If you were a writer for WWE....


Dark Match Winner
How would you book things differently than the current creative writers for WWE? Who would you have feuding with each other and what would be the back story and how would you help improve the divas division to get it to where people don't consider it to be a bathroom break?
Well for me, I would want to focus on the Divas Division. How I would fix it as a creative, and this is just an idea, which isn't the best, but I would use the fans frustration with the treatment of the Divas to my advantage. I notice that when they are on TV, whether it's a short match or segment, you see how quickly they are rushed off of TV after matches. Given no video packages or promos to hype anything going on with them. So I would start making the plan to move the Divas off of Raw and Smackdown and giving them their own brand for the network, much like NXT.

Over some weeks on Raw, you see Divas matches get cut short by the male superstars that completely bury them by getting them out the ring, so they can air their grievances and push their storyline. Fans who love the Divas go crazy online because of it. Until one day on Raw, we open up the show with all the Divas, outside picketing the unfairness in the WWE for the women. All throughout the show, you see them outside, some of the face male superstars show their support, heels show that they don't care which will drive Steph to try an intervene. To close Raw, you have Steph and Triple H out in the ring to bring the ladies out to settle the issue. You have Paige, Bellas, Naomi, Natalya and Fox speak from the heart, especially Naomi and Fox, the two who are only pushed when paired with other Divas or Superstars, the only Diva that's not there is Lana. Steph bosses them down and lets her McMahon side show and proclaims she will fire them all. They tell her that they quit. With them quitting, Nikki relinquishes the title.

With almost a month gone by, and them bringing attention to the walk out by the Divas, backstage in the parking lot, limo pulls up and Lana steps out, and appears to be headed to the ring. She is stopped by Renee Young and Lana says she has an announcement to make that concerns the women in WWE. She heads to the ring and announces that you will no longer see Divas wrestle on Raw or Smackdown, but they were given their own brand down at Full Sail University for Divas Only, and that she is the General Manager of that brand that would air live on the WWE Network. This will put these women down there with NXT Women's Division, training with them and trainers like Sara Del Ray and perform in front of fans who would appreciate them. Build this new brand like they did with NXT. Change their name from Divas back to women, customize a new WWE Women's Championship Belt, and let the focus of this show start off with wrestling. For a couple of months you build some feuds, nothing big, but just to get these girls in the ring to get comfortable with each other as they all work on their craft. Promos and video packages and character development for them all. Then when the time is right, just like NXT, there will be a tournament to crown a new, WWE Women's Champion which would eventually be crowned at a PPV.

Now I know it doesn't help much on them being treated better on the Main Roster, and I don't know how this brand would bleed into them wrestling on Raw and Smackdown again, but I was looking from the standpoint of the focus being put on the wrestling more than storylines on Raw that could help them.
Very broad statement asking to rebook the entire company, but some initial thoughts off the top I would do would be....

New Stable (The Union)
William Regal (Mouthpiece/Manager)
Finn Balor
Wade Barrett
Becky Lynch

Booking begins before Money in the Bank match....

Balor wins NXT title and advances through the ranks to a tweener between main roster and NXT. Earns a place in the Money in the Bank match along with Cena and a cast of others. Shamus interferes in the match attacking Cena and allowing Balor to win the match, forming a team with Balor and Shamus as muscle.

The two feud with Cena until Balor returns the favor, allowing for Shamus to claim the United States Title. Cena after taking two devastating losses at the hands of the irish countrymen, begins lashing out becoming more unstable with every turn.

Cena appears on NXT to challenge Balor when Shamus appears at the ramp declaring to Cena that his time will soon come to an end and that the "Unification Cometh". Cena attempts to rescue Nikki but is laid out by Shamus and Balor. As Cena lies beaten on the ramp, wrestlers come to his aid, along with Becky Lynch who is seen holding Cena's head comforting him.

Lynch makes her debut on the main roster and begins competing. Several chance encounters back stage put Cena in a spot with Nikki, showing her jealous side with Cena's benign friendship with Lynch. Time comes for Lynch to meet Nikki in a non title match. Lynch beats Nikki who is immediately attacked by Nikki, Brie, and Alicia Fox. Cena returns the kindness but coming in to stop the beating. Nikki sees fire and immediately challenges Lynch to a match for the belt. Lynch accepts and meets Nikki at the next PPV.

Lynch gains many false finishes in the PPV match, which draw out Brie and Alicia to ringside. This brings out Cena, who attempts to calm the situation. Balor's music hits. Cena is caught. In the distraction, Lynch rolls up Nikki to gain the Divas Title. Cena is disposed of by Balor and Shamus. The three pose in the ring with Money in the Bank, NXT Title, Divas Title, and Intercontinental Title.

......will continue later
In no particular order of importance, here is how I would book.

1. I would bring back number one contender's matches. I love that NXT uses them and they are always one of the matches I look forward to the most. I think it's a shame they're not thrown in as a stipulation more often. I think Reigns versus Wyatt could easily be taken up a level with this simple stipulation. It's simple and is an easy, sensible start to a new feud.

2. Shorter and fewer in ring promos. The intro promo should be more concise. If WWE wants talking segments, do backstage skits and show wrestlers interacting or a prerecorded promo. Someone is winning a lot of matches, hype their match next week. A champion is waiting for a number one contenders match for his title to begin, highlight that champions journey to the gold. Someone has a new attitude, have them talk about it.

3. A minimum of two sketches per division. By sketch I mean either promo or match. Have a tag match with possible future contenders dominating. Later in the show PTP are talking about how their title reign is just beginning and not stopping anytime soon. Have the Bella's trying to seduce more divas to their cause, have Paige beat the tar out of any diva that doesn't outright say no. Keven Owens cuts a nuclear hot promo, Cena wins with a pop up powerbomb.

4. In relation to number 3, less video recaps, more verbal storytelling on the announcers part. I hate coming back from commercial just for them to kill five minutes on a stupid recap. Tell me about it, if it was so cool, I'm that much more likely to look it up on youtube. If it doesn't disappoint, I'm that much more eager for the next show, and much less likely to change the channel during the next Raw. It's difficult to care about something the first time around if it's just going to be shown three more times within the next twenty minutes.

5. Proper booking of big men. John Cena should never squash a Luke Harper. Harper is pretty darn big guy and although Cena should still win, unless they're serious about building Harper, Harper should rarely if ever be a pushover based on his size alone. Neville and Barrett is another example. It should be more difficult for Neville to put Barrett away even though Neville and his cape are awesome.

6. A flavor of the month should never go over someone with potential. I'm looking at Barrett and R-Truth. I think R-Truth is hilarious but I've really started to hate his character because of how much Barrett has suffered. Barrett can still be a relevant and valuable asset as a serious midcarder if not higher. R-Truth will likely never be truly relevant again. Moreover, R-Truth has come out of obscurity to win these pointless matches and will at some point return to obscurity and no one will notice.

7. Smackdown should be used to further progress stories or plant the seeds for future ones. Don't know what else to say. No more two hour recap of mostly lackluster Raw.

Thanks for reading.
Well let's see

1. Loosen the reins on promos. Give basic notes and then let the talent work with what they're given.
2. Bring back short backstage interviews, let the talent tell the story instead of endless bloody flashback videos
3. Structure the PPV's. EVERY PPV must feature the world title, ic belt, us belt, tag belt and womens belt. That leaves the writers with 3 non-title feuds to write.
4. No match should be less than 10 minutes, unless in special circumstances. Squash matches do nothing for anyone, they actually damage careers.
5. Don't restrict what your talent can do in the ring. I mean, seriously?
6. Stop with the politicking bullshit. How many deserved pushes have been halted because of some nonsense backstage? That only thing that counts is what happens infront of the audience.
7. T-shirt sales should not influence the product, the product should influence the sales.
8. Not every feud should be 3-4 months long, it's dull, predictable and not making good use of a large roster
9. Go back to 2 hours on Raw. The WWE used to be able to fit more into 1 hour than it currently does with 3, the show needs to be tighter.
No real order for these, just points

1. Unify the US and IC titles as the IC title
2. Bring back the Cruiserweight Title (since the above are unified)
3. Make Raw 2 Hours again (cut Main Event, and Superstars altogether)
4. Bring back a 1 hour LIVE Saturday Night Main Event
5. In Ring/Entrance Interviews like in the Old days with Mean Gene in WWE and WCW
6. Characters - Not just plain jane guys with first and last names. I want characters like Papa Shango, Ultimate Warrior, The Mountie, Doink the Clown as examples.
7. Tag Team Division - Has gotten better, but needs work
8. Divas Division - Scrap the Divas title and bring back the Women's Title with Charlotte, Becky Lynch, Sasha
9. I would move Money in the Bank back to Wrestlemania
10. Bring back the King of the Ring as an actual PPV
11. Survivor Series would again be the same, 4 person team vs 4 person team the whole PPV

Those are just a few off the top of my head, I am working towards in my EWR diary and WWE 2k15 on PC universes so they are fresh.
1. My main change would be giving the guys some freedom in their promos, give them some bullet points and let them get it across in their own way.
2. Cut Raw to two hours. We're getting what could be PPV matches on Raw and we're also getting too many squash matches or time fillers.
3. Cut then number of PPV's to 9-10. Make a PPV that little bit more special.
Not really in the writer category here for me but.....

Less saturation of the WWE per week. Smackdown needs to be erased and replaced with NXT. Pay Per Views cut back drastically ( including exclusives ) so there's not a PPV every two weeks. Bring back Halloween Havoc.

Not having the company's Top stars fight each other every week so by the time a PPV rolls along it doesn't feel like an average RAW episode. Actually have a feud where the wrestlers don't fight each other week after week until the PPV.

Eliminate the effing PG era and bring back some edgy storytelling : matches.

Kill John Cena in a fake news story that everyone will believe. Car accident on a Saturday. Bring back Cena at the end of Wrestlemania six months later to attack someone and turn HEEL in the most epic way in history.

Involve Vince McMahon in a mid card story, the guy is hilarious.

Have Stone Cold give a stunner to Don Cherry during a Coach's Corner. Pay the fine and court costs.
I'd first of all allow the talent to develop their own characters. I would also put the focus on to long term development and doing it properly. They did recently try it with Roman Reigns but that was done wrong for 2 reasons - 1, because he was away from TV for ages and 2, this also meant fans had high hopes for Daniel Bryan to beat the authority or headline WM.
1. New TV Schedule

- Monday - Raw, Live, 2 Hours
- Wednesday - NXT, Network, 1 Hour
- Thursday - Smackdown, Live, 2 Hours

Smackdown should be just as important as Raw.

2. New PPV Schedule (Sorta)

One on the last Sunday of each month. There's plenty of build with 8-10 meaningful shows.

3. Have Something For Everyone

How many people on the current WWE roster are doing nothing? You see them one week; they're gone the next. Everyone should have a character, a feud, and do something on each Raw and Smackdown.

4. Meaningful Opening Promos

Remember the January 4, 1999 episode of Raw? The entire show wasn't the best ever, but the opening promo is IMO the gold standard of all opening promos. Shawn Michaels revealed why he couldn't be fired, reformed DX, made Vince #1 in the Royal Rumble, and promised a Stone Cold surprise. In the first 15 minutes or before, give the viewers a reason to continue watching the show. The Stone Cold surprise alone would've kept me watching Raw. It also shouldn't go beyond 15 minutes.

5. Meaning Moments To Close Raw

I remember when I was a kid, I would be talking about Raw at least 30 minutes after it went off the air. Why? Because at the end of the show, it gave you something to talk about, something memorable. That rarely happens today. Does the Authority standing tall every single week leave you anticipating the next Raw? No. It's not because I'm no longer a kid; it's because they don't give you a reason to want to watch the next week other than out of habit or tradition. Every now and then this happens, but these moments are few and far in between.

6. Little Bit Longer Matches

The shortest match should be 5 minutes at the least. Otherwise, there's no point.
Just going to stick to one idea that could help the Mania to Survivor Series lull.

Step One: Merge the US and IC Titles in to midcard title, I'd stick calling it the Intercontinental Title because of its history.

Step Two: Announce that the holder of the Intercontinental Title after the Hell in a Cell PPV gets an automatic world title shot at Survivor Series

Step Three: Book it so that every single singles wrestler in the company that isn't involved in a world title feud is looking for a shot at the IC title

It's such a simple idea that makes the midcard title completely relevant again and restores it back to the upper midcard. It adds an element of urgency to each title defence that builds to a Hell in a Cell match and also adds an extra bit of weight to the Survivor Series title match.

If I were booking this scenario now I'd have John Cena holding the gold and doing his open challenge each Raw. The decider between Cena and Owens will be great without it but imagine if we knew that the winner would be putting themselves in a prime position to be the number one contender in the near future? It would add a lot of drama to Owens potentially winning it and, if he did, would immediately open up the intrigue on if he could keep the belt until after HiaC.
I would start by giving guys tidbits to mention and let them cut their own promos
Make the woman's division meaningful and bring back the woman's title
Don't repeat the same matches on smackdown that are on raw.there's enough talent to create two different and meaningful shows without the brand split
Scrap the ascension, Adam rose, fandango, sandow and axel gimmicks and make the ascension as they were in nxt, give rose his Krueger persona while maintaining the rise name, make fandango an ic or us title caliber talent with his athleticism and make axel and sandow relevant.
Give guys like cesaro the push they deserve and make the title picture unpredictable cause you can see everything a . Mile away
Bring back the wyatt family with the same or new members and really make wyatt turn guys he fueds with but not all and create another faction along the lines of the horsemen
Back stage and in ring interviews not the miz though, his show sucks
Bring back the king of the ring ppv and place the top eight guys on the tournament and if the title isn't on the line that night then include the champion as well
Bring mcmahon back
Less authority to start shows and if they do mention other fueds etc not themselves
Separate the titles and put one per show and create a tv title of they unify the other two
Make every title be defended at ppvs but only have important not watered down cards
These are just some
5. Proper booking of big men. John Cena should never squash a Luke Harper. Harper is pretty darn big guy and although Cena should still win, unless they're serious about building Harper, Harper should rarely if ever be a pushover based on his size alone. Neville and Barrett is another example. It should be more difficult for Neville to put Barrett away even though Neville and his cape are awesome.

I think Neville's quickness and Cena's strength would make up for their smaller weight. Luke Harper and Wade Barrett aren't even big men to begin with.
Step Three: Book it so that every single singles wrestler in the company that isn't involved in a world title feud is looking for a shot at the IC title

That's now WWE works or ever should work. You only have 2-6 at the most feuding for the World Title. Then have the other 40+ wrestlers competing for the IC Title? That doesn't make sense to me. Sorry if I misunderstood.
That's now WWE works or ever should work. You only have 2-6 at the most feuding for the World Title. Then have the other 40+ wrestlers competing for the IC Title? That doesn't make sense to me. Sorry if I misunderstood.

You don't have to have them actually compete for it but lets say Cena v Owens is your feud over the belt. Whilst that is happening you have Ziggler mentioning in a promo that he wants a shot at the winner of that feud, you have the Miz saying it doesn't matter who wins that cause he's biding his time until nearer HiaC to get the gold, you have Kane and J&J bicker about wanting a shot backstage, the New Day talking among themselves about it, Neville saying he'd love to get his revenge on Owens by taking the belt from him if he beats Cena. That sort of things, you make it a focal point for wrestlers to hit occasionally in their promos to show that they are all aware of how important it is to be holding that title after HiaC.

You could even switch HiaC to a four man or move Elimination Chamber to that PPV spot and have qualifiers to get in to the match
You don't have to have them actually compete for it but lets say Cena v Owens is your feud over the belt. Whilst that is happening you have Ziggler mentioning in a promo that he wants a shot at the winner of that feud, you have the Miz saying it doesn't matter who wins that cause he's biding his time until nearer HiaC to get the gold, you have Kane and J&J bicker about wanting a shot backstage, the New Day talking among themselves about it, Neville saying he'd love to get his revenge on Owens by taking the belt from him if he beats Cena. That sort of things, you make it a focal point for wrestlers to hit occasionally in their promos to show that they are all aware of how important it is to be holding that title after HiaC.

You could even switch HiaC to a four man or move Elimination Chamber to that PPV spot and have qualifiers to get in to the match

Okay, I see what you're saying. I don't think it would work though. Ziggler or Miz or whoever should focus on the feud that there in. I like the idea of restoring value to the IC Championship, but I disagree with your idea.
In no particular order:

Either cut Raw back to two hours or get rid of Smackdown.

Stop showing the wrestlers back stage unless they are being interviewed by someone. I was watching some old Raw's from 1996-1997 the other day and the only time you saw the wrestlers backstage was when they were being interviewed by Kevin Kelly, JR, etc or being attacked/jumped and some officials were trying to break up the fight. It makes no sense to be able to see what wrestlers are plotting or doing backstage and acting like the camera isn't there.

No more authority, corporation, evil boss, etc. I'm tired of the big feuds revolving around the boss vs. the wrestlers.

Unify the IC and US titles

Have a heel announcer. Not a wishy wash heel like Bradshaw is presently but someone who supports the heels 100% like Lawler in the 90's and Heenan in the 80's and 90's.

Eliminate majority of the ppv's. There should be only the Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, Summerslam, and Survivor Series. Money in the Bank can stay and kind of take the place of King of the Ring.

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