If you could rewrite any Wrestlemania


Dark Match Winner
I was having this conversation with a couple friends yesterday and was very curious if you could change the outcome of any wrestlemania (or if there is any ppv in particular that you think should be different, i'm using mania since it's the big show each year) what would it be and why?

The rules to follow are you cant rebook or change match ups and stip, but more so how a card, match, or storyline played out at the big dance.

For me it's a tie between 2 main events I would change that i think would have made each respective show more memorabe in hindsight

1) WM 16 (2000) for the most part I would have had the fatal four way take place very similar, except rather than being eliminated I would have had Mic Foley injured at taken out of the match bc of injury. I would have had Vince come out and turn on the Rock, just like what happened. Except after being eliminated I'd have Mic Foley come back out and say he was never officially eliminate and with an eliminated Rock in his corner I would have had Mic Foley win (and the belt vacated and defend between HHH and Rock at Backlash, just like what happened following)

2) WM 23, Especially considering he hasnt won the belt in a while and it was one of his last runs as a full time wrestler I would have had HBK beat Cena (I know Cena is our Hulk, but it really woudnt have hurt cena's push), after HBK would have won a hard fought contest where HBK unexpectadly won I would have had an injured HHH come out and hug and celebrate HBK's win (even if they wanted it on Cena he could have beat Shawn for it back a month or two down the line)

Those are the two outcomes I wish would have happend, what are everyone elses, and remember it's not changing a card but rather how would you have like some things to play out differently at any given wrestlemania.
I got two also....

Wrestlemania 22... The three way with rey, orton and angle. I wouldve totally avoided having Rey win the title and have the worst title reign ever... AND INSTEAD, let Angle have the title. Which in turn, wouldve ever caused the move to ECW, and angle might still be with WWE. Angle could potentially make Raw watchable.

Wrestlemania 12... Have Bret walk away with the title, and forget about monsoon restarting and shawn winning... FUCK THAT... it was BS anyway lol. God im still angry about that decision. Shawn not winning the title there may have fixed some problems and Bret may have stayed with WWE all the way.
WM25 Take the amount of time the main event lasted and replace EVERYTHING that happened with Orton punting HHH until no one could recognise him ever again.

Oh, and i've had had Booker T win at WM19 as well
Mine would be Wrestlemania 9. Bret Hart beats Yokozuna and Hogan comes in to beat Bret instead. Hogan vs Hart at that time would have been a great feud.
Mine is Wrestlemania XIII cause I truly believe it was the worse Wrestlemania in history.

Starting with the first segment and going on through this was awful.
To start we had Shawn Michaels worst wrestlemania match of all time against tito santana I know you could say it was against tatanka a year later but this was slow and didn't set the stage well what so ever. I would have opened with the only good match on the card which was Bret v. Roddy for the IC title. It would have gotten the crowd pumped, both were over and the crowd ate that match up. Then to have undertaker v. Roberts second was another one of those what are you thinking moments. This match could have been great but instead it took taker tombstoning him on the floor and then rolling him in to get the pin? Then was a pointless filler of an 8 man tag which i can understand but then before intermission you have the world title match. By the way this should have not been the storyline.

Wrestlemania XIII should have been headlined by
World Championship - Ric Flair (c) v. Hulk Hogan or even better Ric Flair (c) v. Hulk Hogan v. Macho Man Randy Savage (Best Wrestlemania main event ever if it happened)
Challenge match - Sid Vicious v. The Ultimate Warrior (he wasn't even on the card)
IC title - Roddy Piper (c) v. Bret Hart
Tag titles - This is another one of the reasons I hate this card the Road Warriors come out at the beginning and do a promo but never wrestle and we are stuck with money inc. v. the natural disasters in an awful dq finish. The match should have been
Money Inc (c) v. Road Warriors
I would have had Michaels as a heel face the rising Owen Hart to open the show
Taker v. Roberts would still been there
And there ya go the worse wrestlemania ends up being the best
25. Not because its most recent, because it sucked. Im 24 n have watched as long as I can remember. It was the 25th, should have been the biggest ever. HBK-Taker, remove it and whats left? NOTHING. It'd take 2 long 2 rewrite 4 no reason but it was shit.
I would change 25... Nothin about that PPV made since....Edge would have beaten Triple H.... And Even though I don't like him.... Cena beats Orton.... That would have given room for legacy to completely beat down Cena..... Kane would have won the Mitb. Morrison and Miz would have won the tag titles.... Having them only defend them on Superstars every week.... That would be a rating booster!

JBL would have retired the I.C title... Taker would have beaten the big show and micheals....
I wouldn't have given a guy ms. wrestlemania! I would have gone out of my way to get Lita back for at least 2 match....

I would also have differant legends face Jericho....... If Jake Roberts could be sober long enough.... Ultimate Warrior..... But steamboat was a good idea....

Also I would re-write Lashley Vs Umaga.... Dunno how right now... But I wouldn't push that ungrateful douchebag!
Mine is Wrestlemania XIII cause I truly believe it was the worse Wrestlemania in history.

Starting with the first segment and going on through this was awful.
To start we had Shawn Michaels worst wrestlemania match of all time against tito santana I know you could say it was against tatanka a year later but this was slow and didn't set the stage well what so ever. I would have opened with the only good match on the card which was Bret v. Roddy for the IC title. It would have gotten the crowd pumped, both were over and the crowd ate that match up. Then to have undertaker v. Roberts second was another one of those what are you thinking moments. This match could have been great but instead it took taker tombstoning him on the floor and then rolling him in to get the pin? Then was a pointless filler of an 8 man tag which i can understand but then before intermission you have the world title match. By the way this should have not been the storyline.

Wrestlemania XIII should have been headlined by
World Championship - Ric Flair (c) v. Hulk Hogan or even better Ric Flair (c) v. Hulk Hogan v. Macho Man Randy Savage (Best Wrestlemania main event ever if it happened)
Challenge match - Sid Vicious v. The Ultimate Warrior (he wasn't even on the card)
IC title - Roddy Piper (c) v. Bret Hart
Tag titles - This is another one of the reasons I hate this card the Road Warriors come out at the beginning and do a promo but never wrestle and we are stuck with money inc. v. the natural disasters in an awful dq finish. The match should have been
Money Inc (c) v. Road Warriors
I would have had Michaels as a heel face the rising Owen Hart to open the show
Taker v. Roberts would still been there
And there ya go the worse wrestlemania ends up being the best

Sorry, which Wrestlemania are you talking about again? Because you say WM13 but then say 'Taker v Roberts would still be there' when Taker was in the Main Event against Sid at WM13.

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