If you had no choice which wrestler in WWE or TNA would you turn gay for?


Not meant to be an attack on anyone's sexuality just a light hearted joke. Hypothetically if you had no other choice including the option to die who in WWE or TNA would you turn gay for? and why?
Guys have to go for a male wrestler and girls for a female.

I'll be brave and start it off.
I'd have to go Cody Rhodes because he has that slightly effeminate sounding voice as well as having a family history of questionable sexuality (goldust) oh and those eyes hahaha.
Cos I mean if I was Immortal, what's stopping me from just fleeing. it's not like the person/force making me choose would be able to do anything to stop me.
Not even fair. Girl on girl is way more socially acceptable, and a whole lot less awkward if you're not used to that kind of thing! Nobody has to stick anything anywhere... And Sparky, we know you're just fighting the system to hide your love affair with Bully Ray.

I'm going to have to say Chris Benoit. Something about asphyxiation just turns me on...
Randy Orton.

A shame he's married and nothing would happen, even in this hypothetical scenario.

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