If you hate WWE so much, WHY WATCH IT?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I have been a wrestling fan for over 25 years. I followed the Hogan era, the Austin era, the current era.

I love reading about wrestling history and past feuds. I love the Network, and my only complaint is a lack of time to watch everything I want. I plan to try and watch at least one past PPV a week next year.

I have loved wrestling since Steamboat v Savage at Wrestlemania 3, which I still consider the best match I have ever seen. This made me a lifelong fan of wrestling.

I still enjoy WWE. It used to be better, and I think had better wrestlers at its disposal. I loved the era where Kurt Angle, HBK, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero,Chris Jericho, Edge & Christian, the Hardys and the Dudleys put on great match after great match.

So it is really depressing to come onto this board, hoping to read and discuss wrestling with others who are supposed to like wrestling. But all we get now is people who hate WWE and hate wrestling.

Many of you bag every single thing that WWE does. You can't give it one ounce of credit.Ever. You talk about the old days and how they were better (I think a lot of you overrate the Attitude Era). You give Vince McMahon no credit, and spit on everything he has achieved. You say how WWE will die, how Roman Reigns sucks and how you all act like you could run a wrestling company better.

Well, if you don't love it, leave it, as J.R. used to say. If you think Raw and Smackdown are boring, that WWE is awful and can do nothing right, I have a solution for you.


But most of all, DON'T POST HERE, unless you have something constructive and balanced to say.

I don't mind criticism, but mindless criticism is stupid. If you think WWE will go under, provide evidence. If ratings are down, provide your source. If you are going to give criticism when it is due, then give credit when it is due as well. Nothing is all good or all bad.

I don't know whether you are disgruntled wrestling fans, who actually want to see WWE succeed, and just want them to do some things better, or people who hate WWE and want to see it die, or trolls who are just being annoying, or a couple of loudmouths being followed by a bunch of sheep, who parrot whatever one or two dominant people here say, and you are just too scared to cop the treatment I get whenever I say something even slightly positive about current day WWE.

One more thing. When did the Universe think that they were the most important thing in the WWE? You go to shows just to boo and call out, and you go on wrestling sites to bag a product you claim to love.

Get this straight. No-one puts a gun to your head. No-one is making you watch WWE. If you continue watching something you can't stand, then you are the fool, not WWE. Vince will happily take your hard-earned if you spend money on them, no matter why you buy tickets- to enjoy the show or to boo and put down. Money's still money, and why would Vince change anything while you still pay money while bagging the company. He is playing you like a fiddle, and you let him.

Why not boycott anything to do with WWE. Go on, I dare you. Put up or shut up! Either change your attitudes or go away, and leave this site for people who are actually emotionally invested in the product, and accept it, warts and all. It's far from perfect, but nothing is. So, either get happy or get out. Don't expect others to change if you do nothing and won't change your viewing habits. Only intelligent wrestling fans should post here, not just ones who think they are smart.
To be honest, I have to agree. I honestly, simply do not understand why people who claim to basically despise WWE's product overall continue to watch. Is it only to complain about how horrible they think it is? I mean....seriously? Does someone have so little to do in their lives that they'd rather spend several hours watching a program they claim to hate just for the sake of complaining about it online?

I get that there are aspects of WWE, segments, matches, certain wrestlers getting pushed, etc. that aren't going to appeal to everyone. Hell, that's 100% natural as nobody is going to like every single thing at any given time in WWE's product or the product of any pro wrestling company. I also get voicing that dislike and criticism because it's perfectly natural to comment on things that you're just not into, rub you the wrong way, don't interest you, etc. However, when it's just one barrage after another of nothing but complaints about anything and everything, it doesn't strike me as being the least bit sensible to continue watching if it's that bad.

Are we ever gonna really know how many genuinely hate it and some who just claim to hate it for whatever reason? Probably not because, and this isn't at all any sort of new revelation, it's mind boggling how many people go online via chatrooms, forums, social media, etc. and say complete bullshit just for the simple sake of it due to the certain degree of anonymity it provides them. For instance, in either a thread, post, Tweet or whatever, how often does someone, even if their name is visible or easily discovered, have written something just because they could? How many have made some sort of statement because they could and don't really care if they offend, piss someone off, have a disagreement or start some sort of online feud with someone they don't really know, have never met and have no intention of ever getting to know or meet them?

However, I will say that this is one time where things do seem to have a bit of a different feeling about them, as far as dislike over the product is concerned. Why? Because ratings are reaching all time lows for Monday Night Raw, which means it's not just internet fans who're tuning out. Last week's Raw drew an average of less than 3 million people for the first time, quite possibly, since the mid 90s when Raw was first getting started. It's much, much harder to take complaints seriously when Raw was regularly drawing in the mid to upper 4 million in terms of viewership, which is where it's been for most of the past decade.
this might not make much sense to others but I am trying to get my point across easily....

I honestly do not think as many people have stopped watching as the Rating have seemed to show, as others have pointed out things started getting bad ratings wise as soon as the Network started to gain subscribers. Many of you stated that you stopped watching because 50-55$ 13 times a year adds up fast but with the Network everything is $9.99 now including PPVs, Raw & Smackdown.
So if everyone who has the network stopped watching RAW & SD on TV yet still watch it on the network.

WWE is getting the almost the same number of viewers every week forever, only now more are watching on the Network than Cable TV
Easy there angry bear. Consumers have every right to complain if they find the product they consume isn't good. In literally every business this happens. My 76ers are terrible. I still watch, however, with the hopes that they get better. Wrestling is the same

This is a forum. It's an outlet for people to say how they feel. It's silly to assume that everything will be sunshine and rainbows. Do you realize that you are complaining about people complaining? Lighten up and get off your high horse. To assume that others aren't smart wrestling fans just because you disagree with them and that you deserve this space more than others is ridiculous and complete bullshit

How about this? If you don't like the threads, don't comment. If you don't like the forum, find another one. It goes both ways bud
I get that there are aspects of WWE, segments, matches, certain wrestlers getting pushed, etc. that aren't going to appeal to everyone.

For sure. In my own case, I don't sit through every episode of Raw and Smackdown with a notebook in hand, writing how much I hated each segment so I could complain about it the next day on WZ. I prefer to relax and enjoy myself whenever watching TV..... wrestling shows included. It isn't necessary to critique everything; if something exceptionally good or exceptionally bad appears on my screen, I'll remember it, sure.

Chiefly, though, there's just too much WWE on TV. Three friggin' hours on Monday night? Two on Thursday? I remember Raw from the Manhattan Center in the early 90's.....one hour on Monday night and a couple of recap shows during the week. It left fans thirsting for more......and cutting down Raw to two hours & Smackdown to one would be a step in the right direction, imo. It would be much easier to keep things fresh and original if the writer's task wasn't so monumental, as it is now.

That said, if you do truly detest everything WWE is putting on........ well, the solution has already been made clear in this thread, right?
Easy there angry bear. Consumers have every right to complain if they find the product they consume isn't good. In literally every business this happens. My 76ers are terrible. I still watch, however, with the hopes that they get better. Wrestling is the same

This is a forum. It's an outlet for people to say how they feel. It's silly to assume that everything will be sunshine and rainbows. Do you realize that you are complaining about people complaining? Lighten up and get off your high horse. To assume that others aren't smart wrestling fans just because you disagree with them and that you deserve this space more than others is ridiculous and complete bullshit

How about this? If you don't like the threads, don't comment. If you don't like the forum, find another one. It goes both ways bud

You have every right to complain. If you don't like something, say so.

But then why continue to consume a product you don't like?

For example, say you went to a restaurant. Your steak is undercooked. You, as a paying customer, has every right to point this out, and not pay. You even have the right to mention it online to others, and tell them to avoid that restaurant, and everything that is wrong with it.

But you wouldn't go back to that restaurant, would you?

But wrestling fans, complain, say what is wrong with the product, talk about on here, but then keep coming back for more and more of it. They seem gluttons for punishment. This is why I lack sympathy for those whiners.
this might not make much sense to others but I am trying to get my point across easily....

I honestly do not think as many people have stopped watching as the Rating have seemed to show, as others have pointed out things started getting bad ratings wise as soon as the Network started to gain subscribers. Many of you stated that you stopped watching because 50-55$ 13 times a year adds up fast but with the Network everything is $9.99 now including PPVs, Raw & Smackdown.
So if everyone who has the network stopped watching RAW & SD on TV yet still watch it on the network.

WWE is getting the almost the same number of viewers every week forever, only now more are watching on the Network than Cable TV

you realize it takes a few months for raw to show up on the network right? in other words if u relied on the network to watch raw you'd be way behind. if people aren't watching raw on cable then they aren't watching the current product.

but for the most part i agree with the thread starter.
You have every right to complain. If you don't like something, say so.

But then why continue to consume a product you don't like?

For example, say you went to a restaurant. Your steak is undercooked. You, as a paying customer, has every right to point this out, and not pay. You even have the right to mention it online to others, and tell them to avoid that restaurant, and everything that is wrong with it.

But you wouldn't go back to that restaurant, would you?

But wrestling fans, complain, say what is wrong with the product, talk about on here, but then keep coming back for more and more of it. They seem gluttons for punishment. This is why I lack sympathy for those whiners.

Thats not a very sound comparison. Its not like we can go to WWE headquarters and personally tell Vince that he undercooked the steak. Nobody is emotionally invested in how good a steak is cooked. Nobodies been a "fan" of steak since they were 4 years old, watching steak go from being little filet medallions all the way up to being the undisputed steakhouse champion of the world

I'll relay you back to my Sixer comparison. They are ungodly and historically terrible. They're are times where I still cheer, but the product just isnt what it used to be. But I love that team. Im not a glutton for punishment. Im a glutton for basketball.

Yes, there may be fans that watch only to complain. I call those people weirdos. Theres plenty of other stuff to watch on Monday nights. Hell, depending on where you live, going out may be a better option. But if its something they love and have loved for a long time, it hard to give up. Divorces dont just happen. It tends to happen after years of unhappiness and arguing. The complaining will eventually force you to divorce, but its never something that people are dying to do
Any other TV show that is as bad as the WWE product right now would have been canceled a long time ago. But when it comes to "sports" or soap operas & in this case both, it's hard to let go. I've invested over 2 decades watching wrestling & I don't want to stop watching but that doesn't mean I am not allowed to vent my frustrations when everyone here knows the product is terrible.

& I also think people still watch because the crop of wrestlers are decent, it's just creative. Look at Paige & Charlotte. Paige should be the face & Charlotte should be the heel. So what does the WWE do? The opposite. I will never cheer for Charlotte, she is stiff & awkward in everything she does. & how many different things do we need in an entrance? A cartwheel, split & backflip? Paige, Sasha or Becky should be champ but creative / Vince thought it would be a good idea to give it to someone who has only been wrestling for about 5 years.

But with the ratings at an all time low, it would appear that our complaints are correct & might just push the rest of us to stop watching as well.
Any other TV show that is as bad as the WWE product right now would have been canceled a long time ago. But when it comes to "sports" or soap operas & in this case both, it's hard to let go. I've invested over 2 decades watching wrestling & I don't want to stop watching but that doesn't mean I am not allowed to vent my frustrations when everyone here knows the product is terrible.

& I also think people still watch because the crop of wrestlers are decent, it's just creative. Look at Paige & Charlotte. Paige should be the face & Charlotte should be the heel. So what does the WWE do? The opposite. I will never cheer for Charlotte, she is stiff & awkward in everything she does. & how many different things do we need in an entrance? A cartwheel, split & backflip? Paige, Sasha or Becky should be champ but creative / Vince thought it would be a good idea to give it to someone who has only been wrestling for about 5 years.

But with the ratings at an all time low, it would appear that our complaints are correct & might just push the rest of us to stop watching as well.

But you see, this is what I am talking about.

I would add reality shows to the types of shows that never get axed, long after people stop watching.

Sure you can vent your frustrations. But if you keep watching, either you are fool, or things aren't as bad as you make out, otherwise it would be easy for you to quit.

You complain about Charlotte. Funny how many here loved Charlotte when she was on NXT, but the minute she goes up to WWE, you all turn on her. This is a diva so popular, that some people have cancelled buying the WWE2K16 video game because Charlotte, Bayley, Becky Lynch or Sasha Banks aren't on it. Yet now she is hated, because to love her now, is to admit that WWE can use her properly. It is again bagging WWE for the sake of bagging WWE.

Stop watching then. I challenge you to. But I bet you won't, because you are all talk and no action.
I don't hate WWE. I just really don't like the product right now.

Luckily, i don't watch it live because I work a night shift, so I record it and that allows me to fast forward through chunks of the show.

I keep watching because it can still be fun and there are 2-3 things each RAW that I like. But as an adult, I also like watching to see how they wrote a situation and what storylines are like or what angles they are taking and then compare with what i would have done or what I would have liked.

When the product is good, as it was for a long time pre-Summer Slam, I was positive on here. But it has been bad ever since for a variety of reasons (mainly injuries) but others as well.
I critisize it because I want it to get better, I only watch highlights here or there and PPVs at the moment.

I follow wrestling enough to know the storylines for when I want to jump in, but I don't watch it actively anymore, because 3 hours burns me out, and there's not an anything can happen atmosphere (hasn't been for a decade).

I'm not always negative, but most of what I end up discussing ends up being ways to improve angles, which people take as trashing segments. I think the only thing I completely trash is #TWITTER spam everywhere, and Roman Reign's. Everything else in the current product I think is fine or average.

I'll keep watching it here and there, so if they ever do improve it enough to captivate me for hours on end, I won't have to do a massive catchup (I did a 5 year hiatus at one point, and I still find angles and matches I'd missed during that being brought up in discussions that I'd wished I had seen or at least known about).

I also have to watch RAW from a phone due to some restrictions, so I avoid watching it, while I sub to WWE Network and stream their content to my PS4 often.
If you haven't noticed lately, most of us don't watch it anymore.. Check the ratings, we all read the spoilers to see if anything interesting happened.
I've mentioned it before on here that I have never seen more people constantly complaining about how bad the product is than they do on wrestling websites, I don't see lots of complaints about how bad the current NFL product is on a football website, I personally don't like Cricket for example but I don't go on Cricket websites bombarding them with messages about how bad it is, Not just on this wrestling forum this forum is actually one of the better ones compared to other wrestling ones ive been on. Don't like don't watch is too easy for some I guess? Life is too short to spend following something that in your eyes can do no right.
So it is really depressing to come onto this board, hoping to read and discuss wrestling with others who are supposed to like wrestling. But all we get now is people who hate WWE and hate wrestling.

1. There are plenty of positive comments regarding wrestling and WWE on this board. If you can't find them you aren't looking or do not care to engage those posts.

2. Irony - if you don't like the posts coming from this forum take you own advice and leave.

Many of you bag every single thing that WWE does. You can't give it one ounce of credit.Ever. You talk about the old days and how they were better (I think a lot of you overrate the Attitude Era). You give Vince McMahon no credit, and spit on everything he has achieved. You say how WWE will die, how Roman Reigns sucks and how you all act like you could run a wrestling company better.

I can name two posters who bag everything WWE does: wwesux and WorstWrestlingExcrement (one is clearly the alt of another.

Please name one other poster who bags everything WWE does. Just one.
Well, if you don't love it, leave it, as J.R. used to say. If you think Raw and Smackdown are boring, that WWE is awful and can do nothing right, I have a solution for you.


And again if this forum is so awful, take your own advice and FUCK OFF and find one one with unicorns and daisies that will provide reach arounds in perpetuity.

But most of all, DON'T POST HERE, unless you have something constructive and balanced to say.

Careful there, playing mod may get you banned internet policeman.

I don't mind criticism, but mindless criticism is stupid. If you think WWE will go under, provide evidence.

If you think so many posters do nothing but shit on WWE provide evidence.

If ratings are down, provide your source.

1. Nielsen
2. www.wrestlezone.com
3. Simple math

If you are going to give criticism when it is due, then give credit when it is due as well. Nothing is all good or all bad.

First day on the internet sir?

I don't know

Finally something we can agree on.

whether you are disgruntled wrestling fans, who actually want to see WWE succeed, and just want them to do some things better, or people who hate WWE and want to see it die, or trolls who are just being annoying, or a couple of loudmouths being followed by a bunch of sheep, who parrot whatever one or two dominant people here say, and you are just too scared to cop the treatment I get whenever I say something even slightly positive about current day WWE.

One more thing. When did the Universe think that they were the most important thing in the WWE? You go to shows just to boo and call out, and you go on wrestling sites to bag a product you claim to love.

Get this straight. No-one puts a gun to your head. No-one is making you watch WWE. If you continue watching something you can't stand, then you are the fool, not WWE. Vince will happily take your hard-earned if you spend money on them, no matter why you buy tickets- to enjoy the show or to boo and put down. Money's still money, and why would Vince change anything while you still pay money while bagging the company. He is playing you like a fiddle, and you let him.

And wrestlezone forums will take your clicks no matter how much you shit on their members.

Why not boycott anything to do with WWE. Go on, I dare you. Put up or shut up! Either change your attitudes or go away, and leave this site for people who are actually emotionally invested in the product, and accept it, warts and all. It's far from perfect, but nothing is. So, either get happy or get out. Don't expect others to change if you do nothing and won't change your viewing habits. Only intelligent wrestling fans should post here, not just ones who think they are smart.

In summary, please provide an example of someone who hates everything WWE does and explain why you post here if the posts and posters are so horrible.

Or possibly consider that silence equals a mix of apathy and approval.
Well if it's any indication I don't watch it as religiously as before. It hasn't been enjoyable for a long while. There aren't any faces I can get behind and the heel roster pool is quite thin.

That said the last PPV like show I enjoyed was NXT Takeover: Respect.
Fans who are really unhappy w/ the product now continue to watch with the hope that it will change. Because they are die-hard wrestling fans. They want to be able to call their lapsed fan friend and tell them they should check out the WWE again. They want to be able to enjoy it the same way they did just a few years ago. I'm not even talking about people pining for the Attitude Era. People would sign up for 2012 right about now.

The other poster who used a Philadelphia 76ers analogy earlier is spot on.

If you go on a Sixer message board now, do you honestly think the majority of the posts are coming from "happy" fans, who enjoy what they are watching? Of course not. Would you tell those people to stop watching and stop posting negative things about a team that begs for it? Go try that and see how it works out.

Prior to this thread, I hadn't posted here in probably 4 or 5 months. So I'm not one of the people who the OP was referencing originally. My interest in the current product is probably the lowest it has been in my life and I find the shows so boring that they aren't worthy of my time to comment on. But I completely understand the sentiments of those who are unhappy w/ the situation and think they should keep it up. Knowing it bothers self-righteous people like you is just more reason to do so. Telling lifelong wrestling fans that they should change the channel and keep their opinions to themselves is an insult. And absurdly unrealistic.

Hey OP, go start your own wrestling message board where you can play God and eliminate all "negative" posts. It'll look like the pathetic Twitter crawl at the bottom of the screen on RAW.
I'm super critical of this show that I love so much. I've been a fan for a solid 37 years. WWF , WCW , ECW, Lucha Libre' , Shoot Wrestling in various forms in Japan over the years, TNA .

Currently I'll watch small bits of RAW or the whole show if something interesting is advertised. I watch all the PPVs and Breaking Ground and some documentary type specials on The Network. I no longer watch TNA. Used to be in it back when AJ Styles was fighting Kurt Angle .

I think people that really love the -show- and are not entertained when they sit through a three or four hour program have a right to be pissed off. They really could do alot more with what they have now. Alot of people point fingers at creative, I'm one of those people. They really can do better story lines. It feels like they're not trying , especially PPVs lately. Terrible efforts PPV after PPV. Compare last year's Survivor Series vs the crap that was aired a couple of weeks ago. Night and day. Last year aired the best Survivor Series elimination match in its history IMO. This year was a PPV full of phoned in efforts , last minute matches and a short main event.
I may hate some of the stuff that is on WWE programming, but I still watch hoping it will get better. I support the talent I have grown to respect, I went and bought a Seth Rollins, Balor Club and Sasha Banks shirt today and waiting for a Kevin Owens shirt to come in the mail.

New Day have been making me want to watch RAW, because they are extremely entertaining. Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns have been booked horribly for some unknown reason, it begins to get frustrating.
I canceled the network and completely stopped watching. I come here hoping it will get better. I am not holding my breath. But I have been watching since 1981. It is not easy to give up on something you have watched for nearly 35 years.

Unless they are being a complete troll, people should post what they feel. Sadly I completely understand the 76ers analogy. I was born in Philly and support all the teams.
eh there does need to be more superstars yet i feel like wwe didnt groom any when they had star power up the butt

Yeah I always thought this was going to happen eventually after you realize WM27 when the 2nd biggest match of the card had part time guys and at WM28 that 4 out of the 6 guys in the top billed matches are part timers.

WWE had the opportunity to create and build new stars based on their growing popularity at the time.

CM Punk - Summer of Punk was amazing but very strange booking after that with Nash and Triple H killed him momentum and ultimately leading to his eventual frustration and walk out

Dolph Ziggler - Over with the fans but for some reason WWE kept him at a certain level

Cesaro - could have built momentum after WM30

Ryback - Was over around 2012 but booked him to lose late that year and ultimately jobbing to Mark Henry at WM29

Daniel Bryan - still up in the air with his injury status or if he's actually injured.

Zack Ryder - Not saying he was a main eventer but he would have been a solid mid card guy with a good run instead of jobbing after a few months.

The Miz - Blamed him for the low Survivor Series buy rates and was used at a scapegoat. I mean sure The Rock and Cena were in the main event but the main event was a regular tag match.

Not saying everyone will pan out. Heck people thought Ultimate Warrior was going to be the guy for years but that didn't pan out either. However WWE lack of effort in even trying to give these guys a push is what hurting the company right now in terms the actual Wrestling product.
What you'll find is most people in forums & on Twitter (especially Twitter) are just in troll mode. "This sucks/that sucked/this is gonna suck". For years people have demanded that Cena, Orton, Kane, Big Show, The Bellas et al dissapear and new guys & gals be given a chance. Yet when they get EXACTLY THAT they still find something to complain about.

If someone REALLY dislikes WWE as much as they claim but still continue to watch every week, then can you really take their opinion seriously?

I watch RAW live here in the UK, 1am to 4am (truthfully 1:45 ish on Sky+ live pause so I can skip through the endless commercials) and yup, there are things I don't like, but they are far outweighed by the things I do like.

If you watch a TV show and get bogged down in the writing & creative process behind each character and storyline you will NEVER get any enjoyment out of it.

Just going off from last night's likes & dislikes:


Sheamus in his suit with slicked back hair - called this for the night after Survivor Series, but was/am hoping he goes for the full corporate look, trim the beard and get rid of the jewelry.

Ziggler and Breeze putting on a match that had actual proper psychology behind it ie Dolph's continuous attempts to hit the super kick and finally getting the win

Rusev - my current favourite, the guy is just top class, a natural.

Champions - every champion that was on the show wrestled and most importantly WON

Divas - some character's being developed, good to see


Stardust/Titus O'Neil - never have liked either, so can't get into whatever they're going for with these two

Adam Rose schtick - didn't see what the point of it was

Why be positive about WWE right now? I'm of the belief this is the genesis of something - this is the start of the transition from the Cena/Orton era to the Rollins/Reigns/Bryan/Ambrose/Banks/Cesaro/Wyatt/New Day/Balor/Zayn/Owens era. It's not going to happen over night, the build will be slow to start with. Will pick up steam for the Rumble. Will be popping off nicely for 'Mania. And I'll make the bold prediction that the RAW after 'Mania 32 will be the greatest of all time.

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