

Shawn Michaels ❤
In England at least there seems to be a growing quota for the amount of immigration from other countries we allow. Whether it's people seeking asylum, just moving here, or for any other reason, the number keeps growing.

At the moment, official figures show there are still a majority of native English people living here, however is that about to change? In certain places in England, it has. The areas around me are proof of that, where native English people are indeed a minority. Classes at school for example, class of 30, 3 native English students.

Should we allow immigration to keep happening? Is it good for our economy and country?
Should we allow it, but cut down the numbers, or simply disallow it now?
Should we allow immigration to keep happening? ?

Depends. If you need asylum then I have no problem with it, for the most part anyway. You can stay. But you need to get a job, and learn the native tongue. I wouldn't like in Spain and not learn Spanish. I also wouldn't claim benefits, I'd get my ass a job. I would also be fully aware that if I broke the law I'd be straight back to my own country. If you break the law here you don't get deported, you get food & board for however long your term is. Shouldn't happen. Our prisons are better than a lot of their countries. If their country cuts off thief's hand, there problem. If their country stones rapists to death, big deal. They shouldn't rape.

I have more but I want to reserve my energy.

Is it good for our economy and country? ?

Nope. Polish come here. Work, take jobs, make money, leave. They make less than minimum wage, so why would people hire somebody for more money? They don't contribte. The majority get cash in hand. What little they make here, is a fortune in their native land. You can buy houses for 5 grand in Poland. One Pole can make 5 grand in a year.

Should we allow it, but cut down the numbers, or simply disallow it now?

Allow it if they need it. But coming here to make money to then take it back to their country is a big no no.

I could probably go on all day on this subject. But I'm not Will.
The thing about "legal" immigrants is that we say that they take our jobs, but they also increase demand. If 500 people move into a community, they will be going after jobs, but there is also 500 more people demanding goods and services.

Additionally, those who are legal immigrants who are not seeking political asylum have to do an incredible amount of work to move into a nation. I will tell you, take the majority of the population and those natively born individuals do not meet the qualifications that immigrants have to meet.

Finally, most western nations are beginning to face major problems in succession planning. Less people are being born as those who are planning on leaving the work force. In my industry alone (municipal government), we expect that 40 percent will retire in 10 years. That leaves a tremendous gap in the employment. We need immigrants to replace health care professionals, university professors, engineers, and many other occupations.

So I am for legal immigrants.
I'm all for immigration. So long as people are processed correctly and are given the proper education to be involved with the region they're moving to. That means speaking the language and having basic skills necessary to be an addition to the country. I don't feel that it helps any country to have immigrants who are intellectually deficient loaded into the workplace as it adds to a greater problem of populational separation between the classes. This is a tough subject because their are a lot of "ins, a lot of outs, a lot of what-have-you's."
While Immigration is a problem and there do need to be more controls put in place, In the most part it is a kop out. I mean fat lazy bastards who sit at home all day claiming benefits when there is nothing wrong with them. The people that complain most about immigrants have never had a job in their life, what is more concerning to me than immigration is these people that don't work and sponge off the rest of us. If I went round to one of these lazy bastards houses and offered him a job starting tomorrow working in the same factory as most of the local polish population round here then I can guarantee you the response of the lot of them would be "oh I'm not fuckin' doin that, thats shit". When you look at the cost of keeping these unemployed people out of work is, the cost of immigration looks ridicolously small.

However there is a group of people who piss me off even more than the anti-immigrant unemployed ans thats the single mothers who have multiple children, usually from multiple fathers who claim benefits as their choosen carrer path. And if bleeding the tax-payer fry wasnt enough, they then proceed to bleed the fathers of their children dry by blackmailing them in exchange for a few hours a week with their children. It's absoloutly scandolous what is happening, and while I'm not exactly chuffed about having hundreds of poles working here at least do work.
I'm all for immigration. So long as people are processed correctly and are given the proper education to be involved with the region they're moving to. That means speaking the language and having basic skills necessary to be an addition to the country. I don't feel that it helps any country to have immigrants who are intellectually deficient loaded into the workplace as it adds to a greater problem of populational separation between the classes. This is a tough subject because their are a lot of "ins, a lot of outs, a lot of what-have-you's."

I agree with this whole heartedly. I think that if immigration is handled correctly- meaning that the immigrants are processed correctly and prepared for their new life in a new country- it can be av ery good thing for not only the new family, but the country as a whole.
Unfortunately right now in the US, so many illegal immigrants are being allowed in and are being hired to work for pennies. They are not equipped with the language or the knowledge that they are being taken advantage of. Most immigrants are willing to work very hard for a better future and would contribute greatly to the American work force if they were given the proper skills and paid the proper wages.
Asylum is fine, but I have problems with people who come here and choose to live off the grid. If you want to live and work here, then you pay taxes. You contribute to your community, and prove that you deserve to be an American or British citizen, or where ever you're going to.

I cannot tolerate people who come here and then immediately go from the border to the welfare office. Also, if you are not on the grid, you SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN A JOB! I'm tired of these greedy ass companies getting 50 immigrants at 2 bucks an hour who aren't paying taxes.

My favorite bullshit excuse, fed to us like dead maggots in blood sauce by our Government, is that they do jobs Americans won't do. HUH? With the way the economy is now, I'm sure there are plenty of citizens who wouldn't mind digging ditches and laying foundations or cleaning bathrooms. That's not the reason at all. It's a dead, malformed baby spat out by the Government.

The reason is these cheap-ass, multi-million dollars companies will do anything, including selling their children for sex, to save 50 cents. So, they hire immigrant workers they can pay shit, don't have to report to the IRS, and abuse.

Bottom line. You want to come here? You pay taxes. You prove yourself. And, you have LESS privileges than the citizens until you DO prove yourself. No welfare. No food stamps. No voting until you prove you deserve to be here.

I am NOT saying being an American is a privilege. Any American moving to Mexico or Britain should have to prove themselves to that country, too.

Yesterday I took a cab driven by an obvious immigrant. He was complaining about the country and Government. Well, then get the fuck out and go home. Love it or leave it. Thing is, he didn't really blast the Government. My Government is a steaming pile of shit run by a murdering liar. He kept saying "This country this and this country that." You like your paycheck though, right? You don't mind that aspect of American life. Go home if it's so bad here. His ass should be deported.
Asylum is fine, but I have problems with people who come here and choose to live off the grid. If you want to live and work here, then you pay taxes. You contribute to your community, and prove that you deserve to be an American or British citizen, or where ever you're going to.

I cannot tolerate people who come here and then immediately go from the border to the welfare office. Also, if you are not on the grid, you SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN A JOB! I'm tired of these greedy ass companies getting 50 immigrants at 2 bucks an hour who aren't paying taxes.

My favorite bullshit excuse, fed to us like dead maggots in blood sauce by our Government, is that they do jobs Americans won't do. HUH? With the way the economy is now, I'm sure there are plenty of citizens who wouldn't mind digging ditches and laying foundations or cleaning bathrooms. That's not the reason at all. It's a dead, malformed baby spat out by the Government.

The reason is these cheap-ass, multi-million dollars companies will do anything, including selling their children for sex, to save 50 cents. So, they hire immigrant workers they can pay shit, don't have to report to the IRS, and abuse.

Bottom line. You want to come here? You pay taxes. You prove yourself. And, you have LESS privileges than the citizens until you DO prove yourself. No welfare. No food stamps. No voting until you prove you deserve to be here.

I am NOT saying being an American is a privilege. Any American moving to Mexico or Britain should have to prove themselves to that country, too.

Yesterday I took a cab driven by an obvious immigrant. He was complaining about the country and Government. Well, then get the fuck out and go home. Love it or leave it. Thing is, he didn't really blast the Government. My Government is a steaming pile of shit run by a murdering liar. He kept saying "This country this and this country that." You like your paycheck though, right? You don't mind that aspect of American life. Go home if it's so bad here. His ass should be deported.

I've always been a huge fan of your posts in chit chat, but I truely think you've outdone yourself with this one. Freaking Brilliant.

I completely agree about the people that complain about a country yet 1. stay here, and 2. Continue to take money from it. If you don;t like the country you have 2 options, shut the fuck up, or leave. I'm sure your ass leaving won't mean anything bad for our economy. Hell most of the people that say this are simply taking our benefits. And this isn't just immigrants, Anyone who comaplins about a country yet stays does my head in.

I love England. Seriously, love it. Which is why I'm here. If I hated it I'd be booking my plane to Spain the second I turn 18. The only thing I dislike about england is the about of immigrants, most illegal, here. It does my head in sometimes. As you said, if you're going to move somewhere, no, you don't get the same rights until you've proven you DESERVE those rights.

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