I'm Pretty Stupid.


I wrote my EX a journalish book type thing. (Not sure what to call it)

I filled up every page, every line, front to back. I promised myself I'd give it to her on two conditions A) We got back together or B) I managed to fill up every single page. Le sigh...dumb move to actually give it to her. She read it; and I was hoping she would at least talk to me about it. Today I asked her if she had even began reading it; she said she had finished it last night. I asked her if I could call so she could tell me about it; she simply replied with "I don't want to"

Meh. I relieve stress by writing. I promised myself I'd give it to her if I met one of the two requirements, and I wrote that down on the first page. :shrug: I didn't honestly expect it to change anything.
You're the one who broke up with her. YOU need to move on.
This is right, right here (I'm not gonna resort to calling you a psycho). You need to move on. Don't try and reunite with her, don't try to talk to her, anything. Just move on.

There's plenty of fish in the sea. And there are plenty of people that you will be more compatible with then her (I recall you guys breaking up over her supposed flirting with other men, correct?). It's time to move on. Don't write about her, don't talk to her, don't look for her, don't do anything. If you see her in passing while walking down the street, don't initiate conversation or anything.
Are you trying to say it wasn't stupid now? Because I assure you it was. Not that anything else should be expected from you based on the rest of the situation.
A) This definitely needed another thread. Definitely.

B) You look like a goddamn psycho. You're the one who broke up with her. YOU need to move on.
Care to share anything from the book so that we can assess the extent of the damage?
Yeah that was pretty weird Milkman. You definitely need to cool your jets with her and give her some space man.

Also, stop advertising your Christian dating site Coco. It'll never take off!
There's plenty of fish in the sea. And there are plenty of people that you will be more compatible with then her (I recall you guys breaking up over her supposed flirting with other men, correct?). It's time to move on. Don't write about her, don't talk to her, don't look for her, don't do anything. If you see her in passing while walking down the street, don't initiate conversation or anything.

Thing is we go to the same church. We're in the same Youth Group. She's the leader over the Dance Team I am in. It's impossible for us to NOT talk, NOT be around each other, etc.
Milkington, testicles down, man up.

If you have to see her all the time, just put on a show, pretend as if you're getting the finest tale around. The second she see's you don't care is when she's going to start caring. Women are vindictive *****, something you'll learn over time. She will buy into your false aura, as almost all women are vulnerable to such basic simplistic mind games.
I wrote my EX a journalish book type thing. (Not sure what to call it)

I filled up every page, every line, front to back. I promised myself I'd give it to her on two conditions A) We got back together or B) I managed to fill up every single page. Le sigh...dumb move to actually give it to her. She read it; and I was hoping she would at least talk to me about it. Today I asked her if she had even began reading it; she said she had finished it last night. I asked her if I could call so she could tell me about it; she simply replied with "I don't want to"


You indeed are. But I understand where you're coming from since I'm a avid writer myself.

Now if you really like this girl then you should probably want to ease up on the mushy things because if there's one thing an EX hates its being treated like every other woman. Right now, while she might not be thinking that in a conscious sense she loves the fact that she's important.

I'm not saying steal 70 dollars from her or treat her like shit but the more you worship her the less she'll look down upon you. Treat her as an equal and write an I'm sorry letter with lyrics to her favorite song.
Yes you are. I told you only 2 days ago that you needed to cool down and stop harassing her if you wanted any chance. There is nothing more off-putting than a desperate lovesick puppy. You've properly blown it now.
Oddly enough I offered to write her another about all the memories we shared within the book....she requested that I write it.
Who was the person who bought a girl a puppy? Was it Sully?

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