I'm truly amazed...


On A Nature walk with Daniel Bryan
There are still nice people in the world. I pretty much live in the ghetto at the moment, and I went to shoot hoops yesterday and I lost my wallet in the process... There was 300 dollars in cash and a ton of cards. My address on my I.D isn't current but my mother still lives there. She just called me and said someone returned my wallet. I asked what was all in it, and everything is still in it... I'm amazed...
The ghetto....you live in homestead? Lol, I don't think anybody could live there..I'm always afraid to go to Kennywood, as if we get lost...we usually end up there, and I end up locking the doors and ducking down until we get the hell out of there. :lmao:
There are still nice people in the world. I pretty much live in the ghetto at the moment.

Pittsburgh, yup. ;)

Anyways, good to hear that you got everything back, but I'd be semi-cautious with the cards. Make sure to check those balances daily.
Pittsburgh, yup. ;)

Coming from the guy who lives in Cincinnati. ;)

I went to Baltimore a few years back, I was a little younger..but was scared to death I was gonna get shot. That was like...right in the city too. Then my Grandma wanted me to wear a Steeler shirt. I love the Steelers to death...but I'd end up getting the shit beat out of me.

Well....maybe not a kid..but if I was a grown making man walking down the street by myself, wearing a Steeler jersey.....:beatup:

My Aunt and Uncle went to Cleveland, they had Steeler bumper stickers and stuff...got their car keyed.

Can't say I'm any better though, when I went to Cedar Point in Ohio...anybody wearing a Browns shirt, I'd scream, BROWNS SUCK! I terrorized this one guy and his family...the first time I saw him, he was kinda laughing and joking around...but after about 6 more times I informed him of how terrible his team was...he kinda got irritated. Never said anything...though.

But I'm not afraid of any Browns fans, I wore my Ben jersey when I went to the hall of fame in Canton. Browns fans just seem weak and scrawny to me. The guy in Cedar point was skinny and wimpy too.

Baltimore and Bengals fans...they scare me a little bit.

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