In The Game or On The Sidelines?

Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
In every sport, the ultimate goal is to win your respective championship whether it be the Super Bowl or the Stanley Cups. There have been many greats such as Charles Barkley, Dan Marino, and Ken Griffey Jr. who either had the opportunity to win or never got that chance due to circumstances such as a bad team or whatever the case may be.

On the other hand, you have guys like Adam Morrison. I use him as an example because I always find it funny that he has two championship rings while Lebron has zero. Morrison was pegged by some to be the next Larry Bird but has been a bust so far in his career.

When a team wins a championship, every one of the players gets a ring. Even those who probably never played a minute in a given season can say that they were part of a championship. This leads to my question...

If you were a professional athlete, would you feel any different winning a championship by being an integral part of the team rather than never playing a minute in a season?

Do you think every member of a team deserves a championship regardless how much they played or not?
I think every member of the team deserves a ring. I mean even if they don't add anything to the Win column during a game situation, they've certainly done some good in practice. At least that would be the assumption. On any team, there are role players, even if that role is limited the the "practice squad". If no teams needed those types of players, why would they be there?

That being said, I'd certainly feel much better having been and actual game contributor over being just a practice player type.
Even if I was a third string QB or backup kicker, if I was a contributor, whether it be in a game or just in preparation to that game, I better get my ring. No one guy is bigger then the team, and it takes a full roster to win a championship. Sometimes those guys that do the dirty work (like being on the scout team and doing backup work) deserve some more appreciation. Maybe those backups are the guys that motivate the team and pump them up. I'd just find it tough to say 'congrats, you're world champs. But since you didn't play a snap all year, you aren't getting a ring. Sorry.' because sometimes backups do important jobs behind the scenes that go unnoticed. For only the starters to get a ring is absurd.
If you were a professional athlete, would you feel any different winning a championship by being an integral part of the team rather than never playing a minute in a season?

Every player, no matter their role is an integral part of the team. Even if they don't see much of the field, ice, or court, they do provide for the team in practice or scout team, whatever the case may be. If I had to chose I'd most certainly want to be a major player in getting the team a championship. It can get you more glory, fame, and in certain cases some more money. You hit that game winning shot, make a drive continuing catch, hit a walk off home run, people will remember you for it. Though I'd have no gripe being a bench guy and get the ring.

Do you think every member of a team deserves a championship regardless how much they played or not?

Of course every member of the team deserves a ring. There is always the chance that certain players who don't play much could get their shot. Every member is important one way or another. It would be pretty low to only give starters or players who played a certain amount of time a ring and the guys who don't get the opportunity get nothing in reward. Sports is a team effort so the whole team should get rewarded.

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