I'm not sleeping tonight

Mr. Artistic guy

Better Off This Way
I have a habit or doing this. It's when I have a piece of work due to University, three weeks to do it in and choose to begin 12 hours before it's due in. Either way I'm going to be starting it now and finishing around 8AM I predict, this can add to the fact I've been getting about 6 hours sleep a night for a few nights and cause me severe hell when it starts getting into the early hours of the morning. I have all the motivation of an overfed housecat.
I like the Prison, not many people are going to see it and the ones that do will likely stir up some relaxed pillow talk, it's so insignificant it's not even cage worthy.
I had to finish/ start 30 pages of my 70 page report this morning. I started around 8am and ended about an hour ago. Know exactly what you're going through.
nah, they'd much rather call him a liar instead of realizing people write massive papers for college all the time
More the fact that he gave it in pages rather than words. Since when has someone said "hey 70 pages" but more like 20,000 words.

That's dissertation length though rather than a throw away report.
I had to write reports last quarter that had specific lengths of eight pages, instead of word lengths.

Do we know how old Macios is? Maybe he has to write a dissertation, or maybe a science project thing if he's younger than that. I remember people in tech fairs and academic fairs have to write massive reports on methods and results.
UPDATE: Went for an hour nap as I could barely stand up anymore with tiredness, alarm didn't go off as I forgot to switch it off vibrate, woke up at 2, my lecture was at 11.

More the fact that he gave it in pages rather than words. Since when has someone said "hey 70 pages" but more like 20,000 words.

That's dissertation length though rather than a throw away report.

It's not necessarily dissertation length, Lee. Most Ph.D. dissertations are small books, around the 150-200 page length. 3 of my friends just finished their Ph.D.'s, two at UNLV and one at Vanderbilt, and none of them were less than 120 pages. A master thesis, which I've written one and am working on a second, is closer to 70.

That being said, when I was an undergraduate in Sociology, I wrote a paper for my historical methods class on Women and the MRS Degree that wound up being 68 pages. That was just a 400 level class. I've written shorter papers than for graduate school many, many, many times. As a matter of fact, outside of my Thesis, I don't think I wrote a graduate level paper that even approached the length of my historical methods paper.
Oh no I had a Career and Life Management Project/report to do (mandatory class in Alberta Canada 12th grade) and had to include things such as surveys, graphs, written responses. All together with the reports it equaled around 70 pages. I'd say it was split about 60% written work 35% surveys/graphs/ charts, 5% of the pages were sources.

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