Immortal v. the TNA Originals is Bound For Glory!

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Mark it down now, because it's happening, and is there any better way to finally put over the Immortal story line (note, not necessarily putting over Immortal themselves) than by getting the guys they've been "holding down" in Kaz, AJ Styles, Beer Money, Inc. and Daniels (among others?) over in the process?

You're hearing it week-after-week, and it all started with the promo AJ cut weeks back on Bischoff when he talked about what Hogan & Bischoff's regime was doing to TNA and doing to the originals. They're tired of it, and they're not going to be "held down" any longer...

Factor in the return of Daniels heading into Lockdown and I'd say you've got all the indication you need for a major storyline heading into Bound For Glory 2011.

Call it the Millionaire's Club v. the New Blood, Frontline v. MEM or whatever you like — it's happening.

Thoughts on this? Concerns? Criticisms?
Good Lord that is an insanely long time for this story to continue. Bound For Glory? Doesn't that normally take place in October? I hope for their sake that you're wrong because there is no way they can keep this storyline that has already lost a critical amount of steam interesting for another 6-7 months.

I understand the concept of it ending at a big event, so why not Slammiversary? It still leaves them plenty of time to build up another big story or two to blowoff at BFG.

I really hope it doesn't go that long.
The problem I see here is this:

Call it the Millionaire's Club v. the New Blood, Frontline v. MEM or whatever you like — it's happening.

We've seen this. It's the originals or young guys vs. the old dudes. We get it. These guys hate each other. This is what Bischoff critics are talking about when we say he's had one good idea ever. This usually, and apparently is in this case, combines with Hogan taking his sweet time to get anywhere is why I'm skeptical about this. Hogan's ideas (though repetitive) are decent but sweet Christmas is takes him MONTHS to get anywhere with them. He has these big slow builds and takes forever, usually resulting in a shocking turn that has taken so long to reach that there are bound to be plot holes in it.

This story is coming, but it's going to take 5 months to get to the real meat of it and history has shown fans don't like waiting that long on one angle. It'll be entertaining if you stick around six months (which I will), but at the end of it the payoff won't live up to the hype as it never does with Hogan and Bischoff booking.
Look guys, day in and day out i see people complaining about the slow build with the immortal storyline. You have to remember everyone in TNA management save for Dixie is from the "golden age of wrestling" when i was a child (the '90's) and most of the time before that everything was a slow build, hell look at the NWO it was a slow build from Hall, to the Outsiders, to H/H/N to the NWO actually taking over. Hell every interview with any legend i read talks about how everything moves to quickly these days, and in the WWE forums there is even a post about how the WWE doesn't give the feuds enough meat, face it the problem isn't the slow build for most of you, it's TNA management because no one likes Russo as a writer or Bischoff as a producer and none of you smarks like Hogan as a creative consultant (yes that is what he was hired on as in addition to on screen talent, just watch the A&E special) anyways i digress, if it wasn't for the people in charge you would be praising this story, as cliche as it is these days.

now to the original post, while this is like the 5th time TNA has done a TNA Originals feud i think it will be/always has been a good way to bring the younger talent back to the spotlight
Also, with the legends stating that storylines are moving too quickly, i believe there was an interview posted on WZ this week even, I can't for the life of me remember who was interviewed and am far to lazy to look, but I'm 95% sure someone will look just to see if they can "call me out on my bullshit"
Until BFG? Ugh, I hope not!

Like the MEM storyline a few years back that lasted a whole year before it fizzled out, I can't bear to go through that again with the Immortal storyline. I got bored of this 2 months ago.

It seems it's all that TNA bookers know what to do - a faction taking over storyline overstaying it's welcome and boring the fans. It happened with Planet Jarrett, it happened with MEM, and it's happening with Immortal.
On the real, I must say it is too redundent! MEM,blah, blah and blah! Fuck that 6-7 months? I can't even stand 6-7 minutes but I do because I love tna and the performers, however fuck the creative writers! Creative? hardly!! No, not Hardy!!! TNA could be the best wrestling company ever, however I guess the elite choose not to be!!! I love TNA and hope they can win me over (like the girl of my dreams missing a brain) They look good but are dumbness personified!!! I love tna but for fucks sake, make your product good!!! Sincerely a REAL TNA FAN!!!
i think what people are forgetting is that the originally intended storyline (MEM vs Immortal) is at this point completely fucked (the hardy debacle at VR also dealt a huge blow to the story already built up to that point). i think its going to take at least another couple of months of buildup just to establish the "new" Immortals and the tna originals. I think that anderson is gonna have a heel turn and probably win the title in a long feud with sting (and possibly RVD) as part of immortal before this all blows off at bound for glory.
i dont understand why ppl complain about slow build ups....
thats what wrestling needs!
look at the entertainers, they have an intense feud and a few weeks later its gone. Look at Orton, he tried to kill cena, triple h and his family and then hes teaming up with them only a couple of months later.

slow build ups make for great storylines (when done properly)
Immortal is not old guys like the Main Event Mafia was. Different storyline completely.

TNA originals are on the Immortal side of the fence as well (Abyss, Rob Terry, Gunner and Murphy) and probably more will join eventually. Kurt Angle and Scott Steiner are with the baby faces as well.

The storyline is definitely going till Bound For Glory. That's where it all ends and more than likely there will be more twists and turns to the story beforehand. The Main Event Mafia return was supposed to aid the story from being too repetitive but now without them, TNA has to book more stuff to happen.
Immortal is not old guys like the Main Event Mafia was. Different storyline completely.

TNA originals are on the Immortal side of the fence as well (Abyss, Rob Terry, Gunner and Murphy) and probably more will join eventually. Kurt Angle and Scott Steiner are with the baby faces as well.

What are you talking about? Sure, Abyss is a TNA Original. Rob freaking Terry? Are you kidding me? He signed for TNA two years ago. And Gunner and Murphy signed for TNA Wrestling not even a year ago, so read something before you say something like that...

The storyline is definitely going till Bound For Glory. That's where it all ends and more than likely there will be more twists and turns to the story beforehand. The Main Event Mafia return was supposed to aid the story from being too repetitive but now without them, TNA has to book more stuff to happen.

Anyway, I agree it's a totally different storyline from MEM vs. Originals. I don't think that will play out the same way, I believe they will mix it up a bit with older wrestlers and not TNA Originals siding with the good guys.
I'm all for continuing the Immortal-Fourtune storyline, I'm enjoying the way it develops and the people in it. However, I really don't want to see it stretch all the way to Bound for Glory. That's in October. What the hell can TNA do 'till October aside from killing anything good about it? It just turns into another Nexus storyline where it's a fine idea but is then killed because of the span of the whole thing.

It looks like Immortal-Fourtune won't end at Lockdown. Either that or we'll get some major swerve. I have no idea and I love that feeling.

As far as people saying that the storyline is like this or that ... give it up. Everything in pro wrestling can be directly corrolated to something else. Every idea has been done before in some way, and all of them are different because the people in them are, the way things came about are, the agendas are different too.

I'm expecting a kick ass match at Lockdown.
Never hoped you were wrong more in my time here.

Do you really think TNA can keep this thing going till October? A better question is why would you want to? TNA desperately needs to learn how to end fucking storylines at the right time. They either drop them all together or drag it so long that by the people want the thing to end more than they want to see the ending. Not everything has to end at BFG man, that mentality is just silly. The last uppercard angle I remember having an ending was Anderson's concussion angle and the way they gave the title back to Hardy 30 days later just killed the feel good nature of that story. Pacing TNA, get more.

So if you couldn't tell, no, I don't want this to go till October, I wish this would end at LD but of course, that isn't a big enough PPV to end big angles on so I guess it doesn't matter.
This should be a fun match. Daniels is a great worker and Beer Money is way over. Abyss, Matt Hardy and Bully Ray should be able to draw some solid heat. Daniels will probably do a crazy spot.

and history has shown fans don't like waiting that long on one angle.

Problem is "what history has shown people like" as far as prowrestling is concerned has been in a downspiral of popularity for some time now. The quick story PPV a different quick story PPV no story PPV etc. model is not a great long term business plan for anyone. WWE can coast on it a little longer but it isn't especially viable for TNA. They are trying something different and have the luxury of being able to focus on things that possibly only a minority of fans might enjoy. All TNA has to do is grow its fanbase a little bit at a time. TNA is offering an alternative way of telling stories. It isn't always perfect but neither is the other way.
Bound For Glory does seem a long way away, but it’s the same amount of time since the last Bound For Glory. And it doesn’t feel like that was that long ago, so I can see this lasting another 6 months. I thought the long feuds and stories were one of the things that has been missing from wrestling? But now fans don't want played out angles? But then they also want long Title reigns?

If the Fortune/Immortal story is going to be played out over another 6 months, Fortune need to add some more guys to help them. Some more home grown TNA talent would be a good idea. Guys like Matt Morgan, Samoa Joe and Daniels are probably the main ones that could side with Fortune. I know Morgan has had his troubles with Fortune but that could just be blamed on Ric Flair.

Immortal could possibly do with adding another guy too. My personal choice would be Kurt Angle. Imagine how much stronger Immortal becomes with Kurt Angle at the helm. But how the hell you get there after his feud with Jarrett and general hatred towards Immortal is beyond me. Pope could be a good addition to Immortal, some time down the road though.
Isn't every main event story line involving [team] vs TNA Originals over the last few years?

ECW vs TNA/4tune
Immortal vs TNA/4tune

I do wish Fortune was AJ, Daniels, Beer Money. I think Kaz is the weak spot of the group, dare I say the Paul Roma.
Isn't every main event story line involving [team] vs TNA Originals over the last few years?

True, that is a good point.


The Main Event Mafia program started out as MEM vs. the TNA Frontline. However, the focus shifted from this to the internal issues within the MEM, namely Kurt Angle and Sting. And towards the end of the story, it was more about MEM vs. the Eric Young-led World Elite which really had no resolution. In essence, the storyline was dropped altogether and didn't do much to further any one wrestler's career.

ECW vs TNA/4tune

This was done very well to begin with, with the "Originals," namely Fortune, looking superior to the ECW (EV 2.0) competitors throughout much of the storyline. Yet at Bound For Glory, the EV 2.0 faction got a meaningless victory in the Lethal Lockdown matchup. Most of them were off TV in a matter of weeks, and Fortune never really recovered from that, until....

Immortal vs TNA/4tune

Fortune was wisely turned into a face faction with AJ Styles as its leader and mouthpiece...much to the delight of longtime TNA fans who knew better than to think Styles and friends would stand for TNA being "taken over." This is the one story that has the potential to finally put the four of them (perhaps Daniels too) over and jumpstart their ascension to main event status. Or at least one of them. And the payoff and resolution could be well worth it.

I for one think Immortal vs. TNA/Fortune has the potential to reach until Bound For Glory. There are a lot of variables - Mr. Anderson's possible heel turn, AJ Styles' "injury," Angle/Jarrett, and the long list of number one contenders to the World Title: Angle, RVD, Anderson, AJ, and maybe even the ascension of a current Immortal member to top-level heel....or even the return of a "new man" Jeff Hardy. So there is plenty of reason to think it could last another five months...
I hope Immortal does not last all the way until October.
but how can TNA end Immortal?
Hogan is in control of TNA and right now he doesn't appear to be going anywhere. as long as Hogan is there, would Immortal also not continue to be in power?
back when Immortal first took control from Dixie I think many believed/assumed there would be a time when Dixie fought and got her company back. how does that happen? and even if it does, what happens to Hogan then?
I think it would be nice to have an ending to TNA, but if/when that happens, how does Hogan remain in TNA if he isn't running the heel group of Immortal? do you have Hogan turn again and become face to end Immortal? and who does he turn on, Bischoff? and then what happens to Bischoff? maybe Bischoff could be used as a manager? similar to what Bobby Heenan was back in the WWF. Heenan was always a heel manager regardless of what wrestlers he had.

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