If You Were President, What Policies Would You Pursue?


Cody Rhodes Is Top Dog
I will present a 3 part pitch on what I would do. They will include:

Social Issues, Economic Issues, and Foreign Policy.

For our friends across the Atlantic, What if you were Prime Minister? I'm sure the international responces will be a lot better than my own counties' :(

Part 1:

Social issues:

- Move towards a constitutional amendment clearly defining the seperation of "church and state" to include the language; "No descision made by the Executive, Legislative, or Judicial branch can derive from a religous philosophy. Legislation, Executive Orders, or Judicial descions that base their logic on a religous preference shall be an empeachable offence."

That takes care of Abortion, Stem Cell Research, and Gay Marrage.

But realisticly getting 3/4ths of the states to sign on, along with 67 senaters, and 2/3rds of the House would be an impossible feat. So I guess I would just do like ever other smart politition and offer it as red meat for the base to win the primary. I still blieve in doing it though.
Part 2

Economic Policy:

- Lower the Corporate Tax to 25%

- Lower the Corperate Gains Tax to 15%

- Put a 0% tax on all Corporate Profits brought back to the U.S. and re-patriated into job investment and R&D.

- Move towards a cross-state health insurance competition system with a government option for those denied by insurance companies, keeping in-place the integrity of the capitalistic nature of our economy, while providing an option for those consumers who the insurance companies do not see as profitable.

- Create a 4% tax on every individual earner making more than $250,000 per year to pay for the government option.

- Raise the retirement age to 67 for all workers not doing "labor based" work. This would help to extend the solvency of Social Security.

- Deny any person with over $5 million in retirement assets government benifits. IE: Medicare/Social Security. But they would still have to pay in.

- Eliminate the Estate Tax.

- Add a 2.5% tax on every earner making over $1 million for Medicade.
Part 2

Economic Policy:

- Lower the Corporate Tax to 25%

- Lower the Corperate Gains Tax to 15%

- Put a 0% tax on all Corporate Profits brought back to the U.S. and re-patriated into job investment and R&D.

- Move towards a cross-state health insurance competition system with a government option for those denied by insurance companies, keeping in-place the integrity of the capitalistic nature of our economy, while providing an option for those consumers who the insurance companies do not see as profitable.

- Create a 4% tax on every individual earner making more than $250,000 per year to pay for the government option.

- Raise the retirement age to 67 for all workers not doing "labor based" work. This would help to extend the solvency of Social Security.

- Deny any person with over $5 million in retirement assets government benifits. IE: Medicare/Social Security. But they would still have to pay in.

- Eliminate the Estate Tax.

- Add a 2.5% tax on every earner making over $1 million for Medicade.

What I've bolded has to be one of the most ******ed things I've ever read on here. IRAs and 401Ks are already capped at how much you can put into them each year and, if they aren't of the Roth variety, they aren't going to be tax-exempt when you withdraw from them. In essence then what you're saying is that people who were smart and patient enough to save a portion of their incomes (reaching 5 million dollars isn't that tough to do nowadays if you're smart with your money and work until your late 60s/early 70s) shouldn't be allowed to benefit from services they paid for even though they'll have a fixed income and private health care will cost them a minimum of $3000 per month when they're old.

Seriously, think before you type. The fact that there's no substance to your posts leads me to believe that you're just spouting off some shit policy summary that you reviewed somewhere else.
Foreign Policy:

(Do you want the red meat or what I truely think?)

Red meat - Stop all wars. Get out of everybodys' business. Close down all our bases in holstile areas. Close every Middle Eastern Embasy we have. Bring all that money here and rebuild our failing education system/ Infrastructure/ and take care of our own.

The Truth - We need to have a foregin policy based on streangth and global presence. Geo-Political checkmate has been key for saving Europe durring WW1/WW2/and the Cold War.

- We need to negotiate with our enemies, not on principle, but engagment. There is an old saying that says "You Don't negotiate with your friends when trying to solve the problems with your enemies".

- A Stronger relationship with China and India, as they will soon be on a level playing feild with the U.S.

- Stronger relationships in our own back yard when it comes to South America. Do we want China securing political/Economic/Military ties with countries in our hemisphere? Brazil is key here.
What I've bolded has to be one of the most ******ed things I've ever read on here. IRAs and 401Ks are already capped at how much you can put into them each year and, if they aren't of the Roth variety, they aren't going to be tax-exempt when you withdraw from them. In essence then what you're saying is that people who were smart and patient enough to save a portion of their incomes (reaching 5 million dollars isn't that tough to do nowadays if you're smart with your money and work until your late 60s/early 70s) shouldn't be allowed to benefit from services they paid for even though they'll have a fixed income and private health care will cost them a minimum of $3000 per month when they're old.

Seriously, think before you type. The fact that there's no substance to your posts leads me to believe that you're just spouting off some shit policy summary that you reviewed somewhere else.

So you disagree with means testing Government benifits?
And one more thing defending my position of denying SS and Medicair to perople with more than $5 million in disposable income; Do you not think someone could afford an insurance policy at 36K a year with that kind of disposable income? The average person lives to their mid 80s. 20 years of insurance policy would cost roughly 700k. And someone who recives 5 million in pension anualy can afford that.

Mitt romney will recieve 13 million every year from Bain... Should he be means tested, or is 3,000 per month too much for him?????
Friendly advice.

YOU! lol

I knew no-one would care about this, but this is the greatest section on the WZ forum for the exact reason that it is totaly off topic for a Wrestling Forum and I am free to post it, because I love these issues.

Friend :)
And I want to clarify my "Social Issues" proposal:

When I said "That takes care of abortion, stem cell research, and gay marrage".

I meant that adding that language to the constitution would give religous conservatives no-where to hide and it would expose them for what they are; pathetic bigots.

I can understand differences on abortion, but stem cell research and gay marrage should be totaly legal and accepted.

I have a personal opposition to abortion, except in cases of rape, incest, or the mother's life being in danger. But who am I, as a man, to tell a women what to do with their reproductive systems? No woman wants an abortion and most live in painfull memory of it, but it's about giving a woman her RIGHT to chose the course that is best for her.

Yes adoption is a better alternative, but I will remain pro-choice.
You hold a handful of opinions that are not wholly unreasonable.

I still don't like you.

You are proof that one person can make a difference. I feel as though if ONE person appreciates the time and thought that I put into this, it makes it worth it. Thank you. :)
YOU! lol

I knew no-one would care about this, but this is the greatest section on the WZ forum for the exact reason that it is totaly off topic for a Wrestling Forum and I am free to post it, because I love these issues.

Friend :)


So you're favourite part about this wrestling forum is the section where you don't have to post about wrestling? I really can’t see what enjoyment you get out of this.

You are proof that one person can make a difference. I feel as though if ONE person appreciates the time and thought that I put into this, it makes it worth it. Thank you. :)

He never said he appreciated it.

So you're favourite part about this wrestling forum is the section where you don't have to post about wrestling? I really can’t see what enjoyment you get out of this.

I have posted wrestling topics in this forum, and when I have, people have been highly engaged, and it was fun because of the participation. I have also posted a large number of political topics and one of them was a very intense debate, and we had a lot of fun with it. I also post specific political topics, that I know will get very little interest, but they are very important issues to me. I am very passionate and it is for that very reason that I feel this is the greatest section. I can share my all of my interest.

He never said he appreciated it.

I suggest you take time to understand what appreciation actually is. If he took the time to read and comment on the substance of my topic, then it doesn't matter if he likes me or not. I feel he showed respect for the actual substance.
One of the first things I would do would be too ban any and all highschool/college debate teams. This country has been lead by people who are better at arguing then being right for far too long.

Why do you think Newt Gingrich keeps bringing up debating Barack Obama? It's because he knows he can beat Obama and "hoodwink" people, not to say that Obama's position would be better, but Newt is a skilled debater (a Masterdebater, if you will.) It's an unfair advantage.

I'm tired of people being convinced that lunacy is logic, just because someone is more articulate or knows the right things to say to apease or fool the masses.

As far as Abortion or Gay marriage goes, I don't want any part of that subject. I would leave that up to the states. People may not like my opinion on that, but I don't fucking like having to think about those issues anyway. I'd like to stick my middle finger up and tell those issues to fuck off. Dr. Ron Paul said it best when he said that a doctor is taught that there are two patients when it comes to abortion, so that should give you an idea when life begins - Ron Paul is an OB-GYN btw.

See I'm not an authoritarian, so I'm not going to ban abortion or gay marriage that a number of people so love. Anyway, I'd really have to look into the issue more if I were President. If your getting married, just b/c your this big queen and you just want to have a big wedding and say your married ... are you serious bro?

So yeah, I'm not a big fan of those issues, but I'd keep an open mind and try to negotiate the best solution, w/o compromising myself.

As far as foreign policy goes, I would probably stop this crusade against the middle east and cut a lot of spending to other countries. With that said, I'd need to know all the reasons why we are where we are. I have this feeling, we could not remain where we are, w/o bullying other countries, but maybe I'm wrong on that.

I would like us to be our own nation and to feel safe and if that was attainable, I would sign for it. But I know it's not as simple as that,
which actually gives an isolationist a good argument.

Anyway, there is a lot to think about when discussing this and a lot to take into account. Yes, I'd want my country to be free and safe, but would I leave other countries unprotected? How would I feel knowing a country I could of protected was being attacked or taken over by nefarious forces?

Then again, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. It's a very complex and intricate game (though it's truly no game at all) and I would need a lot more info to be able to make my absolute opinions known.
It's going to be this all over again -


Only thing is your leader will look something like this -

I'll have to work on the Moustache.

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