I'm sick of the dqs and interference


Dark Match Jobber
I'm really tired of great matches ending in dq caused by interference. For example the hhh/orton match last night. I already knew from the beginning that legace was gonna run down and attack orton and get the best of him. Totally predictable. If it was after the match I wouldn't of been mad. But not in the middle. The match was going great and I really wanted to see a winner as hhh and orton are two of my favorite wrestlers. It's just like the orton sheamus match at the rumble. I was so pissed when it ended in dq because it was a good match.

I understand the build up for storylines and everything but is there really a need to constantly end matches due to dq? It doesn't make me hate the person who interefered more it makes me more pissed at the wwe writers. Anyone else feel this way or is it just me?
Well there was no way they were going to have either wrestler win clean by pin fall especially so close to WM. That type of match where a wrestler wins fair and square would obviously be reserved for a PPV like that.

I will say that yes it was predictable, but the point of the dq's and count outs etc were to like you said build up the story lines and allow each wrestler's respective opponent to get tv time. At this time of the year it is pretty much a given no one is going to win clean. You also have to remember, that they don't want a wrestler to have a so called "advantage" either. Keeping things even helps because then you really don't know who is going to win. You don't know who has the edge so to speak.
Yea i get that. But that's another thing I hate. Everything is about the ppvs. I miss the days when ppvs wernt the only thing that wwe cared about. When raw was over and I was actually mad at the wrestler for his part in the story line. Not the fact that every good match ended with interference. Just like how the titles use to change hand on raw. Now your lucky if you see the united states championship change hands on raw. That was part of the unpredictablity of things. Titles would change hands on raw. It made you wonder who was gonna win the raw title matches everytime because you know that they could change hands on the show. Now when I hear so and so gets a title shot tonight live on raw I just laugh at the announcer. Sometimes I wonder if the announcers are laughing inside as well. I mean everyone in the business has to know that the average fan knows that titles aren't gonna change hands on raw. It just shows how greedy Vince is becoming. It would be easy to make things less predictable. More clean finishes to matches would be one way to do so. Change the title on raw and smackdown more often. Just two or three times a year would be nice and it would throw some excitement into it and I bet it wouldn't hurt the ratings either. I would even be more inclined to order the ppvs. As of right now I'm questioning if I even want to spend the money to go to the over the limit ppv in Detroit this may because of all the predictability cheap type shit that Vince does. In the end I'll end up going but still. Fans don't want to be able to say at the beginning of the match. "ortons gonna win via dq because legaces gonna run in and attack him". Yea it builds the story line but what's the point if all it does is show total predictability? What good is it when the average fan can already guess what happens? Predictability doesn't draw people into a storyline. It's like knowing the outcome of something before it happens. If I was to say that takers streak ends at wrestlemania because triple h comes down and attacks taker behind the refs back would you still want to watch the match as bad as you do now? Chances are you wouldn't because you already know the outcome. And that's how predictable raw is. You can't draw as good pay per view shows when the free shows are mostly predictable and full of bullshit matches.

Sorry for rambling guys
It's a product of having a PPV every month, there is no breathing room anymore. You have an aftermath show, then build up the next shows.. which means predictable DQ finishes.
Yeah, I liked it better when RAW & SD! had their own PPV's. Even though Smackdown PPVs sucked, the show that didn't have a PPV coming up would have quality main events & story-lines. The Brand Split was also much stricter back then.

Like already mentioned, now that there is PPV's just about every 3-4 weeks, it is to be expected
Im rite ther with you man I hate it so damn much and the worst part is like you said its totally predictable you kno before the match itl be a dq. Half the time I dont even get excited for matches anymore. I get not wanting to make guys look weak but the fact of the matter is nobody is going to notice Im sorry guys like cena hbk hhh orton taker jericho and batista are all incredibly over they have ben main event players for years if they lose to another main eventer nobody is going to think less of them if they lose because rational people understand that they main event guys are equal its competetive at the top and sometimes your going to lose to guys that are on your level. Last nite is a perfect example jeff hardy beat aj styles yet aj will still be big man on campus next week and the fans get treated to a solid match everyone wins!
Every single week on RAW Or Smackdown! i see at least one match end in DQ, it happens every week as far as i am concerned, there matches dont excite me as much as they used too, it can be very disappointing.
Looks like I have to come here and straighten some things out. There are plenty of reasons for all the DQ's and interferences. The obvious reason is to further storylines. Do you think Rhodes and DiBiase would want Orton to have the satisfaction of winning a match against HHH? No, so that's why they interfered before the match ended. They got more heat by interfering in the match rather than them just attacking Orton after the match. Same with Batista and Cena. Batista knows that Cena cannot beat him and he is just putting further doubt into Cena's mind by making him lose to Big Show.

To people who liked the separate RAW and Smackdown PPV's better, get real. The brand exclusive PPV's were awful because they featured only one or two good matches and the rest were just filler trying to get everybody on the show. The Dudley Boyz were in a main event on a PPV in 2004. Three years earlier I could understand, but it was in 2004. That's how bad it was. When they decided to stop the brand exclusive PPV's, they made a much better decision because you saw buyrates increase and the overall PPV become much better.
I have no problem with matches ending in dqs and interference. I knew that the threes Wrestlemania rewind matches would end the way it did but I was still excited to watch it. Sometimes it's not just the end result that matters but the process as well. I enjoyed watching the matches and I thought the interferences did help to build the storylines. You just have to accept things the way they are.
Step outside the box for just a second and think, is DQ finishes the only way to advance or create a story?

No DQ finshes aren't the only way to advance a storyline, but I don't see what the big problem is with them. If Batista didn't come near the ring last night, he probably would've appaerd on the titantron, and distarcted Cena in some way. It's similar to what happened on Raw a couple of weeks ago with The Undertaker and HBK.

The bottom line is the WWE is playing it amazingly safe for an amazingly safe Wrestlemania.

How is WWE playing it safe? Please explain this to me?

Wrestlemania is all about blockbuster matches:

Cena Vs Batista

HBK VS Undertaker

Then, for the first time since Wrestlemania 17, Triple H isn't in the main event, and he's not going for a world title this year. Also, we're sure to have a hair VS mask or some other crazy stipulation match between Mysterio and Punk at Wrestlemania. Again, how is WWE playing it safe this year for Wrestlemania?
I too agree with the majority of people by wanting more clean wins rather than interference. I also wouldn't ind seeing more titles change hands on Raw or Smackdown. However, the only way to survive in the business industry is to make money. Vince is well aware of this, so he focuses on the PPVs.
That's true but wouldn't you think that the people who buy the ppvs have to be satisfied with the way the raws and smackdowns are being ran? I know that all the dqs makes me question ordering them and I've actually not ordered several because of it. It just seems if they would cut down on it it would make things more unpredictable and make people more then willing to order the ppvs. Like when sheamus was champion. Every title defense raw or ppv I already knew he would retain by dq. Would of been nice to see him beat the all mighty cena by pinfall or submission

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