If You Had The Power, Who Would You Trust?


WWE Right Now=Same Ole Shit
Let's say you were given the keys to WWE for 2 years. The idea you and the creative team have come up with is to have a superstar win the strap and wear it for two years. My question is, who would you trust to carry for it that long?

I would have to pick Daniel Bryan. It would be hard to keep the fans interested for that long, but the main reasons for my pick is just Daniel Bryan being Daniel Bryan. You have to be careful because of the risk of injury but the kid is resilient , he always wrestles, he seems to never miss any shows, there will always be a good number of fans that love him, and I believe he could carry the strap for that long and keep a legit case for himself. He has all the talent in the world and he can put on wrestling match after wrestling match to the best of his ability which is damn good. No doubt, he could do it.

Who would you pick and why?
Out of the current crop of full timers in the WWE I would go with CM Punk. What helps is that he has already had the stap for about 6 months now and there is no part of me that thinks he is getting old, or stale or boring or anything like that. He is great in the ring and on the mic. That means he can carry a program with any wrestler on the roster at any level. That is what's needed for a champ to have a long run.

The only other guy on the roster who I think could do this is Orton. However, not in his current form. He would have to find his way back to the tweener face/heel he was back at the end of 2009-beginning of 2010.
I would not be opposed to Bryan or Punk wearing the strap for 2 years. I could honestly see Punk wearing it for a while, and I like it. Right now with Punks reign I love seeing a new challenger and thinking is he going to knock him off? To me Punk seems so unbelievable as champ, that every time he is in a title match you think he is going to lose. Don't get me wrong, I like Punk but his reign seems so unbelievable. Honestly , if I were to give a guy a 2 year reign it would be an up and comer (Sandow, Cesaro, Rollins, Ambrose). Hotshot the title to them in the first 3 months of their debut. The fans will be so disgusted, the IWC will be in awe that Vince would give an indy standout the title so quick. Have this guy slowly warm the crowd and seem unbeatable, hold the belt for 2 years and then lose cleanly on the 2 year anniversary of his reign. Just an idea
I'd give the belt to Jericho. He has been through any and everything in wrestling. He is the type of wrestler to either be heel or face and the crowd would react accordingly.
CM Punk.

You know the guy is going to be around. Like he said, he is a wrestler. He is not a movie star, or failed body builder, ex-football player, or born into the business.

He can play both heel and face. He can give consistantly put up 4 to 5 star matches.

He is in touch with his character and the fans. He is everything you want if he's going to be leading you for 2 years.

When it comes down to it, if I have a champion, I want him to be able to perform in the ring. And the highest ring performers are CM Punk and Daniel Bryan.
Nice post, I like the idea of punk and bryan as champ which they currently and still are, but i wouldnt pick them, dont get me wrong they are great champs and i believe they are gunna be the faces of this company for years to come.

Who i would pick for the WWE title is dolph ziggler, of course he would have to get rid of vicky first cuz i think hes best when he is by himself. Hes got the look, his mic skills are excellent and so is his in ring work. I think he has a chance to big a huge star and i would love to see him as champ again, but in a serious way not with vicky.

For the world heavyweight title id like to see orton hold it for a while, i always though he was a great champ, and he is a main eventer, i would like to see a heel orton as champ, and destroy any challenger.

Dont get me wrong punk and bryan are two of the best in the business today no doubt, this is just my opinion.
I think the three men that would be top of my list have already been mentioned. Punk, Bryan and Jericho.

All three are excellent technical wrestlers who can put on a high quality match with 90% of the roster and the rest of the roster no one could get a match out of (I'm looking at Khali here).

Punk and Jericho are both two of the best in the game when it comes to mic work and have shown they can flow between characters with relative ease. The ability to mix it up on a title reign that long is integral. While Bryan in the past has played both heel and face incredibly well and just seems to continue to improve on the mic in recent weeks.

All three of them have had relatively injury free careers which is always a plus side. They've also all paid their dues and understand the buisness from that point of view. Not one of them was fast tracked to the top and you can bet they've always fought tooth and nail to stay there once they've made it.

My final reason is they are just the three I'd want to watch for that long. Nothing much else to that point just personal preference.
CM Punk. He's a guy who can, when he's motivated enough, keep changing things up and stay interesting no matter what. He could hold the belt as a face for a year (he's almost half way there) no problem, feuding with and taking guys like the Miz, Alberto del Rio, Dolph Ziggler and Daniel Bryan to the next level. And if the fans start tuning out because they're bored with him as champion - something I don't think will happen - they can always turn him heel again and shock everyone. That in itself could provide another year of good feuds with John Cena, Big Show, Randy Orton, Sheamus, etc. Imagine them running a program where Punk gets sick of the product again and joins forces with a John Laurinaitis or Vince McMahon because, as the champion in their back pocket, it's the only way to make the changes he wants actually happen.

Eventually I would have Punk drop the title as a heel to a newly face-turned Dolph Zigler. I just can't see anybody else currently in the WWE having that long of a reign and not eventually tanking the company.
I think I'm gonna catch heat for this one, but for me it's got to be Triple H.

IMO if someone is gonna hold the belt for two years it has to be a heel, and Triple H is one of the best. Imagine him holding the strap for two years, and then a young guy like Ziggler, Riley, Ryder, etc. wins the Royal Rumble and beats him at Mania. Huge moment that can make the guy a top face.

Obviously durability would be an issue here, but I would only have Hunter wrestle one or twice a month. Also I would probably build a stable around him so he would be in tag matches on Raw and he wouldn't be carrying whole matches.

My first choice here would be CM Punk as a heel, but so many people already mentioned him, and I can only assume more will. If he keeps his same character as a heel I think he'd get massive heat. I would reignite his feud with HHH. I think their feud would have been a lot better if one of them were a heel. It seemed like Hunter was the face trying to defend the company, but Punk wanted change for the better. They both played the face too well for the crowd to boo them, job well done by both guys.

Sorry I went off on a tangent there. Moral of the story, it would have to be a heel that can manipulate a crowd. Look how Cena got over instantly by finally dethroning JBL.
I would trust CM Punk. He is an all-around wrestler. He can wrestle any style and any match. If you need him to be a baby face and he would do a good job. If you need him to be a heel and he would also do a good job. He is basically the best since Roddy Piper on the mic. He can have good feuds with Daniel Bryan, Del Rio, Ziggler, etc.
I'm gonna bounce back in here for this one. I have one nobody has mentioned yet, and probably never will. My pick would be....

Drew McIntyre.

He's obviously loyal. If he hasn't gotten disgusted and left the company by now he must like something about it.

Plus, when he's on point and goes all out, he's amazing. His spot this past Rumble when he's in the middle of the ring and goes all RRRRRRRRAAAARRRRRRRGH!!! was something I wanted to see cultivated into a push.

He can be heel. He can be face. He's a solid worker in the ring, and obviously is a company player. I would take that frustrated gimmick they started a while back, plus the "firing" angle, mix it together, and then twist it into "frustration finally makes Drew explode and puts him on the track to success".

He'd be a dominant heel, destroying many on his way up the ladder (not "squashes", mind you, but matches where he's shown to come out on top yet not necessarily Santino underdog either) and finally culminating in a back and forth showdown with the current champ who would finally get bested by the "sinister Scotsman".

After a while I would turn him face. But not for a while. Actually, after about a year and a half/two years, I would turn him face and probably get another year or so out of the title run. Either that or have him drop it which would facilitate the face turn and his eventual (sooner rather than later) re-capture of the belt.

And there you have it. My opinion.
Obviously it would either have to be a heel or someone you want to turn into a heel.
From a business perspective I'd actually use Cena. Have him return to being unbeatable and just increasingly arrogant but keep him winning clean. Then around the Rumble you start building up your next big face to face Cena at Wrestlemania, give everyone the sign that Cena is about to be beaten and then... Cena cheats to retain. He turns the next night and then proceeds to keep his belt for the next year in the same manner until the rematch.
You want someone that can play both heel and face VERY well. Obviously Punk, Bryan, and Jericho are all at the top of this list. Also up there on that list is Triple H, Cena if they have the balls to turn him.I'd go with Punk and Bryan. Both are awesome in the ring and on the mic. They are great on the mic and have many more years left in them. You could turn them heel or face to keep the reign fresh. That's just my opinion.

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