Ipod Touch help?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Last night my Ipod battery completely died. When I'd turn it on, it would show the battery thing. Well I plugged it in, and now it keeps switching to the battery and the apple sign (the one that shows up after you turn it on). Not sure, it doesn't seem like it's charging.

Do any of you have any idea of what could be wrong?
Your charger might be defective. Try charging it in your computer/normal plug, whichever you weren't using beforehand. If all else fails, try what Crock said, then give Apple a ring.
Well since you guys are suspecting the charger, I guarantee that's it. The other day my mom decided to vacume in my room. Unfortunately my charger hanging my computer usb drive didn't survive the ambush. Half of the skin on the cable was taken off. It was still perfectly usable, but I guess it's finally starting to die out. I'll have to pick a new one up this week.

I think I tried the holding both buttons in earlier, didn't seem to do anything.
Why didn't you say that in the beginning?

Hmm, maybe the frayed wire isn't working... Nahhhh.

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