Iowa Winter Weather

Mrs Sexy

Occasional Pre-Show
Winter sure hit us in the ass here in Iowa. Where William works, they got 11 inches of snow. Where we live, we got hit with the sleet/ice/snow mix.

William and I both had to work. I worked in the morning and him in the evening. I travel roughly 20-25 miles to work and William drives almost an hour to work. Roads weren't bad when I went to work and they weren't horrible when William went to work. It wasn't until after he got to work at 5 PM that it hit a lot harder.

Well the point to this is, William was roughly 5 miles away from home, and he ends up in a deep ditch on the back road. Not only did he end up in that ditch but it included him running over a barbed wire fence and into a corn field.

HE'S OK thankfully. I'm glad he's not hurt. Hell, the car didn't get any flat tires from the fence. Which you would assume it would.

Anyways, the weather around here sucks. I'm ready for spring.

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