Impressed on the Mic


Formerly drewpost, Human Pop Can
On last night's Impact!, we had the opportunity to hear mic work from two wrestlers that generally don't get that much time to speak, and I was impressed by both of them.

I am referring to Robert Roode and Madison Rayne!

Robert Roode gave a hell of a speech in the beginning of the show when Fourtune confronted Immortal. Honestly, he blew me away. His content was good, he spoke with passion, he did not fumble or stagger and flowed really well, and he displayed both emotion and charisma.

Roode also got to do the talking in a backstage segment where he relinquished his spot in a tag match to Kurt Angle. Again, he impressed me. He took control of the segment and did not disappoint. Anyone that has seen Impact has to be impressed by Roode' ring work. But it has been few and far between that he is given the chance to shine with his mic work. This was a nice change of pace. I hope TNA realizes the potential in letting Robert Roode speak often.

Madison Rayne also did a superb job speaking in her confrontation with Mickie James. She had a great flow, she stated and stressed her point, and she was believable. A lot of the time, the Knockouts rely on screaming and name calling, but this wasn't the case with Madison. She told Mickie that TNA was her house and that Mickie better go home or face ultimate humiliation. Tara has always been a good speaker, maybe their on screen relationship has resulted in some off screen tutoring.

So, what I ask of you is:

Who's Mic Skills have you been impressed by?
Please explain your choice(s)
No one, because I've been watching TNA since 2003 and I know who's capable of doing a fabulous job on the stick and who's not — little has changed there with very few exceptions over the years. In fact, the only real progressions have come from AJ Styles and Kazarian, I'd say, as both back in the start-up years were quite shaky. Outside of them it's been pretty status quo for the most part.

Roode, I'm surprised to see you even list, because he's been capable of pulling off fantastic interview segments and promos since day one. His days in Team Canada, his singles run with Traci Brooks, etc. all solidified him early on as one of TNA's absolute gems. It's why I said in the other thread about him that to me he's got the "it" factor and has future World Heavyweight Champion written all over him. He's the total package, no question.

Rayne has also been performing admirably on the stick (LOL) for months. I have to ask, have you not been watching? Did you not see any of the segments she had when she was feuding with The Beautiful People, or the entire Tara scenario? Every time they put her out there she makes the Knockouts look great (because frankly, they already look good).
Lol, did you really doubted about the mic skils of TNA wrestlers ? Almost every TNA wrestler can talk really good and knows to get the crowd behind him or make them hate him.

Besides Roode, I love watching James Storm and it's a shame that he is desconsidered. Even in AMW, everybody tought that Chris Harris will go on and have succes, but he turned into Braden Walker. James Storm is great in ring, and veeeerrry entertaining on mic. I remember his feuds from his solo campaign with Eric Young, Kazarian or Rhino, he had great matches and great promos.

Crimson also looks like he is good on the mic and good in ring, he certainly has the look. Also great are Magnus, Desmond Wolfe and Alex Shelley.

I really want to see how Reid Flair presents when he will debut in TNA
What I want to see is Hernandez on the mic. Hernandez was in Mexico, with Konnan, IMO one of the most underrated mic workers in the history of this business. Now I realize before this his promos were, well shit. He sounded lke robot, and he didn't put any feeling into any of his promos. But this time with Konnan down in Mexico could've got him some "mic training". Well at least I can hope so. He has the possibility to become a HUGE MONSTER Heel.
Robert Roode has always impressed me on the mic, he just hasnt been given enough opportunities in recent months to show what he can do.

In Team Canada and later in his partnership with Ms Brooks, Roode was always a hell of a talent on the mic. It shows how much he has been underused if people are just realising now how good he can be. I hope that the Fortune breakaway from Immortal will allow Roode to demonstate his talent on a regular basis, and hopefully give him the push he certainly deserves

While I love seeing Beer Money as a combo, I do not think it would hurt for Roode to also compete in singles action with Storm at his side, as he is a ready made challenger for the mid card titles, and a world champion in waiting.
I've been really impressed with Matt Morgan; he is intelligent, well spoken and doesn't need to shout to put his point across. If belief is put in this guy he has all the tools to be a real player, if he was my asset I'd give him a Punk style character as their delivery is not that different. He is already part of the way there, all that needs to happen is the preachy Morgan on concussions finds other areas to annoy his associates. After all, who REALLY enjoys being told what's best for them?

The other guy in TNA who is the mutts for mike skills is Desmond Wolfe. Maybe it's just me but I feel he comes across as the mid ground of William Regal and SCSA. He is a great asset and I hope creative doesn't treat him as hap hazard as prior to his recent health issues.
No one, because I've been watching TNA since 2003 and I know who's capable of doing a fabulous job on the stick and who's not — little has changed there with very few exceptions over the years. In fact, the only real progressions have come from AJ Styles and Kazarian, I'd say, as both back in the start-up years were quite shaky. Outside of them it's been pretty status quo for the most part.

Roode, I'm surprised to see you even list, because he's been capable of pulling off fantastic interview segments and promos since day one. His days in Team Canada, his singles run with Traci Brooks, etc. all solidified him early on as one of TNA's absolute gems. It's why I said in the other thread about him that to me he's got the "it" factor and has future World Heavyweight Champion written all over him. He's the total package, no question.

Rayne has also been performing admirably on the stick (LOL) for months. I have to ask, have you not been watching? Did you not see any of the segments she had when she was feuding with The Beautiful People, or the entire Tara scenario? Every time they put her out there she makes the Knockouts look great (because frankly, they already look good).

What I was trying to get at is that Roode impressed me with what he did last night. I've known he was good since I began watching years ago. Completely agree that his stick work was excellent in Team Canada and when he was solo w/Traci Brooks. The only thing that I was surprised about is that TNA is finally giving him the chance (it seems) to become a full performer. Let's be honest, Robert Roode has not really been given mic time like some of the bigger players (Angle, Pope, Anderson, Hardy, Jarrett).

I was simply trying to acknowledge something that I found positive about last night's show.

As far as Madison Rayne is concerned, I do not consider a lot of her previous mic work with the Beautiful People all that good. She has been a screamer... Many times in the past, when the knockouts would get into their screaming bitchfests, I would change the channel. Maybe she had good things to say, but the screaming really hid the overall message...

IDR- I tend to agree with you on many things, and am not looking to get into a war with you...just wanted to clarify.
*FREEZE genuinely confused*

Am I the only one here who thinks that U internet "HEADS" give waaaaaaayyyyy 2 much importance on "MIC SKILLS"? I just laugh when i read most of your comments like so and so needs 2 take ACTING CLASSES SO HE WILL GIVE A BETTER PROMO! Wow! I just think some of U guys need 2 get out and meet some B*tches on occasion! Look I know a good promo is excellent... Cool but U guys ignore things like in ring skill and PURE INTIMIDATION FACTORS! KAMALA never spoke a word but U REALLY viewed him as a MONSTER! Believe it or not some ppl are not good speakers! I know a guy who rarely speaks but he is 6'8 460 pounds. If he says he is gonna bash someone U BELIEVE HIM! Rather he can do it or not is another story. U just know U don't want him LOOKING 4 U! Some guys aren't GREAT talkers but I don't understand why that is so important anyway! Since U guys are so big on interviews maybe y'all should put the SUPERBOWL title on JETS COACH REX RYAN! He cuts GREAT PROMOS be4 every game! MAYBE INSTEAD OF PLAYING THE GAME WE SHOULD JUST INTERVIEW THE PLAYERS BEFOREHAND AND GIVE THE CHAMPIONSHIP 2 WHO EVER SOUNDS MORE BELIEVEABLE!
What I was trying to get at is that Roode impressed me with what he did last night. I've known he was good since I began watching years ago. Completely agree that his stick work was excellent in Team Canada and when he was solo w/Traci Brooks. The only thing that I was surprised about is that TNA is finally giving him the chance (it seems) to become a full performer. Let's be honest, Robert Roode has not really been given mic time like some of the bigger players (Angle, Pope, Anderson, Hardy, Jarrett).

I was simply trying to acknowledge something that I found positive about last night's show.

As far as Madison Rayne is concerned, I do not consider a lot of her previous mic work with the Beautiful People all that good. She has been a screamer... Many times in the past, when the knockouts would get into their screaming bitchfests, I would change the channel. Maybe she had good things to say, but the screaming really hid the overall message...

IDR- I tend to agree with you on many things, and am not looking to get into a war with you...just wanted to clarify.

I knew what you were saying, it just came across wrong IMO, as the way I interpreted it was either that you had just started watching, in which case you wouldn't have seen what someone like Roode was capable of doing on the mic before, or that you honestly thought he wasn't nearly as good as he was last night because he'd improved so much — either way the fact is that Roode has been an A+ there since day one. That's all I'm getting at.

No war, homie — clarification duly noted.
And Now words of Wisdom from Da Guru,
We all know who the best mic worker is "if you smell what Im Cookin" HBK was awesome the game Austin Hogan flair sometimes, There were times when the Naitch was just horrible. Jeff Hardy.... There has never been a wrestler in the history of this buiness that I have Marked out for then almost over night he just rambles and his wrestling is no where near being a main eventer. Jeff Jarrett the biggest wanna be in this buinsess. He depends more on others to carry the spot. The truth needs to be less on this rap crap and just do his thing. Sorry R truth.
Thats the word from Da Guru If you Doubt me then Prove me wrong.... I DARE YOU.
*FREEZE genuinely confused*

Am I the only one here who thinks that U internet "HEADS" give waaaaaaayyyyy 2 much importance on "MIC SKILLS"? I just laugh when i read most of your comments like so and so needs 2 take ACTING CLASSES SO HE WILL GIVE A BETTER PROMO! Wow! I just think some of U guys need 2 get out and meet some B*tches on occasion! Look I know a good promo is excellent... Cool but U guys ignore things like in ring skill and PURE INTIMIDATION FACTORS! KAMALA never spoke a word but U REALLY viewed him as a MONSTER! Believe it or not some ppl are not good speakers! I know a guy who rarely speaks but he is 6'8 460 pounds. If he says he is gonna bash someone U BELIEVE HIM! Rather he can do it or not is another story. U just know U don't want him LOOKING 4 U! Some guys aren't GREAT talkers but I don't understand why that is so important anyway! Since U guys are so big on interviews maybe y'all should put the SUPERBOWL title on JETS COACH REX RYAN! He cuts GREAT PROMOS be4 every game! MAYBE INSTEAD OF PLAYING THE GAME WE SHOULD JUST INTERVIEW THE PLAYERS BEFOREHAND AND GIVE THE CHAMPIONSHIP 2 WHO EVER SOUNDS MORE BELIEVEABLE!

Where in this thread does it state you need to be a good speaker? It just expresses someone's enjoyment at two promo segments and asks who the rest of us like to listen too/ think has evolved in this area. Goldberg, Kamala, George Steele, Bobby Eaton all restricted speakers who hold special places in many hearts but again the thread wasn't popping at them. If you want an answer to your question, start a thread - don't stink up another thread with unrelated offensive comments in text speak.
First, I'd like to say that the main problem with TNA fans is that they are so protective of the product and its almost like some sort of secret fraternity that you have to get an invite to be apart of. The problem with this is when somebody somewhat newer to the product comes along and observes something positive you idiots jump all over him. Not a great way to keep the company growing or even keep it around.

Next, Maybe its because a lot of his work in the past has been as a heel but I was also extremely impressed with Robert Roodes promo last night. Roode is a guy that no matter what you may have "seen" in him in the past has never really stepped up as a potential main event guy. This promo had that feel though that if given a chance he might could warrant a huge push.

I also liked the Rayne promo but an unrelated worry that I have is that soon the knockout division will become the Divas. I don't mean that in personnel but in the product. They are still having quality matches but I just wonder if the emphasis will not soon leave the ring when it comes to the knockouts,

DaGuru, first off if you ever marked out for Jeff Hardy then I would consider you wrong. The guy was nothing but a spot monkey who couldn't cut a promo that somehow got over with a bunch of kids in the WWE. I'll give him credit for drawing some which is ultimately all that mattered but why should he even be mentioned in a post about mic work. TNA knows how bad he is because notice the mic time is slowly drifting away.

On another note, you mentioned that Flair was just horrible sometimes. Ric Flair unlike any other of the big name wrestlers in recent memory was asked to do something special on the mic. He was forced to at times carry programs and time slot with his promos that were improved. Sure, it led to some rambling sometimes but more often than not it turned to gold. This is the case with TNA and sometimes during WCW. Look at when the companies he was with were on top, the promos always came out great.
*FREEZE genuinely confused*

Am I the only one here who thinks that U internet "HEADS" give waaaaaaayyyyy 2 much importance on "MIC SKILLS"? I just laugh when i read most of your comments like so and so needs 2 take ACTING CLASSES SO HE WILL GIVE A BETTER PROMO! Wow! I just think some of U guys need 2 get out and meet some B*tches on occasion! Look I know a good promo is excellent... Cool but U guys ignore things like in ring skill and PURE INTIMIDATION FACTORS! KAMALA never spoke a word but U REALLY viewed him as a MONSTER! Believe it or not some ppl are not good speakers! I know a guy who rarely speaks but he is 6'8 460 pounds. If he says he is gonna bash someone U BELIEVE HIM! Rather he can do it or not is another story. U just know U don't want him LOOKING 4 U! Some guys aren't GREAT talkers but I don't understand why that is so important anyway! Since U guys are so big on interviews maybe y'all should put the SUPERBOWL title on JETS COACH REX RYAN! He cuts GREAT PROMOS be4 every game! MAYBE INSTEAD OF PLAYING THE GAME WE SHOULD JUST INTERVIEW THE PLAYERS BEFOREHAND AND GIVE THE CHAMPIONSHIP 2 WHO EVER SOUNDS MORE BELIEVEABLE!

This shows that you dont understand what the prowrestling business is all about. I have always said that Prowrestling is the ultimate business of self promotion. Your job, and position on the card, is baised on crowd reaction. I dont care if ur 9 feet tall and 900 lbs, if I'm falling asleep while your talking I might as well not watch or listen to you talk. As for Kamala you are right, he was great and didnt speak, but this isnt the 80s. Kamala didnt need to talk because in those days you had managers, you dont really anymore. I agree with you if you have a manager you dont need to talk. Thats true to this day. Umaga was alot more successful when he had Armando Estrada talking for him.

In Pro wrestling you have to give people a reason to care about you, if you cant talk its hard to do that.
i agree with u about Robert Roode being awesome on the mic last night i was very impressed with him last night and i think if/when Beer Money ends i could c him becoming a big star in that company, Madison Rayne has impressed me on the mic before her on screen voice is annoying but shes really good on the mic and has improved tons in the ring! im loving this fued with madison and mickie im hoping their match for the title ends with mickie winning the title but i hope Madison gets 1 more ppv match against Mickie for the "rematch"

i think James Storm is good on the mic also
Roode being good on the mic is nothing new. I usually know right off the bat if someone is good on the mic or could be good with some work.

Someone that had surprised me over the last year is Matt Morgan. I really enjoy his mic work and didn't consider him decent at all before that. I had seen him talk on the mic plenty of times. He would bore me every time. But something has change in his delivery over the past 12 months and I find him to be pretty damn entertaining.
Someone who doesn't immediately come to mind when you think of the TNA roster, but is IMO fantastic on the mic is Max Buck of Generation Me. Despite looking exactly like Matt Hardy circa 2001, I think he's got a great future.
This shows that you dont understand what the prowrestling business is all about. I have always said that Prowrestling is the ultimate business of self promotion. Your job, and position on the card, is baised on crowd reaction. I dont care if ur 9 feet tall and 900 lbs, if I'm falling asleep while your talking I might as well not watch or listen to you talk. As for Kamala you are right, he was great and didnt speak, but this isnt the 80s. Kamala didnt need to talk because in those days you had managers, you dont really anymore. I agree with you if you have a manager you dont need to talk. Thats true to this day. Umaga was alot more successful when he had Armando Estrada talking for him.

In Pro wrestling you have to give people a reason to care about you, if you cant talk its hard to do that.

*FREEZE chuckling*

R U serious? Dude I have been an avid wrestling fan for over 25 years! I have watched more and been to more matches then U can even begin 2 imagine! I understand that a good promo is necessary to get ppl 2 come 2 the matches! What I am saying is that a lot of U new and super "INTELLIGENT" fans place too much emphasis on the promos over the wrestlers abiltity! Rick Steamboat, Bobby Eaton, and guys like Barry Windham were not the best talkers. Then thing was they were nice IN THE RING! I hate how ppl say the MIZ deserves the BELT because of his great PROMOS and behing the scene work. I'm like but he SUCKS IN THE RING! U GUYS ARE OVER LOOKING THAT! BOOGIE WOOGIE MAN JIMMY VALIANT CUT GREAT PROMOS BUT DID U WANT HIM WEARING THE WORLD TITLE!!! Why is the MIZ so much better than MICHAEL HAYES OR JIMMY GARVIN PROMO wise? He's not. The thing is U NEVER really felt they deserved the WORLD TITLE so why do U feel the MIZ does? I am just saying I get tired of guys saying HE JUST CAN'T A PROMO so I don't think he deserves a push when I am saying what about NOT BEING ABLE TO WRESTLE...

Oh and FINLAY.... Eat a DICK!!!
On last night's Impact!, we had the opportunity to hear mic work from two wrestlers that generally don't get that much time to speak, and I was impressed by both of them.

I am referring to Robert Roode and Madison Rayne!

Robert Roode gave a hell of a speech in the beginning of the show when Fourtune confronted Immortal. Honestly, he blew me away. His content was good, he spoke with passion, he did not fumble or stagger and flowed really well, and he displayed both emotion and charisma.

Roode also got to do the talking in a backstage segment where he relinquished his spot in a tag match to Kurt Angle. Again, he impressed me. He took control of the segment and did not disappoint. Anyone that has seen Impact has to be impressed by Roode' ring work. But it has been few and far between that he is given the chance to shine with his mic work. This was a nice change of pace. I hope TNA realizes the potential in letting Robert Roode speak often.

Madison Rayne also did a superb job speaking in her confrontation with Mickie James. She had a great flow, she stated and stressed her point, and she was believable. A lot of the time, the Knockouts rely on screaming and name calling, but this wasn't the case with Madison. She told Mickie that TNA was her house and that Mickie better go home or face ultimate humiliation. Tara has always been a good speaker, maybe their on screen relationship has resulted in some off screen tutoring.

So, what I ask of you is:

Who's Mic Skills have you been impressed by?
Please explain your choice(s)

*FREEZE genuinely confused*

Am I the only one here who thinks that U internet "HEADS" give waaaaaaayyyyy 2 much importance on "MIC SKILLS"? I just laugh when i read most of your comments like so and so needs 2 take ACTING CLASSES SO HE WILL GIVE A BETTER PROMO! Wow! I just think some of U guys need 2 get out and meet some B*tches on occasion! Look I know a good promo is excellent... Cool but U guys ignore things like in ring skill and PURE INTIMIDATION FACTORS! KAMALA never spoke a word but U REALLY viewed him as a MONSTER! Believe it or not some ppl are not good speakers! I know a guy who rarely speaks but he is 6'8 460 pounds. If he says he is gonna bash someone U BELIEVE HIM! Rather he can do it or not is another story. U just know U don't want him LOOKING 4 U! Some guys aren't GREAT talkers but I don't understand why that is so important anyway! Since U guys are so big on interviews maybe y'all should put the SUPERBOWL title on JETS COACH REX RYAN! He cuts GREAT PROMOS be4 every game! MAYBE INSTEAD OF PLAYING THE GAME WE SHOULD JUST INTERVIEW THE PLAYERS BEFOREHAND AND GIVE THE CHAMPIONSHIP 2 WHO EVER SOUNDS MORE BELIEVEABLE!

*FREEZE chuckling*

R U serious? Dude I have been an avid wrestling fan for over 25 years! I have watched more and been to more matches then U can even begin 2 imagine! I understand that a good promo is necessary to get ppl 2 come 2 the matches! What I am saying is that a lot of U new and super "INTELLIGENT" fans place too much emphasis on the promos over the wrestlers abiltity! Rick Steamboat, Bobby Eaton, and guys like Barry Windham were not the best talkers. Then thing was they were nice IN THE RING! I hate how ppl say the MIZ deserves the BELT because of his great PROMOS and behing the scene work. I'm like but he SUCKS IN THE RING! U GUYS ARE OVER LOOKING THAT! BOOGIE WOOGIE MAN JIMMY VALIANT CUT GREAT PROMOS BUT DID U WANT HIM WEARING THE WORLD TITLE!!! Why is the MIZ so much better than MICHAEL HAYES OR JIMMY GARVIN PROMO wise? He's not. The thing is U NEVER really felt they deserved the WORLD TITLE so why do U feel the MIZ does? I am just saying I get tired of guys saying HE JUST CAN'T A PROMO so I don't think he deserves a push when I am saying what about NOT BEING ABLE TO WRESTLE...

Oh and FINLAY.... Eat a DICK!!!

Wow, 'Eat a DICK!!!' huh? That's me told! I love the way you emphasise things like *FREEZE genuinely confused* and *FREEZE chuckling*, very Rockesque - some might even say (whisper it) like a promo!

You are still to answer the thread that Drew was kind enough to post (for your assistance I've quoted it at the top). You've told us 'heads' need to get out and find 'bitches', but we still don't know who you think can talk in TNA. Whether or not you think people need to talk has NOTHING to do with this thread. I agree with you - talking is not the be all, end all but it is still a big part of today's scene and the reason why guys like JoMo ain't been pushed to the belt but Miz has. But Drew asked who I enjoyed as a promo guy and I stated I enjoyed Matt Morgan and Desmond Wolfe and explained why because, you know, that was the point of the thread. *FINLAY shakes head*
I also agree with the original post on one point...

I am a big fan of Madison for obvious reasons(most having nothing to do with her wrestling or mic work), but I will aknowledge that at times over the course of building this current character she is portraying, Madison's promos have come off as overly long-winded and slightly annoying. On this past edition of Impact! however, I thought that the segment she did with Mickie was very well executed, and the best and most believable/least off-putting mic work that Madison has done in the last couple months.
I think Roode, when given the chance, has demonstrated that he can be coherent and believable. On the last Impact he was given some mic time and did a great job. I've only been watching TNA on a regular basis since January so I haven't really seen anything memorable from him on the mic, but he seems like he has the potential to cut a great promo and give me a reason to look forward to the angles that he is involved in.

I thought Madison did a pretty good job as well, though I've also seen her do a pretty bad job too haha. I think if she keeps it short and to the point instead of trying to annoy the fans into booing her it will make her more believable and strengthen the importance of the feud.

One person I've really been impressed with is Karen Jarrett! She cut a promo a few weeks back and it actually made me care about what was going to happen, how the situation was going to unfold. TNA fucked it up the very next week of course, but I've been paying attention to Karen ever since. She's a hell of a lot better actor than Jeff is and based on the crowd reaction at the Impact zone she gets a lot more of a reaction than Jeff from the fans. She really gives me the impression that she doesn't give a shit what the audience thinks (as opposed to trying to get a positive or negative reaction) and I enjoyed how she just kept talking despite the audience booing loudly at her.

I'm a critical/skeptical wrestling fan so if someone cuts a promo that actually gets me excited for the future of the angle then they're doing what they're supposed to. I can't say that Roode got me excited for the future of the Fortune vs Immortal angle, but he did great representing the passion and reasoning for Fortune in this storyline. Now if TNA will give him a chance to make fans CARE about where this is going to go, and he can do it, that's when I'll really be impressed. It's hard to care about anything in TNA because it seems like every time I do I get disappointed, which is why I never really followed them regularly before.

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