If you were a wrestler..


Dark Match Winner
There are times when we wish that we could be the ones on TV, kicking ass, and making a name for yourself. Where you would want to be remembered for something whether you fail or succeed but at least you would have chased your dream. What if you were a wrestler?

What kind of wrestler would you be? Babyface or Heel? What kind of gimmick would you have? Would you be charismatic or laid-back? What would be your finisher?..

There's a lot more questions about this topic but just come up with either the basics or the specifics. Me, I would be a face with a Chicago gangster-ish type gimmick since I was born there, do my best to be charismatic on the mic, and my finisher would be an Inverted Powerbomb. What you got?
I would be a comedic heel. I would try to be the anti-hero and be as charasmatic as possible. I would be a little bit green in the ring but i would make up for it with my mic and promo skills. My finisher would be a canadian destroyer or a super kick as both are like that. Perhaps a codebreaker too. I would never decide if i hated or loved the fans.

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