Intentional or Coincidence?


Getting Noticed By Management
Okay so with all the Christian "tragedy" blogs and posts made this past week, many people stated they would never watch WWE again. There were even articles made on Bleacher Report. After the ratings have come in, they scored the lowest on SD this year so far. Lets be honest, only little kids probably didnt know Orton was going to win after Tuesday. This comments spread like wildfire and everyone was upset. Is this a coincidence, or was this bound to happen with all the backlash.
Okay so with all the Christian "tragedy" blogs and posts made this past week, many people stated they would never watch WWE again. There were even articles made on Bleacher Report. After the ratings have come in, they scored the lowest on SD this year so far. Lets be honest, only little kids probably didnt know Orton was going to win after Tuesday. This comments spread like wildfire and everyone was upset. Is this a coincidence, or was this bound to happen with all the backlash.

Maybe a combination of both. I saw the spoilers and i said to myself "F*ck that i'm not watching smackdown." So maybe people did the same thing, but also consider the fact that anyways smackdown doesn't have high ratings anyway because its on fridays, and people have other things to do especially when its getting warm outside.
A good amount of viewers get online to check out wrestling spoilers. Not a considerably large amount, but still a few that might show up in ratings. People forget how easy it is to let things slip after seeing a spoiler online. You don't have to be a part of the IWC to hear about how Christian would lose his belt on Smackdown before it happens. Gossip is still alive and well, and I think it showed. Hell I take my siblings to the bus stop every school day and the children there were talking about it. Obviously they heard from other sources, maybe the internet, maybe from an older person. But they still knew, and that's what most likely resulted in backlash.

I think it was intentional. Ratings were suppose to be pretty good since Christian, a guy billed as a pretty big face, was the new World Champion.
There are so many factors to this. It's May, a typical time for ratings to go down now that the road to Wrestlemania is in the rear view mirror as is all the fallout. You also have the WWE directly competing with the NBA Playoffs on Mondays and Fridays. Finally, you have arguably the most spoiled SmackDown of the year. Even people who typically don't read spoilers heard word of the title change between Tuesday and Friday.

As for the Christian effect - it's hard to tell. For the people who weren't spoiled, they may have tuned in to see a main face character begin his reign and others may not have bother because he's boring to them. I do imagine among the spoiled crowd that there were some extremist who boycotted, there were some that felt like there was no reason to watch after the news spread like wildfire and there were those that tuned in specifically to watch Orton win the title.
Eh, you could just as well argue that the ratings were so low because Christian went in as champion.

Then again, whether that was the case or the ratings were low because people knew the result and boycotted it, in the end it doesn't make a difference. Those who boycot will return (what are they going to do? watch TNA?) and now one of their most popular performers is champion again, so the ratings will increase from that.

I guess thee is just nothing left but to move on and hope Christian won't get lost in the shuffle again too soon.
It's May, a typical time for ratings to go down now that the road to Wrestlemania is in the rear view mirror as is all the fallout.

The other thing about May is the weather turning good. I don't know what's going on in the rest of the country, but here in the East it's taking a damn long time for true Spring to get here......and it was definitely here last Friday night. I didn't spend my night indoors watching TV.

The problem with reading weekly reports on TV ratings is that the natural tendency is to start over-analyzing. Every small change is amplified by cheers that the wrestling industry is finally headed in the right direction......or that WWE will be out of business by the weekend.

The only one seemingly worrying himself to an early grave over these small changes in ratings is Vince McMahon. The rest of us should realize that it's no big thing. Even if Smackdown pulled an .6 rating one week, there would be a logical reason why, and that they'd probably bounce right back the next week.

Now, long-term trends in the wrong direction; that could be a cause for concern.
I tuned in just to see the match. I knew the outcome beforehand like most (thanks to those who posted here prior to Friday), and It actually made me want to see the match. Yes I know I am an Orton mark, however If anyone actually sat and watched that match, you have to admit, it was the best match on Smackdown TV in a very, very long time. I am torn between Christian losing and Orton winning however, as surprising as that sounds to some.

I honestly dont think people are going to stop watching just because one guy doesnt get the recognition he deserves. If that were the case then the "E" wouldnt have ratings at all. Everyone out there has had or has a favorite that didnt get the recognition they deserved at some point in time. Its a part of the business, and as much as I hate to say it, I didn't expect Christian to keep the belt past Over the Limit anyway, but I didn't expect them to give it to Orton that quick either.(I was hoping for Mark Henry to be a transitional Champ not Christian)
Every episode isn't going to have a stellar rating for one reason or another. As others have said, the weather is really starting to get nice in most places. The summer movie season has officially started as well, and more people generally just go out on Fridays than any other night of the week.

Also, the NBA Playoffs were on this past Friday as well, which could have taken a chunk out of the adult male audience of SmackDown!. Besides, there's always the possibility that a lot of viewers recorded SD! on their DVR this past Friday. I never hear the DVR numbers for Raw & SD!.

I wouldn't worry much about this. You can't knock one out of the park everytime you come up to bat.
SD seems to be in limbo right now. UT is not returning and Edge, who has been the focus of so many storylines has retired. There is a big gap. If Orton cannot hold the show up then alot of midcarders will get the chance. It's whatyou make of it after all.
As a Christian mark I'm glad if it was as a result of the backlash.

I did not watch smackdown,not because I'm a christian mark even though I was very upset with what happened I still understand why Orton was givin the title.
I just don't want to watch what I have seen 8 times already... IMO Orton is better when he is chaseing the title,not as champion.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I have browsed these forums for quite a long time
and think I remember a thread from the last time Orton won the title that was just like this in that rateings dropped. It was before Miz cashed in on him.

Maybe it's just that warm weather is comming and more ppl are spending friday nights outside,or the fact that over the limit is on the way and with WM over and SS not here yet alot of casual fans just don't care to watch ATM.
For perspective, Raw's ratings were down 8% last night - also up against the NBA Playoffs (and that's with Cena as champion).
If the ratings decrease is due to the spoilers & Christian losing, then maybe it will send some sort of message to the WWE. People also could have read the spoilers & said well, I already know what happens, so why watch? Orton has been champ before, why would I want to see it again? I always tape Smackdown because I work Friday nights, so I don't think I factor into the ratings, and I;m sure there are others who don't watch it live as well.

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