I'm not even mad...


Getting Noticed By Management
Most of you here may think that I was raging and all pissed off, but the truth is, I'm not. I'm not even close to mad and I don't really have a reason to be mad. I'm just baffled.

I know that a Lesnar and Wyatts feud was talked about all over the dirt sheets and all, but I just can't believe that WWE was actually serious about it.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, this Lesnar and Wyatts thing should only be a series of house show matches or they can feud for some B level PPV, but not WrestleMania. What was WWE's thinking behind that? I demand to know. Yes, Heyman and Bray going off on the mic will be fun, but Lesnar actually having a match with one of them? I'm not interested, at least for WrestleMania.

Most of you have to be thinking "I expected so much more for Lesnar's WrestleMania feud." I did too. I expected Kevin Owens.
It's not bad really. K.O vs Sammy. Brock vs Bray. At least the feuds will be fresh. Lesnar got a big pop for his entrance so he will obviously have the crowd behind him for Wrestlemania.
Pretty much everything we expected in the rumble happened exactly like we expected.

I don't know who you expect to feud with Brock, Roman is literally the only guy on the roster that they've built high enough to have a shot at this point, Bray is probably the best heel side choice.

This Rumble made me realize just how weak the WWE roster is because of Injury and Roman Reigns running over everyone. Brock is about 2 steps above anyone they have, so creating a compelling feud is tough, Bray with his brothers has a shot, simply with the numbers game.

KO has more personal feuds, and HONESTLY at this point, I expect KO to be feuding with half the roster, just because he's like the only heel that's actually a heel, and not just an "I cheat in matches" heel.
Lesnar gets cheered for regardless if he's heel or face. But I am looking forward to see where the Wyatt/Lesnar angle leads to. I like the idea of two polar opposites competing against each other.
OP and I are probably in the minority here. I said the same things in concord in OP's previous thread as well. Sigh.

These are bad times. If WM 32 is going to involve Bray Wyatt vs Brock Lesnar, and HHH vs Reigns for the WWE WHC, I'm quitting.

I dread the thought of tuning in Raw tomorrow and watching the opening segment...same old same old. Roman Reigns bores me. HHH/Authority's "We are powerful, I told you so, etc' schtick bores me to death...who in their RIGHT FUCKING MIND wants to see HHH brag about how he kicked Romans ass? It's 20fucking15 and not 2005. Who in their right mind is going to be entertained by THAT? Jesus.

At least they could've done something interesting with Lesnar, and IMO, Kevin Owens was that thing.

They may still do something different with the WWE WHC match, may be it will be a triple threat, may be they'll call The Rock and it'll be The Rock vs HHH for the championship. I don't care either ways. Wrestlemania 31 sucked balls, Wrestlemania 32 is going to suck worse. Doom, doom, doom.
I'm pretty ok with Brock Lesnar vs. Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania. It keeps both of them away from the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, and that makes me happy. As long as it's Lesnar vs. Wyatt and not Lesnar vs. Braun Strowman.
Brock Lesnar is always a pleasure to watch and I have been a big fan off and on with Bray depending on what he is currently doing. I feel like the two put together could really do some great things. I was kind of surprised Brock actually got eliminated in that style though. Fresh is a good thing sometimes. Guess it depends how you look at it.

Also...Lesnar vs Owens can still happen one day. I feel like it wasn't the right time to be honest. It'd be a great match to see though. However, if Owens vs Zayn is a thing I kind of would rather that take place later...Maybe Lesnar vs Owens was a better choice...
As long as Bray doesn't get squashed like cena or rollins i'm all for this feud.
Wyatt can go against anybody on that roster. A win over Lesner or at least pushing him to his limit can legitimize Wyatt as the face of fear.
While Owens would have been a good choice, at this point he shouldn't take another loss and a win would've been a push too soon.
My issue with the 2 matches we now know for WreslteMania is that we already know the results as well... there's no suspense factor.

Reigns will obviously win the belt back from Triple H because H can't wrestle full time anymore and they're doing this to really put Reigns over.

And Lesnar will beat Wyatt because Bray never wins any feud he gets into and there's no way they're putting Bray over Lesnar.
I'm not wild on Lesnar/Wyatts, but if it that's what we're getting, Bray needs to win. Like, seriously. The dude needs to win a big match and beating the Beast would do wonders for him. That's not likely to happen, but it'd be great.

Honestly, my long shot hope was for Lesnar to face Dean Ambrose, preferably in an I Quit match.

I'm not sure how the match would be set up, but it'd be the perfect David/Goliath match with Dean as the scrappy pitbull who doesn't give a fuck how big and bad Lesnar is. Dean's high pain threshold and general crazy/unpredictability would counter Brock's sheer power. Plus Dean is probably one of the select few guys on the roster the crowd might actually cheer over Lesnar.

I'd have the match flow similar to the Punk/Lesnar match with Dean outmaneuvering Brock to find advantages while using dirty every trick in the book. The reasoning for the I Quit stipulation was so that Brock would win by beating Dean half to death, but Dean refusing to give up and losing only because the match had to be stopped because he physically couldn't continue.

Brock looks like a monster (again) and Dean gets mega sympathy/respect for taking an incredible beating but never giving up despite the overwhelming odds. Depending on the performance, Ambrose could come out white hot.
Most of you here may think that I was raging and all pissed off, but the truth is, I'm not. I'm not even close to mad and I don't really have a reason to be mad. I'm just baffled.

I know that a Lesnar and Wyatts feud was talked about all over the dirt sheets and all, but I just can't believe that WWE was actually serious about it.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, this Lesnar and Wyatts thing should only be a series of house show matches or they can feud for some B level PPV, but not WrestleMania. What was WWE's thinking behind that? I demand to know. Yes, Heyman and Bray going off on the mic will be fun, but Lesnar actually having a match with one of them? I'm not interested, at least for WrestleMania.

Most of you have to be thinking "I expected so much more for Lesnar's WrestleMania feud." I did too. I expected Kevin Owens.

Yeah Bray's feuds seems so random. I didn't believe when dirtsheets leaked out Bray vs. Cena years ago, seemed so random.

I assume this match will be another chapter in Brock's story as he tries to make it back to the WWE WHC picture to retain the title where he wasn't pinned or tap out to lose it. He already got vengeance against Taker, now I guess Bray is in his way. Bray desperately needs this win but then again I'd hate for him to win just to be thrown back in a feud with the inevitable WWE WHC Reigns and lose to him in another feud.
I didn't like the way they booked it. Bray should've been able to mount some offense after the stare down so that it would create some believability that Bray has a chance to go 1 on 1 with him...regardless of a little help from the family. I want it to be like that, not a 4 on 1 type match where they have too much involvement. Bray needs to be able to have an actual match and do damage to Brock if they wanna give any real rub to him. He also needs to beat Lesnar. After losing to Cena and Taker, it's his time and Brock's time to use his accolades to put Bray over big as the new face of fear. Wyatts already been kinda saying it...that they took out the Beast. It'll be better when he does it at Mania, and he can boast about it like Heyman did the streak. Then move on to the title. If he loses then this whole 4 horsemen of the Apocolypse thing is a major fail.
OP and I are probably in the minority here. I said the same things in concord in OP's previous thread as well. Sigh.

These are bad times. If WM 32 is going to involve Bray Wyatt vs Brock Lesnar, and HHH vs Reigns for the WWE WHC, I'm quitting.

I dread the thought of tuning in Raw tomorrow and watching the opening segment...same old same old. Roman Reigns bores me. HHH/Authority's "We are powerful, I told you so, etc' schtick bores me to death...who in their RIGHT FUCKING MIND wants to see HHH brag about how he kicked Romans ass? It's 20fucking15 and not 2005. Who in their right mind is going to be entertained by THAT? Jesus.

At least they could've done something interesting with Lesnar, and IMO, Kevin Owens was that thing.

They may still do something different with the WWE WHC match, may be it will be a triple threat, may be they'll call The Rock and it'll be The Rock vs HHH for the championship. I don't care either ways. Wrestlemania 31 sucked balls, Wrestlemania 32 is going to suck worse. Doom, doom, doom.

With due respect to your opinion, I strongly disagree with you. Yeah I too dislike Roman Reigns. This Roman Reigns-Triple H feud may look repetitive and boring but still its better than last year. Brock VS Bray is much better choice than Brock VS Owens because Bray has 3 monsters around him to make him a credible opponent for Brock. There would be a suspense about if Wyatt Family can overcome or vice-versa. I am all ok with these 2 matches because WWE's future is gonna be built credible by these matches. The only problem i saw in Wrestlemania 31 was Sting losing to Triple H in his debut match. Other than that, I liked full ppv. Yeah I am gonna miss my favorites i.e Cesaro, Rollins etc for Wrestlemania 32 but anything is better than nothing. I have Wyatt, Owens, AJ, Sami(maybe), Ambrose etc so there is no reason i will leave Wrestlemania.

Most of you here may think that I was raging and all pissed off, but the truth is, I'm not. I'm not even close to mad and I don't really have a reason to be mad. I'm just baffled.

I know that a Lesnar and Wyatts feud was talked about all over the dirt sheets and all, but I just can't believe that WWE was actually serious about it.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, this Lesnar and Wyatts thing should only be a series of house show matches or they can feud for some B level PPV, but not WrestleMania. What was WWE's thinking behind that? I demand to know. Yes, Heyman and Bray going off on the mic will be fun, but Lesnar actually having a match with one of them? I'm not interested, at least for WrestleMania.

Most of you have to be thinking "I expected so much more for Lesnar's WrestleMania feud." I did too. I expected Kevin Owens.

Strongly disagree with you too. How come Wyatt-Lesnar is of a house show or B level PPV? Any reason for it?

I didn't like the way they booked it. Bray should've been able to mount some offense after the stare down so that it would create some believability that Bray has a chance to go 1 on 1 with him...regardless of a little help from the family. I want it to be like that, not a 4 on 1 type match where they have too much involvement. Bray needs to be able to have an actual match and do damage to Brock if they wanna give any real rub to him. He also needs to beat Lesnar. After losing to Cena and Taker, it's his time and Brock's time to use his accolades to put Bray over big as the new face of fear. Wyatts already been kinda saying it...that they took out the Beast. It'll be better when he does it at Mania, and he can boast about it like Heyman did the streak. Then move on to the title. If he loses then this whole 4 horsemen of the Apocolypse thing is a major fail.

Buddy what the hell are you on? Acid? Mushrooms? Wyatts are awful they build them up every time to fail and job to the next match! Lesner will not job to Wyatt no matter how much you pray for that! Lesner will never job to no one if wwe paid him quite a lot for a less schedule! I think Wyatts should focus on wwe tag team titles against USOS and the other team with the pink tights that I cannot stand rather than have Wyatt waste their time on Lesner and see Brock Lesner vs Purple Reign vs HHH as a triple threat match instead cause this will be a boooring flop of a main event I ll tell you if its HHH vs reign!
Totally offtopic, but I'm thinking AJ Styles faces Undertaker at WM 32. I would rather see Sting vs. AJ because of the history, but The Phenomenal 1 vs. The Phenom is also pretty darn good. Looks like KO will be reigniting a feud with Sami Zayn which also came off well in the Rumble. Good storytelling by WWE. Ambrose had a really awesome NIGHT. I was impressed with the match between he and KO for the IC title and to finish runner-up to HHH in the Rumble. Ambrose came out looking Great. Roman also had a great night. He sold the injury well and his return and failure to retain doesn't hurt him at all. Roman has established himself as a TOP GUY, not THE Top Guy, YET, but A TOP GUY.
Brock VS Bray is much better choice than Brock VS Owens because Bray has 3 monsters around him to make him a credible opponent for Brock. There would be a suspense about if Wyatt Family can overcome or vice-versa.

Absolutely this. Brock vs Owens would be a bit weird if it were to happen at Mania. Owens can't beat Ambrose but is somehow expected to beat Brock? I know you could build it up to have Owens turn machine after the Rumble but would anyone actually think he had a chance? Brock vs Wyatts is the best option in my opinion. You have three options with it; 1) You have The Wyatts take away Lesnars god status by defeating him with Bray picking up the win pushing the Bray. 2) You have Brock defeat them and continue to be the beast he is or 3) You have Strowman go up against him and make Strowman look like the beast Brock is by beating him.

1 probably seems the most likely but honestly today the way Strowman just killed Big Show and Kane like they were nothing makes me think they could go this way. He honestly looked like a machine and when Brock came in there wasn't much difference between them. Maybe that's why they left Strowman out of Survivor Series because they didn't want the loss on his record for this and you couldn't have Bray take the pin either. I'm not a fan of Strowman but I have been reading some idea's that he could be facing Lesnar.

Regardless it is a good opportunity for WWE to put Brock back to a beatable level by going with The Wyatts if they want to.
You sure sound mad... Look, I don't know what you were expecting. After all the injuries went down, everybody knew there was a strong possibility of Lesnar going up against Wyatt at Wrestlemania. To be honest with you, it's easily the best match available for both guys at the current time, all things considered. Lesnar gets to look stronger than ever by overcoming the "insurmountable" odds of the Wyatt family, and Bray continues his tradition of high profile Mania matches. It also makes the most sense considering that Owens, the guy you want to see face Lesnar, can literally work a great feud against anybody coming out of the Rumble last night. There's Zayn, Styles, Ambrose... options are there. For Wyatt, not so much.

As to why WWE would do this... well just because you don't want to see something doesn't mean that others don't. Wyatt is credible enough with the casuals for their to be a ton of intrigue in this match and he's one of the few that can stand toe to toe with Heyman on the mic. There's no reason this shouldn't happen at Mania. If Wyatt's legit enough for matches with Taker and Cena at Mania, than he's legit enough for a match with Brock Lesnar.
Some thoughts after last night:

-I can't be the only one who wants Reigns/HHH to be good, but is already resigned to it being wincingly suckworthy.
-I was this close to putting Sasha Banks' face on milk cartons.
-Kevin Owens was probably the only person in the WWE who could have eliminated AJ without killing the match.
-They really want to make Braun Strowman look good. Too bad they already screwed him up.
-We're getting Bray Wyatt vs. Lesnar and probably AJ vs. Chris Jericho. I'd rather see Lesnar vs. AJ and who gives a fuck what Bray does.
-Which is why taking MitB out of Wrestlemania was such a mistake, because that gives you eight slots to fill with performers where no one gives a fuck what they do, so long as they're in attendance.
-Speaking of AJ, they put him over huge. Cue the people who say they're ruining AJ by not having him be the top guy in his first three months.
-If you don't see Daniel Bryan on RAW the night after Wrestlemania, it's safe to assume he's done wrestling professionally for the WWE.
-I thought Tyler Breeze would either stay in NXT or get a gimmick change, since the RAW audience wouldn't take him seriously as a performer with his gimmick. I didn't expect the WWE to not even bother trying.
-Speaking of RAW, is there anyone out there that wouldn't mind making a version of RAW that cuts out everything but the New Day segments?
-Because Xavier Woods, man. "Hey, AJ! How you doing!" while AJ's taking a beating.
-I really thought that this would be the year where they'd subvert the "Kofi stays alive" trope. I kept waiting for someone to get thrown out of the ring and onto Kofi.
-Why the hell would you lay a beatdown on someone like that, and then not throw him back into the ring when you're done? If Reigns is Superman, Vince McMahon is a Bond villain.
-Michael Cole, how many years have you been doing this? When you repeat, over and over, that Roman Reigns has not been eliminated, you might as well say "Roman Reigns will be back, but he can't work longer than twenty minutes." Just drop the thread and pretend to be shocked when he does come back. THEN remind your audience he hasn't been eliminated. You choad.
As has been mentioned, given the injuries that've plagued the roster, Bray Wyatt is one of the only credible choices at this point.

My problem with this potential feud is that I have a feeling that it's ultimately going to be yet another example of WWE going jack happy for Lesnar and that the whole point will be to make Lesnar look strong. The feeling I have is that Bray and Lesnar will have a pretty decent match, but there'll be tons of interference from the Family and that despite said interference, Lesnar will not only defeat Bray but will also demolish the entire Wyatt Family in the process.

I think the scenario of Lesnar obliterating the Wyatt Family is the most likely one as I just don't see Bray going over Lesnar when Lesnar is the one who ended Taker's streak. That being said, I have hope that Wyatt will come out with a victory and actually be elevated during this program instead of being sacrificed to placate the Beast.
I actually don't have any problem with Lesnar vs Wyatt. On paper, it seems a decent feud. Plus Wyatt vs Heyman on mic would be fun to watch. However, like everyone else, I am skeptical about the endgame. Wyatts have lost almost every big feud they have been in, and Lesnar is a monster who can't be beaten. I just hope Wyatts do something out of the ordinary to make this a remotely interesting feud.

Imagine if Wyatt hadn't lost so much...
This feud makes little to no sense to me. Bray sure doesn't need another loss and Brock can't afford to lose Bray. They have built Brock to be unbeatable makes no sense to have a guy like Bay, who never wins, go over the Beast.
As has been mentioned, given the injuries that've plagued the roster, Bray Wyatt is one of the only credible choices at this point.

My problem with this potential feud is that I have a feeling that it's ultimately going to be yet another example of WWE going jack happy for Lesnar and that the whole point will be to make Lesnar look strong. The feeling I have is that Bray and Lesnar will have a pretty decent match, but there'll be tons of interference from the Family and that despite said interference, Lesnar will not only defeat Bray but will also demolish the entire Wyatt Family in the process.

I think the scenario of Lesnar obliterating the Wyatt Family is the most likely one as I just don't see Bray going over Lesnar when Lesnar is the one who ended Taker's streak. That being said, I have hope that Wyatt will come out with a victory and actually be elevated during this program instead of being sacrificed to placate the Beast.

Yea I really hope so too, but like you, my gut says it'll be a demolition of the Wyatt Family. I mean, we kinda already got a peak into what the match will be like last night. That's exactly what Brock did...he tossed them all around like a bunch of rag dolls. In the end, the Wyatts finally got their revenge, but literally 99% of the time (and it was quite a long time) he was destroying them. It really showed that it'll take all 4 of them at the same time to beat him. Because when it was 1 on 1 with any member...with the semi-exception of Stroman...it was insanely one sided. If it's anything like last night, it'll suck bigtime regardless of a good build. I honestly see zero point in Brock continuing this constant domination of the entire locker room...at this point it's like enough already...he was kinda human before he beat the streak...but afterwards he's borderline untouchable. It's time for him to take a loss.
My issue with the 2 matches we now know for WreslteMania is that we already know the results as well... there's no suspense factor.

Reigns will obviously win the belt back from Triple H because H can't wrestle full time anymore and they're doing this to really put Reigns over.

And Lesnar will beat Wyatt because Bray never wins any feud he gets into and there's no way they're putting Bray over Lesnar.

Bray will likely end up going over, but it won't be anywhere near clean. Brock will dominate and suplex city will happen for a while, but then the rest of the Wyatts will join in and overwhelm the beast.

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