Funerals are amazing in a lot of ways...some of them, very unfortunate.
To start off, the question of "to go, or not to go". My mindset has always been that its almost disrespectful to go to a funeral if you aren't close to the person. Now, that doesn't mean you have to be close to everyone else at the funeral as well. You could be a total stranger to everyone else and its justified if you knew the deceased very well. Just don't play it off as if you're the new buddy of everyone else. I've known a few people that have died that I wasn't close to. For instance, one of my girl friends (not girlfriend) in high school lost her mother in a car accident, wherein her father was injured but not killed. Many people that were friends of hers went to the funeral, cried in school, etc. I didn't. It wasn't necessary. I had never met her mother, so if I'd have followed suit, I'd have just been looking for the spotlight. I did, however, send her some flowers and a sympathy card telling her that I'm sorry for her loss.
NorCal brings up the arbitrary use of the phrase "if you need anything". I use it a lot, actually, and I did so when that girl lost her mother. However, with anybody that I'm close to, I usually repeat the same line in various different circumstances (which include funerals as well as our H.S. graduation and everything else that can be considered "major" or justifiable in saying the phrase). This phrase is "If you ever need anything, let me know, and I'll try my best to help. My doors, ears, and arms are always open." Unfortunately, a lot of people simply spit out the phrase because its "expected". At the same time, if you DON'T spit out the phrase, since its so expected of you, sometimes people think you're inconsiderate. They aren't willing to admit that some people grieve differently than others. Some are publicly crying their eyes out...some cry only in a room with some music or whatever, and some, like me, don't like crying, so I only cry when I simply can't hold it back anymore. Some people want to be kept busy and around others, some want to be alone. So some people latch onto this phrase as well. Most people feel a slight moment of security when they hear it, but very rarely does it ever come back up into conversation again. Nobody really takes the offer. Sincere ones, like myself, make it a point to try to help out even before someone asks for help, since most of the time, they're too afraid to do so.
As far as the legitimacy of a funeral....well, its a touchy issue, since religion is like flint...if you strike hard enough, sparks fly. My point of view on the universe is that I have no proof God exists, but I have no proof God doesn't exist, so I don't believe in anything outside of being a good person. However, I think its plausible that there's a "supreme being"...just not "definite". So in my point of view, funerals with a church-theme aren't for me. For others, it works fine and its just what they need in order to feel closure or, for lack of a better word, "happier" about the situation. Some people feel that the dead are "in a better place", which makes them smile. I don't have the answers to the beyond....yet...........give me a few years, haha. Some people even prefer to be cremated...which I don't want to be done, as I just don't like the thought of my flesh being burned to ashes, lol.
The weirdest thing about funerals that I've noticed, having only been to a few, is the ratio of sadness. Some people are 100% sad, bawling the entire time. Others hit their highs and lows. But then there are some people that crack jokes. Defense mechanism, obviously, as they don't want to (or can't) weigh the situation and realize that they'll never speak to that person again. Still, funerals have their moments where they turn into an awkward family reunion, in that the littlest small talk is craved for, the smallest jokes are a riot, and you suddenly love everyone.
Funerals are good for some...horrible for others.....but some things are pretty much never going to change just because its human nature. One of those is the tendency to be "genuinely fake" just out of expectancy, as in the "if you need anything" line that some people don't sincerely take to heart.