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Impact Roster


Pre-Show Stalwart
Years ago, many folks (IWC members, writers, talk show hosts, podcasters, etc) believed TNA had a very talented roster, but creative was the problem. Top to bottom you had AJ Styles, Roode, Storm, Aries, Daniels, Hardy, Angle, Magnus, Sting, Anderson, Shelley, Sabin, Lethal, Kaz, Joe, Bubba, Devon, Pope,Wolfe, Young Morgan etc. In my mind, every thing you needed to be the number two promotion in the US. I thought they blew away ROH from a talent standpoint at least after the initial WWE raid of ROH. I'm talking when Davey Richards was the top dawg in ROH.

Now, I look at TNA and I don't see the same quality roster. In fact, I believe ROH has the second best roster in wrestling. Of course, some of those guys listed above would now be listed in ROH. I know TNA has had to cut costs which meant signing The Angles, Styles, and Storm's of this world is impossible.

Does TNA have the talent to get back to a clear cut number two? Does a lineup of ECIII, Bram, Jessie, EY, Eli Drake, Tyrus, Drew Galloway, Lashley, Robbie E, and old Matt Hardy have enough talent to get TNA back to the ratings they once had?

Or do they really need to dig into the free agent pool as being reported? Personally, I think my problem now is everybody on that list with the exception of Jessie and Eli were introduced as a WWE persona on TV. To be an alternative, you need some guys that aren't WWE. Fresh blood...

I'd love to see them get some really good guys from the independent scene, steal a few ROH guys, and maybe a few from Japan. I think Bennett would be a great signing. If they could follow that up with a Matt Taven signing that would be great.

TNA needs to be a place where Talents would want to go as an alternative to NXT, but they aren't right now. Who do they need to add? Do they need to add? Who on their roster needs a big push?
TNA's roster is definitely diminished. There's still some great guys there, The Wolves, Galloway, Lashley, EC3 and so on are all top talents and if booked right could be huge. However, I do think they lack a bit of depth now.

The X Division is filled with guys who do flips but whom we know nothing else about while I honestly don't even know who the Tag Team Champions are. Even the Knockouts Division is bare. The World Title Series has allowed them to hide the failings but they will need talent before they make their debut on Pop.

I think the key to signing that talent is avoiding the pitfalls they've dropped into before. Avoid washed up WWE talent looking for one last paycheck and go for young and hungry guys. If the reports that Michael Bennet and Maria are heading there that is a good start.

TNA used to be the place the best wrestlers went until WWE changed their policy and they need to try to reclaim that. Get good workers in and let them work. You just have to look at NXT to see what talented wrestlers can do with simple storylines.
I think the Heavyweight division is still in good shape, with EC3, Matt Hardy, Lashley and EY doing a great job. I also think Jesse Godderz, Galloway, Bram, Mehabli Shera, Tyrus, Abyss, Bobby Roode and an eventually returning Jeff Hardy give the division enough depth. As for the X division it is rebuilding but they have some solid to very good prospects on the roster headed by Tigre Uno, Manik, Mandrews and DJZ, with the addition of Trevor Lee and Andrew Everett who are both very impressive (Everett reminds me a lot of a young AJ Styles). The KO division still has some talented women but definitely could do with a couple of fresh faces. As for the Tag division, to my mind at the moment the Wolves are the only Tag team in the organisation with the Hardyz out of action and Dudleys back in the E. This division has such great history and it is a shame to see it the way it is. If I were TNA I would be looking to team Roode and EY, Micah and Drake or even Spud and Robbie E to at least give the Wolves some competition. Also don't be surprised if Everett and Lee are launched as a tag team which I think would be excellent. So even though I agree that TNA are short on depth in comparison to previous years they still have a solid foundation to build on. Also expect at least 3 or 4 new roster additons in the next 5 to 6 weeks.
TNA should've started looking/hiring new talent back in October when their World title tournament first started.

TNA Main Event- Anderson, Matt Hardy, Angle, Lashley, EC3/Tyrus, Bobby Roode

Mid-card- Jesse, Bram, EY, Galloway, Abyss, Robbie E, Shera

Tag Division- The Wolves

X-Division- DJZ, Manik, Tigre Uno, Micah, Eli, Mandrews, Spud

Knockouts division- Kim, Kong, .....

^^^this roster^^^ is not going to get TNA's fans back that were lost in the move to D.A.
To go from Styles, Daniels, Kaz, Joe, Magnus, EC3, Jeff., Aries, Storm, Sting, and Angle before D.A to EC3, Matt, Roode, and Lashley afterwards is not good. (And that's just the main event. Both the x-division and tag division has plummeted as well)
TNA needs to do 3 things:
1. Hire as much talent as possible because they are lacking in just about every division
2. Use the talent(haven't watch TNA on D.A but from what I've read the only X-division matches they seem to have are between DJZ/Manik/Tigre Uno. Why not use Mandrew, Micah, Spud, etc)
3. Build storylines and see them through

I don't know any free agents TNA can pick up(I may watch ROH and NJPW every other week/two but for the most part I don't watch anything else). I heard Bennett and Maria were going to TNA which if true is a good signing. I also wouldn't mind TNA signing Brad Maddox since Wwe never gave him a chance maybe he could prove them wrong and become a star like EC3 (and to an extint Bram).
The roster isn't as good as what it's previously been, 2015 was a really bad year for TNA with talent leaving.

ECIII, Bobby Roode, Mr. Anderson, Matt Hardy, Bobby Lashley & Eric Young make up a good main-event talent pool.

You've Bram, Tyrus, Micah, Eli Drake, Jessie Godderz as well.

The Tag-Division needs work. You've got The Wolves and that's it unless you put Spud & Mandrews together more often.

X-Division. It's falling apart a bit. Tigre Uno, DJ Z, Everett, Lee, Spud, Mandrews, Manik. Helms might come in and work a few matches.

Kong & Gail Kim more or less rule the Knockouts Division.

Kurt Angle leaving will free up some finances. I would release Crazzy Steve, Robbie E, Chris Melendez, Grado & Aiden O'Shea.

Michael Bennett & Maria Kanellis have said they are going to TNA.

Shelton Benjamin is someone that they should bring in, plus TNA's schedule might appeal to Charlie Haas, them two signing gives you depth in all three men's divisions.

Apparently Jay Lethal & reDRagon contracts with ROH are expiring soon, TNA would be mad not to be looking at signing these guys to contracts.

Jay Lethal v ECIII & The Wolves v reDRagon would be good feuds.

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