Injury, Backstage Tensions?

Downward Spiral

I'm Not From Your Country

  • Levy, one of WZCW's secured talents, has been injured whilst training. The injury was a slightly sprained wrist that has been stated as being minor, but it will still keep him out of action for 2 or 3 weeks, which could postpone his debut in the company.

  • George Prax, a WZCW agent and talent relations manager, has walked out of WZCW. Talks of a firing were dismissed, but it is known that the reason Prax left was because of backstage arguments with the General Manager, Chuck Myles.

"George was a great man to have in the company and he will be missed. Things got a little heated backstage because he wanted one thing and I wanted another, and I guess personality clashes were the deciding factor in his resigning." Stated the General Manager.

"As far as him coming back is concerned, I would love to see him back. He was a great asset for the company and it just wouldn't be the same without him, so yeah, I would hope to see him back someday here in WZCW."

Myles has been known to upset a lot of talent backstage, and this is not the first person to feel the pressure of his leadership. This argument was stated to be around Prax's idea of running house shows for WZCW, and when the idea was canned by Myles, that was the limit for Prax. Although after this, it is known that Myles apologised to Prax and even considered allowing the house shows to go ahead, but it is unknown what Prax's response is.

  • At this time, the roster is nearing completion. Chuck Myles has offered final contracts to many talented workers, but has said that he is happy that the roster is almost complete, even though the roster has been slowing down lately. Other priorities have been put forward, such as sorting out schedules and hiring backstage crew to work with.

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