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With all the recent higher level talent dropping like flies. How much more can the WWE handle before they really have to think about a huge mass graduation from NXT... or do they struggle by with the few stars and try to make it work? Or should they have a mass rehiring of older talent to get them thru the lul?? IE MVP Johm Morrison and the like... Or am I just getting to worried about the few injuries and should hush..
I think you're onto something with promoting some NXT talent. Corey Graves & Adrian Neville should be promoted soon either together or separately. It could be HHH's method of what's best for business. With certain superstars MIA or "Fired" there is opportunity for new blood on the roster. Another guy that would fit well into this story as Coporate Muscle would be Mason Ryan. They could also bring back Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio as well. There's plenty of room storyline-wise to set up returns or debut new talent.
Cena's the only big name out with injury. Henry has never drawn a dime and is a waste of a roster slot. Sheamus is stale and from where I'm sitting hasn't been missed.

So besides Cena, who exactly are they missing? Bryan and Orton are carrying the main storyline just fine, Punk is still around, and there is a bunch of upper midcarders like RVD, ADR, and Ziggler available.

Not to mention, they have a guaranteed hall of famer who could become a weekly competitor again tomorrow and take the top heel spot easily in HHH. Then of course, they have Lesnar under contract and could always offer him some more dough to increase his dates. (Doubt he'd turn down the cash). They also have a former WWE champion in the Miz not really doing anything. It's not like the cupboards are bare.

Exactly who are you trying to replace that isn't a horrible worker with little heat (Henry) or a stale, bland face with no drawing power (Sheamus).

I'd rather they take the time to run with Bryan and Punk at the top while Cena is on the shelf. I see no reason for jobbers like mvp or morrison to be rehired, when they have zero history of being able to draw. What exactly would they add to the program that guys already on the roster can't do just as well?

As far as the NXT guys... Not that I'm not a fan of several of them, but they have bumped enough guys up to the main roster and I'd rather the tv time go to guys like Wyatt or the Shield and continue to build them as credible threats than to see more guys debut just to get lost in the crowd.
WWE needs to start using more of their roster. Guys like Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins, Alex Riley, JTG, etc. are not being utilized to their full potential, even in just a jobber capacity.

With all these injuries, other talents should be allowed to step up. Guy B should be moving up into Guy A's spot, Guy C into Guy B's spot, Guy D into Guy C's spot, and so on. But instead WWE is just stretching out the TV time of the people who are already getting regularly featured anyway. Does Dolph Ziggler need to have a match on RAW, SmackDown AND Superstars in one week? Randy Orton is doing more wrestling on TV than Cena or Punk did when they were champion.

All it does is over work them and risk that they too get injured as well. WWE should promote some of their current main roster talents if not for their benefit, then just so that they can lighten the workload a bit.
Some NXT talent is ready for the main roster. As soon as Kassius Ohno is toned up enough to WWE's satisfaction, I'm sure he'll be on the main roster soon. Paige is someone that, in my opinion, is ready for the main roster. She's officially been 21 years old for the last 3 weeks and while that's extremely young, she's also someone that's very much grown up in the business. I'm sure there are others who are ready, those are the two who immediately sprung into my head first.

As far as all the various injuries go, it's the nature of the beast that is pro wrestling. More often than not, wrestlers are usually working injured or hurt to one degree or another. I don't believe that there's any major detriment to WWE right now as far as star power goes. CM Punk & Daniel Bryan are both insanely over at the moment, the corporate power structure is garnering tremendous heat, as are The Shield for being the physical enforcers of the power players' collective will, babyfaces who have felt their wrath like Big Show, Dolph Ziggler & Cody Rhodes have fans rallying behind them, things look to be picking back up in the tag team picture and, hell, even the Divas are fairly relevant these days. John Cena being out injured is a blow because he's a significant money player for WWE. It's always shitty for a company when someone like that is on the shelf but, as I alluded to earlier, that's how the mop flops in wrestling.

The main roster isn't in any trouble that I can see thus far but even there was, I doubt WWE would improve things by rushing a bunch from NXT to the main roster before they're ready. The law of averages suggest that there'd be a substantial number of those put on the roster so quickly wouldn't be ready.
Isn't this sort of like the mistake they made with Ryback? Shooting him too far too fast with no intention of following through while Cena was out with an injury? If WWE doesn't have something for these NXT guys or feels they are not ready then I kind of take their word for it. If you bring these guys up without a long term plan or just throw them in matches without much behind them then they are destined for failure, especially when a guy like Cena returns and everyone gets pushed back again.

Let the veterans step up and carry an extra load. Focus on the top two or three stories. Maybe one of the lower level guys will step up and make some money for the company. If so, great, if not, no harm done to someone who wasn't making it anyway. Throwing an NXT newbie to the wolves is dangerous for that guys career. What was the point of bringing up Bo Dallas for a few weeks?
Ok so besides it being spelled injuries, where do I begin?

The problem in the WWE is a wide pool of talent, and so much available TV time, but certain people are being under utilized or just held on contracts. Personally I am glad some of those top stars are out, think about it if Hogan wouldn't have left would HBK had been a main eventer? If Austin wouldn't have broken his neck would Triple H and The Rock and Foley gotten the opportunities to help run with the ball?

The WWE wants the mid-card to step up, and you have Christian suffering the concussion problems, Mark Henry now with a pulled hammy, Cena with a torn this, Sheamus with a torn that, Fandango broke his nose.... Its time to give some people a chance. IMO I don't want to see Ryder in a top face role, that ship sailed, hell I don't even want to see Ryback even go face, but lets show some of our guys with talent that can go be real players now. PTP now that Darren Young has come out of the closet has been a lot better pushed now then they were even 6 months ago keep them on this roll. I think the comedy angles are going stale and I think we need guys who we know can wrestle to come back as faces. I think McIntyre needs to disband with 3MB it will help his career and he could be a key player. Rhodes push is awesome and I know it will keep going. Miz while being an entertainment face can't carry the company but should stay a focal point in the mid card.
Talent isn't dropping like flies. Injuries are a natural part of this business regardless of the frequency in which they occur. The industry goes through peaks and valleys, this unfortunately being a valley in terms of superstar stability. Most of the superstars getting injuried have sacrificed years of their lives to the WWE. Its normal for guys like Henry and Cena to break down every once in a while after such lengthy, demanding careers. Although I doubt either man will retire after their current injuries, a mass superstar migration might actually motivate WWE to pay more attention to some of the more promising midcard talent. Everyone in The Shield has a promising career if they play their cards right. The Miz and Wade Barrett are two marketable superstars not currently being used properly. Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes have been proven draws for quite a while now. The problem with bringing up too many people from NXT is that most of them are too green for prime time TV. Don't get me wrong, the majority of what I've seen from NXT is definitively impressive, but not something I would present to a loyal TV audience. Bringing up so many green superstars at once without the resources backstage or on camera to aid them in making the transition to the main roster can prove to be severely detrimental. The overall product can surely suffer from too much fresh talent as we've seen in the recent past. WWE could do a lot better by focusing on the stars its currently neglecting on the main roster. Too many unused talent is still on WWE's payroll. If we did have a sudden and mass retirement of main roster superstars I have no doubt a couple of people would be brought up from NXT to replace them, but thats a never ending process WWE has always taken part in.
Ok, sorry about the spelling.. Now I was not in anyway saying to bring anyone in that is not ready. I firmly believe they need long term plans for anyone coming in. Also i was not saying that anyone needed to be replaced. What i'm saying is there is obviously is a small injury thing going on right now as it does from time to time. The issue i have with this particular time is that they seem to be overloading us with 3 or 4 guys instead of branching out a little. I would say tv time is something all wrestlers strive to get and the WWE would rather re-show a old clip of Punk or Orton then give a C star 1 minute of time. I would like to see them used more of the talent they have instead of force feeding us the same guys for 6 hours a week.. The main issue i think is creative not wanting to use anything they dont think up.. How many people can remember any number of gimmicks that worked extremely well in nxt or where ever, but as soon as they guy gets called up they just totally repackage him or her just because.. anyway that is a bit off topic. I would just like to see more time spent on using talent instead of replays and over hype we have become used to.
The are quite a few injuries to key superstars but I would not pronounce a crisis needing to call up several names up from NXT. The main roster is already filled with talent and I would rather see some of these names actually used rather than give some guys, who are not ready, a chance that may not work. Ryback was given a massive push but they didn't know what they were doing so he lost momentum. Bo Dallas, I'm not sure if his 2 weeks on the main roster would have done much for him.

Lets say they push someone from NXT onto the main roster and have little idea what they want to do with him. That is detrimental for him because if it doesn't work the first time, he needs to be repackaged and take time away from the main roster. Of course, that can be a good thing but is time-consuming.

If they are desperate for bodies to fill the gaps they just need to be more efficient. Kingston, Barrett, Ryder Gabriel, Swagger, Cesaro, Bourne are some names that don't feature every week (or at all) that could be used better.
With all the recent higher level talent dropping like flies. How much more can the WWE handle before they really have to think about a huge mass graduation from NXT... or do they struggle by with the few stars and try to make it work? Or should they have a mass rehiring of older talent to get them thru the lul?? IE MVP Johm Morrison and the like... Or am I just getting to worried about the few injuries and should hush..

This has happened before. I remember when everybody was injured around WWECW era. As long the WWE can find suitable replacements, just like any sport teams, we shouldn't worry about anything. This is when the nobodies become somebodies for short period of time.
It's funny. In recent weeks, when HHH has all the talent come out to watch Randy Orton matches, you see most of the people on the roster standing around. They have a lot of people that don't get attention/are jobbers now. We've seen a good influx of wrestlers from NXT, Axel, Big E, the Wyatts in the last year. I don't think WWE needs a ton of more new faces. As usual, WWE just needs to do a better job of storylines for wrestlers not named Cena, Punk, Wyatts, Shield or Orton.

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