If you were a wrestler, who would you have in your corner?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Monday during the first segment of RAW we saw the union between John Cena and the legendary Hulk Hogan. Then soon after that we had the first match of the night with Cena vs. Erik Rowan of the Wyatt family with the Wyatt's of course in Rowan's corner and Hulk Hogan in John Cena's corner. That was cool to see. The Hulkster in Cena's corner, since it's the only thing that Hogan is allowed to do wrestling related.

But what if you were a inspiring wrestler looking to make a mark in the WWE as a superstar. Who would you want to back you up in your corner? If it we're me I'd would have to go with...Sheamus. Because why wouldn't you want a guy who loves to fight on your side? But in your opinion. If you were a wrestler, who would you have in your corner?
Monday during the first segment of RAW we saw the union between John Cena and the legendary Hulk Hogan. Then soon after that we had the first match of the night with Cena vs. Erik Rowan of the Wyatt family with the Wyatt's of course in Rowan's corner and Hulk Hogan in John Cena's corner. That was cool to see. The Hulkster in Cena's corner, since it's the only thing that Hogan is allowed to do wrestling related.

But what if you were a inspiring wrestler looking to make a mark in the WWE as a superstar. Who would you want to back you up in your corner? If it we're me I'd would have to go with...Sheamus. Because why wouldn't you want a guy who loves to fight on your side? But in your opinion. If you were a wrestler, who would you have in your corner?

I'm gonna have to go with AJ Lee. Now that Punk's gone, hopefully I'll be able to snatch her up traveling together 24/7. I already met her parents and they seemed to like me. :2ar15smilie:

If we're talking about purely kayfabe here, I guess I'll go with John Cena. Dude's invincible. I would win every one of my matches. Plus, I can watch him closeby, and whenever I want, I can turn on him, and make it into a guaranteed main event program.
Ric Flair. No matter how old he gets the guy is just cool to see in someone's corner WOOOOO'ing away, "Come on Mrfantastic111 get up - WOOOOOO"

He's a 16 time world champion who mentored HHH, Orton and Batista, and those guys are all future hall of famers in their own right. Plus the guy can still give a pretty mean chop, so he could protect me from anyone trying to make a run-in, or if I need him to he could make a great interference over the ropes.

If I could take more than one wrestler though, I'd probably take The Shield. At that point I could literally claim every title in the WWE.
I'd be the 4th member of the Shield & I'd have Dean Ambrose in my corner with Reigns & Rollins in each others corners. We wouldn't disband but we'd go our different ways & compete for the same titles but in the end always have each others backs. That my shield.
This is an easy one. I would want Jim Cornette. I don't consider myself to be shy when it comes to expressing my opinion, Jim Cornette is someone who I wouldn't mind allowing to speak on my behalf. He wouldn't be much help physically, but the man's intensity on the mic would be all I needed.

There's also the shock of what would happen if Jim did a shoot on Vince in a WWE ring.
I'm not a big guy but if I wanted someone in my corner it would be Sherri Martel. I remember in Shawn Michales book that she was very supporting of Shawn during his early singles run. I think Michaels said that if his opponent was no selling any of Michaels offense, which was actually happened a lot to Michaels at the early years, Sherri would tell him to throw him out of the ring so she can give him a stiff kick or something like that. :)
I'm split, it's between Paul Heyman and Dutch Mantell. Two of the best managers of all time. You shouldn't need another wrestler in your corner.
I'd go with Bobby " The Brain " Heenan. If for no other reason than to hear him run his mouth. As far as wrestlers go, probably fellow Texan SCSA. And J.R. would call the match.
I'd have to go with either Paul Heyman, Bobby Heenan or Ted DiBiase.

If I was in the 80s/90s then I would definitely have Heenan in my corner and as my mouth piece. I remember playing the Legends of WrestleMania game and I had my created wrestler as part of the Million Dollar corporation and DiBiase was my tag team partner and mouth piece.

If I was in the modern era then I would have Heyman. The is the best manager since Heenan in my honest opinion. He doesn't even need his "Paul Heyman guy" with him to put him over to the crowd.
Managers i would have either Paul Heyman, AKA one of the if not the greatest of managers of all time, or the Captain of Misinformation Louis Albano, just because he was a cool guy.

OOOH and Miss Elizabeth. Sorry Randy.

Wresters i would have Hulk hogan or maybe SCSA. i dunno about that one.
Triple H.

I got this from that time Stephanie was beating up Paul Heyman in the ring. Her husband stood by, amused.....but you know for sure if Heyman gave Steph any problems, Trips had her back.

Substituting myself for Stephanie, I'd pick him, too. I'd feel secure having someone that powerful behind me, someone who would be well able to get me out of any trouble I might get into.

Plus, as Chief Operating Officer of the corporation, if he couldn't physically stop the person who was threatening me, he could fire him/her.

I'm covered either way.
So many choices here.. Are we talking about anyone i assume we are,because the OP thread doesn't state alive or dead.. But absolutely,none other than Bobby the Brain Heenan. Heenan possibly the greatest manager of all-time,led the whos who of superstars. The man has a wealth of knowledge,is a master psychologist,and knows how to motivate his clients.

He wouldn't except excuses,wanted you to go above and beyond your abilities. He got results,titles after titles for his clients.. But if were talking about today,none other than Paul Heyman.. Heyman like the brain,is a genius. Knows how to motivate his men,talk to them and takes people under his wing who 99% of everyone else doesn't believe in. He would be an invaluable asset to have in your corner
If I could pick any one... Bobby the brain hands down. All due respect to heyman nobody generated heat like weasel.
However with a name like the green bastard I'm afraid I would be relegated to comedy jobber and the blue meanie in my corner seems much more likely. Oh well, atleast the dance offs would legendary.
This is easy. Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. It would be awesome to have him be in my corner, giving me tips here and there to improve my skills. Plus he's a fellow canadian, and truly one of the greatest of all time.
This is easy. Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. It would be awesome to have him be in my corner, giving me tips here and there to improve my skills. Plus he's a fellow canadian, and truly one of the greatest of all time.

Bret Hart stopped being relevant years ago.

The only reason he's still on people's minds is because half the population of Canada are still complaining about a certain event in Montreal back in 1997.

It happened, your Hero got shafted by Vince McMahon, Earl Hebner and Shawn Michaels, deal with it.
Bret Hart stopped being relevant years ago.

The only reason he's still on people's minds is because half the population of Canada are still complaining about a certain event in Montreal back in 1997.

It happened, your Hero got shafted by Vince McMahon, Earl Hebner and Shawn Michaels, deal with it.

Did I ever, at any point, mention Montreal or the screwjob? Funny, I don't think I did. I just respect Bret Hart for all he's done. The question was if you could pick anyone to be in your corner, who would you pick? It didn't say whether or not they were "relevant". And if that's the case, why aren't you picking on the guy who said Bobby Heenan? Or Miss Elizabeth, or Paul Bearer? Pretty sure he's dead.
Did I ever, at any point, mention Montreal or the screwjob? Funny, I don't think I did. I just respect Bret Hart for all he's done. The question was if you could pick anyone to be in your corner, who would you pick? It didn't say whether or not they were "relevant". And if that's the case, why aren't you picking on the guy who said Bobby Heenan? Or Miss Elizabeth, or Paul Bearer? Pretty sure he's dead.

The guy who mentioned Paul Bearer? I believe that would've been me, and I am aware he died recently, but if he was still with us, and I was a wrestler, I would've wanted him as my Manager well either him or the late British Bulldog Davy Boy Smith.
Either Paul Heyman or Zeb Colter. they both have a huge wealth of knowledge about the business that could help ANYONE coming up. It got Curtis Axel his second part of the triple crown, it made Cesaro and Swagger main event level guys. I'd beg and plead for either of them to manage me.
Shawn Michaels because he's the greatest and best looking of all time. He would show me how to elevate to the top and control it forever. He would also show me how to be a better Asshole than I currently am

Roddy Piper too because he's the best thing to ever hold a microphone and his punches are real.

I'd be untouchable around the world.
The guy who mentioned Paul Bearer? I believe that would've been me, and I am aware he died recently, but if he was still with us, and I was a wrestler, I would've wanted him as my Manager well either him or the late British Bulldog Davy Boy Smith

Right. All I'm saying is with all the other picks that some people have on here for their manager, why am I the one that gets picked on for having someone who is "no longer relevant"? Like, why was that even brought up? Freakin' trolls, man. Look, nothing against Paul Bearer, or Davey Boy Smith, 'cause I respect both of those guys.

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