I'm gonna need Booker T and Triple H


That's all folks.
Just a quick glance at the RAW roster you have Superstars like Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger and Mason Ryan. Smackdown Superstars like Brodus Clay, Jinder Mahal, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, Ted DiBiase, Wade Barrett, and Tyson Kidd. All the aforementioned Superstars have yet to get over either as a heel or face on their respective shows. The WWE says they want desperately to push some younger newer stars but are failing to get them over. There is a handful of talent in the WWE, yet they keep hiring new faces to fill up their roster.

And here you have Booker T and Triple H. They have pretty much stepped away from in ring action. Triple H has some sort of office job which I care little about and Booker T is doing an awful job commentating on Smackdown. With all the uhhh...not-over superstars in the WWE, how bad would it be if Booker T (Smackdown) and Triple H (RAW) came back to help put some of these younger guys over?

John Cena and Randy Orton can only do so much. When I look at the WWE roster I see alot of potential. But that same potential are having a hard time getting over with the crowd. Booker T and Triple H are two very very very over faces and would do wonders for the careers of these young stars in the back. Keep them out of the Championship picture (well at least Triple H) and have them put over a bit of talent.

Would you like to see Booker T and Triple H back in action?

Would climbing back in the ring do more harm than good?

Who would you like these two to feud with/put over?
Would you like to see Booker T and Triple H back in action?
Well hell yes, who wouldn't. Both men have stayed in pretty good shape, and both could instantly return and be major players.

Would climbing back in the ring do more harm than good?
No, I doubt it, they both are awesome workers

Who would you like these two to feud with/ put over?

Triple H - I honestly want to see heel triple h one last time, and put over Alex Riley, it could be huge.
Or if a face triple h I want to see miz or punk.

Booker T - Sheamus, or Mark Henry, or maybe Just maybe Christian.
Your suggestion makes sense, especially at a time when we need some established star power due to guys like HBK and Edge leaving the company. If these guys could come back to put younger talent over, even while garnering some glory for themselves, it seems a win-win situation.

I truly don't understand Triple H not showing up since Wrestlemania. While he was recuperating a lengthy amount of time from injuries, I never heard an inkling suggesting he was coming back only for one more match. Yes, we all know he intends to work his way into his managerial job, but it was never apparent he meant to retire from the ring. He's 42 at the end of this month; I can't believe he can't give the company a few more years. It's not as if he utilizes flying maneuvers that put his body at undue risk.

Booker T, I can sooner understand not wrestling. A short time ago, it didn't seem he would have anything to do with WWE ever again. That he's back as an announcer is a pleasant surprise. True, he's no Jim Ross on the mic, but he's improving and I especially enjoyed his on-the-spot intros at the Raw Roulette wheel. It's great to have him around.

But based on how great he looked in the ring during his two matches since returning, I would think he could give us a couple more years as an active performer. He could pick his spots and engage in feuds without even having to wrestle all that much. We all know how that could be done.

Right now, we need some established star power to help boost the new generation.....and it's here, right in front of us.

C'mon guys.
There are a lot of guys that could be used to push some younger guys, but I think that the main problem isn't pushing them, is having a lot of guys to push.

Right now we have the guy that is pushing everybody and in my view deserves to be WWE Champion once in his life, and he is Rey Mysterio, he is like the main reason for the recent guys that had a push or became relevant.

WWE is overusing him and I agree they need other guys like HHH and Booker T, but we had Y2J pushing Morrison in his latest run and what happened to him?
WM Match with Snooki -.-
We had Edge pushing Ziggler and ADR in his last run, but they didn't capitalize on that.
It is not the superstars fault, it is from the shitty creative team and the PG thing.

Jack Swagger as far as I remember has a clean win over Randy Orton on a PPV, why isn't he a main eventer already?
So what I pretty much want to say is that WWE can use guys like Booker T and HHH, but for what? They will screw it...

Also I think that HHH and Booker T doesn't want to have a last run :shrug:

If they did come back I would like to see:
HHH vs Drew McIntyre - Yes I may be a Drew fan, but I guess that it could be a good feud, you know the son in law vs the chosen one...

Booker T vs Daniel Bryan :worship::worship: It will make me remember Benoit vs Booker T
I think Triple H should come back soon. Win his rematch with Taker at Summerslam(if it does indeed happen) as a heel, and then continue working on RAW until mania.

I would like to see the game take the belt from Cena, and I would like him to carry the belt from Night of Champions until Mania. WWE needs a heel champion with a monster reign to be stopped by a face and get him super over. Similar to JBL putting over Cena.

In my ideal World Hunter would hold the title during the period I said, and then loose it to Morrison, Riley, or McIntyre at Mania. This would help WWE make a new top face.

As for Booker T, I don't think he would come back and wrestle full time, where as I think Hunter would if he felt he needed to.

However I think he should come back as a manager. I can easily see him come to RAW and mentor Kofi. It would give Kofi more attitude, a new style gimmick, and quite possibly some promo time with the Booker man. More importantly it gets Booker off commentary lol.

Also if they decided to keep him on Smackdown, I would like to see him mentor Barrett into a face turn. Barrett can be the first man to loose his MITB cash in, and Booker can be critical of him. Barrett gets mad and they have a match, which Booker wins. Barrett then starts to come around. If you guys go back a while I'm thinking a story similar to when HBK took Jeff Hardy under his wing. I believe it was right before Jeff left for TNA the first time.
we had Y2J pushing Morrison in his latest run and what happened to him?
WM Match with Snooki -.-
Hold up a bit there. That match gained national attention which got Morrison more popular than ever.
We had Edge pushing Ziggler and ADR in his last run, but they didn't capitalize on that.
Ziggler was far from being over. The feud was more about Vickie and Edge. If you remember, Dolph barely did any talking.
It is not the superstars fault, it is from the shitty creative team and the PG thing.
I would disagree. It's the lack of charisma and lack of in depth feuds with a super over individual.
Jack Swagger as far as I remember has a clean win over Randy Orton on a PPV, why isn't he a main eventer already?
Not even close to being over at the time he was champ. That's the reason the WWE took the belt off of him so fast.
So what I pretty much want to say is that WWE can use guys like Booker T and HHH, but for what?
To put over talent; to make these younger guys relevant in the WWE.
Also I think that HHH and Booker T doesn't want to have a last run :shrug:
You have a point but Booker T has been itching to get back in the WWE since coming back. And Triple H has stated numerous times if he is needed back, he will come back.
I think WWE wants these superstars to get themselves over instead of having to be helped all the way there. The guys in SD arent over not because they arent doing well on their own, but because they are being misused. Tyson Kidd is doing perfectly fine on Supertars and its just a matter of time before he moves on to be a full time SD star. Gabriel and Heath are probably going to continue being a team since their matches with the Usos are getting over with the crowd. Ted Dibiase is going to turn on Cody and become a top face soon and Wade Barrett is already a big star, hes just waiting till the Orton/Christian/Sheamus rivalry blows over so he can have a shot at the WHC. Booker and Triple H wouldnt hurt these guys but its all up to them and wether they're willing to come back full time to get these guys over.
Hold up a bit there. That match gained national attention which got Morrison more popular than ever.
I'm not from USA, so I didn't knew that but a match with 3 minutes without actually wrestling isn't good for him :X

Ziggler was far from being over. The feud was more about Vickie and Edge. If you remember, Dolph barely did any talking.

Dolph barely do any talking... But I guess you were right, however Dolph was the one that got fired in the end.

I would disagree. It's the lack of charisma and lack of in depth feuds with a super over individual.

Superstars have charisma, and WWE should at least have more than two super over individuals, however they don't and in my eyes it's creative fault.

Not even close to being over at the time he was champ. That's the reason the WWE took the belt off of him so fast.

They could capitalize on a world title reign to make him relevant, but onc3e again they drop the ball.
He wasn't bad in any ways, he just had shitty promos to cut and a feud with Rey Mysterio that he lost, however he looked on fire, even Big Show "suffered" from Swagger.

To put over talent; to make these younger guys relevant in the WWE.
They could do it, or fuck it up too... I have lost my faith in the Creative :disappointed:

You have a point but Booker T has been itching to get back in the WWE since coming back. And Triple H has stated numerous times if he is needed back, he will come back.

Oh I'm not the only one, I also feel that he is itching a in ring return too, but I can't see it happening he is getting old and he wouldn't return to lose a feud with a mid card guy :s

He is needed back, and do you see him? So... he doesn't want too...

Look Hamler I want them to return too, but WWE needs to know how to capitalize their talent and that it is hard to make someone a believable superstar, so a good build up is ALWAYS needed even if it is a feud between Primo vs Hawkins, nowadays the creative look lazy.
Agreed. The WWE needs star power in addition to Cena and Orton. And I very much agree, who would not want to see Booker and HHH back. I would also like to see Austin and The Rock compete full time as well. BUT........... and this is probably the "mark" in me speaking, not to put over talent. The last thing I want to see is Booker T put over someone like Drew McIntyre. That will positively ruin his legacy. Or HHH put over someone like Cody Rhodes. It would be better to get them in the main event against Cena or Orton. You know you are tired of Orton/Christian. No one wants to see Cena/Miz again for a while. Throw some excitement in there.

One of the most exciting moments of this past years Royal Rumble was when Bookers music hit and he came down the ramp. One of the most disappointing moments was when he was eliminated 2 minutes later by the Nexus.

Bring them back Full Time, but make them main Event Players
I think using Triple H would be a terrible idea for this. No, I don't hate the guy or want his balls in a mason jar. The guy just isn't good at putting over new talent. Everything that goes in a feud with Triple H has always been about Triple H completely and absurdly overshadowing the other guy. In the matches, regardless of what goes down, Triple H ends it with the Pedigree and that is the end of that match. In the promos, Triple H admits that the other guy has no chance against him. It might be one thing if the newer guy has immense presence (like a Batista), but very few of the younger guys have such confidence and an aura of star power to them. Out of the ones you listed, Hammie, I really think Wade would be the one that could go toe to toe with Triple H in a promo without making people feel like "Damn, he looks like he wants to go cry in a corner or something." or without looking completely out of place talking. Heck, most of those guys are like that without Triple H around.

Booker T? Just seems like an odd choice. Most of his in ring work has been hit or miss. To be honest, I don't ever remember a feud with him trying to get a newer guy over.
1) I would like to see them get back into action however it would have to be against those guys who can actually perform in the ring. I do not want to go back and perform awful matches I want them to wrestle someone who will also be good in the ring. I think somebody like Ziggler would be perfect for Triple H to fight as he is good at selling and can put on high quality matches. I would hate to see them come back and put on an awful match just to get somebody like Primo back over with the crowd.

2) Without a shadow of doubt it would do more harm then good. The WWE is only so good at making guys help get guys over and I would think that the WWE would end up putting them back to the place where they left off. I would not want to see Triple attempting to stay in the ring and compete against the current ME because firstly he is virtually done in the WWE and secondly he needs to get guys over. However anything to get Booker T off commentary would be an improvement.

Jack Swagger would need to benefit off of this. I think you could very easily put him over very similiar to how Sheamus got over and that would be just destroying people. I remember when Sheamus got rid of Jamie Noble and looked dominant but then took out Triple H. If Swagger was to get that mean streak once again and be the dominant ankle locker then it would be very good for his career.
Before I get to answering the individual questions, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it really wouldn't do much. One of the things CM Punk said in his now infamous promo, is how WWE is a huge conglomerate and he's another spoke in the wheel, the WWE is no longer about making huge individual stars, it's about mass production, almost a franchising attitude when it comes to talent. That being said...

Would you like to see Booker T and Triple H back in action?

There's positives and negatives to seeing them both in action, while both are good in the ring, you really have to deal with some ego's on those two (mostly Trips) I'll touch on that more on the third question

Would climbing back in the ring do more harm than good?

Honestly I think it would do more harm than good, once again I'll touch on it more with the next question.

Who would you like these two to feud with/put over?[/QUOTE]

Here's the deal... when has Triple H ever been willing to put someone over? He's given rubs, and when he does lose to someone, he makes sure to get two wins in return. Trips has snubbed talents the likes of Booker T, Chris Jericho, and RVD. What makes you think he's going to put over a schlub like Alex Riley?

Booker T is nowhere near as bad as Hunter, but (correct me if I'm wrong) his biggest gripe with TNA was they weren't using him as a true main eventer. Book is still going to want some title runs and main event programs.
Would you like to see Booker T and Triple H back in action?
If they worked a match or program every once in a while it would be fine, but theres no point in either of them coming back and wrestling full time. I for one don't want to see another Triple H title reign

Would climbing back in the ring do more harm than good?
More harm, their both at a point in their careers where they don't need to win anymore titles, they've both done it all. Multi time world champions, tag champions, middle card champions, the focal point on the company.

Who would you like these two to feud with/put over?
They don't need to put over anyone
Would you like to see Booker T and Triple H back in action?
Yes, they could help bulk up the main event a bit and put some peeps over.

Would climbing back in the ring do more harm than good?
In my mind, Triple H and Booker are still healthy enough to wrestle for another year or so, barring any injuries of course. Booker seemed fine and fresh in the ring against Jack Swagger some weeks ago and Triple H was trusted to main event Wrestlemania.

Who would you like these two to feud with/put over?
Assuming these two come back as faces: Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger and Jinder Mahal could be a potential heat magnet. Maybe Alberto Del Rio too, although if Rey Mysterio couldn't get him over, I don't know if Booker or Triple H can.
Would you like to see Booker T and Triple H back in action?

Would climbing back in the ring do more harm than good?

Who would you like these two to feud with/put over?

1. I wouldn't mind seeing it. It obviously depends on if it makes sense, though. In any event, under the right circumstances, I think it could work. In there with the right talent, Booker T. could put on some good matches and if he worked with a handful of guys, I'm sure one or two make something of it.

With Triple H, I think one mega-feud makes the most sense. How it happens, I'm not sure. Still, I think that if it's done correctly, that's how he could help most. With just that, two to three stars could be made in a years time or so.

2. It would only do good. If it didn't work, it still get established names on television and it'd give people online something new to talk about. If it does work, then it's obviously a good thing. In either case, no one's time would be taken on air as most aren't over now, anyway.

3. Triple H would be cool in a feud with a guy like Drew McIntyre. It makes sense considering Triple H is related to Vince and Vince hand-picked Drew to be the next big thing. So, I'm sure something like that could work.

With Booker, I could see going in the direction of Wade Barrett. Sure, he's over to an extent. But, since moving to Smackdown!, I think that he needs to career-defining feud that really cements his spot. Considering that Booker thinks highly of the guy, it might make the most sense.
Who would you like these two to feud with/put over?

1) yes i would rather enjoy the 2 of them returning to action once again.

-i think triple hhh could manage it for sure as long as he doesnt go overboard by throwing his body around alot.
-booker t is in his 50's, i am mildly concerned about him, to many bad bumps and he could hurt himself, though, if he wasnt going overboard i think he would be a great addition and could easily put some new guys over.

- kinda tough call, i would love to see triple hhh and sheamus go at it again, alex riley (though i think we have miz putting him over still), skip sheffield, mason ryan (after new nexus disbands), heres a funny sugestion, lets get the masterpiece chris master back on RAW and let him and triple hhh feud for a bit.
- as for booker t on smackdown, hmmmm, johnny curtis, sheamus (yes him again) and uh theres no other main event talent on smackdown.
unless wwe intends to properly push the guys after they feud with triple h/booker t, then i don't want to really see either of them in there. Sheamus is a great example of wasting a push - he came in like gangbusters, worked with triple h and did well, and then they totally dropped the ball on him. if they are going to continue to do things like that, then there is no use putting them in there with these guys as it won't really help.

the thing to remember is how triple h and booker are seen by the audience right now. for a lot, booker is an announcer - to put him in a match and have someone beat him is like when lawler loses to someone - it doesn't really matter that much. unless they intend to have booker wrestling a couple times a month, having a new guy beat him accomplished only so much. as for triple h, you need to make sure it is the right guy. a lot of people still remember him as one of the top guys in the company (still surprised he never got one more title run). you can't have him put just anyone over unless they intend to really push they guy. give him a year or so and it is a different story - you still need to be careful on who you use but they can beat him since he was been away for a while.

unless the guy is going to ger a lesnar-type push where he just destroyes everyone, i wouldn't really use these guys right now. if they get someone who they really want to push, then sure. have the guy come in and beat booker, swagger, ziggler, sheamus, kane, big show(i know, he will be on every show but again, does it matter anymore?), talk about how good he is and how he can beat any former world champ, and then you can bring in triple h to give him the real push before he hits cena/orton. then they serve some purpose without the wins over booker and hunter looking like a joke.
I would love to see Booker T and Triple H back for sure. They're both still in good shape, and Booker T imo is really tarnishing his career as being one of the worst broadcasters i've heard. He is just too good of a wrestler and personality and needs to be seen that way, especially with the young audience.

Triple H needs to come back but I hope he doesn't bury the young talent. I sort of have this hate-love relationship with HHH, and I only want to see him back to put over the young guys.

I want to see Miz be put over by Triple H, and I'm hoping Booker T can put over some mid card guys such as Drew McIntyre.
Heres the thing about Morrison....He put his foot in his mouth with always saving Melina's ass for her comments about Trish, why else did he and Melina basically get sidelined at WM. As for all their other needed to be pushed talent, you get built up on Smackdown if your new talent, and then you either get pushed to the wayside and become a midcard jobber on Superstars (see Zack Ryder). The only thing that saves certain grace superstars in the money in the bank match this year from guys like McIntyre from being irrelevant, will he win? probably not because since the draft has made one promo and has become a staple, but hey the WWE is good at swerving the fans. as far as the other so called superstars who couldn't get over on Raw or Smackdown its because they needed guys like Alberto del rio (in the case of Brodus Clay) to make them relevant, but right now on Smackdown they are finally pushing Mark Henry again after 10+ years, Christian is getting John Cena reactions, its just a matter of eventually when they want someone to step they will.

So does a Booker T, or a Triple H help? in terms of Jack Swagger no, but if they do say Jeff Hardy with his feud with Undertaker where he almost won the world title then yes, I mean Triple H is known for laying down superstars in a squash so he's not going to lay down for just anybody to make a superstar, and as for Booker yeah while he can go he isn't taken as seriously not being a full time wrestler and being a commentator him coming back to the ring just isn't likely. IMHO I think they just need to resign those old talents that drew the money because thats how its going to make the newer guys relevant again is by feuding with wrestlers who draw and not wrestlers who are stuck in the same rut.
Would you like to see Booker T and Triple H back in action?

When Booker returned at RR, I was pleasantly surprised and heard one of the loudest pops, I've ever heard for a performer. What happens next, he gets thrown out in less than two minutes. They completely fucked up his return. I would love to see him return to full time duty in the ring. Triple H, I'm not so sure about. Booker might work with every one and on any show. Triple H (imo) will want to be on Raw, and work with who feels like working with.

Would climbing back in the ring do more harm than good?

These are two performers who could be helpful to the company. I'm not a Triple H fan but I can't deny he has a fanbase and is a very effective heel. Booker, while I like, he is very underrated as a performer on the mike and with the right person in the ring with him, he can give a very good match. SO I think if they returned to the ring it could help the company.

Who would you like these two to feud with/put over?

Booker vs. - Sheamus, Cena, DelRio, Punk, Miz, Christian, Orton, Barrett, Truth, Bryan

Triple H vs. - Punk, DelRio, Miz, Christian, Truth, Morrison, Barrett
I'm not from USA, so I didn't knew that but a match with 3 minutes without actually wrestling isn't good for him :X
Well, when Snooki who is very very super popular in the United States is by your side, you're gonna get some good attention.
Superstars have charisma, and WWE should at least have more than two super over individuals, however they don't and in my eyes it's creative fault.
This is very true. Relying on two super over guys to carry your roster is incredibly risky. Also, you can be booked like a champion but you can't always be over like one.
They could capitalize on a world title reign to make him relevant, but onc3e again they drop the ball.
Capitalize on what? Dolph was no where near over at the time.
They could do it, or fuck it up too... I have lost my faith in the Creative :disappointed:
Quite true about everything correct?
he is getting old and he wouldn't return to lose a feud with a mid card guy :s
He may be getting old but Booker T has another good five or so years left. He's still physically fit enough to put over some younger talent.
He is needed back, and do you see him? So... he doesn't want too...
Or maybe they don't want him? Believe me, someone as healthy and successful as Booker T would always love to get back in the ring whenever possible. That's just my view.
Look Hamler I want them to return too, but WWE needs to know how to capitalize their talent and that it is hard to make someone a believable superstar, so a good build up is ALWAYS needed even if it is a feud between Primo vs Hawkins, nowadays the creative look lazy.
You can't capitalize on someone who isn't over though. That's what Booker T and Triple H will do.
Booker vs. - Sheamus, Cena, DelRio, Punk, Miz, Christian, Orton, Barrett, Truth, Bryan

Triple H vs. - Punk, DelRio, Miz, Christian, Truth, Morrison, Barrett
The only problem here is everyone you listed with the exception of Del Rio and Wade Barrett are already over. Booker T and Triple H need to be used for superstars who arent over.
the thing to remember is how triple h and booker are seen by the audience right now. for a lot, booker is an announcer - to put him in a match and have someone beat him is like when lawler loses to someone - it doesn't really matter that much.
Lawler was never meant to be taken seriously in the WWE. Booker T and Triple H have had phenomenal success in the WWE and that is still pretty fresh in the fans' minds. They're still credible.
More harm, their both at a point in their careers where they don't need to win anymore titles, they've both done it all. Multi time world champions, tag champions, middle card champions, the focal point on the company.
Whoa whoa whoa! Who said shit about titles? Their sole purpose would be to put over talent. In fact, I'm pretty sure I said keep them out of the title scene.
They don't need to put over anyone
So you're high right? I guess Dolph Ziggler, Del Rio and Wade Barrett can wallow in mediocrity the rest of their careers. Let's face it, some younger guys need putting over.
Well, when Snooki who is very very super popular in the United States is by your side, you're gonna get some good attention.

I highly doubt that Michelle McCool became an hot tune in USA from being pinned by Snooki...
But I get what you're saying and no questions asked whatsoever.

This is very true. Relying on two super over guys to carry your roster is incredibly risky. Also, you can be booked like a champion but you can't always be over like one.

You can, but Creative need to do some better job...

Capitalize on what? Dolph was no where near over at the time.

I was talking about Swagger, but Dolph was very over after his matches against John Cena, Daniel Bryan and Kofi Kingston that are like in the top10/15 of the best matches of 2010

He may be getting old but Booker T has another good five or so years left. He's still physically fit enough to put over some younger talent.

The way he talks and moves makes me feel that his ego is to big for being wasted with micards..

Or maybe they don't want him? Believe me, someone as healthy and successful as Booker T would always love to get back in the ring whenever possible. That's just my view.

I was talking about HHH...

You can't capitalize on someone who isn't over though. That's what Booker T and Triple H will do.

Actually you can, do you think that WWE started with a lot of over wrestlers? Now... Everyone can make a name for himself, if tomorrow WWE just makes a main event between Drew McIntyre vs Kofi Kingston in Street Match Fight and if you see Drew completely destroying Kofi, make him bleed, stretch him like in the good old days, people would be frenetic about him..

The build up is essential...
Since we have pretty much came to an agreement, I'll skip the irrelevant stuff.
I was talking about Swagger, but Dolph was very over after his matches against John Cena, Daniel Bryan and Kofi Kingston that are like in the top10/15 of the best matches of 2010.
Dolph may have put on the some great matches but he was never over with the crowd. Dolph rarely gets heat at all.
Actually you can, do you think that WWE started with a lot of over wrestlers?
Now... Everyone can make a name for himself, if tomorrow WWE just makes a main event between Drew McIntyre vs Kofi Kingston in Street Match Fight and if you see Drew completely destroying Kofi, make him bleed, stretch him like in the good old days, people would be frenetic about him..
Tyson Kidd has put on some fucking awesome matches on Superstars. However, the dude is no where near over. It's very hard to capitalize on someone the crowd gives two shits about.
The build up is essential...
Very essential. But guys like Booker T and Triple H are needed to make these guys look good. Good matches will only get you so far.
i disagree , their solution is right in front of them. i personally think they should do a smackdown invasion of raw and a raw invasion of smakdown to shake things up a bit. imagine if alberto del rio fued with randy orton , john cena fued with christian , rey mysterio fued with sin cara , mark henry , cody rhodes , and ted dibiase fued with new nexus , just to give everyone something unexpected and new , more varieties of fueds .. lets this go on for months until the talent get over then bam! go back to normal.
I think it'd be cool if they would both wrestle a bit but without taking world championships , just to put people over

I think Booker T Vs. Mark Henry fued would be cool , start it up by having Booker get pissed at Mark Henry for hurting innocent camera/audio guys and always smashing his announce desk

Then I think if Barrett wins MITB that Triple H putting him over at some point would be cool too

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