Fury is awesome and everyone that watches IPW loves him, have to say that he is a good guy outside the ring as well. Lasted the whole match which must be on a par with the stamina that he had going for him last time I saw him at a concert. Seeing Pirates and Ninjas are Totally Awesome(PaNaTA) reunite since hey were forcibly disbanded was awesome. A Class and Ninja were my picks going in for a good shot at winning the eliminator. But that wasn't the case. Britenay's involvement was awesome, gets in the ring and low blows Johnny Idol to eliminate him then got eliminated by Jon E King. Justin Decent got the crap beat out of him which was awesome. One of the best parts of the Antagonist being at number 20 was this.


I want to see a Ninja Fury vs. Travis Banks singles match that is just them as the Eliminator gave a good indication that a proper singles match between the two would be great.

I give the eliminator a 4/5

I can't quite do justice to describing the match so I will leave it to IPWs website for that.

IPW Commissioner Dion McCracken banned himself from ringside, shocking “The Deal” Dal Knox and he was left to face “Te Tahi” on his own terms. He quickly gained the advantage when he temporarily blinded the champion with the white powder he threw into the face of the champion and he laid into Dunn with a determined brutality.

The challenger whipped Dunn at velocity into Peter Lane, leaving Lane down and out and the Deal headed up to the top rope and landed a double axe handle to the skull of "Te Tahi."

A slingshot sent Dunn flying headfirst into the steel ringpost, busting him wide open and dragging the champ back into the ring, the head of "Te Tahi" was soon crimson with his own blood as "The Deal" punched and kicked the open wound to get the ultimate damage.

But it was the arrogance and posturing of Dal Knox that gave Dunn the opening he needed to get to his feet and gain some momentum, launching himself at pace at "The Deal" to nail him with a Spear.

"Te Tahi" was determined not to let Knox back into the match taking him down with a huge fireman’s carry slam followed by three massive elbow drops from the top rope. A missile dropkick sent "The Deal" flying to the outside.

But the wily Deal managed to pull the champion from the ring and power bombed him onto the ring steps for a six count, and then taking it back to the ring Knox hit a massive Knox Out to earn an eight count from the referee.

It looked like it was all over when Knox took Dunn to the corner, but a counter from the top rope put both men down and out on the mat, and it was an even playing field again as they climbed to their feet trading blows.

"The Deal" continued to aggravate matters when he spat at Peter Lane, so an enraged Lane shoved Knox into the ropes where he got tied up and it was the champion who now had the momentum, laying into the helpless challenger with glee. A colossal Spear knocked "The Deal" to the outside and it was Dunn who was in control as he pulverised his opponent against the steel ring barrier.

Lane had placed the ring steps on the stage, and it was there that the pair brawled and Dunn managed to haul the challenger to his shoulders ready to hit the Muscle Buster. Knox wiggled is way to freedom, but a smashing blow sent the challenger flying off the stage head first into the steel ring barrier.

Taking it back to the ring Dunn hit a vicious Muscle Buster but the champ got impatient and broke the count to go for a second Muscle Buster to guarantee the victory.

Brian Saint James then interrupted, attacking "Te Tahi" with a second rope clothesline that took the champ off his feet. Saint James revived "The Deal" and assisted him in hitting a gigantic second Knox Out.

Saint James hauled Knox to his feet as the ref started to count, and stood over "Te Tahi" stating “It’s my time!” and it was Saint James who kept the champion from rising as the referee counted to ten and “"The Deal"” Dal Knox became a four time IPW New Zealand Heavyweight Champion!

It was a brutal match Te Tahi was busted open early on in the match and took a real nasty looking bomb on the ring stairs. Great match high drama

and a solid 4.5/5

After the match Dion McCracken came out gloating and resulted in a musclebuster from Vinny Dunn, sending the crowd home happy.

Over all a solid event great to go and support the local Wrestling. Definitely going to try and get to more as I had fun which is what you are supposed to do.

I give the show overall a 4/5

Try and get to any local wrestling that you have near you as it is a good way to have fun for a night. Generally fairly cheap as well. You may very well be surprised.
That sounds like a pretty entertaining show. Mixture of match types, a mini Royal Rumble type deal, some hardcore shit, and some women. Sounds good to me.

Not too sure about that match where the fans count the pinfall? Whats to stop them counting fast for their favourite? I dont see how it works, but you say it does, so fair enough!

I would certainly try and catch something like that if I see one in my local area for a decent price.

Thanks for the review I really enjoyed reading it man.
The Fans didn't fast count, the kids in front were yelling out not to count for James Shaw but everyone was counting during the pinfalls still.

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