In defense of The Great Khali


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok so we all may know The Great Khali may not be Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit or Bret Hart in terms of wrestling but alot of people slate him and why? Because he can't wrestle? Well f*ck me Andre The Giant is hardly a Wrestling Machine and he made a big impact on this Wrestling Industry through his look and his own personal strength, that being the awe of his size and freakish nature. Same goes for Khali.., he may have not impressed in the ring but my god this guy has a presence like non other and has something different to what we have seen before..7`3.. doesn't say much..a different character, reminds me somewhat of an oldschool character in a way. In WWE gimmick's/personalities sell i.e. Undertaker, Kane, Mankind, Goldust, Stone Cold.
exactly, and why bother suplexing someone when there is no point, might as well finish them off quickly!!!
Not sure exactly what you meant, but seeing this guy in person was... wow the guy is freakishly huge aswell as his biceps... really is a freak, so when someone comes to powerslamming him or something it would warrant a big pop.
I think this guy's gimmick is so horrible no one pays attention and looks at his wrestling skills, and then relize his finisher is a "chop". I mean alot of other peoples Gimmics cover up there wrestling skills
The Great Khali should stick to acting instead of being a wrestler. This guy hardly ever does any moves. He's like Giant Gonzalez and Zeus, they all can't wrestle. Taker on the other hand, can wrestle. His gimmick and his wrestling moves, is what made him one of the most recognizable WWE wrestlers today. The Big Show can wrestle a little, but lately on his ECW championship reign, he just squashes every opponent he faces. Lose the belt big guy.
Kahli should stick to acting- just because your big doesn't mean you can wrestle. Big Show impresses me, he goes up to the third, second rope and stuff.

Flames Out
WWE picked him over alot of other talent as well
i'd like khali to stay and feud with before he leaves.....batista, undertaker, big show, kane, randy orton and dx (making fun of him would be hilarious)
sachintendulkar said:
i'd like khali to stay and feud with before he leaves.....batista, undertaker, big show, kane, randy orton and dx (making fun of him would be hilarious)
youre not wrong there!!! ha ha lol
At Least Andre had some holds and some moves, all what the Great Khali does is have his opponets bounce off him, and he chops and kicks (I think). Pretty Much it.
If he could wrestle even half what Andre could he would be at least decent... but he can't so he ain't.It would be awsome to see a guy that big wrestle a good match..But he can't so get rid of him.
I think there is alot of unfair criticism about kahli and yea he cant wrestle but neither could David Arquette and he won the WCW championship. Khali has a presence about him he is freakin huge. He will gradually learn more wrestling moves but give this guy a chance. Andre was a decent wrestler in his prime but before his prime and Khali isnt in his prime yet. I think he will become better.
i think the reason people continue to say he's shit is for quite a few reasons...his matches suck shot (andres were actual wrestling matches) he screams instead of talking (fkin freak) and he has killed a guy in the ring meaning he has no freaking idea with wat he's doing!
David Arquette winning the WCW Championship was the lowest point ever for WCW. I don't care if The Great Khali killed a man, he is just not the right man we want as the future World Heavyweight Champion, or whatever belt he holds. Here today, gone tomorrow.
Still in wrestling, we all complain that this person can't wrestle or that they are not a pure wrestling talent like Benoit, Angle, Shelton, HBK or Paul London or AJ Styles and I'm pretty sure alot of people could rag on Andre The Giant for not being a wrestling machine in the ring but the main reason Andre The Giant became who he was, is well down to the guy's freakish size of nature.. I've been told by alot of people who have met him... that well he is just HUGE. Sure we may have not seen much of Khali's ring work since his arrival AFTER Wrestlemania 22 but in today's world of Wrestling Entertainment as much as people like me like the Benjamins the Angles and the Harts...guys with a unique presence also make it into today's world of Wrestling Entertainment.

Look at Goldberg..the guy himself is an AWFUL wrestler but the look, the presence of him at the right time earned him the WCW Championship and was a sucessful part of WCW's good days. Then we have Kane, the guys moveset is fairly limited, yea he can fly off the top rope but so can Sandman..people pay attention to this man's gimmick/persona more than his wrestling. Then we have Big Show the ECW Champion, he's never been a wrestling genious and to me I really do get bored in his matches at times.. as all he seems to do is destroy people...but the guy's FREAKISH size of nature again makes him something to look at and be like Holy Sh*t and for us to mark out in moments when like Hogan bodyslammed The Giant... or when Lesnar suplexed Big Show off the top rope. All I'm saying is give Khali a chance to have some sort of impact.. yea soo what guy's like London, Kendrick, Pyschosis, or Funaki get squashed by him but do you honestly expect them to go over someone as huge as the Great Khali? Get used to it, it's todays Wrestling Entertainments...yikes.., but I for one have waited and waited to see Taker get the upper hand on the Great Khali..that's what wrestling is about right? If there's a good guy your gunna want to see him get over the bad guy. Give him until next Wrestlemania if he doe's indeed make it.
I agree, i don't think its fair to judge Khali because quite frankly wwe hasn't been placing khali in matches and storylines were he can really shine. Khali could easily be in the title hunt because of his size and power. and even though we diss on him for not being able to wrestle and not speaking english clearly. well or one thing i know he can wrestle because iv'e followed some of his career in the indy circuit, and the guy can wreslte wwe hasn't given him the opprotunity. secondly we all he speaks english or he wouldn't have been in the longest yard. hopefully after his feud with Taker ends wwe will give Khali the push so that we can see just how talented he is.
CarnagE said:
David Arquette winning the WCW Championship was the lowest point ever for WCW. I don't care if The Great Khali killed a man, he is just not the right man we want as the future World Heavyweight Champion, or whatever belt he holds. Here today, gone tomorrow.

Agreed..The only reason they gave david the title was to promote the movie ready to rumble..A movie i actually liked...

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