If you were to make a feud, who would you involve?

I own a set of balls

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Okay, well I'm not sure if this is the place to post these things, but meh, i'll give it a go.

I would choose, well first

these 2 feuds

I will have Vladimir Kozlov drafted to RAW.

And potentially have a feud with John Cena or Batista.

John Cena and Kozlov-
Now this can remind me of nothing more than the feud when Cena had with Umaga, ending streaks. It could potentially spark fires in the crowd wondering if John Cena can truly stop the Moscow Mauler.

Batista and Kozlov-
Nothing more than brute force versus brute force. The two statures of these 2 men are amazing, and believe it or not, Batista is seen as a huge, toughest animal around, therefore sparking the interest again in the theme of The animal vs the Moscow Mauler.

Besides the clash of mega powers, I would also want to see these feuds.

Jeff Hardy Versus Matt Hardy

Although I think the two fought before, I really liked the way they implanted a seed during one of the Edge promos with Matt Hardy that Edge said Matt is merely a point compared to Jeff. And this might turn Matt heel.

And everybody's talking about it, everyone's thinking about it,

The undertaker and HBK feud

There really isn't anything I want to say about this, it's just that I definitely want to see this match.

The Undertaker and Kane feud

I would love another Taker and Kane feud, since it has sparked interest before, and it might again.

Vince & Shane Mcmahon and Stephanie and Triple H feud
This is nothing more than entertainment and a re-live of the McMahon eras.
I was thinking of a way to bring Back Vince, to play back on the storyline that Stephanie was the one to get him hurt, thus supporting Shane to be the general manager and to take over the company. Triple H at this time realizes that he needs support as he lost the championship and joins Steph's side.

Chris Jericho and Randy Orton feud
This match is to make sure that one comes out the number one contender for the world champion, and Randy could also bring his little Legacy stable to help him achieve the legend killer status again, defeating the Sexy Beast. Although I don't quite like this match, but I find no other way to make these 2 seem realistic. Randy will HAVE to be done with Batista to be on this.

Evan Bourne and a Rey Mysterio tag team and the Mizmo feud
Bourne and Mysterio are great high fliers, and they make a successful offensive team, as to Mizmo, who are great at working together.

I can also see team Legacy coming in here, trying to name themselves the greatest tag team.

Post your thoughts, Unless this thread gets deleted because I broke some rule accidentally.
Interesting ideas.

For me, I would rewrite the entire Vickie/Edge/Hardy saga for the storyline to make sense, instead of the sloppy crap we're fed to currently.

Do away with the god awful assailant angle. Have Hardy participate normally in the Survivor Series title match. Get a good clean match going with HHH retaining by pinning Jeff Hardy.

At the following Smackdown, Jeff requests for another title shot, but Vickie begins to berate him and run him down. He finally transforms into the tweener Joker gimmick. Overwhelmed by his emotions, he begins to stalk and attempt to assault Vickie, only to get beaten down by Big Show and Chavo.

Set up Jeff vs Big Show for Armageddon, with Vickie at the ringside. Jeff appears to be losing, but Edge returns with a similar Joker gimmick, having banished to hell and being betrayed by his once fiance! Match ends in a DQ with Edge/Jeff beating down Show badly. Vickie gets scared and tries to escape, but gets caught in a Spear, followed by a Swanton.

The following Smackdown, Vickie would be announced as "seriously injured" and Shane takes over Smackdown, killing 2 birds with one stone. 1) Solidifies the Mcmahon angle 2) Get rid of the long overdue Vickie/La Familia/Taker angle. The unlikely tandem of Edge/Jeff will continue to wreck havoc on random superstars, until Matt decides to intervene and bring Jeff back to the "good side".

The odds are stacked, and Matt is on the losing end of things. Have Matt lose the ECW title due to Jeff's interference. When the situation seems bleak, cue in the return of Christian. Christian aids Matt in a bid to restore their former tag partners' sanity.

The feud intensifies and accumulates until WM where we can have singles grudge matches, brother vs brother, or a tag match. Christian/Matt wins, and Edge/Jeff awake to their senses, and embrace in an emotional hug of reunion. After which, Jeff returns to Smackdown title scene, and Matt to ECW title scene.

Edge/Christian will briefly relive their tag team glory days, before Edge turns heel once more and turns on his partner, ala HHH betrayed HBK. Build the feud up similar to HBK/Y2J. Do not rush the title into the picture, but let pure grudge play out the angle.
I would say The Brian Kendrick vs Gregory Helms would be cool.

They are both cruiserweights, so that already rights them of the big title ( well i highly doubt it), the U.S title is already havign feuds and has some potenital ones when umaga and kennedy come back.

This would be good because they are both good in the ring. They could do they high spots in the match. but they can also just do some mat wrestling. There could be a few good gimmick matches involved. like a steel cage, Hardcore/extreme rules and also falls count anywhere.

helms and kendrick have nothing else better to do so why not?
Dolph Ziggler vs. Mr. Kennedy whenever he returns. Two blonde big-mouthes with a short temper and who are obsessed with their own names going at it. Could be interesting.
This is truthfully quite possibly the one idea the WWE needed to pull the trigger on and didn't. With their history, the two could've put on a hell of a showing at Mania, or even the Rumble. It isn't too late -- Morrison can eliminate HBK and have it rekindle there... the possibility of bringing Kendrick in to defend his teacher's honor is also possible, giving the scene to a Kendrick/Morrison match which would be O So Sweet because we all know Hennigan is amazing and Kendrick is better than he is being made to look. And during that match, have HBK Sweet Chin Music the shit out of Morrison and it ROLLS from there.

It sounds awesome. And if Helms is gunning for the US Title, there is no reason these two can't work a program together. Throwing in Shelton and Killings periodically as well would also do wonders. All of these guys are young, talented, and should be given the chance and pulled the trigger on.

This is most likely happening for real, but imagine if you build on the history these guys have. Imagine if you incorporate ALL OF IT into the culmination for a match at Mania. Edge/Hardy in a LADDER MATCH -- Come on! That's the next HBK/Ramon we're talking here. If built properly, if booked properly, if executed beautifully -- and these are the two guys I know can pull it off based on their work with each other in the past -- it can be amazing and carry well over into the better 1/4 of 2009.

Triple H/Kozlov
Here's two brawlers that need to get a trigger pulled also. Their match at Survivor Series was decent. Build on it. Kozlov has never lost, and HHH has done it all. This could be the idea USA/Russia showdown, downright up there with the Rocky/Drago story-line. I think even if for a few months the two feud, it can lead to a solid spot in the company for Kozlov. HHH rubbed Hardy the right way; time to pass it down to the rest of the boys.

Kendrick, Helms, Kennedy [In that order]/Hardy
This is a hypothetical... this is a dream feud (TBK vs Hardy anyway)... this is what I would do if I were the head writer of SD. I would make Jeff defend the damn belt left and right against those three at different times to prove to the fans, to prove to HHH, to Edge, to Vickie, to EVERYONE that he DESERVES it and that he fights hard for it. And who better than Kendrick, who has already faced HHH before? He has had a chance, he is just like Hardy only as a heel... and he is talented. These two kids in the ring is almost as good as Edge/Hardy. And who better than Helms, who is arrogant and cocky? And what about Kennedy?! Fuck, the guy's as egotistical as Jericho and packs a punch to boot. Plus the matches would be great...

You'd love it. Admit it. If they aren't feuding already, they should be. If done correctly, these two clowns can benefit greatly from working a program... God knows they're talented enough.

Enough 'what ifs.' I'm getting sad realizing these will never go down.
I really want to see a Kennedy/Cena feud...

Kennedy has proven he can get over, but not nearly to Cena's level. If he can continue to improve, and get to where he was before the McMahon's Son storyline, it could be interesting. No matter how it turned out, Kennedy would get a rub by Cena, and be one of the top heels on his brand...

Also, I'd like to see Kozlov and Umaga...Maybe not a feud, but definitely a match. Kozlov's head wouldn't budge Umaga, and Kozlov could take the Samoan Spike...
Dolph Ziggler vs. Mr. Kennedy whenever he returns. Two blonde big-mouthes with a short temper and who are obsessed with their own names going at it. Could be interesting.

That would be interesting to see... the possibility of a Name vs Name match just lit up in my head. I can see it now, to build it further they have a "Name-Off," who can say their own name better.

An idea so perfect for the WWE! :lmao:
This is something I've wanted to see, and was sort of teased already.

Basically, Steph & now Legacy (was just originally going to be Orton but now he has a stable) against Batista & Shane. I think it would work because seeing family fued is always good, brings out the best in them, and with Legacy & Batista having a go at eachother it could make for some very good matches, primarily because of Orton. Heck, throw in Steph getting it on with Orton.. then Triple H can make a timely run in, make it a cross-brand thing, help increase the ratings for both RAW & SD! that way.
I would love to see a feud between CM Punk and Jeff Hardy, with Punk as a heel using his straight edge lifestyle as a way of badgering Hardy for his "problems". I'm actually kind of suprised that no one else has thought of that yet!
If I could pick any feud, seriously, I would love to see more of the wrestlers on Smackdown not job to the main stars, why not make everyone a big star. But here it goes. I would have a feud with The Brian Kendrick and CM Punk, a cross brand thing. Here's how it would go down. It's the Royal Rumble, Punk is the IC Champ and is in the rumble. The Brian Kendrick eliminates him, and then instead of continuing the match, he just jumps over the rope, eliminating himself, not caring and goes straight after CM Punk. He beats him down and gets a chair and shot after shot, the refs come down but Ezekiel Jackson scares them off, and then TBK performes his finisher, with Punk going face first into the steel steps.
Then TBK leaves laughing hysterically at the damage he's created. The next night on Raw, Punk comes out, bandaged up, and calls out TBK. TBK comes out and says " Punk , last night, I took you out, you think you're so great with that Intercontinental Championship don't you? " Punk says " Who cares about the title, what you did last night, I'm going to get you for it " and TBK says " You can have me, but I'll have the IC title while we're at it. " TBK comes down to the ring slowly, rambling on about everything he did to Punk the night before and gets in the ring and looks Punk right in the face and says " At Wrestlemania, I'm coming for that title, and whether you like it or not, it's coming with me " and then he lays out Punk again, and again leaves laughing hysterically/maniacally.
3 weeks before to Wrestlemania, TBK cuts a promo on Smackdown, saying how he's bringing the IC title to Smackdown. And then who comes out, none other then Shelton Benjamin, the Gold Standard. He says " What's so great about the IC title, why would you even want that gold, and I know about gold, seeing as I am The Gold Standard " and TBK says " Shelton, this has nothing to do with you, just go sit out back and do nothing like you have for the past 5 months " and then Shelton runs into the ring and attacks TBK. Then out of nowhere, Punk comes out, to new music, and runs down and joins the fray.
Out comes Vickie Guerrero, and she calls security down to the ring to stop this. She says " Punk, you're from Raw, get off my show, and as for you TBK and Shelton , weellllll " ( crowd starts booing ) " EXCUUUUUUUUSE ME!!!! " and she goes to talk and is cut off by none other then RAW GM Stephanie McMahon, appearing on the titantron. She says " you're excused Vickie, and as for Punk, he'll stay right where he is, as I've had a brilliant idea " Punk, Benjamin, and TBK all seperated by security looking on hoping for something great. Steph says " Punk, you will be defending the IC title at Wrestlemania, and Shelton, since I'm a McMahon, and I have the most power , even over Vickie, you too will be defending the US title at Wrestlemania, both of you will be defending your title in the same match, and it will be a Triple Threat, and that's where you come in TBK . It will be a title unification match, with the winner taking home the IC and US title, to become a new champion, with a new title to be named at a later time. " Everyone looks on in amazement as it goes to commercial break. This all leads to TBK winning the US and IC title in the same night, thus leading to the start of brand unification, thus leading to potentially better ratings as all stars will be on every show.
Here's a fued idea. The legacy stable becomes huge with about dozen multi generation stars (very possible) obviously led by Orton. The stable crosses over all 3 brands and runs rampant on the WWE. The stable is extremely inclusive, and only generational stars would be allowed in. Newer superstars will get a big push by associating themselves with the stable (evolution anyone?) and the WWE is in chaos. Now, instead of having a stable like WWE vs. The Legacy (a nod to WCW vs. NWO) or Newer Guys vs. Older Guys (like in TNA and at the end of WCW), tag teams become more prevalent and form unlikely alliances to combat the Legacy. With these unlikely alliances, new rivalries are started and small stables are created. Heel wrestlers, who would want to get into the stable and being that it's inclusive, it would create even more tension and heat including plenty of heel vs. heel matches. This massive fued involving the Legacy would last at least a year, and would eventually disband. The no name guys living in their father's shadows will be much better superstars and would feud with each other afterwards. Speaking of fathers, this would also give great opportunities for some of the older guys that are Legends to come in and align themselves with or against the Legacy. Orton's legend killer attitude would play into that quite nicely as well. These are the guys that would be involved in the stable:

Dibiase jr.
DH Smith
TJ Wilson and Joe Hennig (if they get brought up to the main roster)

Mysterio would be heavily involved due to his generational status and there could be a tease as to if he would join the stable. He ultimately won't, as the stable is a heel stable, but there could be a lot of suspense surrounding the possibility plus Mysterio could take part in serious tweener moments involving face superstars. His involvement will give him a push back to the main event as well.

In terms of title feuds and "getting all the gold," you've got Orton vying for the world title (either one), guys like Chavo, Umaga, and maybe Manu going for the ECW title, Neidhart for the women's titles (she could be both divas and womens champion, maybe even unite the two and get rid of that damn divas title), and the rest feuding for the mid card and tag team titles. I think it would be absolutely incredible if they brought in some older guys who were big in the attitude area, especially the Rock. There's enough legacy out there to really make this angle huge and completely revitalize the WWE.
J Fine...I absolutely love your idea, and I think it would work brilliantly for a very long time. I really hope Vince gets over himself and decides that tag-teams are a good thing so he'll consider this (for those who don't know, Vince heavily believes that Singles competitions are far superior in every way to a tag team match nowadays). Until your brilliant plan comes to fruition, here are some rivalries to fill the time.

Jeff Hardy versus Edge
They used to battle alot (as tag team opponents) and it would be great to see them feud again, if only for a couple months.

Another good temporary feud would be Mark Henry versus Kozlov. Neither of them have to turn face or anything, just let them battle it out at one ppv.

Since I'm not great at creating long feuds, I have one more temp...Mr. Kennedy versus Santino. Battle of the loudmouths. Wouldn't be much of a fight, but it would be great for those who actually enjoy the storylines like I do (I know, I know...:smashfreakB:)
Here's a short quick idea, since Morrison and Miz have the Raw tag titles, why not have them win the smackdown ones too, then they can truly say they are the greatest tag team of all time as they would hold all the tag gold. I'll elaborate on this more later.

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