Improve a T.V Remote

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Have you ever had a problem with a T.V remote that you wished got fixed? I do, and that is why I decided to make a thread dedicated to improving the T.V remote. So in this thread simply post how you would improve the T.V remote and basically say why.

The first way I would improve the T.V remote would be to have some way to track it. Countless times a remote gets stuck under the couch or in between a seat and it is so hard to find. So I am suggesting a way to hit a button manually on your T.V and it sets off a buzzer on the remote. My next thing would be to de-clutter the remote. There are so many buttons on a remote and I would personally enjoy my T.V remote to be more simple. Maybe have some buttons bring a drop down screen on your television which would then allow you to pick what you want. Also I'm almost sure they have it already however customizable controllers. I think if they made this more prevalent then it would add to the interest to the remote.
So in this thread simply post how you would improve the T.V remote and basically say why.

Remotes need to be simple in design. They are far too complicated and it frustrates many people. South Park had a good parody of this issue when Chef's tv turns into an evil robot and he can't figure out how to stop it with the remote. It oftens feels like that in real life, if the remote is too complicated and it seems like nothing can get the tv to function the way it should. Therefore I would call for a simple design where you have your channel number buttons, DVR controls, a menu, and volume control. Just a few basic buttons, and perhaps a couple more that would be necessary because technology (including remotes) does not HAVE to be confusing to be advanced, that's a concept humans continuously fail to graps.
I don't care much for extra functions other than a standard option menu. I don't need a guide. That's what the ancient art of Channel Surfing is for. As for finding the remote, try not losing it. I always have it on the table where it's easy to find.
I like the idea of having a buzzer on the remote that you can activate. Something similar has been made for your car keys, where if you lose them you can press a button and they start buzzing, that will have made so many peoples lives easier.

Using the "buzzer system", I have a great idea that will eliminate the need to leave the comfort of the sofa area.

Step One- Attach the receiver to your wife/girlfriend etc

Step Two- Realise you need food/drink/sex etc

Step Three- Press button on remote control, activating the buzzer on your wife

Step Four- She will come to your aid providing a sandwich/beer/blowjob etc

Step Five- Enjoy my friend, enjoy
Remotes need to be simple in design. They are far too complicated and it frustrates many people. South Park had a good parody of this issue when Chef's tv turns into an evil robot and he can't figure out how to stop it with the remote. It oftens feels like that in real life, if the remote is too complicated and it seems like nothing can get the tv to function the way it should. Therefore I would call for a simple design where you have your channel number buttons, DVR controls, a menu, and volume control. Just a few basic buttons, and perhaps a couple more that would be necessary because technology (including remotes) does not HAVE to be confusing to be advanced, that's a concept humans continuously fail to graps.

I agree. Less is more. Less buttons, smaller size. I don't have any statistics but I'm guessing that 90% of the buttons on a typically remote are hardly ever used. If you want a big remote with all the bells and whistles or a remote that can control all your devices, fine, go out and buy it. But the average remote that comes with a device should not be the size that they normally are and should not contain buttons that I use only if I accidentally hit them.

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