If you were offered creative control of a WWE Brand.....


Pre-Show Stalwart
1. Which Brand would you choose And why?

2. Which current talents would you have on that brand?

3. Which NXT talents would you push to get debuted on that brand?

4. What would be some things you'd push for that isn't currently being done on that brand?

5. Which Title Belts/divisions would you have on that brand?

6. Who would be the leading writers for the brand and why?

Just in case you guys are wondering within the premise of this thread, The Brand Split would be still heavily enforced but the main difference would be that while the PPVs are for both brands, what belt closing the show would alternate depending on the PPV.

Now as for my Answers to the questions above:

1. Smackdown.Why? Because it's seen as the B-show and I'd love to try my hand at shaking off that stigma that it has and get viewers to start tuning into Smackdown as much as they do Raw.

2. CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Damien Sandow, Cody Rhodes, Brock Lesnar, Rey Mysterio, Undertaker, Mark Henry,
Antonio Cesaro, Kofi Kingston, Big E Langston, R-Truth, Wade Barrett, Chris Jericho, RVD, Christian,The Shield, PTP, Wyatts, International Air Strike, Primo and Epico, The Usos, AJ Lee, Natalya, Tamina, Aksana, Layla, Summer Rae, Alicia Fox

3. Paige, Emma, Bayley, Sami Zayn, Leo Kruger, Kassius Ohno, The Ascension, Aiden English and Corey Graves.

4. - No promoting the WWE App
- No promoting Tout
- No promoting Twitter
- Smackdown on Tuesdays

5. The US title, Tag Team Titles, Women's Championship, and World Heavyweight Championship

6. Paul Heyman and Dusty Rhodes. Why? Because Not only does Heyman have a solid track record with his late 2002-2003 booking of Smackdown in the past but if he really did help book the Raws this past summer then it shows that he hasn't lost his touch and as for Dusty Rhodes he's been doing great work with NXT's booking so Idealistically those two could really work well with the younger writers and create something unique.

So now, I also ask What are your thoughts on my suggestions? However, I still want to know yours to the questions above and the overall premise of this thread.
To be honest, your suggestions look like you are trying to turn Smackdown into Raw. Which, don't get me wrong, is fine but I like the idea of Smackdown being the B-Show.

As for my answers

1. Most likely Smackdown because it's only 2 hours long and has less segments dedicated to talking than Raw. It also isn't strapped down by PPV fallout every month. I like it's status as B-Show as I'd get to have a hand in building the talent that need it the most.

2. As far as current talent, I would have Wade Barrett do his Bad News Barrett thing all the time lol. I'd showcase and build Curtis Axel up way more. I'd have triple threat matches with Justin Gabriel vs Tyson Kidd vs Yoshi Tatsu. Have a decent non comedy feud between PTP and 3MB. I'd give more time to Natalya, Summer Rae, Layla, Alicia Fox, the Funkadactyls and Aksana etc.

3. Superstars from NXT I would definitely bring up are Enzo and Big Cass, as I feel they are the most entertaining mic-wise on NXT. I'd like to see them in a match against Tons of Funk maybe. I would like to get a good rivalry between Xavier Woods and Bo Dallas. I think they would produce some hilarious backstage segments. Same goes for Adrian Neville and Tyler Breeze. I'd also like to bring up Sasha Banks to help Summer Rae against Natalya. Bayley and Charlotte are my other two choices. I'd use the two of them as wrestlers and valets. Bayley with Tatsu and Charlotte with Breeze.

4. I'd like for more twitter integration. Except, instead of showcasing boring fan tweets, have the superstars tweet about their upcoming match or opponent and put it at the bottom of the screen during their entrance.

5. With Kidd, Gabriel, Tatsu, Dallas, Woods, Neville and Breeze I'd hope to resurrect the Cruiserweight title. I'd also like the IC and US titles defended on my show regularly. There would also be number one contenders matches for Divas and Tag titles.

6. Like the OP, I'd choose Heyman and Dusty as they have the most experience with pushing new talent.
1. I'd choose Smackdown. The biggest reason is I feel I could get away with my following ideas on the "B-Show" better and use them as a test run for greater presentation later.

2. For current talent, I won't list each and every single person, but I will name the top five I would like: Bryan (major heel to start), RVD (major face), Jericho (floater), Drew McIntyre (Chosen One) and Sandow (floater).

3. N/A. I've not seen a lick of NXT, sorry.

4. I would want to shift focus of the show to a more round robin/UFC style competitive matchings if possible. Mind you I don't mean have everyone go MMA style, but I mean something along the lines of actual "placement positions" for who people compete against, when they vie for titles, what title they are up for, etc, etc. Make it a bit more realistic to me. Also, I'd want my title matches to be 2 out of 3 falls, which extends the idea of more realism and the link to MMA as title matches are set for more rounds.

5. Here's my potentially controversial part (if above wasn't odd already): World Title, US Title. That's it. No Smackdown specific Tag Team title, the Tag Titles as far as I'm concerned can float between brands. I'd have a tag division but the titles would not be cemented to one brand. No Women's Title. I'd leave the Women's division to Raw. Both the WHC/US Titles would be defended at least once a month on Smackdown.

6. N/A. Not fully knowledgeable about writers.
This is a really interesting post and I apologise now if I don't answer one to six but I'm going to put my own spin on it . I would take Smackdown but I would call it ECW Smackdown , the belts i would have would be ECW title ECW womens title ,ECW tag team titles and possibly ECW Extreme title. My show would also be 3 hours long.I would rehire about 6 ECW regulars (RVD,SAbu,Tommy Dreamer,Sandman, Balls Mahoney & Raven)plus CM Punk, Jack Swagger ,Drew Mcintyre & Wade Barrett and also take all of the NXT with me too.Future NXT 's would be done on a random draft system and competition would be between the two rival managers for talent when their contract runs out .The four main ppv's would be a joint thing but then split the rest 50/50. I would allow titles to be defended between brands and perhaps have undisputed titles matches.
Paul heyman in charge but I would also like to see William Regal invovled as well.
1. Which Brand would you choose And why?

Like most I'd go with Smackdown as it's shorter and doesn't have as strong of an identity as Raw, so it would be easier to remold.

2. Which current talents would you have on that brand?

For the main event I'd take Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Del Rio, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, Roman Reigns and Dolph Ziggler.

For the mid card I'd take The Real Americans, Seth Rollins, Kofi, Tyson Kidd, The PTP, Zack Ryder, The Miz, Curtis Axel, Fandango, 3MB and Big E Langston.

3. Which NXT talents would you push to get debuted on that brand?

Aleksander Rusev, Kassius Ohno, Corey Graves and the Enzo Amore/Colin Cassady duo.

4. What would be some things you'd push for that isn't currently being done on that brand?

I'd have more promos so that there aren't so many random matches, have feuds actually develop on the show. I'd also position the US title as hotly contested Championship with it leading to a WHC shot like they used to do in WCW back in the day.

5. Which Title Belts/divisions would you have on that brand?

WHC, US title and SD specific Tag team titles.

6. Who would be the leading writers for the brand and why?

I don't really know the names of the writers that well and I'd actually push to have less scripting to make things more natural. I'd have Heyman, Mantel and Roadie as the heads of creative.
1. Which Brand would you choose And why?

Smackdown would be ideal as long as we use vignettes from past classic moments on Smackdown

2. Which current talents would you have on that brand?

John Cena, The Miz, R Truth, Mark Henry, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, The Shield, The Usos, 3 Man Band, , Tyson Kidd, Big E Langston, Dolph Ziggler, William Regal, We The People (Swagger, Cesaro, *Alex Riley* & Colter), PrimeTime Players, William Regal, Tons of Funk, Primo & Epico, Los Matadores, Evan Bourne, Fandango, Justin Gabriel, Zach Ryder, Curt Hawkins, Rey Mysterio Jr, Ricardo Rodriguez. (I would feature most lightweights & tag teams on the roster.)

3. Which NXT talents would you push to get debuted on that brand?

None until the draft.

4. What would be some things you'd push for that isn't currently being done on that brand?

The Miz & R Truth

Seriously, Bring back the "Nitro Girls" between segments, Jonathan Coachman, Ron Simmons & JBL to commentate the show.

5. Which Title Belts/divisions would you have on that brand?

World Heavyweight, Cruiserweight, US Title & Tag Team Belts

6. Who would be the leading writers for the brand and why?
Dusty Rhodes would be the lead writer and @BeersnBeards would handle most of the work

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