If You Were President


Under which circumstances would you look at Nuclear Warfare as being an option?

August 6, 1945 and August 9, 1945 should both mean a great deal to you. This was the day we dropped 2 Atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On this day we plagued the Japanese soil with nuclear energy still haunting them to this day.

It's been said we didn't know the repercussions of such acts, however I am inclined to deny that. We knew full and well what we were doing to those people.

History teaches us that the Presidents logic was simple. Kill a few thousand, save a few million. We had lost so many soldiers to our efforts in the Pacific already, and it didn't look like it was going to end any time soon. We forced the Japanese to surrender using bombs that if dropped over a city like Tokyo, they were done. Harry S. Truman ordered the attack.

Today's society teaches that Nuclear Warfare will probably never happen again, and that if it were to happen again the entire world will cease to exist. So I have to ask, under which circumstances would you use Nuclear Warfare if you were president.
I don't believe I would use an Atomic or Hydrogen bomb on any country. What was different back in the 1940s was the fact that there were only a handful of nations that had the atomic bomb (we may've been the only, Idk). Now, everywhere we turn these types of bombs are being tested in oceans over and over again. There are numerous countries with these types of bombs, and they would not be afraid to use them if we were to attack. If the situation called for it, eh, I don't know.

The only reason I can see for dropping some type of nuclear weapon would be to retaliate some type of major (I'm talking major) terrorist attack. But I'm afraid using Nuclear Warfare is far too risky in today's time and would definitely cause some kind of backlash. No sane government will ever use nuclear warfare, since they'll end up with every UN troop, and bomber at their doorstep. The nukes can however, be used as a prop saying "Don't try anything because we have a whole lot of big bombs."

In short, no. It's too risky.
I wouldn't do it for the sake of mankind. A nuclear war would cause mass destruction. I personally can't believe the Americans nuked Japan twice considering they went crazy over Japan attacking them. (of course Pearl Harbor was still terrible) America basically killed woman and children and innocent people. But then again they did save American soldiers so...

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