If You Had To Live In Any Other Country Besides Your Own...

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
where would you immigrate to? I would have to go with France. I love the culture and women and, after a while, I am pretty sure I would be accepted (if I could get the accent down).
Canada, same language, the people seem more easy-going than they would in USA, Australia just has orange rocks and that's about it.
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Zimbabwe so I could live like a king off 200 dollars. :)

Japan or Hong Kong due to my slight asian fetish.
Italy -have family there that I've only met once in my life so I could stay for free, also like the art history of the area (was an Illustration major in College)

Canada - Similar enough to USA plus free health care, could go train at Lance Storms wrestling school

Japan/Okinawa - So weird and different culture wise always good to experience new things. It'd be nice to pick up my training in Martial Arts there as apposed to in the States.
Germany. I'm familiar with the language, love the culture, and have met some pretty cool people from there.

Or, Greenland. I'm not a people person, and love the cold.
I'd probably move to either Japan, Italy or Greece.

Japan - I love the culture there and at roughly 6' I'd be a giant among little people. Plus the food rocks and I get all the new technology before anyone else does. Plus I gotta check off an item on a special list of accomplishments. I'm not going into details on that.

Greece or Italy- Women women women and.....women. In all seriousness, I'd like to live in either country for their women, I mean education and culture. I wouldn't mind studying ancient Roman or Greek culture and living at either place would be a huge bonus.

Dark Horse - Germany. Oktoberfest ftw. There are other reasons, but I love beer so I want to go to Deutschland.
I'd go with either Ireland or Norway.

Ireland because that's where my family is from, and the music. Added on top, I'd ideally live down the street from Andrea or Caroline Corr.

Norway just to be around all the black metal and that whole scene.
Either Canada or Australia.

Canada seems cool and really wouldn't probably to hard for me to change my ways of living.

Australia is cool and if what I heard is true I hope to run in to some service women but I heard they pay to have the women in there Military breast implants.

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